Commit 37bd0ebd877ebcdecc6ff3874fb6d2a5dabd6e19
Merge branch 'master' of
31 changed files
2057 additions
2565 deletions
... | ... | @@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ function _addParenthesis (fields) { |
125 | 125 | } |
126 | 126 | |
127 | 127 | function _normalizeField (field) { |
128 | - return "[" + field + "]"; | |
128 | + return "`" + field + "`"; | |
129 | + //return "[" + field + "]"; | |
129 | 130 | } |
130 | 131 | |
131 | 132 | function alasql_transformData (data, fields, round) { | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | { |
2 | - "name": "JSDataChecker", | |
3 | - "version": "0.0.9", | |
4 | - "homepage": "", | |
2 | + "name": "jsdatachecker", | |
3 | + "version": "0.1.2", | |
4 | + "homepage": "", | |
5 | 5 | "authors": [ |
6 | 6 | "'Donato Pirozzi <''>" |
7 | 7 | ], |
... | ... | @@ -19,17 +19,17 @@ |
19 | 19 | "polymer": "Polymer/polymer#1.2.0", |
20 | 20 | "qunit": "~1.22.0", |
21 | 21 | "csvjson": "0.1.1", |
22 | - "polywc": "" | |
22 | + "polywc-data-table": "" | |
23 | 23 | }, |
24 | 24 | "private": false, |
25 | - "_release": "0.0.9", | |
25 | + "_release": "0.1.2", | |
26 | 26 | "_resolution": { |
27 | 27 | "type": "version", |
28 | - "tag": "v0.0.9", | |
29 | - "commit": "277c51efeee4daa0bd11051de022975ba86f47fa" | |
28 | + "tag": "v0.1.2", | |
29 | + "commit": "1cd37fc00315232a97de7978e5423784899eca29" | |
30 | 30 | }, |
31 | 31 | "_source": "", |
32 | - "_target": "~0.0.9", | |
32 | + "_target": "~0.1.2", | |
33 | 33 | "_originalSource": "jsdatachecker", |
34 | 34 | "_direct": true |
35 | 35 | } |
36 | 36 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -3,6 +3,18 @@ JavaScript Library to read dataset content (e.g., Open Data), infer data types, |
3 | 3 | |
4 | 4 | In details, it analysis the json (specified paths) to infer the data type. In addition, when request (via code) the library converts the json data based on the inferred type. |
5 | 5 | |
6 | +Recognised basic types: | |
7 | + - Text; | |
8 | + - Number; | |
9 | + - Date; | |
10 | + - Object; | |
11 | + - Null. | |
12 | + | |
13 | +Recognised types: | |
14 | + - Geographic coordinates; | |
15 | + - JSON; | |
16 | + - GEOJSON. | |
17 | + | |
6 | 18 | ## Documentation |
7 | 19 | |
8 | 20 | See wiki pages [here]( | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | { |
2 | - "name": "JSDataChecker", | |
3 | - "version": "v0.0.9", | |
4 | - "homepage": "", | |
2 | + "name": "jsdatachecker", | |
3 | + "version": "v0.1.2", | |
4 | + "homepage": "", | |
5 | 5 | "authors": [ |
6 | 6 | "'Donato Pirozzi <''>" |
7 | 7 | ], |
... | ... | @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ |
19 | 19 | "polymer": "Polymer/polymer#1.2.0", |
20 | 20 | "qunit": "~1.22.0", |
21 | 21 | "csvjson": "0.1.1", |
22 | - "polywc": "" | |
22 | + "polywc-data-table": "" | |
23 | 23 | }, |
24 | 24 | "private": false |
25 | 25 | } | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | del jsdatachecker.min.js |
2 | -uglifyjs src\ArrayUtils.js src\DataTypeConverter.js src\DataTypesUtils.js src\DataTypeHierarchy.js --compress -o jsdatachecker.min.js | |
3 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file |
3 | +uglifyjs src\ArrayUtils.js src\DataTypeConverter.js src\DataTypesUtils.js src\DataTypeHierarchy.js src\langs.js --compress -o jsdatachecker.min.js | |
4 | 4 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
1 | -function ArrayUtils(){}function DataTypeConverter(){this._fields=[],this._numOfRows=0}function DataTypesUtils(){}function DataTypeHierarchy(){}ArrayUtils.TestAndSet=function(arr,key,object){return"undefined"==typeof arr?null:0==Array.isArray(arr)?null:("undefined"==typeof arr[key]&&(arr[key]=object),arr[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey=function(obj,key,value){return"undefined"==typeof obj?null:("undefined"==typeof obj[key]&&(obj[key]=value),obj[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement=function(arr,key){var exists=arr[key];return"undefined"==typeof exists&&(arr[key]=0),arr[key]++,arr},ArrayUtils.toFieldsArray=function(obj){var fields=[];return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(obj,function(field,key){field.key=key,fields.push(field)}),fields},ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys=function(arr,callback){for(var property in arr)if(arr.hasOwnProperty(property)){var item=arr[property];callback(item,property)}},ArrayUtils.FindMinMax=function(arr,fncompare){var max1=null,max2=null;for(var key in arr)null==max1||fncompare(arr[key],max1.value)?(max2=max1,max1={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]}):(null==max2||fncompare(arr[key],max2.value))&&(max2={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]});return{first:max1,second:max2}},ArrayUtils.isArray=function(arr){return Array.isArray(arr)?arr.length>0:!1},DataTypeConverter.TYPES={TEXT:{value:0,name:"TEXT"},CODE:{value:1,name:"CODE"},NUMBER:{value:2,name:"NUMBER"},OBJECT:{value:3,name:"OBJECT"},BOOL:{value:5,name:"BOOL"},CONST:{value:6,name:"CONST"},CATEGORY:{value:7,name:"CATEGORY"},DATETIME:{value:8,name:"DATETIME"},EMPTY:{value:101,name:"NULL"}},DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES={GEOCOORDINATE:{value:1e3,name:"GEOCOORDINATE"},PERCENTAGE:{value:1e3,name:"PERCENTAGE"},LATITUDE:{value:1001,name:"LATITUDE"},LONGITUDE:{value:1002,name:"LONGITUDE"}},DataTypeConverter.prototype=function(){var _analyseDataTypes=function(fields){ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fields,function(field){if(field._inferredTypes[]){var confidence=field._inferredTypes[]/field.numOfItems,_numericalInferredType=field._inferredTypes[];return"undefined"!=typeof _numericalInferredType&&(confidence+=_numericalInferredType/field.numOfItems),,void(field.typeConfidence=confidence)}var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval}),tkey=max.first.key;!=max.second&&"undefined"!=typeof max.second&&(tkey=max.second.key),field.type=tkey,field.typeConfidence=field._inferredTypes[max.first.key]/field.numOfItems;var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredSubTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval});if(field.subtype=null,null!=max&&null!=max.first){field.subtype=max.first.key,field.subtypeConfidence=field._inferredSubTypes[field.subtype]/field.numOfItems;var,,fieldNameContainsLat=fieldName.indexOf("lat")>=0,fieldNameContainsLon=fieldName.indexOf("ng")>=0;1==isLatType&&0==fieldNameContainsLat&&1==fieldNameContainsLon&&(}})},_processInferType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.EMPTY;if("object"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.OBJECT;if(/^0[0-9]+$/.test(value))return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.CODE;var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.NUMBER;var _date=DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime(value);return 0==isNaN(_date)&&null!=_date?DataTypeConverter.TYPES.DATETIME:DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT},_processInferSubType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return null;var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);return isNaN(isnumber)!==!0?isnumber>=-90&&90>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:isnumber>=-180&&180>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:null:null},_filterBasedOnThreshold=function(metadata,threshold){return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(metadata.types,function(fieldType,key){if(!(fieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold)){var arrHierarchyTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fieldType.type],lastFieldType={lastType:arrHierarchyTypes[0],lastTypeCounter:fieldType._inferredTypes[arrHierarchyTypes[0]],typeConfidence:0};lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems;for(var curType,i=1;i<arrHierarchyTypes.length,curType=arrHierarchyTypes[i];i++){var numItemsOfCurType=fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty(curType)?fieldType._inferredTypes[curType]:0;if(lastFieldType.lastType=curType,lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter+=numItemsOfCurType,lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems,lastFieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold){fieldType.type=lastFieldType.lastType,fieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.typeConfidence;break}}}}),metadata},jsonTraverse=function(json,fieldKeys,callback){var stack=[],numOfRows=0;for(stack.push({item:json,fieldKeyIndex:0});stack.length>0;){var stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"!