iron-label.html 4.16 KB
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`<iron-label>` provides a version of the `<label>` element that works with Custom Elements as well as native elements.

All text in the `iron-label` will be applied to the target element as a screen-reader accessible description.

There are three ways to use `iron-label` to target an element:

1. place an element inside iron-label and some text:

          Label for the Button

2. place some elements inside iron-label and target one with the `iron-label-target` attribute.
The other elements will provide the label for that element
Note: This is not necessary if the element you want to label is the first
element child of iron-label:

          <span>Label for the Button</span>
          <paper-button iron-label-target>button</paper-button>

          <span>Label for the Button</span>

3. Set the `for` attribute on the `iron-label` element with the id of the target
element in the same document or ShadowRoot:

        <iron-label for="foo">
          Context for the button with the "foo" class"
        <paper-button id="foo">Far away button</paper-button>

All taps on the `iron-label` will be forwarded to the "target" element.

@group Iron Elements
@element iron-label
@demo demo/index.html
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">

<dom-module id="iron-label">
    Polymer.IronLabel = Polymer({
      is: 'iron-label',

      listeners: {
        'tap': '_tapHandler'

      properties: {
          * An ID reference to another element that needs to be
          * labelled by this `iron-label` element.
        for: {
          type: String,
          value: '',
          reflectToAttribute: true,
          observer: '_forChanged'
        _forElement: Object

      attached: function() {

      ready: function() {

      // generate a unique id for this element
      _generateLabelId: function() {
        if (! {
          var id = 'iron-label-' + Polymer.IronLabel._labelNumber++;
          Polymer.dom(this).setAttribute('id', id);

      _findTarget: function() {
        if (this.for) {
          // external target
          var scope = Polymer.dom(this).getOwnerRoot();
          return Polymer.dom(scope).querySelector('#' + this.for);
        } else {
          // explicit internal target
          var el = Polymer.dom(this).querySelector('[iron-label-target]');
          if (!el) {
            // implicit internal target
            el = Polymer.dom(this).firstElementChild;
          return el;

      _tapHandler: function(ev) {
        if (!this._forElement) {
        var target = Polymer.dom(ev).localTarget;
        if (target === this._forElement) {

      _applyLabelledBy: function() {
        if (this._forElement) {

      _forChanged: function() {
        if (this._forElement) {
        this._forElement = this._findTarget();

    // global counter for unique label ids
    Polymer.IronLabel._labelNumber = 0;