Commit d654e36043f4b24c436c6df7d285848746eb2675

Authored by isisadmin
1 parent 2eaa1c8d


Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 1 deletions
1 1 # DatalEts Ecosystem Provider (DEEP)
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3   -The Dealer provider (DEEP) is a RESTful web service written in PHP. It make available a public discovery service that retrieve all the Datalet available into the system and a service call that provide a specific Datalet.
  3 +The DatalEts Ecosystem Provider (DEEP) is a RESTful web service written in PHP. It make available a public discovery service that retrieve all the Datalet available into the system and a service call that provide a specific Datalet.
4 4 Developed by the [UNISA TEAM]( for the [ROUTE-TO-PA PROJECT](
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