=fieldKey||1!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item)){var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(value,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(sProcessedKeys.length>0?",":"")+key,_value=callback(value,key,curKey,numOfRows);item[key]=_value}),numOfRows++}}};return{constructor:DataTypeConverter,cast:function(metadata,options){return"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={castThresholdConfidence:1,castIfNull:!1}),this.convert(metadata,options)},convert:function(metadata,options){var lastRowIndex=0,numOfRows=0,numOfValues=0,datasetErrors=0,datasetMissingValues=0;return"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={castThresholdConfidence:1,castIfNull:!1}),jsonTraverse(metadata.dataset,metadata.fieldKeys,function(value,key,traversedKeys,rowIndex){var inferredType=metadata.types[traversedKeys];numOfValues++,lastRowIndex!=rowIndex&&(lastRowIndex=rowIndex,numOfRows++),null==value||"undefined"==typeof value||0==(value+"").length;var isCast=inferredType.typeConfidence>=options.castThresholdConfidence;if({var number=parseFloat(value);return isNaN(number)?(datasetErrors++,value):number}return value}),metadata.qualityIndex.notNullValues=(numOfValues-datasetMissingValues)/numOfValues,metadata.qualityIndex.errors=(numOfValues-datasetErrors)/numOfValues,metadata},inferJsonDataType:function(json,fieldKeys,options){"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={thresholdConfidence:1});var stack=[],fieldsType={},numOfRows=0;if("undefined"==typeof fieldKeys)throw"IllegalArgumentException: undefined json path to analyse.";for(stack.push({item:json,fieldKeyIndex:0});stack.length>0;){var stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"==fieldKey&&ArrayUtils.isArray(item))for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(item,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(0==sProcessedKeys.length?"":",")+key,fieldType=ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey(fieldsType,curKey,{name:curKey,_inferredTypes:[],_inferredSubTypes:[],_inferredValues:[],numOfItems:0});fieldType.numOfItems++;var inferredType=_processInferType(item);ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredTypes,,inferredType===DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT&&ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredValues,item);var inferredSubType=_processInferSubType(item);null!=inferredSubType&&"undefined"!=typeof inferredSubType&&ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredSubTypes,}),numOfRows++}}_analyseDataTypes(fieldsType);var quality={homogeneity:1,completeness:1,totalNullValues:0,totalValues:0};ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){quality.totalValues+=fieldType.numOfItems,quality.homogeneity*=fieldType.typeConfidence,fieldType.totalNullValues=0,fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty([],quality.totalNullValues+=fieldType.totalNullValues)}),quality.homogeneity=Math.round(100*quality.homogeneity)/100;var totFullValues=quality.totalValues-quality.totalNullValues;quality.completeness=Math.round(totFullValues/quality.totalValues*100)/100;var warningsTextual="";ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){fieldType.errorsDescription="";var description="";if(fieldType.typeConfidence<1){var incorrect=fieldType.numOfItems-fieldType.totalNullValues-fieldType._inferredTypes[fieldType.type];if(incorrect>0){description+="The column <""> has the type <"+fieldType.type+">";var verb=1==incorrect?" value is":" values are";description+=", but "+incorrect+verb+" not a "+fieldType.type}}fieldType.totalNullValues>0&&(description+="The column <""> has "+fieldType.totalNullValues+" EMPTY value",fieldType.totalNullValues>1&&(description+="s")),description.length>0&&(description+="."),fieldType.errorsDescription=description,warningsTextual+=description});var metadata={dataset:json,fieldKeys:fieldKeys,types:fieldsType,qualityIndex:quality,warningsTextual:warningsTextual};return _filterBasedOnThreshold(metadata,options.thresholdConfidence),metadata},inferDataTypeOfValue:function(value){return _processInferType(value)}}}(),DataTypesUtils.FilterTime=function(value){var expTime=/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?(\+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$/;if(0==expTime.test(value))return null;var splitted=value.split(/[:|\+]/),expNumber=/^[0-9]{2}$/,HH=expNumber.test(splitted[0])?parseInt(splitted[0]):0,MM=expNumber.test(splitted[1])?parseInt(splitted[1]):0,SS=splitted.length>=3&&expNumber.test(splitted[2])?parseInt(splitted[2]):0,dt=new Date;return dt.setHours(HH),dt.setMinutes(MM),dt.setSeconds(SS),dt},DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime=function(value){var _dtSplitted=value.split(/[T|\s]/);if(2==_dtSplitted.length){var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(_dtSplitted[1]);if(null==dtTime)return null;var dtDateTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(_dtSplitted[0],dtTime);return dtDateTime}var dtDate=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(value);if(null!=dtDate)return dtDate;var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(value);return dtTime},DataTypesUtils.FilterDate=function(value,dtDate){if(null==dtDate&&(dtDate=new Date),/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]$/.test(value)){var year=parseInt(value.substring(0,4)),month=parseInt(value.substring(5));return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate}var expDate=/^[0-9]{4}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}((\-|\/)[0-9]{2})?$/;if(expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[0]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=3==splitted.length?parseInt(splitted[2]):0;return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}if(expDate=/^[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{4}$/,expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[2]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=parseInt(splitted[0]);return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}return null},DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat=function(value){return/^(\-|\+)?((0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\.[0-9]+)?|Infinity)$/.test(value)?Number(value):NaN},DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces=function(num){var match=(""+num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);return match?Math.max(0,(match[1]?match[1].length:0)-(match[2]?+match[2]:0)):0},DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,,],DataTypeHierarchy.canConvert=function(fromType,toType){var arrConvertableTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fromType],idx=arrConvertableTypes.indexOf(toType);return idx>=0}; | |
2 | 1 | \ No newline at end of file |
