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paper-progress.html Loading commit data...


The progress bars are for situations where the percentage completed can be determined. They give users a quick sense of how much longer an operation will take.


<paper-progress value="10"></paper-progress>

There is also a secondary progress which is useful for displaying intermediate progress, such as the buffer level during a streaming playback progress bar.


<paper-progress value="10" secondary-progress="30"></paper-progress>

Styling progress bar:

To change the active progress bar color:

paper-progress {
  --paper-progress-active-color: #e91e63;

To change the secondary progress bar color:

paper-progress {
  --paper-progress-secondary-color: #f8bbd0;

To change the progress bar background color:

paper-progress {
  --paper-progress-container-color: #64ffda;

Add the class transiting to a <paper-progress> to animate the progress bar when the value changed. You can also customize the transition:

paper-progress {
  --paper-progress-transition-duration: 0.08s;
  --paper-progress-transition-timing-function: ease;
  --paper-progress-transition-transition-delay: 0s;