marked-element.html 5.26 KB
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Element wrapper for the [marked]( library.

`<marked-element>` accepts Markdown source, and renders it to a child
element with the class `markdown-html`. This child element can be styled
as you would a normal DOM element. If you do not provide a child element
with the `markdown-html` class, the Markdown source will still be rendered,
but to a shadow DOM child that cannot be styled.

The Markdown source can be specified either via the `markdown` attribute:

    <marked-element markdown="`Markdown` is _awesome_!">
      <div class="markdown-html"></div>

Or, you can provide it via a `<script type="text/markdown">` element child:

      <div class="markdown-html"></div>
      <script type="text/markdown">
        Check out my markdown!

        We can even embed elements without fear of the HTML parser mucking up their
        textual representation:

          <div>Oops, I'm about to forget to close this div.

Note that the `<script type="text/markdown">` approach is _static_. Changes to
the script content will _not_ update the rendered markdown!

### Styling
If you are using a child with the `markdown-html` class, you can style it
as you would a regular DOM element:

    .markdown-html p {
      color: red;

    .markdown-html td:first-child {
      padding-left: 24px;

@element marked-element
@group Molecules
@hero hero.svg
@demo demo/index.html
<dom-module id="marked-element">
      /* Thanks IE 10. */
      .hidden {
        display: none !important;
    <content select=".markdown-html"></content>
    <div id="content" class="hidden"></div>



  'use strict';


    is: 'marked-element',

    properties: {

      /** The markdown source that should be rendered by this element. */
      markdown: {
        observer: 'render',
        type: String,
        value: null


    ready: function() {
      if (!this.markdown) {
        // Use the Markdown from the first `<script>` descendant whose MIME type starts with
        // "text/markdown". Script elements beyond the first are ignored.
        var markdownElement = Polymer.dom(this).querySelector('[type^="text/markdown"]');
        if (markdownElement != null) {
          this.markdown = this._unindent(markdownElement.textContent);

     * Renders `markdown` to HTML when the element is attached.
     * This serves a dual purpose:
     *  * Prevents unnecessary work (no need to render when not visible).
     *  * `attached` fires top-down, so we can give ancestors a chance to
     *    register listeners for the `syntax-highlight` event _before_ we render
     *    any markdown.
    attached: function() {
      this._attached = true;
      this._outputElement = this.outputElement;

    detached: function() {
      this._attached = false;

    get outputElement () {
      var child = Polymer.dom(this).queryDistributedElements('.markdown-html')[0];

      if (child)
        return child;

      this.toggleClass('hidden', false, this.$.content);
      return this.$.content;

     * Renders `markdown` into this element's DOM.
     * This is automatically called whenever the `markdown` property is changed.
     * The only case where you should be calling this is if you are providing
     * markdown via `<script type="text/markdown">` after this element has been
     * constructed (or updating that markdown).
    render: function() {
      if (!this._attached) return;
      if (!this.markdown) {
        Polymer.dom(this._outputElement).innerHTML = '';

      Polymer.dom(this._outputElement).innerHTML = marked(this.markdown, {
        highlight: this._highlight.bind(this),

    _highlight: function(code, lang) {
      var event ='syntax-highlight', {code: code, lang: lang});
      return event.detail.code || code;

    _unindent: function(text) {
      if (!text) return text;
      var lines  = text.replace(/\t/g, '  ').split('\n');
      var indent = lines.reduce(function(prev, line) {
        if (/^\s*$/.test(line)) return prev;  // Completely ignore blank lines.

        var lineIndent = line.match(/^(\s*)/)[0].length;
        if (prev === null) return lineIndent;
        return lineIndent < prev ? lineIndent : prev;
      }, null);

      return { return l.substr(indent); }).join('\n');