2 | +function ArrayUtils(){}function DataTypeConverter(){this._fields=[],this._numOfRows=0}function DataTypesUtils(){}function DataTypeHierarchy(){}ArrayUtils.TestAndSet=function(arr,key,object){return"undefined"==typeof arr?null:0==Array.isArray(arr)?null:("undefined"==typeof arr[key]&&(arr[key]=object),arr[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey=function(obj,key,value){return"undefined"==typeof obj?null:("undefined"==typeof obj[key]&&(obj[key]=value),obj[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement=function(arr,key){var exists=arr[key];return"undefined"==typeof exists&&(arr[key]=0),arr[key]++,arr},ArrayUtils.toFieldsArray=function(obj){var fields=[];return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(obj,function(field,key){field.key=key,fields.push(field)}),fields},ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys=function(arr,callback){for(var property in arr)if(arr.hasOwnProperty(property)){var item=arr[property];callback(item,property)}},ArrayUtils.FindMinMax=function(arr,fncompare){var max1=null,max2=null;for(var key in arr)null==max1||fncompare(arr[key],max1.value)?(max2=max1,max1={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]}):(null==max2||fncompare(arr[key],max2.value))&&(max2={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]});return{first:max1,second:max2}},ArrayUtils.isArray=function(arr){return Array.isArray(arr)?arr.length>0:!1},DataTypeConverter.TYPES={EMPTY:{value:0,name:"NULL"},TEXT:{value:1,name:"TEXT"},NUMBER:{value:2,name:"NUMBER"},OBJECT:{value:3,name:"OBJECT"},DATETIME:{value:4,name:"DATETIME"}},DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES={GEOCOORDINATE:{value:1e3,name:"GEOCOORDINATE"},GEOJSON:{value:1001,name:"GEOJSON"},BOOL:{value:1002,name:"BOOL"},CONST:{value:1003,name:"CONST"},CATEGORY:{value:1004,name:"CATEGORY"},PERCENTAGE:{value:1100,name:"PERCENTAGE"},LATITUDE:{value:1101,name:"LATITUDE"},LONGITUDE:{value:1102,name:"LONGITUDE"}},DataTypeConverter.LANGS={EN:{value:1e3,name:"EN"},IT:{value:1001,name:"IT"},FR:{value:1100,name:"FR"},NL:{value:1101,name:"NL"}},DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES=["Point","MultiPoint","LineString","MultiLineString","Polygon","MultiPolygon","GeometryCollection","Feature","FeatureCollection"],DataTypeConverter.prototype=function(){var _analyseDataTypes=function(fields){ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fields,function(field){var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval}),tkey=max.first.key;!=max.second&&"undefined"!=typeof max.second&&(tkey=max.second.key),field.type=tkey,field.typeConfidence=field._inferredTypes[max.first.key]/field.numOfItems;var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredSubTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval});if(field.subtype=null,null!=max&&null!=max.first){field.subtype=max.first.key,field.subtypeConfidence=field._inferredSubTypes[field.subtype]/field.numOfItems;var,,fieldNameContainsLat=fieldName.indexOf("lat")>=0,fieldNameContainsLon=fieldName.indexOf("ng")>=0;1==isLatType&&0==fieldNameContainsLat&&1==fieldNameContainsLon&&(}})},_processInferType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.EMPTY;if("object"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.OBJECT;var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.NUMBER;var _date=DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime(value);return 0==isNaN(_date)&&null!=_date?DataTypeConverter.TYPES.DATETIME:DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT},_processInferSubType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return null;if(Array.isArray(value)&&2==value.length&&NaN!=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[0])&&NaN!=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[1])&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[0])>4&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[1])>4)return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE;if("string"==typeof value){var split=value.split(",");if(DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[0])&&DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[1]))return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE}var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return isnumber>=-90&&90>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:isnumber>=-180&&180>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:null;if("object"==typeof value&&value.hasOwnProperty("type")){var geotype=value.type,isincluded=DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES.includes(geotype);if(isincluded)return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOJSON}return null},_filterBasedOnThreshold=function(metadata,threshold){return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(metadata.types,function(fieldType,key){if(!(fieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold)){var arrHierarchyTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fieldType.type];if(null==arrHierarchyTypes)return metadata;var lastFieldType={lastType:arrHierarchyTypes[0],lastTypeCounter:fieldType._inferredTypes[arrHierarchyTypes[0]],typeConfidence:0};lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems;for(var curType,i=1;i<arrHierarchyTypes.length,curType=arrHierarchyTypes[i];i++){var numItemsOfCurType=fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty(curType)?fieldType._inferredTypes[curType]:0;if(lastFieldType.lastType=curType,lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter+=numItemsOfCurType,lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems,lastFieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold){fieldType.type=lastFieldType.lastType,fieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.typeConfidence;break}}}}),metadata},_capitalizeFirstLetter=function(string){return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+string.slice(1)},jsonTraverse=function(json,fieldKeys,callback){var stack=[],numOfRows=0;for(stack.push({item:json,fieldKeyIndex:0});stack.length>0;){var stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"!=fieldKey||1!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item)){var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(value,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(sProcessedKeys.length>0?",":"")+key,_value=callback(value,key,curKey,numOfRows);item[key]=_value}),numOfRows++}}};return{constructor:DataTypeConverter,cast:function(metadata,options){return"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={castThresholdConfidence:1,castIfNull:!1}),this.convert(metadata,options)},convert:function(metadata,options){var lastRowIndex=0,numOfRows=0,numOfValues=0,datasetErrors=0,datasetMissingValues=0;return"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={castThresholdConfidence:1,castIfNull:!1}),jsonTraverse(metadata.dataset,metadata.fieldKeys,function(value,key,traversedKeys,rowIndex){var inferredType=metadata.types[traversedKeys];numOfValues++,lastRowIndex!=rowIndex&&(lastRowIndex=rowIndex,numOfRows++),null==value||"undefined"==typeof value||0==(value+"").length;var isCast=inferredType.typeConfidence>=options.castThresholdConfidence;if({var number=parseFloat(value);return isNaN(number)?(datasetErrors++,value):number}return value}),metadata.qualityIndex.notNullValues=(numOfValues-datasetMissingValues)/numOfValues,metadata.qualityIndex.errors=(numOfValues-datasetErrors)/numOfValues,metadata},inferJsonDataType:function(json,fieldKeys,options){"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={}),0==options.hasOwnProperty("thresholdConfidence")&&(options.thresholdConfidence=1),0==options.hasOwnProperty("language")?;var stack=[],fieldsType={},numOfRows=0;if("undefined"==typeof fieldKeys)throw"IllegalArgumentException: undefined json path to analyse.";for(stack.push({item:json,fieldKeyIndex:0});stack.length>0;){var stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"==fieldKey&&ArrayUtils.isArray(item))for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(item,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(0==sProcessedKeys.length?"":",")+key,fieldType=ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey(fieldsType,curKey,{name:curKey,_inferredTypes:[],_inferredSubTypes:[],_inferredValues:[],numOfItems:0});fieldType.numOfItems++;var inferredType=_processInferType(item);ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredTypes,,inferredType===DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT&&ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredValues,item);var inferredSubType=_processInferSubType(item);null!=inferredSubType&&"undefined"!