Commit c377c98f3b3473e525df7ae770d51c689f0a04aa
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
65 changed files
2886 additions
6212 deletions
0 → 100644
... | ... | @@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ function _addParenthesis (fields) { |
125 | 125 | } |
126 | 126 | |
127 | 127 | function _normalizeField (field) { |
128 | - return "[" + field + "]"; | |
128 | + return "`" + field + "`"; | |
129 | + //return "[" + field + "]"; | |
129 | 130 | } |
130 | 131 | |
131 | 132 | function alasql_transformData (data, fields, round) { | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | { |
2 | 2 | "name": "jsdatachecker", |
3 | - "version": "0.1.1", | |
3 | + "version": "0.1.3", | |
4 | 4 | "homepage": "", |
5 | 5 | "authors": [ |
6 | 6 | "'Donato Pirozzi <''>" |
... | ... | @@ -19,17 +19,16 @@ |
19 | 19 | "polymer": "Polymer/polymer#1.2.0", |
20 | 20 | "qunit": "~1.22.0", |
21 | 21 | "csvjson": "0.1.1", |
22 | - "polywc": "" | |
22 | + "polywc-data-table": "" | |
23 | 23 | }, |
24 | 24 | "private": false, |
25 | - "_release": "0.1.1", | |
25 | + "_release": "0.1.3", | |
26 | 26 | "_resolution": { |
27 | 27 | "type": "version", |
28 | - "tag": "v0.1.1", | |
29 | - "commit": "60887fda0d7e7388c5d682228ee1288dd7bcdd09" | |
28 | + "tag": "v0.1.3", | |
29 | + "commit": "186392b9d8576e98e269150ab2a88562215a2b2a" | |
30 | 30 | }, |
31 | 31 | "_source": "", |
32 | - "_target": "~0.1.1", | |
33 | - "_originalSource": "jsdatachecker", | |
34 | - "_direct": true | |
32 | + "_target": "~0.1.2", | |
33 | + "_originalSource": "jsdatachecker" | |
35 | 34 | } |
36 | 35 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | { |
2 | 2 | "name": "jsdatachecker", |
3 | - "version": "v0.1.1", | |
3 | + "version": "v0.1.3", | |
4 | 4 | "homepage": "", |
5 | 5 | "authors": [ |
6 | 6 | "'Donato Pirozzi <''>" |
... | ... | @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ |
19 | 19 | "polymer": "Polymer/polymer#1.2.0", |
20 | 20 | "qunit": "~1.22.0", |
21 | 21 | "csvjson": "0.1.1", |
22 | - "polywc": "" | |
22 | + "polywc-data-table": "" | |
23 | 23 | }, |
24 | 24 | "private": false |
25 | 25 | } | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | del jsdatachecker.min.js |
2 | -uglifyjs src\ArrayUtils.js src\DataTypeConverter.js src\DataTypesUtils.js src\DataTypeHierarchy.js --compress -o jsdatachecker.min.js | |
3 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file |
3 | +uglifyjs src\ArrayUtils.js src\DataTypeConverter.js src\DataTypesUtils.js src\DataTypeHierarchy.js src\langs.js --compress -o jsdatachecker.min.js | |
4 | 4 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
1 | -function ArrayUtils(){}function DataTypeConverter(){this._fields=[],this._numOfRows=0}function DataTypesUtils(){}function DataTypeHierarchy(){}ArrayUtils.TestAndSet=function(arr,key,object){return"undefined"==typeof arr?null:0==Array.isArray(arr)?null:("undefined"==typeof arr[key]&&(arr[key]=object),arr[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey=function(obj,key,value){return"undefined"==typeof obj?null:("undefined"==typeof obj[key]&&(obj[key]=value),obj[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement=function(arr,key){var exists=arr[key];return"undefined"==typeof exists&&(arr[key]=0),arr[key]++,arr},ArrayUtils.toFieldsArray=function(obj){var fields=[];return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(obj,function(field,key){field.key=key,fields.push(field)}),fields},ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys=function(arr,callback){for(var property in arr)if(arr.hasOwnProperty(property)){var item=arr[property];callback(item,property)}},ArrayUtils.FindMinMax=function(arr,fncompare){var max1=null,max2=null;for(var key in arr)null==max1||fncompare(arr[key],max1.value)?(max2=max1,max1={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]}):(null==max2||fncompare(arr[key],max2.value))&&(max2={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]});return{first:max1,second:max2}},ArrayUtils.isArray=function(arr){return Array.isArray(arr)?arr.length>0:!1},DataTypeConverter.TYPES={TEXT:{value:0,name:"TEXT"},CODE:{value:1,name:"CODE"},NUMBER:{value:2,name:"NUMBER"},OBJECT:{value:3,name:"OBJECT"},BOOL:{value:5,name:"BOOL"},CONST:{value:6,name:"CONST"},CATEGORY:{value:7,name:"CATEGORY"},DATETIME:{value:8,name:"DATETIME"},EMPTY:{value:101,name:"NULL"}},DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES={GEOCOORDINATE:{value:1e3,name:"GEOCOORDINATE"},GEOJSON:{value:1001,name:"GEOJSON"},PERCENTAGE:{value:1100,name:"PERCENTAGE"},LATITUDE:{value:1101,name:"LATITUDE"},LONGITUDE:{value:1102,name:"LONGITUDE"}},DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES=["Point","MultiPoint","LineString","MultiLineString","Polygon","MultiPolygon","GeometryCollection"],DataTypeConverter.prototype=function(){var _analyseDataTypes=function(fields){ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fields,function(field){if(field._inferredTypes[]){var confidence=field._inferredTypes[]/field.numOfItems,_numericalInferredType=field._inferredTypes[];return"undefined"!=typeof _numericalInferredType&&(confidence+=_numericalInferredType/field.numOfItems),,void(field.typeConfidence=confidence)}var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval}),tkey=max.first.key;!=max.second&&"undefined"!=typeof max.second&&(tkey=max.second.key),field.type=tkey,field.typeConfidence=field._inferredTypes[max.first.key]/field.numOfItems;var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredSubTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval});if(field.subtype=null,null!=max&&null!=max.first){field.subtype=max.first.key,field.subtypeConfidence=field._inferredSubTypes[field.subtype]/field.numOfItems;var,,fieldNameContainsLat=fieldName.indexOf("lat")>=0,fieldNameContainsLon=fieldName.indexOf("ng")>=0;1==isLatType&&0==fieldNameContainsLat&&1==fieldNameContainsLon&&(}})},_processInferType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.EMPTY;if("object"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.OBJECT;if(/^0[0-9]+$/.test(value))return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.CODE;var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.NUMBER;var _date=DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime(value);return 0==isNaN(_date)&&null!=_date?DataTypeConverter.TYPES.DATETIME:DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT},_processInferSubType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return null;if(Array.isArray(value)&&2==value.length&&NaN!=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[0])&&NaN!=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[1])&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[0])>4&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[1])>4)return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE;if("string"==typeof value){var split=value.split(",");if(DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[0])&&DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[1]))return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE}var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return isnumber>=-90&&90>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:isnumber>=-180&&180>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:null;if("object"==typeof value&&value.hasOwnProperty("type")){var geotype=value.type,isincluded=DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES.includes(geotype);if(isincluded)return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOJSON}return null},_filterBasedOnThreshold=function(metadata,threshold){return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(metadata.types,function(fieldType,key){if(!(fieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold)){var arrHierarchyTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fieldType.type];if(null==arrHierarchyTypes)return metadata;var lastFieldType={lastType:arrHierarchyTypes[0],lastTypeCounter:fieldType._inferredTypes[arrHierarchyTypes[0]],typeConfidence:0};lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems;for(var curType,i=1;i<arrHierarchyTypes.length,curType=arrHierarchyTypes[i];i++){var 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stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"==fieldKey&&ArrayUtils.isArray(item))for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(item,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(0==sProcessedKeys.length?"":",")+key,fieldType=ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey(fieldsType,curKey,{name:curKey,_inferredTypes:[],_inferredSubTypes:[],_inferredValues:[],numOfItems:0});fieldType.numOfItems++;var 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_processInferType(value)},inferDataSubTypeOfValue:function(value){return _processInferSubType(value)}}}(),DataTypesUtils.FilterTime=function(value){var expTime=/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?