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var datasetsPrato = [{"name":"Derelict Sites","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=fcbee83e-3d3d-4303-a568-24dd33d02adc","description":""},{"name":"Derelict Site Register","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=3c4b6434-ca2d-4988-aad5-3ada604e741d","description":"Street adress, buidlign number and Dublin area code of derlict sites within the City Council Boundary. Idicates whether the buidlings are listed or otherwise. Also gives a brief discription as to where sites are in proximity to in the case of no building number."},{"name":"Dublin City Council Commencement Notices","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=ee00de68-f2e4-482f-a003-3c0561351075","description":"A commencement notice is a notification to a Building Control Authority that a person intends to carry out either works or a material change of use to which the Building Regulations apply.\r\n\r\nFrequently asked questions for commencement notices\r\nhttp:\/\/\/Planning\/BuildingControl\/Pages\/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsforCommencementNotices.aspx\r\nThe commencement notice data is extracted from the APAS Building Control system and holds details taken from the \r\nRegister of commencement notices.\r\n\r\nBuildCMaster.csv contains:\r\n\r\nApplication Reference: BC_Ref\r\nApplication Date: App_Date\r\nApplication Type: Commencement Notice or 7 Day Notice \r\nProposal: Short Description of proposed development\r\nLocation\r\nDecision\r\n\r\nBuilding_Control.csv contains:\r\n\r\nApplication Reference: BC_Ref\r\nApp Location: Lat\r\nApp Location: Long\r\nApp Location: Easting (IG)\r\nApp Location: Northing (IG)\r\n\r\nBuilding_Control.gml contains:\r\n\r\nApplication Location Boundary\r\nApplication Reference: BC_Ref"},{"name":"Dublin City Council Planning Applications","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=2f4a9d44-b52f-4c8b-a5db-d8f4a676d81e","description":"The Planning applications data is extracted from the APAS Planning system and holds details on the progress of a planning application in three separate spreadsheets (BASE, FURINFO, APPEAL) and spatially available DCC_PlanApps Shape file and the DCC_PlanApps.csv. \r\n\r\nBase datasheet contains Application reference, dates, description, location, decision etc. \r\nREG_REF Registration Reference no.\r\nAPNDAT Date application made\r\nPROPOSAL Short Description of proposed development\r\nRGNDAT Date application is registered by Planning Authority \r\nLOCATION Application address\r\nAPPTYPE DECISION Grant, Refuse, Split Decision, Further Information, Clarification of Further Information etc\r\nLONG_PROPOSAL Long Description of proposed development\r\nFINAL_GRNT_DATE Date of Final grant of planning permission\r\nDECDAT Date of planning authority decision\r\nTIME_EXP Extension of Time to?.\r\nSTAGE Unregistered application, Application registered, Application Decided, Managers Report, Decision issued, Appeal lodge, Appeal decided etc \r\n\r\nTo chart the progress of a planning application read the ?Base? sheet in conjunction with Conditions and Reasons ?CRD? sheet.: \r\nAPNID, Application ID\r\nTYPE, Granted, Refused, Split, Withdrawn etc C (Condition), R (Reason) D (Directive) I(Informative) N (Note)\r\nCODE, Codes for Standard Conditions attached\r\nDESCRIPTION Descriptive text for condition, reason, directive etc.\r\n\r\nDetails of applications that were requested further information are included in a separate file ?FURINFO?. Appeal information is also held on a separate sheet ?APPEAL?. \r\n\r\nPlanning Applications Spatial data ?PlanAppsSpatial? planning contains file reference number and location co-ordinates; the spatial data is in ShapeFile format, ITM projection.\r\n\r\nThe planning application data is updated every night"},{"name":"Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Planning Applications 2008-2014","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=c479f061-9638-489d-ac55-0c68765548ff","description":"The Planning applications data are extracted from the APAS Planning system and hold details on the progress of a planning application and it\r\ns spatial component where applicable. Output data are provided in the following formats: - ESRI shapefile format (DLR_PlanningAppsPoints.*; DLR_PlanningAppsLines.*; DLR_PlanningAppsPolygons.*, DLR_PlanningAppsNull.*) in ITM projection. These output files provide site outlines. The DLR_PlanningAppsNull.