=typeof inferredSubType&&ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredSubTypes,}),numOfRows++}}_analyseDataTypes(fieldsType);var quality={homogeneity:1,completeness:1,totalNullValues:0,totalValues:0};ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){quality.totalValues+=fieldType.numOfItems,quality.homogeneity*=fieldType.typeConfidence,fieldType.totalNullValues=0,fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty([],quality.totalNullValues+=fieldType.totalNullValues)}),quality.homogeneity=Math.round(100*quality.homogeneity)/100;var totFullValues=quality.totalValues-quality.totalNullValues;quality.completeness=Math.round(totFullValues/quality.totalValues*100)/100;var warningsTextual="";ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){fieldType.errorsDescription="";var description="";if(fieldType.typeConfidence<1){var incorrect=fieldType.numOfItems-fieldType.totalNullValues-fieldType._inferredTypes[fieldType.type];if(incorrect>0){var _descr1=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_declaretype[options.language])+".",_descr2=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_notoftype_singular[options.language])+".";incorrect>1&&(_descr2=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_notoftype_plural[options.language])+".");var descr=_descr1+" "+_descr2;descr=descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,,descr=descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g,fieldType.type),descr=descr.replace(/%COL_ERRORS/g,incorrect),description+=descr}}var descr="";1==fieldType.totalNullValues?descr=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_emptyvalue_singolar[options.language])+".":fieldType.totalNullValues>1&&(descr=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_emptyvalue_plural[options.language])+"."),descr=descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,,descr=descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g,fieldType.type),descr=descr.replace(/%COL_NULLVALUES/g,fieldType.totalNullValues),fieldType.errorsDescription=description,warningsTextual+=description});var metadata={dataset:json,fieldKeys:fieldKeys,types:fieldsType,qualityIndex:quality,warningsTextual:warningsTextual};return _filterBasedOnThreshold(metadata,options.thresholdConfidence),metadata},inferDataTypeOfValue:function(value){return _processInferType(value)},inferDataSubTypeOfValue:function(value){return _processInferSubType(value)}}}(),DataTypesUtils.FilterTime=function(value){var expTime=/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?(\+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$/;if(0==expTime.test(value))return null;var splitted=value.split(/[:|\+]/),expNumber=/^[0-9]{2}$/,HH=expNumber.test(splitted[0])?parseInt(splitted[0]):0,MM=expNumber.test(splitted[1])?parseInt(splitted[1]):0,SS=splitted.length>=3&&expNumber.test(splitted[2])?parseInt(splitted[2]):0,dt=new Date;return dt.setHours(HH),dt.setMinutes(MM),dt.setSeconds(SS),dt},DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime=function(value){var _dtSplitted=value.split(/[T|\s]/);if(2==_dtSplitted.length){var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(_dtSplitted[1]);if(null==dtTime)return null;var dtDateTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(_dtSplitted[0],dtTime);return dtDateTime}var dtDate=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(value);if(null!=dtDate)return dtDate;var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(value);return dtTime},DataTypesUtils.FilterDate=function(value,dtDate){if(null==dtDate&&(dtDate=new Date),/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]$/.test(value)){var year=parseInt(value.substring(0,4)),month=parseInt(value.substring(5));return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate}var expDate=/^[0-9]{4}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}((\-|\/)[0-9]{2})?$/;if(expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[0]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=3==splitted.length?parseInt(splitted[2]):0;return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}if(expDate=/^[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{4}$/,expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[2]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=parseInt(splitted[0]);return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}return null},DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat=function(value){return/^(\-|\+)?((0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\.[0-9]+)?|Infinity)$/.test(value)?Number(value):NaN},DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces=function(num){var match=(""+num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);return match?Math.max(0,(match[1]?match[1].length:0)-(match[2]?+match[2]:0)):0},DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng=function(num){return NaN==DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(num)?!1:DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(num)>4},DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,,],DataTypeHierarchy.canConvert=function(fromType,toType){var arrConvertableTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fromType],idx=arrConvertableTypes.indexOf(toType);return idx>=0};var JDC_LNG={key_declaretype:{EN:"the column <%COL_NAME> is of type <%COL_TYPE>",IT:"la colonna <%COL_NAME> รจ di tipo <%COL_TYPE>",FR:"le colum <%COL_NAME> est de type <%COL_TYPE>",NL:"de kolom <%COL_NAME> is van het type <%COL_TYPE>"},key_notoftype_singular:{EN:"a value is not <%COL_TYPE>",IT:"un valore non รจ un <%COL_TYPE>",FR:"une valeur est pas <%COL_TYPE> se trouvant",NL:"een waarde is niet <%COL_TYPE>"},key_notoftype_plural:{EN:"%COL_ERRORS values are not <%COL_TYPE>",IT:"%COL_ERRORS valori non sono di tipo <%COL_TYPE>",FR:"les valeurs %COL_ERRORS sont du type <%COL_TYPE>",NL:"%COL_ERRORS waarden niet <%COL_TYPE>"},key_emptyvalue_singolar:{EN:"the column <%COL_NAME> has an empty value",IT:"la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha un valore vuoto",FR:"la colonne <%COL_NAME> a une valeur vide",NL:"de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft een lege waarde"},key_emptyvalue_plural:{EN:"the column <%COL_NAME> has <%COL_NULLVALUES> empty values",IT:"la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha <%COL_NULLVALUES> valori vuoti",FR:"la colonne <%COL_NAME> a <%COL_NULLVALUES> valeurs vide",NL:"de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft <%COL_NULLVALUES> lege waarde"},key_type:{EN:"type",IT:"tipo",FR:"type",NL:"type"},key_subtype:{EN:"subtype",IT:"sottotipo",FR:"sous-type",NL:"subtype"},key_typetext:{EN:"text",IT:"testo",FR:"texte",NL:"tekst"},key_typenumber:{EN:"number",IT:"numero",FR:"nombre",NL:"aantal"},key_typeobject:{EN:"object",IT:"oggetto",FR:"objet",NL:"voorwerp"},key_typedatetime:{EN:"date or time",IT:"data o orario",FR:"date ou l'heure",NL:"datum of tijd"},key_typeempty:{EN:"empty",IT:"vuoto",FR:"vide",NL:"leeg"},key_typelatitude:{EN:"latitude",IT:"latitudine",FR:"latitude",NL:"breedtegraad"},key_typelongitude:{EN:"longitude",IT:"longitudine",FR:"longitude",NL:"lengtegraad"}}; | |
3 | 3 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -25,29 +25,40 @@ function DataTypeConverter() { |
25 | 25 | };//EndConstructor. |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | DataTypeConverter.TYPES = { |
28 | - TEXT : { value: 0, name: "TEXT" }, | |
29 | - CODE : { value: 1, name: "CODE"}, | |
28 | + EMPTY : { value: 0, name: "NULL"}, | |
30 | 29 | |
30 | + TEXT : { value: 1, name: "TEXT" }, | |
31 | 31 | NUMBER : { value: 2, name: "NUMBER" }, |
32 | 32 | OBJECT : { value: 3, name: "OBJECT" }, |
33 | + DATETIME : { value: 4, name: "DATETIME" } | |
34 | +}; | |
33 | 35 | |
36 | +DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES = { | |
37 | + GEOCOORDINATE : { value: 1000, name: "GEOCOORDINATE" }, | |
38 | + GEOJSON : { value: 1001, name: "GEOJSON" }, | |
39 | + BOOL : { value: 1002, name: "BOOL"}, | |
40 | + CONST : { value: 1003, name: "CONST" }, | |