(\+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$/;if(0==expTime.test(value))return null;var splitted=value.split(/[:|\+]/),expNumber=/^[0-9]{2}$/,HH=expNumber.test(splitted[0])?parseInt(splitted[0]):0,MM=expNumber.test(splitted[1])?parseInt(splitted[1]):0,SS=splitted.length>=3&&expNumber.test(splitted[2])?parseInt(splitted[2]):0,dt=new Date;return dt.setHours(HH),dt.setMinutes(MM),dt.setSeconds(SS),dt},DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime=function(value){var _dtSplitted=value.split(/[T|\s]/);if(2==_dtSplitted.length){var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(_dtSplitted[1]);if(null==dtTime)return null;var dtDateTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(_dtSplitted[0],dtTime);return dtDateTime}var dtDate=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(value);if(null!=dtDate)return dtDate;var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(value);return dtTime},DataTypesUtils.FilterDate=function(value,dtDate){if(null==dtDate&&(dtDate=new Date),/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]$/.test(value)){var year=parseInt(value.substring(0,4)),month=parseInt(value.substring(5));return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate}var expDate=/^[0-9]{4}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}((\-|\/)[0-9]{2})?$/;if(expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[0]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=3==splitted.length?parseInt(splitted[2]):0;return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}if(expDate=/^[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{4}$/,expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[2]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=parseInt(splitted[0]);return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}return null},DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat=function(value){return/^(\-|\+)?((0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\.[0-9]+)?|Infinity)$/.test(value)?Number(value):NaN},DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces=function(num){var match=(""+num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);return match?Math.max(0,(match[1]?match[1].length:0)-(match[2]?+match[2]:0)):0},DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng=function(num){return NaN==DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(num)?!1:DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(num)>4},DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,,],DataTypeHierarchy.canConvert=function(fromType,toType){var arrConvertableTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fromType],idx=arrConvertableTypes.indexOf(toType);return idx>=0}; | |
2 | 1 | \ No newline at end of file |
2 | +function ArrayUtils(){}function DataTypeConverter(){this._fields=[],this._numOfRows=0}function DataTypesUtils(){}function DataTypeHierarchy(){}ArrayUtils.TestAndSet=function(arr,key,object){return"undefined"==typeof arr?null:0==Array.isArray(arr)?null:("undefined"==typeof arr[key]&&(arr[key]=object),arr[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey=function(obj,key,value){return"undefined"==typeof obj?null:("undefined"==typeof obj[key]&&(obj[key]=value),obj[key])},ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement=function(arr,key){var exists=arr[key];return"undefined"==typeof exists&&(arr[key]=0),arr[key]++,arr},ArrayUtils.toFieldsArray=function(obj){var fields=[];return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(obj,function(field,key){field.key=key,fields.push(field)}),fields},ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys=function(arr,callback){for(var property in arr)if(arr.hasOwnProperty(property)){var item=arr[property];callback(item,property)}},ArrayUtils.FindMinMax=function(arr,fncompare){var max1=null,max2=null;for(var key in arr)null==max1||fncompare(arr[key],max1.value)?(max2=max1,max1={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]}):(null==max2||fncompare(arr[key],max2.value))&&(max2={index:-1,key:key,value:arr[key]});return{first:max1,second:max2}},ArrayUtils.isArray=function(arr){return Array.isArray(arr)?arr.length>0:!1},DataTypeConverter.TYPES={EMPTY:{value:0,name:"NULL"},TEXT:{value:1,name:"TEXT"},NUMBER:{value:2,name:"NUMBER"},OBJECT:{value:3,name:"OBJECT"},DATETIME:{value:4,name:"DATETIME"}},DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES={GEOCOORDINATE:{value:1e3,name:"GEOCOORDINATE"},GEOJSON:{value:1001,name:"GEOJSON"},BOOL:{value:1002,name:"BOOL"},CONST:{value:1003,name:"CONST"},CATEGORY:{value:1004,name:"CATEGORY"},PERCENTAGE:{value:1100,name:"PERCENTAGE"},LATITUDE:{value:1101,name:"LATITUDE"},LONGITUDE:{value:1102,name:"LONGITUDE"}},DataTypeConverter.LANGS={EN:{value:1e3,name:"EN"},IT:{value:1001,name:"IT"},FR:{value:1100,name:"FR"},NL:{value:1101,name:"NL"}},DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES=["Point","MultiPoint","LineString","MultiLineString","Polygon","MultiPolygon","GeometryCollection","Feature","FeatureCollection"],DataTypeConverter.prototype=function(){var _analyseDataTypes=function(fields){ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fields,function(field){var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval}),tkey=max.first.key;!=max.second&&"undefined"!=typeof max.second&&(tkey=max.second.key),field.type=tkey,field.typeConfidence=field._inferredTypes[max.first.key]/field.numOfItems;var max=ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredSubTypes,function(curval,lastval){return curval>lastval});if(field.subtype=null,null!=max&&null!=max.first){field.subtype=max.first.key,field.subtypeConfidence=field._inferredSubTypes[field.subtype]/field.numOfItems;var,,fieldNameContainsLat=fieldName.indexOf("lat")>=0,fieldNameContainsLon=fieldName.indexOf("ng")>=0;1==isLatType&&0==fieldNameContainsLat&&1==fieldNameContainsLon&&(}})},_processInferType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.EMPTY;if("object"==typeof value)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.OBJECT;var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.NUMBER;var _date=DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime(value);return 0==isNaN(_date)&&null!=_date?DataTypeConverter.TYPES.DATETIME:DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT},_processInferSubType=function(value){if(null===value||"undefined"==typeof value)return null;if(Array.isArray(value)&&2==value.length&&NaN!=DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value[0])&&NaN!=DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value[1])&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[0])>4&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[1])>4)return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE;if("string"==typeof value){var split=value.split(",");if(DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[0])&&DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[1]))return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE}var isnumber=DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value);if(isNaN(isnumber)!==!0)return isnumber>=-90&&90>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:isnumber>=-180&&180>=isnumber&&DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber)>=5?DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE:null;if("object"==typeof value&&value.hasOwnProperty("type")){var geotype=value.type,isincluded=DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES.includes(geotype);if(isincluded)return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOJSON}return null},_filterBasedOnThreshold=function(metadata,threshold){return ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(metadata.types,function(fieldType,key){if(!(fieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold)){var arrHierarchyTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fieldType.type];if(null==arrHierarchyTypes)return metadata;var lastFieldType={lastType:arrHierarchyTypes[0],lastTypeCounter:fieldType._inferredTypes[arrHierarchyTypes[0]],typeConfidence:0};lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems;for(var curType,i=1;i<arrHierarchyTypes.length,curType=arrHierarchyTypes[i];i++){var numItemsOfCurType=fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty(curType)?fieldType._inferredTypes[curType]:0;if(lastFieldType.lastType=curType,lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter+=numItemsOfCurType,lastFieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.lastTypeCounter/fieldType.numOfItems,lastFieldType.typeConfidence>=threshold){fieldType.type=lastFieldType.lastType,fieldType.typeConfidence=lastFieldType.typeConfidence;break}}}}),metadata},_capitalizeFirstLetter=function(string){return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+string.slice(1)},jsonTraverse=function(json,fieldKeys,callback){var stack=[],numOfRows=0;for(stack.push({item:json,fieldKeyIndex:0});stack.length>0;){var stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"!=fieldKey||1!