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Material design: Progress & activity

Element providing a multiple color material design circular spinner.

<paper-spinner active></paper-spinner>

The default spinner cycles between four layers of colors; by default they are blue, red, yellow and green. It can be customized to cycle between four different colors. Use for single color spinners.


Alt attribute should be set to provide adequate context for accessibility. If not provided, it defaults to 'loading'. Empty alt can be provided to mark the element as decorative if alternative content is provided in another form (e.g. a text block following the spinner).

<paper-spinner alt="Loading contacts list" active></paper-spinner>


The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--paper-spinner-layer-1-color Color of the first spinner rotation --google-blue-500
--paper-spinner-layer-2-color Color of the second spinner rotation --google-red-500
--paper-spinner-layer-3-color Color of the third spinner rotation --google-yellow-500
--paper-spinner-layer-4-color Color of the fourth spinner rotation --google-green-500
--paper-spinner-stroke-width The width of the spinner stroke 3px


Material design: Progress & activity

Element providing a single color material design circular spinner.

<paper-spinner-lite active></paper-spinner-lite>

The default spinner is blue. It can be customized to be a different color.


Alt attribute should be set to provide adequate context for accessibility. If not provided, it defaults to 'loading'. Empty alt can be provided to mark the element as decorative if alternative content is provided in another form (e.g. a text block following the spinner).

<paper-spinner-lite alt="Loading contacts list" active></paper-spinner-lite>


The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--paper-spinner-color Color of the spinner --google-blue-500
--paper-spinner-stroke-width The width of the spinner stroke 3px