41 | + CATEGORY : { value: 1004, name: "CATEGORY" }, | |
34 | 42 | |
35 | - BOOL : { value: 5, name: "BOOL"}, | |
36 | - CONST : { value: 6, name: "CONST" }, | |
37 | - CATEGORY : { value: 7, name: "CATEGORY" }, | |
38 | - | |
39 | - DATETIME : { value: 8, name: "DATETIME" }, | |
43 | + PERCENTAGE : { value: 1100, name: "PERCENTAGE" }, | |
44 | + LATITUDE : { value: 1101, name: "LATITUDE" }, | |
45 | + LONGITUDE : { value: 1102, name: "LONGITUDE" } | |
40 | 46 | |
41 | - EMPTY : { value: 101, name: "NULL" } | |
47 | + /*CODE : { value: 2000, name: "CODE"},*/ | |
42 | 48 | }; |
43 | 49 | |
44 | -DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES = { | |
45 | - GEOCOORDINATE : { value: 1000, name: "GEOCOORDINATE" }, | |
46 | - PERCENTAGE : { value: 1000, name: "PERCENTAGE" }, | |
47 | - LATITUDE : { value: 1001, name: "LATITUDE" }, | |
48 | - LONGITUDE : { value: 1002, name: "LONGITUDE" } | |
50 | +DataTypeConverter.LANGS = { | |
51 | + EN : { value: 1000, name: "EN" }, | |
52 | + IT : { value: 1001, name: "IT" }, | |
53 | + FR : { value: 1100, name: "FR" }, | |
54 | + NL : { value: 1101, name: "NL" } | |
49 | 55 | }; |
50 | 56 | |
57 | + | |
58 | +DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES = [ "Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", | |
59 | + "MultiLineString", "Polygon", "MultiPolygon", "GeometryCollection", "Feature", | |
60 | + "FeatureCollection" ]; | |
61 | + | |
51 | 62 | DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
52 | 63 | |
53 | 64 | /*** |
... | ... | @@ -111,6 +122,10 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
111 | 122 | |
112 | 123 | var _analyseDataTypes = function(fields) { |
113 | 124 | ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fields, function(field) { |
125 | + | |
126 | + | |
127 | + /* | |
128 | + //TODO: removed CODE, I don't know whether it must be inserted | |
114 | 129 | if (field._inferredTypes[]) { |
115 | 130 | var confidence = field._inferredTypes[] / field.numOfItems; |
116 | 131 | var _numericalInferredType = field._inferredTypes[]; |
... | ... | @@ -119,7 +134,7 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
119 | 134 | field.type =; |
120 | 135 | field.typeConfidence = confidence; |
121 | 136 | return; |
122 | - } | |
137 | + }*/ | |
123 | 138 | |
124 | 139 | //Infers the field TYPE. |
125 | 140 | var max = ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredTypes, function (curval, lastval) { |
... | ... | @@ -189,11 +204,6 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
189 | 204 | if (typeof value === 'object') |
190 | 205 | return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.OBJECT; |
191 | 206 | |
192 | - //If the value starts with a zero and contains all numbers, it is | |
193 | - //inferred as textual content. | |
194 | - if (/^0[0-9]+$/.test(value)) | |
195 | - return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.CODE; | |
196 | - | |
197 | 207 | //Try to parse the float. |
198 | 208 | var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); |
199 | 209 | if (isNaN(isnumber) !== true) {//It is a number. |
... | ... | @@ -222,6 +232,21 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
222 | 232 | var _processInferSubType = function (value) { |
223 | 233 | if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') return null; |
224 | 234 | |
235 | + //GEOCOORDINATE | |
236 | + if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length == 2) {//It recognises the LAT LNG as array of two values. | |
237 | + //Checks if the two array's values are numbers. | |
238 | + if ( DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[0]) != NaN && DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[1]) != NaN ) | |
239 | + if (DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[0]) > 4 && DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[1]) > 4 ) | |
240 | + return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE; | |
241 | + }//EndIf. | |
242 | + | |
243 | + if (typeof value === 'string') { | |
244 | + var split = value.split(","); | |
245 | + //if (split.length == 2) | |
246 | + if (DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[0]) && DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[1])) | |
247 | + return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE; | |
248 | + } | |
249 | + | |
225 | 250 | //Try to parse the float. |
226 | 251 | var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); |
227 | 252 | if (isNaN(isnumber) !== true) {//It is a number. |
... | ... | @@ -240,6 +265,19 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
240 | 265 | return null; |
241 | 266 | } |
242 | 267 | |
268 | + //Try to parse GEOJSON. | |
269 | + if (typeof value === 'object' && value.hasOwnProperty('type')) { | |
270 | + //Check the type variable. | |
271 | + var geotype = value.type; | |
272 | + var isincluded = DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES.includes(geotype); | |
273 | + if (isincluded) return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOJSON; | |
274 | + } | |
275 | + | |
276 | + //If the value starts with a zero and contains all numbers, it is | |
277 | + //inferred as textual content. | |
278 | + /*if (/^0[0-9]+$/.test(value)) | |
279 | + return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.CODE;*/ | |
280 | + | |
243 | 281 | return null; |
244 | 282 | };//EndFunction. |
245 | 283 | |
... | ... | @@ -248,6 +286,9 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
248 | 286 | if (fieldType.typeConfidence >= threshold) return; |
249 | 287 | |
250 | 288 | var arrHierarchyTypes = DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fieldType.type]; |
289 | + if (arrHierarchyTypes == null) | |
290 | + return metadata; | |
291 | + | |
251 | 292 | var lastFieldType = { lastType: arrHierarchyTypes[0], |
252 | 293 | lastTypeCounter: fieldType._inferredTypes[arrHierarchyTypes[0]], |
253 | 294 | typeConfidence: 0 }; |
... | ... | @@ -270,6 +311,15 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
270 | 311 | return metadata; |
271 | 312 | };//EndFunction. |
272 | 313 | |
314 | + var _capitalizeFirstLetter = function(string) { | |
315 | + return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); | |
316 | + };//EndFunction. | |
317 | + | |
318 | + var _replaceAll = function(search, replacement) { | |
319 | + var target = this; | |
320 | + return target.split(search).join(replacement); | |
321 | + }; | |
322 | + | |
273 | 323 | var jsonTraverse = function(json, fieldKeys, callback) { |
274 | 324 | var stack = []; |
275 | 325 | var numOfRows = 0; |
... | ... | @@ -396,8 +446,17 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
396 | 446 | * @param options Infer Data Type options, in particular the threshold value for the confidence. |
397 | 447 | */ |
398 | 448 | inferJsonDataType: function (json, fieldKeys, options) { |
399 | - if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == null) | |
400 | - options = { thresholdConfidence: 1 }; | |
449 | + | |
450 | + //Default options initialisation. | |
451 | + if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == null) options = { }; | |
452 | + | |
453 | + if (options.hasOwnProperty("thresholdConfidence") == false) | |
454 | + options.thresholdConfidence = 1; | |
455 | + | |
456 | + if (options.hasOwnProperty("language") == false) | |
457 | + options.language =; | |
458 | + else | |
459 | + options.language = options.language.toUpperCase(); | |
401 | 460 | |
402 | 461 | var stack = []; |
403 | 462 | var fieldsType = {}; |
... | ... | @@ -508,19 +567,43 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
508 | 567 | |
509 | 568 | var incorrect = fieldType.numOfItems - fieldType.totalNullValues - fieldType._inferredTypes[fieldType.type]; |
510 | 569 | if (incorrect > 0) { |
511 | - description += "The column <" + + "> has the type <" + fieldType.type + ">"; | |
570 | + var _descr1 = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_declaretype'][options.language]) + "."; | |