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item)){var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(value,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(sProcessedKeys.length>0?",":"")+key,_value=callback(value,key,curKey,numOfRows);item[key]=_value}),numOfRows++}}};return{constructor:DataTypeConverter,cast:function(metadata,options){return"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={castThresholdConfidence:1,castIfNull:!1,makeChangesToDataset:!1}),this.convert(metadata,options)},convert:function(metadata,options){var lastRowIndex=0,numOfRows=0,numOfValues=0,datasetErrors=0,datasetMissingValues=0;return"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={castThresholdConfidence:1,castIfNull:!1,makeChangesToDataset:!1}),jsonTraverse(metadata.dataset,metadata.fieldKeys,function(value,key,traversedKeys,rowIndex){var inferredType=metadata.types[traversedKeys];numOfValues++,lastRowIndex!=rowIndex&&(lastRowIndex=rowIndex,numOfRows++),null==value||"undefined"==typeof value||0==(value+"").length;var isCast=inferredType.typeConfidence>=options.castThresholdConfidence;if({0==isNaN(DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value))&&"string"==typeof value&&(value=value.replace(",","."));var number=parseFloat(value);return isNaN(number)?(datasetErrors++,value):number}return value}),metadata.qualityIndex.notNullValues=(numOfValues-datasetMissingValues)/numOfValues,metadata.qualityIndex.errors=(numOfValues-datasetErrors)/numOfValues,metadata},inferJsonDataType:function(json,fieldKeys,options){"undefined"!=typeof options&&null!=options||(options={}),0==options.hasOwnProperty("thresholdConfidence")&&(options.thresholdConfidence=1),0==options.hasOwnProperty("language")?;var stack=[],fieldsType={},numOfRows=0;if("undefined"==typeof fieldKeys)throw"IllegalArgumentException: undefined json path to analyse.";for(stack.push({item:json,fieldKeyIndex:0});stack.length>0;){var stackTask=stack.pop(),item=stackTask.item,fieldKeyIndex=stackTask.fieldKeyIndex,fieldKey=fieldKeys[fieldKeyIndex];if("*"!=fieldKey||0!=ArrayUtils.isArray(item))if("*"==fieldKey&&ArrayUtils.isArray(item))for(var cell,j=0;j<item.length&&(cell=item[j]);j++)stack.push({item:cell,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex}),numOfRows++;else{var jsonSubtree=item[fieldKey];if(Array.isArray(jsonSubtree))for(var j=0;j<jsonSubtree.length;j++){var jsonItem=jsonSubtree[j];stack.push({item:jsonItem,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else stack.push({item:jsonSubtree,fieldKeyIndex:fieldKeyIndex+1})}else{var sProcessedKeys=fieldKeys.slice(0,fieldKeyIndex).toString();ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(item,function(item,key){var curKey=sProcessedKeys+(0==sProcessedKeys.length?"":",")+key,fieldType=ArrayUtils.TestAndInitializeKey(fieldsType,curKey,{name:curKey,_inferredTypes:[],_inferredSubTypes:[],_inferredValues:[],numOfItems:0});fieldType.numOfItems++;var inferredType=_processInferType(item);ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredTypes,,inferredType===DataTypeConverter.TYPES.TEXT&&ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredValues,item);var inferredSubType=_processInferSubType(item);null!=inferredSubType&&"undefined"!=typeof inferredSubType&&ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(fieldType._inferredSubTypes,}),numOfRows++}}var _numOfRows=0;ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){fieldType.numOfItems>_numOfRows&&(_numOfRows=fieldType.numOfItems)}),ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty(||(fieldType._inferredTypes[]=0),fieldType._inferredTypes[]=fieldType._inferredTypes[]+(_numOfRows-fieldType.numOfItems)}),_analyseDataTypes(fieldsType);var quality={homogeneity:1,completeness:1,totalNullValues:0,totalValues:0};ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){quality.totalValues+=fieldType.numOfItems,quality.homogeneity*=fieldType.typeConfidence,fieldType.totalNullValues=0,fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty([],quality.totalNullValues+=fieldType.totalNullValues)}),quality.homogeneity=Math.round(100*quality.homogeneity)/100;var totFullValues=quality.totalValues-quality.totalNullValues;quality.completeness=Math.round(totFullValues/quality.totalValues*100)/100;var warningsTextual="";ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType,function(fieldType){fieldType.errorsDescription="";var description="";if(fieldType.typeConfidence<1){var incorrect=fieldType.numOfItems-fieldType.totalNullValues-fieldType._inferredTypes[fieldType.type];if(incorrect>0){var _descr1=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_declaretype[options.language])+".",_descr2=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_notoftype_singular[options.language])+".";incorrect>1&&(_descr2=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_notoftype_plural[options.language])+".");var descr=_descr1+" "+_descr2;descr=descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,,descr=descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g,fieldType.type),descr=descr.replace(/%COL_ERRORS/g,incorrect),description+=descr}}var descr="";1==fieldType.totalNullValues?descr=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_emptyvalue_singolar[options.language])+".":fieldType.totalNullValues>1&&(descr=_capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG.key_emptyvalue_plural[options.language])+"."),descr=descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,,descr=descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g,fieldType.type),descr=descr.replace(/%COL_NULLVALUES/g,fieldType.totalNullValues),description=description+" "+descr,fieldType.errorsDescription=description.trim(),warningsTextual+=description.trim()});var metadata={dataset:json,fieldKeys:fieldKeys,types:fieldsType,qualityIndex:quality,warningsTextual:warningsTextual};return _filterBasedOnThreshold(metadata,options.thresholdConfidence),metadata},inferDataTypeOfValue:function(value){return _processInferType(value)},inferDataSubTypeOfValue:function(value){return _processInferSubType(value)}}}(),DataTypesUtils.FilterTime=function(value){var expTime=/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?(\+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$/;if(0==expTime.test(value))return null;var splitted=value.split(/[:|\+]/),expNumber=/^[0-9]{2}$/,HH=expNumber.test(splitted[0])?parseInt(splitted[0]):0,MM=expNumber.test(splitted[1])?parseInt(splitted[1]):0,SS=splitted.length>=3&&expNumber.test(splitted[2])?parseInt(splitted[2]):0,dt=new Date;return dt.setHours(HH),dt.setMinutes(MM),dt.setSeconds(SS),dt},DataTypesUtils.FilterDateTime=function(value){var _dtSplitted=value.split(/[T|\s]/);if(2==_dtSplitted.length){var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(_dtSplitted[1]);if(null==dtTime)return null;var dtDateTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(_dtSplitted[0],dtTime);return dtDateTime}var dtDate=DataTypesUtils.FilterDate(value);if(null!=dtDate)return dtDate;var dtTime=DataTypesUtils.FilterTime(value);return dtTime},DataTypesUtils.FilterDate=function(value,dtDate){if(null==dtDate&&(dtDate=new Date),/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]$/.test(value)){var year=parseInt(value.substring(0,4)),month=parseInt(value.substring(5));return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate}var expDate=/^[0-9]{4}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}((\-|\/)[0-9]{2})?$/;if(expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[0]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=3==splitted.length?parseInt(splitted[2]):0;return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}if(expDate=/^[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{2}(\-|\/)[0-9]{4}$/,expDate.test(value)){var splitted=value.split(/[\-|\/]/),year=parseInt(splitted[2]),month=parseInt(splitted[1]),day=parseInt(splitted[0]);return dtDate.setYear(year),dtDate.setMonth(month),dtDate.setDate(day),dtDate}return null},DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat=function(value){return/^(\-|\+)?((0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\.[0-9]+)?|Infinity)$/.test(value)?Number(value):NaN},DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber=function(value){var valnum=DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(0==isNaN(valnum))return valnum;if("string"!=typeof value)return NaN;var idxDot=(value.split(/(,|\.)/g),{idx:value.indexOf("."),sym:"."}),idxComma={idx:value.lastIndexOf(","),sym:","},idxFirst={};idxFirst=-1==idxDot.idx?idxComma:-1==idxComma.idx?idxDot:idxDot.idx<idxComma.idx?idxDot:idxComma;var idxLastDot={idx:value.lastIndexOf("."),sym:"."},idxLastComma={idx:value.lastIndexOf(","),sym:","},idxLast={};idxLast=-1==idxLastDot.idx?idxLastComma:-1==idxLastComma.idx?idxLastDot:idxLastDot.idx>idxLastComma.idx?idxLastDot:idxLastComma;var splitted=value.split(/(\.|,|\-|\+)/g);if(0==splitted.length)return NaN;var numOfDots=0,numOfComma=0,i=0;"-"!=splitted[0]&&"+"!=splitted[0]||(i=1);for(var str;i<splitted.length,str=splitted[i];i++)if("."==str)numOfDots++;else if(","==str)numOfComma++;else if(0==/^(0|([1-9][0-9]*))$/g.test(str))return NaN;var lastValue=splitted[splitted.length-1];if("."==lastValue||","==lastValue||0==lastValue.length)return NaN;if(-1==idxFirst.idx&&-1==idxLast.idx)return DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value);if(idxFirst.idx==idxLast.idx&&"."