paper-ripple-behavior.html 3.98 KB
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html">


   * `Polymer.PaperRippleBehavior` dynamically implements a ripple
   * when the element has focus via pointer or keyboard.
   * NOTE: This behavior is intended to be used in conjunction with and after
   * `Polymer.IronButtonState` and `Polymer.IronControlState`.
   * @polymerBehavior Polymer.PaperRippleBehavior
  Polymer.PaperRippleBehavior = {

    properties: {
       * If true, the element will not produce a ripple effect when interacted
       * with via the pointer.
      noink: {
        type: Boolean,
        observer: '_noinkChanged'

       * @type {Element|undefined}
      _rippleContainer: {
        type: Object,

     * Ensures a `<paper-ripple>` element is available when the element is
     * focused.
    _buttonStateChanged: function() {
      if (this.focused) {

     * In addition to the functionality provided in `IronButtonState`, ensures
     * a ripple effect is created when the element is in a `pressed` state.
    _downHandler: function(event) {, event);
      if (this.pressed) {

     * Ensures this element contains a ripple effect. For startup efficiency
     * the ripple effect is dynamically on demand when needed.
     * @param {!Event=} optTriggeringEvent (optional) event that triggered the
     * ripple.
    ensureRipple: function(optTriggeringEvent) {
      if (!this.hasRipple()) {
        this._ripple = this._createRipple();
        this._ripple.noink = this.noink;
        var rippleContainer = this._rippleContainer || this.root;
        if (rippleContainer) {
        if (optTriggeringEvent) {
          // Check if the event happened inside of the ripple container
          // Fall back to host instead of the root because distributed text
          // nodes are not valid event targets
          var domContainer = Polymer.dom(this._rippleContainer || this);
          var target = Polymer.dom(optTriggeringEvent).rootTarget;
          if (domContainer.deepContains( /** @type {Node} */(target))) {

     * Returns the `<paper-ripple>` element used by this element to create
     * ripple effects. The element's ripple is created on demand, when
     * necessary, and calling this method will force the
     * ripple to be created.
    getRipple: function() {
      return this._ripple;

     * Returns true if this element currently contains a ripple effect.
     * @return {boolean}
    hasRipple: function() {
      return Boolean(this._ripple);

     * Create the element's ripple effect via creating a `<paper-ripple>`.
     * Override this method to customize the ripple element.
     * @return {!PaperRippleElement} Returns a `<paper-ripple>` element.
    _createRipple: function() {
      return /** @type {!PaperRippleElement} */ (

    _noinkChanged: function(noink) {
      if (this.hasRipple()) {
        this._ripple.noink = noink;