571 | + var _descr2 = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_notoftype_singular'][options.language]) + "."; | |
572 | + if (incorrect > 1) | |
573 | + _descr2 = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_notoftype_plural'][options.language]) + "."; | |
574 | + | |
575 | + var descr = _descr1 + " " + _descr2; | |
576 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,; | |
577 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g, fieldType.type); | |
578 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_ERRORS/g, incorrect); | |
579 | + | |
580 | + description += descr; | |
581 | + | |
582 | + /*description += "The column <" + + "> has the type <" + fieldType.type + ">"; | |
512 | 583 | var verb = (incorrect == 1) ? " value is" : " values are"; |
513 | - description += ", but " + incorrect + verb + " not a " + fieldType.type; | |
584 | + description += ", but " + incorrect + verb + " not a " + fieldType.type;*/ | |
514 | 585 | } |
515 | 586 | } |
516 | 587 | |
517 | - if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 0) { | |
588 | + var descr = ""; | |
589 | + if (fieldType.totalNullValues == 1) | |
590 | + descr = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_emptyvalue_singolar'][options.language]) + "."; | |
591 | + else if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 1 ) | |
592 | + descr = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_emptyvalue_plural'][options.language]) + "."; | |
593 | + | |
594 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,; | |
595 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g, fieldType.type); | |
596 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_NULLVALUES/g, fieldType.totalNullValues); | |
597 | + | |
598 | + /*if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 0) { | |
599 | + var descr = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_declaretype'][options.language]) + "."; | |
600 | + | |
518 | 601 | description += "The column <" + + "> has " + fieldType.totalNullValues + " EMPTY value"; |
519 | 602 | if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 1) description += "s"; |
520 | 603 | } |
521 | 604 | |
522 | 605 | if (description.length > 0) |
523 | - description += "."; | |
606 | + description += ".";*/ | |
524 | 607 | |
525 | 608 | fieldType.errorsDescription = description; |
526 | 609 | warningsTextual += description; |
... | ... | @@ -547,6 +630,15 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
547 | 630 | */ |
548 | 631 | inferDataTypeOfValue: function (value) { |
549 | 632 | return _processInferType(value); |
633 | + },//EndFunction. | |
634 | + | |
635 | + /** | |
636 | + * Given in input a value, the function infers the data type. | |
637 | + * @param value | |
638 | + * @returns {*} | |
639 | + */ | |
640 | + inferDataSubTypeOfValue: function (value) { | |
641 | + return _processInferSubType(value); | |
550 | 642 | }//EndFunction. |
551 | 643 | |
552 | 644 | }; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@ DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces = function (num) { |
122 | 122 | (match[1] ? match[1].length : 0) |
123 | 123 | // Adjust for scientific notation. |
124 | 124 | - (match[2] ? +match[2] : 0)); |
125 | +}//EndFunction. | |
126 | + | |
127 | +DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng = function (num) { | |
128 | + if (DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(num) == NaN) return false; | |
129 | + if (DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(num) > 4) return true; | |
130 | + return false; | |
125 | 131 | }//EndFunction. |
126 | 132 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -53,18 +53,44 @@ ODStatistics.prototype = (function() { |
53 | 53 | |
54 | 54 | stats.numOfDatasets = datasets.length; |
55 | 55 | stats.formats = []; |
56 | + stats.formatsAggregated = []; | |
56 | 57 | |
57 | 58 | for (var i=0; i<datasets.length; i++) { |
58 | 59 | var dataset = datasets[i]; |
59 | 60 | |
60 | 61 | //Statistics on the datasets' formats. |
61 | 62 | ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formats, dataset.format); |
63 | + | |
64 | + var dsformat = dataset.format.toLowerCase(); | |
65 | + | |
66 | + //Aggregated formats. | |
67 | + if (dsformat.includes("csv")) | |
68 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "csv"); | |
69 | + else if (dsformat.includes("pdf")) | |
70 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "pdf"); | |
71 | + else if (dsformat.includes("html")) | |
72 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "html"); | |
73 | + else if (dsformat.includes("json")) | |
74 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "json"); | |
75 | + else if (dsformat.includes("xml")) | |
76 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "xml"); | |
77 | + else if (dsformat.includes("shp")) | |
78 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "shp"); | |
79 | + else if (dsformat.includes("geojson")) | |
80 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "geojson"); | |
81 | + else if (dsformat.includes("kml")) | |
82 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "kml"); | |
83 | + else if (dsformat.includes("txt")) | |
84 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "txt"); | |
85 | + else if (dsformat.includes("xls") || dsformat.includes("xlsx") || dsformat.includes("ods")) | |
86 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "xls/ods"); | |
87 | + else | |
88 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "other"); | |
62 | 89 | }//EndForI. |
63 | 90 | |
64 | 91 | //Calculates the formats percentages. |
65 | 92 | var tmpArrFormats = stats.formats; |
66 | 93 | stats.formats = []; |
67 | - | |
68 | 94 | ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(tmpArrFormats, function(item, property) { |
69 | 95 | var recordFormat = {}; |
70 | 96 | = property; |
... | ... | @@ -74,6 +100,18 @@ ODStatistics.prototype = (function() { |
74 | 100 | stats.formats.push(recordFormat); |
75 | 101 | }); |
76 | 102 | |
103 | + //Calculates the formats percentage for the aggregated formats. | |
104 | + var tmpArrFormatsAggregated = stats.formatsAggregated; | |
105 | + stats.formatsAggregated = []; | |
106 | + ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(tmpArrFormatsAggregated, function(item, property) { | |
107 | + var recordFormat = {}; | |
108 | + = property; | |
109 | + recordFormat.occurrance = item; | |
110 | + recordFormat.occurrancePercentage = (item / datasets.length) * 100; | |
111 | + recordFormat.occurrancePercentage = Math.round(recordFormat.occurrancePercentage * 100) / 100; | |
112 | + stats.formatsAggregated.push(recordFormat); | |
113 | + }); | |
114 | + | |
77 | 115 | return stats; |
78 | 116 | };//EndFunction. |
79 | 117 | ... | ... |
0 โ 100644
1 | + | |
2 | + | |
3 | + | |
4 | +var JDC_LNG = { | |
5 | + | |
6 | + "key_declaretype": { | |
7 | + "EN": "the column <%COL_NAME> is of type <%COL_TYPE>", | |
8 | + "IT": "la colonna <%COL_NAME> รจ di tipo <%COL_TYPE>", | |
9 | + "FR": "le colum <%COL_NAME> est de type <%COL_TYPE>", | |
10 | + "NL": "de kolom <%COL_NAME> is van het type <%COL_TYPE>" | |
11 | + }, | |
12 | + | |
13 | + "key_notoftype_singular": { | |
14 | + "EN": "a value is not <%COL_TYPE>", | |
15 | + "IT": "un valore non รจ un <%COL_TYPE>", | |
16 | + "FR": "une valeur est pas <%COL_TYPE> se trouvant", | |
17 | + "NL": "een waarde is niet <%COL_TYPE>" | |
18 | + }, | |
19 | + | |
20 | + "key_notoftype_plural": { | |
21 | + "EN": "%COL_ERRORS values are not <%COL_TYPE>", | |
22 | + "IT": "%COL_ERRORS valori non sono di tipo <%COL_TYPE>", | |
23 | + "FR": "les valeurs %COL_ERRORS sont du type <%COL_TYPE>", | |
24 | + "NL": "%COL_ERRORS waarden niet <%COL_TYPE>" | |
25 | + }, | |
26 | + | |
27 | + "key_emptyvalue_singolar": { | |
28 | + "EN": "the column <%COL_NAME> has an empty value", | |
29 | + "IT": "la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha un valore vuoto", | |
30 | + "FR": "la colonne <%COL_NAME> a une valeur vide", | |