==idxFirst.sym)return Number(value);if(idxFirst.idx==idxLast.idx&&","==idxFirst.sym){var nval=value.replace(",",".");return Number(nval)}return NaN},DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces=function(num){var match=(""+num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);return match?Math.max(0,(match[1]?match[1].length:0)-(match[2]?+match[2]:0)):0},DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng=function(num){return NaN==DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(num)?!1:DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(num)>4},DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,],DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[]=[,,],DataTypeHierarchy.canConvert=function(fromType,toType){var arrConvertableTypes=DataTypeHierarchy.HIERARCHY[fromType],idx=arrConvertableTypes.indexOf(toType);return idx>=0};var JDC_LNG={key_declaretype:{EN:"the column <%COL_NAME> is of type <%COL_TYPE>",IT:"la colonna <%COL_NAME> è di tipo <%COL_TYPE>",FR:"le colum <%COL_NAME> est de type <%COL_TYPE>",NL:"de kolom <%COL_NAME> is van het type <%COL_TYPE>"},key_notoftype_singular:{EN:"a value is not <%COL_TYPE>",IT:"un valore non è un <%COL_TYPE>",FR:"une valeur est pas <%COL_TYPE> se trouvant",NL:"een waarde is niet <%COL_TYPE>"},key_notoftype_plural:{EN:"%COL_ERRORS values are not <%COL_TYPE>",IT:"%COL_ERRORS valori non sono di tipo <%COL_TYPE>",FR:"les valeurs %COL_ERRORS sont du type <%COL_TYPE>",NL:"%COL_ERRORS waarden niet <%COL_TYPE>"},key_emptyvalue_singolar:{EN:"the column <%COL_NAME> has an empty value",IT:"la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha un valore vuoto",FR:"la colonne <%COL_NAME> a une valeur vide",NL:"de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft een lege waarde"},key_emptyvalue_plural:{EN:"the column <%COL_NAME> has <%COL_NULLVALUES> empty values",IT:"la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha <%COL_NULLVALUES> valori vuoti",FR:"la colonne <%COL_NAME> a <%COL_NULLVALUES> valeurs vide",NL:"de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft <%COL_NULLVALUES> lege waarde"},key_type:{EN:"type",IT:"tipo",FR:"type",NL:"type"},key_subtype:{EN:"subtype",IT:"sottotipo",FR:"sous-type",NL:"subtype"},key_typetext:{EN:"text",IT:"testo",FR:"texte",NL:"tekst"},key_typenumber:{EN:"number",IT:"numero",FR:"nombre",NL:"aantal"},key_typeobject:{EN:"object",IT:"oggetto",FR:"objet",NL:"voorwerp"},key_typedatetime:{EN:"date or time",IT:"data o orario",FR:"date ou l'heure",NL:"datum of tijd"},key_typeempty:{EN:"empty",IT:"vuoto",FR:"vide",NL:"leeg"},key_typelatitude:{EN:"latitude",IT:"latitudine",FR:"latitude",NL:"breedtegraad"},key_typelongitude:{EN:"longitude",IT:"longitudine",FR:"longitude",NL:"lengtegraad"}}; | |
3 | 3 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -25,33 +25,39 @@ function DataTypeConverter() { |
25 | 25 | };//EndConstructor. |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | DataTypeConverter.TYPES = { |
28 | - TEXT : { value: 0, name: "TEXT" }, | |
29 | - CODE : { value: 1, name: "CODE"}, | |
28 | + EMPTY : { value: 0, name: "NULL"}, | |
30 | 29 | |
30 | + TEXT : { value: 1, name: "TEXT" }, | |
31 | 31 | NUMBER : { value: 2, name: "NUMBER" }, |
32 | 32 | OBJECT : { value: 3, name: "OBJECT" }, |
33 | - | |
34 | - | |
35 | - BOOL : { value: 5, name: "BOOL"}, | |
36 | - CONST : { value: 6, name: "CONST" }, | |
37 | - CATEGORY : { value: 7, name: "CATEGORY" }, | |
38 | - | |
39 | - DATETIME : { value: 8, name: "DATETIME" }, | |
40 | - | |
41 | - EMPTY : { value: 101, name: "NULL" } | |
33 | + DATETIME : { value: 4, name: "DATETIME" } | |
42 | 34 | }; |
43 | 35 | |
44 | 36 | DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES = { |
45 | 37 | GEOCOORDINATE : { value: 1000, name: "GEOCOORDINATE" }, |
46 | 38 | GEOJSON : { value: 1001, name: "GEOJSON" }, |
39 | + BOOL : { value: 1002, name: "BOOL"}, | |
40 | + CONST : { value: 1003, name: "CONST" }, | |
41 | + CATEGORY : { value: 1004, name: "CATEGORY" }, | |
47 | 42 | |
48 | 43 | PERCENTAGE : { value: 1100, name: "PERCENTAGE" }, |
49 | 44 | LATITUDE : { value: 1101, name: "LATITUDE" }, |
50 | 45 | LONGITUDE : { value: 1102, name: "LONGITUDE" } |
46 | + | |
47 | + /*CODE : { value: 2000, name: "CODE"},*/ | |
48 | +}; | |
49 | + | |
50 | +DataTypeConverter.LANGS = { | |
51 | + EN : { value: 1000, name: "EN" }, | |
52 | + IT : { value: 1001, name: "IT" }, | |
53 | + FR : { value: 1100, name: "FR" }, | |
54 | + NL : { value: 1101, name: "NL" } | |
51 | 55 | }; |
52 | 56 | |
57 | + | |
53 | 58 | DataTypeConverter.GEOJSONTYPES = [ "Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", |
54 | - "MultiLineString", "Polygon", "MultiPolygon", "GeometryCollection" ]; | |
59 | + "MultiLineString", "Polygon", "MultiPolygon", "GeometryCollection", "Feature", | |
60 | + "FeatureCollection" ]; | |
55 | 61 | |
56 | 62 | DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
57 | 63 | |
... | ... | @@ -116,6 +122,10 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
116 | 122 | |
117 | 123 | var _analyseDataTypes = function(fields) { |
118 | 124 | ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fields, function(field) { |
125 | + | |
126 | + | |
127 | + /* | |
128 | + //TODO: removed CODE, I don't know whether it must be inserted | |
119 | 129 | if (field._inferredTypes[]) { |
120 | 130 | var confidence = field._inferredTypes[] / field.numOfItems; |
121 | 131 | var _numericalInferredType = field._inferredTypes[]; |
... | ... | @@ -124,7 +134,7 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
124 | 134 | field.type =; |
125 | 135 | field.typeConfidence = confidence; |
126 | 136 | return; |
127 | - } | |
137 | + }*/ | |
128 | 138 | |
129 | 139 | //Infers the field TYPE. |
130 | 140 | var max = ArrayUtils.FindMinMax(field._inferredTypes, function (curval, lastval) { |
... | ... | @@ -194,13 +204,9 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
194 | 204 | if (typeof value === 'object') |
195 | 205 | return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.OBJECT; |
196 | 206 | |
197 | - //If the value starts with a zero and contains all numbers, it is | |
198 | - //inferred as textual content. | |
199 | - if (/^0[0-9]+$/.test(value)) | |
200 | - return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.CODE; | |
201 | - | |
202 | 207 | //Try to parse the float. |
203 | - var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); | |
208 | + //var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); | |
209 | + var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value); | |
204 | 210 | if (isNaN(isnumber) !== true) {//It is a number. |
205 | 211 | //If the number ranges from -90.0 to 90.0, the value is marked as Latitude. |
206 | 212 | //if (-90.0 <= isnumber && isnumber <= 90.0 && _dataTypesUtils.decimalPlaces(isnumber) >= 5) |
... | ... | @@ -230,19 +236,22 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
230 | 236 | //GEOCOORDINATE |
231 | 237 | if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length == 2) {//It recognises the LAT LNG as array of two values. |
232 | 238 | //Checks if the two array's values are numbers. |
233 | - if ( DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[0]) != NaN && DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[1]) != NaN ) | |
239 | + //if ( DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[0]) != NaN && DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value[1]) != NaN ) | |
240 | + if ( DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value[0]) != NaN && DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value[1]) != NaN ) | |
234 | 241 | if (DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[0]) > 4 && DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(value[1]) > 4 ) |
235 | 242 | return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE; |
236 | 243 | }//EndIf. |
237 | 244 | |
238 | 245 | if (typeof value === 'string') { |
239 | 246 | var split = value.split(","); |
240 | - if (DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[0]) && DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[1])) | |
241 | - return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE; | |
247 | + //if (split.length == 2) | |
248 | + if (DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[0]) && DataTypesUtils.IsLatLng(split[1])) | |
249 | + return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOCOORDINATE; | |
242 | 250 | } |
243 | 251 | |
244 | 252 | //Try to parse the float. |
245 | - var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); | |
253 | + //var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); | |
254 | + var isnumber = DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value); | |
246 | 255 | if (isNaN(isnumber) !== true) {//It is a number. |
247 | 256 | //If the number ranges from -90.0 to 90.0, the value is marked as Latitude. |
248 | 257 | if (-90.0 <= isnumber && isnumber <= 90.0 && DataTypesUtils.DecimalPlaces(isnumber) >= 5) |
... | ... | @@ -267,6 +276,11 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
267 | 276 | if (isincluded) return DataTypeConverter.SUBTYPES.GEOJSON; |
268 | 277 | } |
269 | 278 | |
279 | + //If the value starts with a zero and contains all numbers, it is | |
280 | + //inferred as textual content. | |
281 | + /*if (/^0[0-9]+$/.test(value)) | |
