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<iron-swipeable-container> is a container that allows any of its nested children (native or custom elements) to be swiped away. By default it supports a curved or horizontal transition, but the transition duration and properties can be customized.


  <div>I can be swiped</div>
  <paper-card heading="Me too!"></paper-card>

To disable swiping on individual children, you must give them the .disable-swipe class. Alternatively, to disable swiping on the whole container, you can use its disable-swipe attribute:

  <div class="disable-swipe">I cannot be swiped be swiped</div>
  <paper-card heading="But I can!"></paper-card>

<iron-swipeable-container disable-swipe>
  <div>I cannot be swiped</div>
  <paper-card heading="Me neither :("></paper-card>

It is a good idea to disable text selection on any of the children that you want to be swiped:

.swipe {
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;
  cursor: default;