31 | + "NL": "de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft een lege waarde" | |
32 | + }, | |
33 | + | |
34 | + "key_emptyvalue_plural": { | |
35 | + "EN": "the column <%COL_NAME> has <%COL_NULLVALUES> empty values", | |
36 | + "IT": "la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha <%COL_NULLVALUES> valori vuoti", | |
37 | + "FR": "la colonne <%COL_NAME> a <%COL_NULLVALUES> valeurs vide", | |
38 | + "NL": "de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft <%COL_NULLVALUES> lege waarde" | |
39 | + }, | |
40 | + | |
41 | + "key_type": { | |
42 | + "EN": "type", | |
43 | + "IT": "tipo", | |
44 | + "FR": "type", | |
45 | + "NL": "type" | |
46 | + }, | |
47 | + | |
48 | + "key_subtype": { | |
49 | + "EN": "subtype", | |
50 | + "IT": "sottotipo", | |
51 | + "FR": "sous-type", | |
52 | + "NL": "subtype" | |
53 | + }, | |
54 | + | |
55 | + "key_typetext": { | |
56 | + "EN": "text", | |
57 | + "IT": "testo", | |
58 | + "FR": "texte", | |
59 | + "NL": "tekst" | |
60 | + }, | |
61 | + | |
62 | + "key_typenumber": { | |
63 | + "EN": "number", | |
64 | + "IT": "numero", | |
65 | + "FR": "nombre", | |
66 | + "NL": "aantal" | |
67 | + }, | |
68 | + | |
69 | + "key_typeobject": { | |
70 | + "EN": "object", | |
71 | + "IT": "oggetto", | |
72 | + "FR": "objet", | |
73 | + "NL": "voorwerp" | |
74 | + }, | |
75 | + | |
76 | + "key_typedatetime": { | |
77 | + "EN": "date or time", | |
78 | + "IT": "data o orario", | |
79 | + "FR": "date ou l'heure", | |
80 | + "NL": "datum of tijd" | |
81 | + }, | |
82 | + | |
83 | + "key_typeempty": { | |
84 | + "EN": "empty", | |
85 | + "IT": "vuoto", | |
86 | + "FR": "vide", | |
87 | + "NL": "leeg" | |
88 | + }, | |
89 | + | |
90 | + "key_typelatitude": { | |
91 | + "EN": "latitude", | |
92 | + "IT": "latitudine", | |
93 | + "FR": "latitude", | |
94 | + "NL": "breedtegraad" | |
95 | + }, | |
96 | + | |
97 | + "key_typelongitude": { | |
98 | + "EN": "longitude", | |
99 | + "IT": "longitudine", | |
100 | + "FR": "longitude", | |
101 | + "NL": "lengtegraad" | |
102 | + } | |
103 | + | |
104 | +}; | |
0 | 105 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ |
47 | 47 | |
48 | 48 | listeners : { |
49 | 49 | 'page-slider-controllet_selected' : '_updateSlider', |
50 | - 'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url' : '_allowSecondStep', | |
50 | + 'select-dataset-controllet_data-url' : '_allowSecondStep', | |
51 | 51 | 'select-fields-controllet_selected-fields' : '_allowThirdStep', |
52 | 52 | 'filters-controllet_filters': '_allowThirdStep', |
53 | 53 | 'aggregators-controllet_aggregators': '_allowThirdStep', |
... | ... | @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ |
117 | 117 | |
118 | 118 | _allowSecondStep : function(e){ |
119 | 119 | this.$.slider.chevronRight(false); |
120 | -// | |
120 | + | |
121 | 121 | var f = Object.create(providerFactory); |
122 | 122 | var provider = f.getProvider(e.detail.url); |
123 | 123 | var dataUrl = provider.addLimit(e.detail.url); |
... | ... | @@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ |
135 | 135 | } |
136 | 136 | else |
137 | 137 | this.$.select_dataset.$.selected_url.invalid = true; |
138 | + | |
139 | + this.$.select_dataset.showDatasetInfo(); | |
138 | 140 | }, |
139 | 141 | |
140 | 142 | _allowThirdStep : function(){ | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ |
18 | 18 | <data-sevc-controllet deep-url="" |
19 | 19 | datalets-list-url="" |
20 | 20 | datasets='{"result":{"providers":{"1":{"title":"CKAN","api_url":"http:\/\/","image_hash":"11","id":"1"}},"datasets":[{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 2","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b056c5e6-76af-4526-a35d-7dee664fb6ee\/download\/isislab.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"ROUTE-TO-PA","package_name":"Year 1 Dissemination of the ROUTE-TO-PA project (2015)","resource_name":"First year (2015) ROUTE-TO-PA Dissemination","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/d81d451d-8b3d-47f4-b57f-e295e8f51da0\/resource\/818c2edb-0cb7-4288-b340-e4dd1933d817\/download\/ROUTE-TO-PA-Individual-Dissemination-Activity-Report-Form-Responses-New---Link-Upd.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"ROUTE-TO-PA\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"ROUTE-TO-PA","package_name":"Year 1 Dissemination of the ROUTE-TO-PA project (2015)","resource_name":"First year (2015) ROUTE-TO-PA Dissemination - 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21 | + suggested-datasets='[{"resource_name":"SUGGESTED 1","url":"noUrl.csv","metas":"{\"description\":\"noDescriione\"}"},{"resource_name":"SUGGESTED 2","url":"noUrl.csv","metas":"{\"description\":\"noDescriione\"}"},{"resource_name":"SUGGESTED 3","url":"noUrl.csv","metas":"{\"description\":\"noDescriione\"}"}]' | |
22 | + <!--suggested-datasets='{"result":{"providers":{"1":{"title":"CKAN","api_url":"http:\/\/","image_hash":"11","id":"1"}},"datasets":[{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 1","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b3d3d9ff-291e-47ca-a0d2-a15deef81737\/download\/isislab2.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"Dublin","package_name":"isislab DATA","resource_name":"Resource 2","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/566c2867-ea89-45a2-bd7a-30ae82606007\/resource\/b056c5e6-76af-4526-a35d-7dee664fb6ee\/download\/isislab.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"Dublin\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"ROUTE-TO-PA","package_name":"Year 1 Dissemination of the ROUTE-TO-PA project (2015)","resource_name":"First year (2015) ROUTE-TO-PA Dissemination","url":"http:\/\/\/dataset\/d81d451d-8b3d-47f4-b57f-e295e8f51da0\/resource\/818c2edb-0cb7-4288-b340-e4dd1933d817\/download\/ROUTE-TO-PA-Individual-Dissemination-Activity-Report-Form-Responses-New---Link-Upd.csv","metas":"{\"organization\":\"ROUTE-TO-PA\",\"description\":\"\",\"format\":\"\",\"last_modified\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"created\":\"\"}"},{"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"ROUTE-TO-PA","package_name":"Year 1 Dissemination of the ROUTE-TO-PA project (2015)","resource_name":"First year (2015) ROUTE-TO-PA Dissemination - 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24 | + | |
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24 | 26 | |
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41 | 41 | |
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... | ... | @@ -202,10 +220,10 @@ |
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203 | 221 | |
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... | ... | @@ -223,10 +241,11 @@ |
223 | 241 | <tr> |
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225 | 243 | <th id="id_{{index}}"> |
226 | - <div class="th_label">{{}}</div> | |
244 | + | |
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248 | + <div class="th_label">{{}}</div> | |
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232 | 251 | </template> |
... | ... | @@ -340,7 +359,7 @@ |
340 | 359 | |
341 | 360 | setData : function(data) { |
342 | 361 | var converter = new DataTypeConverter(); |
343 | - var result = converter.inferJsonDataType(data, ["*"]); | |
362 | + var result = converter.inferJsonDataType(data, ["*"], { language: ln["localization"] } ); | |
344 | 363 | result = converter.cast(result); |
345 | 364 | this.fields = ArrayUtils.toFieldsArray(result.types); |
346 | 365 | = result.dataset; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -434,7 +434,10 @@ |
434 | 434 | |
435 | 435 | //2nd loop will extract each column and convert it in string comma-seprated |
436 | 436 | for (var index in arrData[i]) { |
437 | - row += arrData[i][index] + ','; | |
437 | + if(typeof arrData[i][index] == 'string') | |
438 | + row += '"' + arrData[i][index].replace('"', '""') + '",'; | |
439 | + else | |
440 | + row += arrData[i][index] + ','; | |
438 | 441 | } |
439 | 442 | |