282 | + return DataTypeConverter.TYPES.CODE;*/ | |
283 | + | |
270 | 284 | return null; |
271 | 285 | };//EndFunction. |
272 | 286 | |
... | ... | @@ -300,6 +314,15 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
300 | 314 | return metadata; |
301 | 315 | };//EndFunction. |
302 | 316 | |
317 | + var _capitalizeFirstLetter = function(string) { | |
318 | + return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); | |
319 | + };//EndFunction. | |
320 | + | |
321 | + var _replaceAll = function(search, replacement) { | |
322 | + var target = this; | |
323 | + return target.split(search).join(replacement); | |
324 | + }; | |
325 | + | |
303 | 326 | var jsonTraverse = function(json, fieldKeys, callback) { |
304 | 327 | var stack = []; |
305 | 328 | var numOfRows = 0; |
... | ... | @@ -349,15 +372,19 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
349 | 372 | return { |
350 | 373 | constructor: DataTypeConverter, |
351 | 374 | |
375 | + | |
352 | 376 | /** |
353 | - * It parses the json in input and converts the content | |
354 | - * in according to the inferred data types. | |
355 | - * @param json | |
356 | - * @param path Format: field1->field2->field3 | |
377 | + * | |
378 | + * @param metadata Previous information on the inferred types. | |
379 | + * @param options Some options to cast the data. | |
380 | + * - castThresholdConfidence: for which threshold the library must perform the cast (default 1) | |
381 | + * - makeChangesToDataset: is a boolean value, to indicate whether the library can do improvement on the storage | |
382 | + * values, for instance, numbers with the comma will be replaced with the dot. | |
383 | + * @returns {*} | |
357 | 384 | */ |
358 | 385 | cast: function(metadata, options) { |
359 | 386 | if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == null) |
360 | - options = { castThresholdConfidence: 1, castIfNull: false }; | |
387 | + options = { castThresholdConfidence: 1, castIfNull: false, makeChangesToDataset: false }; | |
361 | 388 | return this.convert(metadata, options); |
362 | 389 | }, |
363 | 390 | |
... | ... | @@ -380,7 +407,7 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
380 | 407 | var datasetMissingValues = 0; |
381 | 408 | |
382 | 409 | if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == null) |
383 | - options = { castThresholdConfidence: 1, castIfNull: false }; | |
410 | + options = { castThresholdConfidence: 1, castIfNull: false, makeChangesToDataset: false }; | |
384 | 411 | |
385 | 412 | jsonTraverse(metadata.dataset, metadata.fieldKeys, function(value, key, traversedKeys, rowIndex) { |
386 | 413 | var inferredType = metadata.types[traversedKeys]; |
... | ... | @@ -399,6 +426,9 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
399 | 426 | //var isCast = !(options.castIfNull == false && inferredType.totalNullValues > 0); |
400 | 427 | var isCast = inferredType.typeConfidence >= options.castThresholdConfidence; |
401 | 428 | if (inferredType.type == && isCast) { |
429 | + if (isNaN(DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber(value)) == false && typeof value === "string") | |
430 | + value = value.replace(',', '.'); | |
431 | + | |
402 | 432 | var number = parseFloat(value); |
403 | 433 | |
404 | 434 | if (isNaN(number)) { |
... | ... | @@ -426,8 +456,17 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
426 | 456 | * @param options Infer Data Type options, in particular the threshold value for the confidence. |
427 | 457 | */ |
428 | 458 | inferJsonDataType: function (json, fieldKeys, options) { |
429 | - if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == null) | |
430 | - options = { thresholdConfidence: 1 }; | |
459 | + | |
460 | + //Default options initialisation. | |
461 | + if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == null) options = { }; | |
462 | + | |
463 | + if (options.hasOwnProperty("thresholdConfidence") == false) | |
464 | + options.thresholdConfidence = 1; | |
465 | + | |
466 | + if (options.hasOwnProperty("language") == false) | |
467 | + options.language =; | |
468 | + else | |
469 | + options.language = options.language.toUpperCase(); | |
431 | 470 | |
432 | 471 | var stack = []; |
433 | 472 | var fieldsType = {}; |
... | ... | @@ -500,6 +539,25 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
500 | 539 | } |
501 | 540 | }//EndWhile. |
502 | 541 | |
542 | + | |
543 | + //Calculates the number of rows in the dataset. | |
544 | + var _numOfRows = 0; | |
545 | + ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType, function(fieldType) { | |
546 | + if (fieldType.numOfItems > _numOfRows) | |
547 | + _numOfRows = fieldType.numOfItems; | |
548 | + }); | |
549 | + | |
550 | + //Computes the number of null values. | |
551 | + ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(fieldsType, function(fieldType) { | |
552 | + if (!fieldType._inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty( { | |
553 | + //Initialises the field. | |
554 | + fieldType._inferredTypes[] = 0; | |
555 | + } | |
556 | + | |
557 | + fieldType._inferredTypes[] = fieldType._inferredTypes[] + (_numOfRows - fieldType.numOfItems); | |
558 | + }); | |
559 | + | |
560 | + //Infers the data type. | |
503 | 561 | _analyseDataTypes(fieldsType); |
504 | 562 | |
505 | 563 | //Data quality. |
... | ... | @@ -538,22 +596,47 @@ DataTypeConverter.prototype = (function () { |
538 | 596 | |
539 | 597 | var incorrect = fieldType.numOfItems - fieldType.totalNullValues - fieldType._inferredTypes[fieldType.type]; |
540 | 598 | if (incorrect > 0) { |
541 | - description += "The column <" + + "> has the type <" + fieldType.type + ">"; | |
599 | + var _descr1 = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_declaretype'][options.language]) + "."; | |
600 | + var _descr2 = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_notoftype_singular'][options.language]) + "."; | |
601 | + if (incorrect > 1) | |
602 | + _descr2 = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_notoftype_plural'][options.language]) + "."; | |
603 | + | |
604 | + var descr = _descr1 + " " + _descr2; | |
605 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,; | |
606 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g, fieldType.type); | |
607 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_ERRORS/g, incorrect); | |
608 | + | |
609 | + description += descr; | |
610 | + | |
611 | + /*description += "The column <" + + "> has the type <" + fieldType.type + ">"; | |
542 | 612 | var verb = (incorrect == 1) ? " value is" : " values are"; |
543 | - description += ", but " + incorrect + verb + " not a " + fieldType.type; | |
613 | + description += ", but " + incorrect + verb + " not a " + fieldType.type;*/ | |
544 | 614 | } |
545 | 615 | } |
546 | 616 | |
547 | - if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 0) { | |
617 | + var descr = ""; | |
618 | + if (fieldType.totalNullValues == 1) | |
619 | + descr = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_emptyvalue_singolar'][options.language]) + "."; | |
620 | + else if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 1 ) | |
621 | + descr = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_emptyvalue_plural'][options.language]) + "."; | |
622 | + | |
623 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_NAME/g,; | |
624 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_TYPE/g, fieldType.type); | |
625 | + descr = descr.replace(/%COL_NULLVALUES/g, fieldType.totalNullValues); | |
626 | + description = description + " " + descr; | |
627 | + | |
628 | + /*if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 0) { | |
629 | + var descr = _capitalizeFirstLetter(JDC_LNG['key_declaretype'][options.language]) + "."; | |
630 | + | |
548 | 631 | description += "The column <" + + "> has " + fieldType.totalNullValues + " EMPTY value"; |
549 | 632 | if (fieldType.totalNullValues > 1) description += "s"; |
550 | 633 | } |
551 | 634 | |
552 | 635 | if (description.length > 0) |
553 | - description += "."; | |
636 | + description += ".";*/ | |
554 | 637 | |
555 | - fieldType.errorsDescription = description; | |
556 | - warningsTextual += description; | |
638 | + fieldType.errorsDescription = description.trim(); | |
639 | + warningsTextual += description.trim(); | |
557 | 640 | }); |
558 | 641 | |
559 | 642 | var metadata = { dataset: json, fieldKeys: fieldKeys, types: fieldsType, qualityIndex: quality, warningsTextual: warningsTextual }; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -107,6 +107,71 @@ DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat = function (value) { |
107 | 107 | return NaN; |
108 | 108 | };//EndFunction. |
109 | 109 | |
110 | +DataTypesUtils.FilterNumber = function (value) { | |
111 | + //Check immediatly if it is a classical number. | |
112 | + var valnum = DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); | |
113 | + if (isNaN(valnum) == false) return valnum; | |
114 | + | |
115 | + //Checks if the value is a string. | |
116 | + if (typeof value !== "string") | |
117 | + return NaN; | |
118 | + | |
119 | + var parts = value.split(/(,|\.)/g); | |
120 | + | |
121 | + //Find the smallest symbol. | |
