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Material Design: Button

paper-fab is a floating action button. It contains an image placed in the center and comes in two sizes: regular size and a smaller size by applying the attribute mini. When the user touches the button, a ripple effect emanates from the center of the button.

You may import iron-icons to use with this element, or provide a URL to a custom icon. See iron-iconset for more information about how to use a custom icon set.


<link href="path/to/iron-icons/iron-icons.html" rel="import">

<paper-fab icon="add"></paper-fab>
<paper-fab mini icon="favorite"></paper-fab>
<paper-fab src="star.png"></paper-fab>


Style the button with CSS as you would a normal DOM element. If you are using the icons provided by iron-icons, the icon will inherit the foreground color of the button.

<!-- make a blue "cloud" button -->
<paper-fab icon="cloud" style="color: blue;"></paper-fab>

By default, the ripple is the same color as the foreground at 25% opacity. You may customize the color using this selector:

/* make #my-button use a blue ripple instead of foreground color */
#my-button::shadow #ripple {
  color: blue;

The opacity of the ripple is not customizable via CSS.