440 | 443 | row.slice(0, row.length - 1); | ... | ... |
0 โ 100644
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315 | + | |
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408 | + | |
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410 | + | |
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412 | + | |
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414 | + | |
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423 | + html += '</a>'; | |
424 | + | |
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426 | + html += '</div>'; | |
427 | + html += '<b> version:</b> ' + dataset.version + '<br>'; | |
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429 | + | |
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431 | + html += '<b>' + i + ':</b> ' + metas[i] + '<br>'; | |
432 | + | |
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436 | + | |
437 | +"datasets-list-controllet_dataset", { dataset: dataset }); | |
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443 | + return dataset.resource_name + ' [VER ' + dataset.version + ']'; | |
444 | + return dataset.resource_name; | |
445 | + }, | |
446 | + | |
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449 | + return "#FFEB3B"; | |
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57 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
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62 | + var dataset1 = {description: description, name: "Data", url: ""}; | |
63 | + var dataset2 = {description: "", name: "Klassen", url: ""}; | |
64 | + var dataset3 = {description: "descrizione bellissima purissima levissima sbiricuda antani", name: "Derelict Sites", url: ""}; | |
65 | + var datasets = [dataset1, dataset2, dataset3]; | |
66 | + var datasets = [dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3]; | |
67 | + | |
68 | + // var ds = document.getElementById('ds'); | |
69 | + // ds.setAttribute("items", JSON.stringify(datasets)); | |
70 | + // ds.setAttribute("items", a); | |
71 | + | |
72 | +</script> | |
73 | + | |
74 | +</body> | |
75 | + | |
76 | +</html> | ... | ... |
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39 | 13 | |
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60 | 17 | |
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72 | 20 | } |
73 | 21 | |
74 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
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77 | 26 | } |
78 | 27 | |
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88 | 31 | |
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90 | 32 | height: 48px; |
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103 | 36 | |
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111 | 38 | |
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115 | 41 | |
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124 | - | |
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126 | - color: #2196F3; | |
42 | + #select_dataset_container #options_header { | |
43 | + width: calc(100% - 96px); | |
44 | + text-align: center; | |
45 | + padding: 12px 0 12px 48px; | |
127 | 46 | } |
128 | 47 | |
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135 | - cursor: pointer; | |
136 | - margin-bottom: 8px; | |
137 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
138 | - } | |
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51 | + margin-left: 12px; | |
139 | 52 | |
140 | - .item.expanded { | |
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144 | 54 | |
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148 | 56 | } |
149 | 57 | |
150 | - .primary { | |
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152 | - } | |
58 | + #select_dataset_container #url { | |
59 | + padding: 0 12px 12px 12px; | |
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153 | 61 | |
154 | - .item.expanded .primary { | |
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62 | + border: 2px solid #B6B6B6; | |
63 | + border-top: 0; | |
156 | 64 | } |
157 | 65 | |
158 | - .longText { | |
159 | - display: none; | |
66 | + #select_dataset_container #datasets_list_container { | |
67 | + height: calc(100% - 96px - 2px - 74px); | |
68 | + width: 100%; | |
160 | 69 | } |
161 | 70 | |
162 | - .item.expanded .longText { | |
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72 | + background: #B6B6B6; | |
164 | 73 | } |
165 | 74 | |
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167 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
75 | + paper-tab { | |
76 | + font-weight: 700; | |
77 | + border-right: 2px solid #FFFFFF; | |
168 | 78 | } |
169 | 79 | |
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172 | - font-size: 16px; | |
173 | - line-height: 24px; | |
80 | + paper-tab:nth-child(2) { | |
81 | + border-right: 0; | |
174 | 82 | } |
175 | 83 | |
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178 | - width: calc(100% - 8px); | |
84 | + paper-tab.iron-selected { | |
85 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
86 | + background: #2196F3;; | |
179 | 87 | } |
180 | 88 | |
181 | - #select_dataset_container #list_info { | |
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184 | - width: calc(100% + 8px);/*bad*/ | |
89 | + paper-tab:not(.iron-selected):hover { | |
90 | + color: #2196F3; | |
185 | 91 | } |
186 | 92 | |
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190 | - width: 50%; | |
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93 | + paper-input { | |
94 | + --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
192 | 95 | } |
193 | 96 | |
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196 | - height: 100%; | |
197 | - width: 50%; | |
198 | - border-right: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
97 | + paper-icon-button { | |
98 | + height: 48px; | |
99 | + width: 48px; | |
100 | + padding: 8px; | |
199 | 101 | } |
200 | 102 | |
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202 | - position: relative; | |
203 | - height: calc(100% - 56px); | |
204 | - width: calc(100% - 56px); | |
205 | - padding: 11px; | |
206 | - border: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
207 | - border-radius: 4px; | |
208 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
209 | - margin: 16px; | |
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211 | 107 | |
212 | - #select_dataset_container #treemap_container { | |
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214 | - /*width: calc(100% - 8px);*/ | |
215 | - height: calc(100% - 48px); | |
216 | - width: 100%; | |
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218 | - border-top: 0px; | |
219 | - border-bottom: 0px; | |
220 | - position: relative; | |
108 | + background: #E0E0E0; | |
109 | + float: right; | |
110 | + position: absolute; | |
111 | + right: 0; | |
221 | 112 | } |
222 | 113 | |
223 | - #select_dataset_container #header { | |
224 | - position: relative; | |
225 | - z-index: 1; | |
226 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
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228 | - box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
229 | - | |
230 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
231 | - display: flex; | |
232 | - padding: 0px 4px; | |
114 | + paper-icon-button[icon="info-outline"] { | |
115 | + cursor: help; | |
233 | 116 | } |
234 | 117 | |
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237 | - z-index: 1; | |
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240 | - box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
118 | + :host { | |
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120 | + color: #000000; | |
121 | + }; | |
122 | + --paper-dropdown-menu-ripple: { | |
123 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
124 | + }; | |
241 | 125 | } |
242 | 126 | |
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245 | - -moz-box-shadow: none !important; | |
246 | - box-shadow: none !important; | |
127 | + paper-dropdown-menu { | |
128 | + width: 200px; | |
129 | + |