122 | + var idxDot = { idx: value.indexOf('.'), sym: '.' }; | |
123 | + var idxComma = { idx: value.lastIndexOf(','), sym: ',' }; | |
124 | + var idxFirst = {}; | |
125 | + if (idxDot.idx == -1) idxFirst = idxComma; | |
126 | + else if (idxComma.idx == -1) idxFirst = idxDot; | |
127 | + else if (idxDot.idx < idxComma.idx) idxFirst = idxDot; | |
128 | + else idxFirst = idxComma; | |
129 | + | |
130 | + //Find the greatest symbol. | |
131 | + var idxLastDot = { idx: value.lastIndexOf('.'), sym: '.' }; | |
132 | + var idxLastComma = { idx: value.lastIndexOf(','), sym: ',' }; | |
133 | + var idxLast = {}; | |
134 | + if (idxLastDot.idx == -1) idxLast = idxLastComma; | |
135 | + else if (idxLastComma.idx == -1) idxLast = idxLastDot; | |
136 | + else if (idxLastDot.idx > idxLastComma.idx) idxLast = idxLastDot; | |
137 | + else idxLast = idxLastComma; | |
138 | + | |
139 | + //Splits over the dot and comma and check that are all numbers. | |
140 | + var splitted = value.split(/(\.|,|\-|\+)/g); | |
141 | + if (splitted.length == 0) return NaN; | |
142 | + | |
143 | + var numOfDots = 0; | |
144 | + var numOfComma = 0; | |
145 | + var i=0; | |
146 | + if (splitted[0] == '-' || splitted[0] == '+') i=1; | |
147 | + | |
148 | + for (var str; i<splitted.length, str=splitted[i]; i++) { | |
149 | + if (str == '.') numOfDots++; | |
150 | + else if (str == ',') numOfComma++; | |
151 | + else if (/^(0|([1-9][0-9]*))$/g.test(str) == false) | |
152 | + return NaN; | |
153 | + }//EndFor. | |
154 | + | |
155 | + var lastValue = splitted[splitted.length-1]; | |
156 | + if (lastValue == '.' || lastValue == ',' || lastValue.length == 0) return NaN; | |
157 | + | |
158 | + //No dot/comma char found | |
159 | + if (idxFirst.idx == -1 && idxLast.idx == -1) | |
160 | + return DataTypesUtils.FilterFloat(value); | |
161 | + | |
162 | + //Only one dot symbol found | |
163 | + if (idxFirst.idx == idxLast.idx && idxFirst.sym == '.') | |
164 | + return Number(value); | |
165 | + | |
166 | + //Only one comma symbol found | |
167 | + if (idxFirst.idx == idxLast.idx && idxFirst.sym == ',') { | |
168 | + var nval = value.replace(',', '.'); | |
169 | + return Number(nval); | |
170 | + } | |
171 | + | |
172 | + return NaN; | |
173 | +};//EndFunction. | |
174 | + | |
110 | 175 | /** |
111 | 176 | * Solution from here: |
112 | 177 | * | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -53,18 +53,44 @@ ODStatistics.prototype = (function() { |
53 | 53 | |
54 | 54 | stats.numOfDatasets = datasets.length; |
55 | 55 | stats.formats = []; |
56 | + stats.formatsAggregated = []; | |
56 | 57 | |
57 | 58 | for (var i=0; i<datasets.length; i++) { |
58 | 59 | var dataset = datasets[i]; |
59 | 60 | |
60 | 61 | //Statistics on the datasets' formats. |
61 | 62 | ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formats, dataset.format); |
63 | + | |
64 | + var dsformat = dataset.format.toLowerCase(); | |
65 | + | |
66 | + //Aggregated formats. | |
67 | + if (dsformat.includes("csv")) | |
68 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "csv"); | |
69 | + else if (dsformat.includes("pdf")) | |
70 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "pdf"); | |
71 | + else if (dsformat.includes("html")) | |
72 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "html"); | |
73 | + else if (dsformat.includes("json")) | |
74 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "json"); | |
75 | + else if (dsformat.includes("xml")) | |
76 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "xml"); | |
77 | + else if (dsformat.includes("shp")) | |
78 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "shp"); | |
79 | + else if (dsformat.includes("geojson")) | |
80 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "geojson"); | |
81 | + else if (dsformat.includes("kml")) | |
82 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "kml"); | |
83 | + else if (dsformat.includes("txt")) | |
84 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "txt"); | |
85 | + else if (dsformat.includes("xls") || dsformat.includes("xlsx") || dsformat.includes("ods")) | |
86 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "xls/ods"); | |
87 | + else | |
88 | + ArrayUtils.TestAndIncrement(stats.formatsAggregated, "other"); | |
62 | 89 | }//EndForI. |
63 | 90 | |
64 | 91 | //Calculates the formats percentages. |
65 | 92 | var tmpArrFormats = stats.formats; |
66 | 93 | stats.formats = []; |
67 | - | |
68 | 94 | ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(tmpArrFormats, function(item, property) { |
69 | 95 | var recordFormat = {}; |
70 | 96 | = property; |
... | ... | @@ -74,6 +100,18 @@ ODStatistics.prototype = (function() { |
74 | 100 | stats.formats.push(recordFormat); |
75 | 101 | }); |
76 | 102 | |
103 | + //Calculates the formats percentage for the aggregated formats. | |
104 | + var tmpArrFormatsAggregated = stats.formatsAggregated; | |
105 | + stats.formatsAggregated = []; | |
106 | + ArrayUtils.IteratorOverKeys(tmpArrFormatsAggregated, function(item, property) { | |
107 | + var recordFormat = {}; | |
108 | + = property; | |
109 | + recordFormat.occurrance = item; | |
110 | + recordFormat.occurrancePercentage = (item / datasets.length) * 100; | |
111 | + recordFormat.occurrancePercentage = Math.round(recordFormat.occurrancePercentage * 100) / 100; | |
112 | + stats.formatsAggregated.push(recordFormat); | |
113 | + }); | |
114 | + | |
77 | 115 | return stats; |
78 | 116 | };//EndFunction. |
79 | 117 | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | + | |
2 | + | |
3 | + | |
4 | +var JDC_LNG = { | |
5 | + | |
6 | + "key_declaretype": { | |
7 | + "EN": "the column <%COL_NAME> is of type <%COL_TYPE>", | |
8 | + "IT": "la colonna <%COL_NAME> è di tipo <%COL_TYPE>", | |
9 | + "FR": "le colum <%COL_NAME> est de type <%COL_TYPE>", | |
10 | + "NL": "de kolom <%COL_NAME> is van het type <%COL_TYPE>" | |
11 | + }, | |
12 | + | |
13 | + "key_notoftype_singular": { | |
14 | + "EN": "a value is not <%COL_TYPE>", | |
15 | + "IT": "un valore non è un <%COL_TYPE>", | |
16 | + "FR": "une valeur est pas <%COL_TYPE> se trouvant", | |
17 | + "NL": "een waarde is niet <%COL_TYPE>" | |
18 | + }, | |
19 | + | |
20 | + "key_notoftype_plural": { | |
21 | + "EN": "%COL_ERRORS values are not <%COL_TYPE>", | |
22 | + "IT": "%COL_ERRORS valori non sono di tipo <%COL_TYPE>", | |
23 | + "FR": "les valeurs %COL_ERRORS sont du type <%COL_TYPE>", | |
24 | + "NL": "%COL_ERRORS waarden niet <%COL_TYPE>" | |
25 | + }, | |
26 | + | |
27 | + "key_emptyvalue_singolar": { | |
28 | + "EN": "the column <%COL_NAME> has an empty value", | |
29 | + "IT": "la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha un valore vuoto", | |
30 | + "FR": "la colonne <%COL_NAME> a une valeur vide", | |
31 | + "NL": "de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft een lege waarde" | |
32 | + }, | |
33 | + | |
34 | + "key_emptyvalue_plural": { | |
35 | + "EN": "the column <%COL_NAME> has <%COL_NULLVALUES> empty values", | |
36 | + "IT": "la colonna <%COL_NAME> ha <%COL_NULLVALUES> valori vuoti", | |
37 | + "FR": "la colonne <%COL_NAME> a <%COL_NULLVALUES> valeurs vide", | |
38 | + "NL": "de kolom <%COL_NAME> heeft <%COL_NULLVALUES> lege waarde" | |
39 | + }, | |
40 | + | |
41 | + "key_type": { | |
42 | + "EN": "type", | |
43 | + "IT": "tipo", | |
44 | + "FR": "type", | |
45 | + "NL": "type" | |
46 | + }, | |
47 | + | |
48 | + "key_subtype": { | |
49 | + "EN": "subtype", | |
50 | + "IT": "sottotipo", | |
51 | + "FR": "sous-type", | |
52 | + "NL": "subtype" | |
53 | + }, | |
54 | + | |
55 | + "key_typetext": { | |
56 | + "EN": "text", | |
57 | + "IT": "testo", | |
58 | + "FR": "texte", | |
59 | + "NL": "tekst" | |
60 | + }, | |
61 | + | |
62 | + "key_typenumber": { | |
63 | + "EN": "number", | |
64 | + "IT": "numero", | |
65 | + "FR": "nombre", | |
66 | + "NL": "aantal" | |
67 | + }, | |
68 | + | |
69 | + "key_typeobject": { | |
70 | + "EN": "object", | |
71 | + "IT": "oggetto", | |
72 | + "FR": "objet", | |
73 | + "NL": "voorwerp" | |
74 | + }, | |
75 | + | |
76 | + "key_typedatetime": { | |
77 | + "EN": "date or time", | |
78 | + "IT": "data o orario", | |
79 | + "FR": "date ou l'heure", | |
80 | + "NL": "datum of tijd" | |
81 | + }, | |
82 | + | |
83 | + "key_typeempty": { | |
84 | + "EN": "empty", | |
85 | + "IT": "vuoto", | |
86 | + "FR": "vide", | |
87 | + "NL": "leeg" | |
88 | + }, | |
89 | + | |
90 | + "key_typelatitude": { | |
91 | + "EN": "latitude", | |
92 | + "IT": "latitudine", | |
93 | + "FR": "latitude", | |
94 | + "NL": "breedtegraad" | |
95 | + }, | |
96 | + | |
97 | + "key_typelongitude": { | |
98 | + "EN": "longitude", | |
99 | + "IT": "longitudine", | |
100 | + "FR": "longitude", | |
101 | + "NL": "lengtegraad" | |
102 | + } | |
103 | + | |
104 | +}; | |
0 | 105 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
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16 | + {"w":1,"provider_name":"p:1","organization_name":"SPOD","package_name":"isislab","resource_name":"SPOD SUPER HEROES","url":"http:\/\/\/\/api/action\/datastore_search?resource_id=642ceea8-711e-4124-b450-0d23010c44e6","metas":"{\"organization\":\"SPOD\",\"description\":\"This is a test datasets.\",\"format\":\"CSV\"}"}, | |
