paper-toast.html 7.02 KB
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-a11y-announcer/iron-a11y-announcer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../paper-styles/typography.html">

Material design: [Snackbards & toasts](

`paper-toast` provides a subtle notification toast. Only one `paper-toast` will
be visible on screen.

Use `opened` to show the toast:


    <paper-toast text="Hello world!" opened></paper-toast>

Also `open()` or `show()` can be used to show the toast:


    <paper-button on-click="openToast">Open Toast</paper-button>
    <paper-toast id="toast" text="Hello world!"></paper-toast>


    openToast: function() {

Set `duration` to 0, a negative number or Infinity to persist the toast on screen:


    <paper-toast text="Terms and conditions" opened duration="0">
      <a href="#">Show more</a>

### Styling
The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property | Description | Default
`--paper-toast-background-color` | The paper-toast background-color | `#323232`
`--paper-toast-color` | The paper-toast color | `#f1f1f1`

@group Paper Elements
@element paper-toast
@demo demo/index.html
@hero hero.svg

<dom-module id="paper-toast">
      :host {
        display: block;
        position: fixed;
        background-color: var(--paper-toast-background-color, #323232);
        color: var(--paper-toast-color, #f1f1f1);
        min-height: 48px;
        min-width: 288px;
        padding: 16px 24px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
        border-radius: 2px;
        left: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        margin: 12px;
        font-size: 14px;
        cursor: default;
        -webkit-transition: visibility 0.3s, -webkit-transform 0.3s, opacity 0.3s;
        transition: visibility 0.3s, transform 0.3s, opacity 0.3s;
        visibility: hidden;
        opacity: 0;
        -webkit-transform: translateY(100px);
        transform: translateY(100px);

      :host(.capsule) {
        border-radius: 24px;

      :host(.fit-bottom) {
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 0;
        border-radius: 0;
        margin: 0;

      :host(.paper-toast-open) {
        visibility: visible;
        opacity: 1;
        -webkit-transform: translateY(0px);
        transform: translateY(0px);

    <span id="label">{{text}}</span>

    (function() {
      // Keeps track of the toast currently opened.
      var currentToast = null;

        is: 'paper-toast',

        behaviors: [

        properties: {
           * The duration in milliseconds to show the toast.
           * Set to `0`, a negative number, or `Infinity`, to disable the
           * toast auto-closing.
          duration: {
            type: Number,
            value: 3000

           * The text to display in the toast.
          text: {
            type: String,
            value: ''

           * Overridden from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
           * Set to false to enable closing of the toast by clicking outside it.
          noCancelOnOutsideClick: {
            type: Boolean,
            value: true

         * Read-only. Deprecated. Use `opened` from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
         * @property visible
         * @deprecated
        get visible() {
          console.warn('`visible` is deprecated, use `opened` instead');
          return this.opened;

         * Read-only. Can auto-close if duration is a positive finite number.
         * @property _canAutoClose
        get _canAutoClose() {
          return this.duration > 0 && this.duration !== Infinity;

        created: function() {
          this._autoClose = null;

         * Show the toast. Same as `open()` from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
        show: function() {

         * Hide the toast. Same as `close()` from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
        hide: function() {

         * Overridden from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
         * Called when the value of `opened` changes.
        _openedChanged: function() {
          if (this._autoClose !== null) {
            this._autoClose = null;
          if (this.opened) {
            if (currentToast && currentToast !== this) {
            currentToast = this;
  'iron-announce', {
              text: this.text
            if (this._canAutoClose) {
              this._autoClose = this.async(this.close, this.duration);
          } else if (currentToast === this) {
            currentToast = null;
          Polymer.IronOverlayBehaviorImpl._openedChanged.apply(this, arguments);

         * Overridden from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
        _renderOpened: function() {

         * Overridden from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
        _renderClosed: function() {

         * Overridden from `IronOverlayBehavior`.
         * iron-fit-behavior will set the inline style position: static, which
         * causes the toast to be rendered incorrectly when opened by default.
        _onIronResize: function() {
          Polymer.IronOverlayBehaviorImpl._onIronResize.apply(this, arguments);
          if (this.opened) {
            // Make sure there is no inline style for position.
   = '';

         * Fired when `paper-toast` is opened.
         * @event 'iron-announce'
         * @param {{text: string}} detail Contains text that will be announced.