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		<h1>Main script include</h1>
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		<p>As you have seen it before in <a href='installation.html'>installation</a> and 
		<a href='configuration.html'>configuration</a>, in order to make EditArea work on a 
		webpage, you must include one external javascript file and call an init 
		function for each textarea you want to convert. 
		In thoses examples the file "edit_area_full.js" whas the file included, 
		but in fact there are 5 possible files to include EditArea scripts 
		into your webpage. All thoses files are in the same directory, 
		and they all have advantage and inconvenient.
		<p>This is the easier file to use for script integration. The file is nearly 100Kb length.
<pre>&lt;script language=&quot;javascript&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_full.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
			<br />
				<li>The simplest choice.</li>
				<li>Load the core script in one call to server.</li>
				<li>Not designed to allow core script modification.</li>
				<li>Need to make additional server calls for plugins.</li>
			<br />
		<div class='separator'></div>
		<p>This php file send in a gzipped file the whole core script to the brower (if the browser 
			has not already an updated version in cache). 
			<br />
			If the source core script files have changed, it take thoses files and merge them into one file.
			Then it remove all comments, white-spaces, etc... and save it in 
			"edit_area_full.js". It also save a gzip version in 
			"edit_area_full.gz". Then it send the gzip content to the browser (except for IE for which it is not gzipped due to IE bug with compression). 
<pre>&lt;script language=&quot;javascript&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_compressor.php&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
			<br />
				<li>The script is very small if gzip is supported (~25Ko).</li>
				<li>Designed to allow core script modification.</li>
				<li>Load the core script in one call to server.</li>			
				<li>Need PHP to be installed on the server (and allowed to write in editarea directory for disk caching).</li>
				<li>Need to make additional server calls for plugins.</li>
			<br />
		<p>If you plan to use &quot;edit_area_compressor.php&quot; be sure that PHP scripts are allowed 
			to write in editarea directory (at the same level than the file &quot;edit_area_compressor.php&quot;) 
			for disk caching.
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		<h5 class='marked'>recommanded version</h5>
		<p>This include is very similar to &quot;edit_area_compressor.php&quot;. The difference is that 
			with &quot;plugins&quot; parameter, the compressor also include the main script of all the plugins
			in the merged file and also compress them. This will avoid later server calls for plugin main script.
			<br />
			In this case, the saved files are "edit_area_full_with_plugins.js" and "edit_area_full_with_plugins.gz".   
<pre>&lt;script language=&quot;javascript&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_compressor.php?plugins&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
			<br />
				<li>The script is very small if gzip is supported.</li>
				<li>Designed to allow core script modification.</li>
				<li>Load the core script in one call to server.</li>
				<li>Load plugins script in the same call.</li>			
				<li>Need PHP to be installed on the server (and allowed to write in editarea directory for disk caching).</li>
			<br />
		<p>If you plan to use &quot;edit_area_compressor.php&quot; be sure that PHP scripts are allowed 
			to write in editarea directory (at the same level than the file &quot;edit_area_compressor.php&quot;) 
			for disk caching.
		<div class='separator'></div>
		<p>This is the smaller file to use for script integration. The file is gzipped and is only 20Kb 
<pre>&lt;script language=&quot;javascript&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_full.gz&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
			<br />
				<li>The script is only 20Kb length.</li>
				<li>Load the core script in one call to server.</li>
				<li>Is server dependant: It will work only on servers that will return a 
					"Content-Encoding: gzip" for *.gz files (can work with Apache). 
					So you must test if it work on your server.</li>
				<li>Not designed to allow core script modification.</li>
				<li>Need to make additional server calls for plugins.</li>
			<br />
		<div class='separator'></div>
		<p>This is the original loading script of EditArea. Use this one only if you can't use 
			any of the 3 other loading files. There is no code epuration nor gzip compression.  
<pre>&lt;script language=&quot;javascript&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_loader.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
			<br />
				<li>Designed to allow core script modification.</li>
				<li>Load the core scripts in 12 call to the server.</li>
				<li>Need to make additional server calls for plugins.</li>
			<br />
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		<div class='copyright'>EditArea - &copy; Christophe Dolivet 2007-2010</div>
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