* lists applications which have no spatial component. NB: Shp files have a limit on their field sizes which will result in loss of some attribute data.\r\n- Output files are also provided in csv, json and kml formats. These files (DLR_PlanningApps_csv.csv, DLR_PlanApps.kml and DLR_PlanApps.json) provide Lat\/Long and ITM co-ordinates. This point data broadly represents the Planning application site however, does not represent it\r\ns exact outline, extent or central location. Where applications have no spatial component, the Lat\/Long and ITM_East\/ITM_North fields are populated by Null.\r\n\r\nThe data files comprise some or all of the following attribute fields:\r\nPlan_Ref (REG_REF): Reference number\r\nCounty: Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown\r\nPlan_Auth (Planning Authority): Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Reg_Date (RGNDAT): Date application is registered by Planning Authority. Descrptn (LONG_PROPOSAL): Description of proposed development\r\nLocation: Application location.\r\nStage: Registered Application, Decision Made, Application under Appeal, Appeal Decided, etc.\r\nDecision: Declare Application Invalid, Grant Permission, Grant Permission for Retention, Refuse Permission, Request Additional Information, etc.\r\nApp_Dec (Appeal Decision): Appeal decision Dec_Date (DECDAT): Date of planning authority decision\r\nMore_Info: This provides a url on the DLR website, which contains more information. \r\nLat\/Long : Latitude and Longitude of a point situated within the Planning application site. \r\nITM_East\/ ITM_North: ITM coordinates of a point situated within the Planning application site. \r\nNotes: This spatial data was originally captured in a GIS application and in Irish Grid Projection and has subsequently been converted to a variety of output formats and reprojected to ITM Projection and to Lat\/Long. This may account for some discrepancies which may occur when overlain with other data. This data is optimally viewed at a scale of 1:1000. Where point data is provided in csv, kml and json formats, these points broadly represent the site but do not represent it\r\ns exact outline, extent or central location. Some applications made may not have a spatial component for reasons such as invalid application or the spatial component has not yet been mapped. Data is provided for the last 7 years. For additional information refer to"},{"name":"Fingal Council Planning Applications for last 7 years","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=d29a477a-4734-43ef-8002-048c8640d441","description":"Planning Applications for past 7 calendar years.\r\n\r\nFor each Planning Application record the data includes - (i) Planning_Reference - unique reference number for the application (ii) Description - description of what is being applied for (iii) Location (iv) Registration_Date - date the application was registered (v) Current_Status - one of 4 values : \r\nDecided\r\n(a decision has been made on the application); \r\nOn Appeal\r\n(a decision has been made on the application but has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala); \r\nPending\r\n(a decision has not yet been made on the application); \r\nInvalid or Withdrawn\r\n(the application is invalid or has been withdrawn by the applicant) (vi) More_Information - a link to the online application record on Fingal County Council\r\ns website (vii)Lat & (viii) Long - the co-ordinates for the application. NOTE: CSV file = c. 4MB; XML file = c. 7MB; KML = c. 47MB"},{"name":"Planning Register","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=2b23f32d-e27e-4eef-af1e-27e05103df7d","description":"All Planning Applications received by South Dublin Co. Council in the last seven days."},{"name":"Fingal Development Plan 2011-2017 Record of Protected Structures","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=5ea813bc-fdf9-4edb-b3b1-0142b593d5c6","description":"Structures on the RPS for Fingal. Full details of all structures and their locations are contained in Appendix 3 of the Development Plan\r\n\r\nBase datasheet contains information as follows;\r\nSheet Number\r\nObjective\r\nStructure Name\r\nTownland\r\nDescription\r\n\r\nSpatial data is in ShapeFile format, ITM projection."},{"name":"Traffic Cameras","url":"http:\/\/\/api\/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=73e02092-85a1-434e-85fe-0c9a43aa9a52","description":""}];
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'datalets-list-url' : '',
'datasets' : JSON.stringify(datasetsPrato)
fields : Array(),
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