The paper elements are a set of UI components designed to implement Google's material design guidelines.
Elements recently released
- <code>paper-menu-button</code> - A button that opens up a menu overlay
- <code>paper-tooltip</code> - A tooltip that shows on hover
- <code>paper-badge</code> - A circular text badge representing a status or notification
- <code>paper-card</code> - A material design-style card
- <code>paper-dropdown-menu</code> - A material design-style browser select element
- <code>paper-submenu</code> - A material design-style menu with nestable subsections
Elements in progress
Elements planned
Elements we're planning on building soon but haven't started yet
- a material design chippaper-data-table
- a material design data table. This one is very complex, and tentatively planned for the mid- to distant-future (i.e. months not weeks)
Elements not planned, notably
Elements we're not planning on building as part of this product line, but that one might be wondering about
- this behavior is now provided by <code>paper-material</code>