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23 | + | |
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26 | + | |
27 | + // | |
28 | + | |
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30 | 25 | |
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... | ... | @@ -37,6 +32,13 @@ |
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39 | 34 | |
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47 | 72 | |
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52 | 78 | |
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80 | + min-width: 400px; | |
81 | + --paper-tooltip-background: black; | |
56 | 82 | } |
57 | 83 | |
58 | - iron-collapse.iron-collapse-over | |
59 | - { | |
60 | - position: absolute; | |
61 | - left: -1px; | |
62 | - margin:0; | |
63 | - padding:0; | |
64 | - z-index:10; | |
65 | - background-color: #FFFFFF; | |
66 | - border: solid 1px #E6E6E6; | |
67 | - border-top: none !important; | |
68 | - min-width: 310px; | |
69 | - min-height: 188px; | |
70 | - } | |
71 | - .badge{ | |
84 | + paper-fab { | |
72 | 85 | position: absolute; |
73 | - right: 5px; | |
74 | - bottom: 5px; | |
86 | + z-index: 10; | |
87 | + } | |
88 | + | |
89 | + paper-fab.delete { | |
90 | + top: -12px; | |
91 | + right: -12px; | |
92 | + --iron-icon-height: 18px; | |
93 | + --iron-icon-width: 18px; | |
94 | + width: 24px; | |
95 | + height: 24px; | |
96 | + --paper-fab-background:#B6B6B6; | |
97 | + } | |
98 | + | |
99 | + #card_container br { | |
100 | + display: block; | |
101 | + margin-top: 8px; | |
102 | + content: " "; | |
103 | + } | |
104 | + | |
105 | + #card_container p { | |
106 | + margin: 0; | |
107 | + padding: 0; | |
108 | + } | |
109 | + | |
110 | + #card_container p .title{ | |
111 | + font-weight: 700; | |
112 | + /*color: #2196F3;*/ | |
113 | + /*color: #4CAF50;*/ | |
114 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
115 | + } | |
116 | + | |
117 | + #card_container p .description{ | |
118 | + } | |
119 | + | |
120 | + #card_container .name{ | |
121 | + font-size: 18px; | |
122 | + font-weight: 700; | |
123 | + /*color: #2196F3;*/ | |
124 | + /*color: #4CAF50;*/ | |
125 | + height: 32px; | |
126 | + | |
127 | + overflow: hidden; | |
128 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
129 | + text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
130 | + } | |
131 | + | |
132 | + #card_container .owner{ | |
133 | + font-size: 14px; | |
134 | + height: 47px; | |
135 | + | |
136 | + overflow: hidden; | |
137 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
138 | + text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
139 | + } | |
140 | + | |
141 | + #card_container .time{ | |
142 | + display: flex; | |
143 | + flex-direction: row; | |
144 | + height: 24px; | |
145 | + } | |
146 | + | |
147 | + #card_container .from { | |
148 | + width: 50%; | |
149 | + font-size: 12px; | |
150 | + } | |
151 | + | |
152 | + #card_container .to { | |
153 | + width: 50%; | |
154 | + font-size: 12px; | |
155 | + } | |
156 | + | |
157 | + paper-fab.assessment, | |
158 | + paper-fab.description { | |
159 | + bottom: -20px; | |
160 | + right: 12px; | |
161 | + cursor: auto; | |
162 | + } | |
163 | + | |
164 | + paper-fab.description { | |
75 | 165 | background: #2196F3; |
76 | 166 | } |
77 | 167 | |
78 | - </style> | |
168 | + paper-fab.assessment { | |
169 | + background: #4CAF50; | |
170 | + } | |
79 | 171 | |
172 | + </style> | |
80 | 173 | |
81 | - <paper-card class="cocreation"> | |
82 | - <div class="rate-content"> | |
174 | + <paper-card id="card_container"> | |
83 | 175 | <div class="card-content"> |
84 | - <div class="rate-header">{{name}}</div> | |
85 | - <div class="rate-name">{{owner}}</div> | |
86 | - <div> | |
87 | - <iron-icon class="icon-from" icon="alarm"></iron-icon> | |
88 | - <span class="from">{{from}}</span> | |
89 | - <iron-icon class="icon-to" icon="alarm-off"></iron-icon> | |
90 | - <span class="to">{{to}}</span> | |
91 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{!checkRoomType(roomType)}}"> | |
92 | - <paper-fab mini disabled icon="assessment" class="badge data"></paper-fab> | |
93 | - </template> | |
94 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{checkRoomType(roomType)}}"> | |
95 | - <paper-fab mini disabled icon="description" class="badge knowledge"></paper-fab> | |
96 | - </template> | |
176 | + <template is="dom-if" if="{{isOwner}}"> | |
177 | + <paper-fab id="card_delete" class="delete" mini icon="delete" on-click="_handleDeleteClick"></paper-fab> | |
178 | + </template> | |
179 | + <div class="name" style$="color: {{color}};">{{name}}</div> | |
180 | + <div class="owner">{{owner}}</div> | |
181 | + <div class="time"> | |
182 | + <div class="from"> | |
183 | + <iron-icon class="icon-from" icon="alarm"></iron-icon> {{from}} | |
184 | + </div> | |
185 | + <div class="to"> | |
186 | + <iron-icon class="icon-to" icon="alarm-off"></iron-icon> {{to}} | |
187 | + </div> | |
97 | 188 | </div> |
189 | + <template is="dom-if" if="{{!_checkRoomType(roomType)}}"> | |
190 | + <paper-fab mini icon="assessment" class="assessment" noink></paper-fab> | |
191 | + </template> | |
192 | + <template is="dom-if" if="{{_checkRoomType(roomType)}}"> | |
193 | + <paper-fab mini icon="description" class="description" noink></paper-fab> | |
194 | + </template> | |
98 | 195 | </div> |
99 | - <div class="card-actions"> | |
100 | - <paper-button on-click="_onExplore">Explore</paper-button> | |
101 | - <paper-icon-button icon="expand-less" on-click="_toggle" style="float:right;"></paper-icon-button> | |
102 | - <iron-collapse class="iron-collapse-over" id="more_info" no-animation> | |
103 | - <div class="collapse-content"> | |
104 | - {{goal}} | |
105 | - </div> | |
106 | - </iron-collapse> | |
196 | + <div class="card-actions" style$="border-color: {{color}};"> | |
197 | + <paper-button on-click="_onExplore"><span id="explore"></span></paper-button> | |
198 | + <paper-button id="goal_button" class="info" noink><span id="goal"></span></paper-button> | |
199 | + <!--<paper-icon-button id="goal_button" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button>--> | |
200 | + | |
201 | + <paper-tooltip for="goal_button" position="bottom" offset="-8"> | |
202 | + <p> | |
203 | + <span class="title" style$="color: {{color}};" id="tooltip_goal"></span> | |
204 | + <br> | |
205 | + <span class="description">{{goal}}</span> | |
206 | + </p> | |
207 | + </paper-tooltip> | |
107 | 208 | </div> |
108 | - </div> | |
109 | 209 | </paper-card> |
110 | 210 | |
111 | 211 | </template> |
... | ... | @@ -119,23 +219,23 @@ |
119 | 219 | properties: { |
120 | 220 | name:{ |
121 | 221 | type: String, |
122 | - value: "text" | |
222 | + value: "" | |
123 | 223 | }, |
124 | 224 | owner:{ |
125 | 225 | type: String, |
126 | - value: "text" | |
226 | + value: "" | |
127 | 227 | }, |
128 | 228 | from:{ |
129 | 229 | type: String, |
130 | - value: "text" | |
230 | + value: "" | |
131 | 231 | }, |
132 | 232 | to:{ |
133 | 233 | type: String, |
134 | - value: "text" | |
234 | + value: "" | |
135 | 235 | }, |
136 | 236 | goal:{ |
137 | 237 | type: String, |
138 | - value: "text" | |
238 | + value: "" | |
139 | 239 | }, |
140 | 240 | roomUrl: { |
141 | 241 | type: String, |
... | ... | @@ -144,28 +244,46 @@ |
144 | 244 | roomType:{ |
145 | 245 | type: String, |
146 | 246 | value: undefined |
247 | + }, | |
248 | + isOwner: { | |
249 | + type: Boolean, | |
250 | + value: false | |
251 | + }, | |
252 | + roomId:{ | |
253 | + type: Number, | |
254 | + value: undefined | |
255 | + }, | |
256 | + color:{ | |
257 | + type: String, | |
258 | + value: "" | |
147 | 259 | } |
148 | 260 | }, |
149 | 261 | |
262 | + ready: function() { | |
263 | + var color = "#4CAF50"; | |
264 | + if(this.roomType == "knowledge") | |
265 | + color = "#2196F3"; | |
266 | + this.color = color; | |
267 | + }, | |
268 | + | |
150 | 269 | attached: function(){ |
270 | + cocreation_room_ln["ln"] = ODE.user_language; | |
271 | + | |
272 | + this.$.goal.innerHTML = cocreation_room_ln["goal_" + cocreation_room_ln["ln"]]; | |
273 | + this.$.tooltip_goal.innerHTML = cocreation_room_ln["goal_" + cocreation_room_ln["ln"]]; | |
274 | + this.$.explore.innerHTML = cocreation_room_ln["explore_" + cocreation_room_ln["ln"]]; | |
151 | 275 | }, |
152 | 276 | |
153 | - _toggle: function(){ | |
154 | - var moreInfo = this.$.more_info; | |
155 | - var iconButton = Polymer.dom(event).localTarget; | |
156 | - iconButton.icon = moreInfo.opened ? 'expand-less' : 'expand-more'; | |
157 | - moreInfo.toggle(); | |
277 | + _handleDeleteClick: function(){ | |
278 | +"cocreation-paper-card-controllet_delete", {roomId: this.roomId}); | |
158 | 279 | }, |
159 | 280 | |
160 | - _onExplore: function(e){ | |
281 | + _onExplore: function(){ | |
161 | 282 | window.location = this.roomUrl; |
162 | 283 | }, |
163 | 284 | |
164 | - checkRoomType: function(type){ | |
165 | - if(type == "knowledge") | |
166 | - return true; | |
167 | - else | |
168 | - return false; | |
285 | + _checkRoomType: function(type){ | |
286 | + return (type == "knowledge") ? true : false; | |
169 | 287 | } |
170 | 288 | }) |
171 | 289 | </script> | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ |
47 | 47 | |
48 | 48 | listeners : { |
49 | 49 | 'page-slider-controllet_selected' : '_updateSlider', |
50 | - 'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url' : '_allowSecondStep', | |
50 | + 'select-dataset-controllet_data-url' : '_allowSecondStep', | |
51 | 51 | 'select-fields-controllet_selected-fields' : '_allowThirdStep', |
52 | 52 | 'filters-controllet_filters': '_allowThirdStep', |
53 | 53 | 'aggregators-controllet_aggregators': '_allowThirdStep', |
... | ... | @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ |
117 | 117 | |
118 | 118 | _allowSecondStep : function(e){ |
119 | 119 | this.$.slider.chevronRight(false); |
120 | -// | |
120 | + | |
121 | 121 | var f = Object.create(providerFactory); |
122 | 122 | var provider = f.getProvider(e.detail.url); |
123 | 123 | var dataUrl = provider.addLimit(e.detail.url); |
... | ... | @@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ |
135 | 135 | } |
136 | 136 | else |
137 | 137 | this.$.select_dataset.$.selected_url.invalid = true; |
138 | + | |
139 | + this.$.select_dataset.showDatasetInfo(); | |
138 | 140 | }, |
139 | 141 | |
140 | 142 | _allowThirdStep : function(){ | ... | ... |
controllets/data-sevc-controllet/data-sevc-controllet_old.html deleted
1 | -<script src="../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/js/min/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js"></script> | |
2 | -<link rel="stylesheet" href="../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css"> | |
3 | - | |
4 | -<script src="../../locales/controllet_ln.js"></script> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> | |
7 | - | |
8 | -<link rel="import" href="../page-slider-controllet/page-slider-controllet.html"> | |
9 | - | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../select-dataset-controllet/select-dataset-controllet.html"> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../select-data-controllet/select-data-controllet.html" /> | |
12 | -<link rel="import" href="../select-visualization-controllet/select-visualization-controllet.html" /> | |
13 | - | |
14 | -<dom-module id="data-sevc-controllet"> | |
15 | - | |
16 | - <template> | |
17 | - | |
18 | - <page-slider-controllet id="slider"> | |
19 | - | |
20 | - <neon-animatable> | |
21 | - | |
22 | - <template is="dom-if" if={{!modify}}> | |
23 | - <select-dataset-controllet id="select_dataset" data={{data}} datasets={{datasets}} suggested-datasets={{suggestedDatasets}}></select-dataset-controllet> | |
24 | - </template> | |
25 | - | |
26 | - </neon-animatable> | |
27 | - | |
28 | - <neon-animatable> | |
29 | - | |
30 | - <select-data-controllet id="select_data" data-url={{dataUrl}} preselected-fields={{selectedFields}} datalet-preset="{{dataletPreset}}"></select-data-controllet> | |
31 | - | |
32 | - </neon-animatable> | |
33 | - | |
34 | - <neon-animatable> | |
35 | - | |
36 | - <select-visualization-controllet id="select_visualization" deep-url={{deepUrl}} datalets-list-url={{dataletsListUrl}} data-url={{dataUrl}} preselected-datalet={{selectedDatalet}} datalet-preset={{dataletPreset}}></select-visualization-controllet> | |
37 | - | |
38 | - </neon-animatable> | |
39 | - | |
40 | - </page-slider-controllet> | |
41 | - | |
42 | - </template> | |
43 | - | |
44 | - <script> | |
45 | - | |
46 | - Polymer({ | |
47 | - | |
48 | - is : 'data-sevc-controllet', | |
49 | - | |
50 | - listeners : { | |
51 | - 'page-slider-controllet_selected' : '_updateSlider', | |
52 | - 'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url' : '_allowSecondStep', | |
53 | - 'tree-view-controllet_selected-fields' : '_allowThirdStep' | |
54 | - }, | |
55 | - | |
56 | - properties : { | |
57 | - | |
58 | - deepUrl : { | |
59 | - type : String, | |
60 | - value : undefined | |
61 | - }, | |
62 | - | |
63 | - dataletsListUrl : { | |
64 | - type : String , | |
65 | - value : undefined | |
66 | - }, | |
67 | - | |
68 | - datasets : { | |
69 | - type : Array, | |
70 | - value : undefined | |
71 | - }, | |
72 | - | |
73 | - suggestedDatasets : { | |
74 | - type : Array, | |
75 | - value : undefined | |
76 | - }, | |
77 | - | |
78 | - dataUrl : { | |
79 | - type : String, | |
80 | - value : undefined | |
81 | - }, | |
82 | - | |
83 | - jsonData : { | |
84 | - type : Object, | |
85 | - value : undefined | |
86 | - }, | |
87 | - | |
88 | - modify : { | |
89 | - type : Boolean, | |
90 | - value : false | |
91 | - }, | |
92 | - | |
93 | - selectedDatalet : { | |
94 | - type : String, | |
95 | - value : undefined | |
96 | - }, | |
97 | - | |
98 | - selectedFields : { | |
99 | - type : Array, | |
100 | - value : [] | |
101 | - }, | |
102 | - | |
103 | - dataletPreset : { | |
104 | - type : Object, | |
105 | - value : [] | |
106 | - }, | |
107 | - | |
108 | - localization : { | |
109 | - type : String, | |
110 | - value : "en" | |
111 | - } | |
112 | - | |
113 | - }, | |
114 | - | |
115 | - ready : function(){ | |
116 | - if(this.selectedDatalet){ | |
117 | - this.modify = true; | |
118 | - this.$.slider.selected = 1; | |
119 | - this.dataUrl = this.dataletPreset["data-url"]; | |
120 | - } | |
121 | - ln["localization"] = this.localization; | |
122 | - }, | |
123 | - | |
124 | - _updateSlider : function(e){ | |
125 | - switch (e.detail.selected) { | |
126 | - case 0: | |
127 | - slider.setTitle(ln["slide1Title_" + this.localization], ln["slide1Subtitle_" + this.localization]); | |
128 | - slider.chevronLeft("invisible"); | |
129 | - slider.chevronRight(false); | |
130 | - if(slider.getPrevSelected() == 1) | |
131 | - slider.chevronRight(true); | |
132 | - break; | |
133 | - case 1: | |
134 | - slider.setTitle(ln["slide2Title_" + this.localization], ln["slide2Subtitle_" + this.localization]); | |
135 | - if(this.modify){ | |
136 | - slider.chevronLeft("invisible"); | |
137 | - } | |
138 | - else{ | |
139 | - slider.chevronLeft(true); | |
140 | - } | |
141 | - slider.chevronRight(false); | |
142 | - this._allowThirdStep({detail: {fields: select_data.getSelectedFields()}}); | |
143 | - if(this.modify){ | |
144 | - this.$.select_visualization.setFields(select_data.getSelectedFields()); | |
145 | - this.$.select_visualization.setFilters(select_data.getFilters()); | |
146 | - } | |
147 | - break; | |
148 | - case 2: | |
149 | - slider.setTitle(ln["slide3Title_" + this.localization], ln["slide3Subtitle_" + this.localization]); | |
150 | - slider.chevronLeft(true); | |
151 | - slider.chevronRight("invisible"); | |
152 | - | |
153 | - this.$.select_visualization.setFields(select_data.getSelectedFields()); | |
154 | - this.$.select_visualization.setFilters(select_data.getFilters()); | |
155 | - if(this.modify) { | |
156 | - this.$;//resize | |
157 | - } | |
158 | - } | |
159 | - }, | |
160 | - | |
161 | - _allowSecondStep : function(e){ | |
162 | - if(e.detail.url == "") { | |
163 | - slider.chevronRight(false); | |
164 | - select_dataset.$.selected_url.invalid = false; | |
165 | - return; | |
166 | - } | |
167 | - | |
168 | - this.dataUrl = e.detail.url; | |
169 | - | |
170 | - var that = this; | |
171 | - | |
172 | - $.ajax({ | |
173 | - url: e.detail.url, | |
174 | - dataType: "json", | |
175 | - success: function(data){ | |
176 | -// this.dataUrl = e.detail.url | |
177 | -// this.jsonData = JSON.stringify(data); | |
178 | - slider.chevronRight(true); | |
179 | - select_dataset.$.selected_url.invalid = false; | |
180 | - | |
181 | - that.$.select_data._init(); | |
182 | - }, | |
183 | - error: function(){ | |
184 | -// this.jsonData = undefined; | |
185 | - slider.chevronRight(false); | |
186 | - select_dataset.$.selected_url.invalid = true; | |
187 | - | |
188 | - that.$.select_data._reset(); | |
189 | - } | |
190 | - }); | |
191 | - | |
192 | - //NOT HERE ma quando VADO al secondo passo e l'url è cambiato | |
193 | -// this.$.select_data._init(); | |
194 | - this.$.select_visualization.reset(); | |
195 | - }, | |
196 | - | |
197 | - _allowThirdStep : function(e){ | |
198 | - if(e.detail.fields.length > 0) | |
199 | - slider.chevronRight(true); | |
200 | - else | |
201 | - slider.chevronRight(false); | |
202 | - | |
203 | - //this.$.select_visualization.reset(); | |
204 | - } | |
205 | - | |
206 | - }); | |
207 | - | |
208 | - </script> | |
209 | - | |
210 | -</dom-module> | |
211 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/data-sevc-controllet/datalets-modifier-controllet.html deleted
1 | -<script src="../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/js/min/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js"></script> | |
2 | -<link rel="stylesheet" href="../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css"> | |
3 | - | |
4 | -<script src="../../locales/controllet_ln.js"></script> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> | |
7 | - | |
8 | -<link rel="import" href="../page-slider-controllet/page-slider-controllet.html"> | |
9 | - | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../select-data-controllet/select-data-controllet.html" /> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../select-visualization-controllet/select-visualization-controllet.html" /> | |
12 | - | |
13 | -<dom-module id="datalets-modifier-controllet"> | |
14 | - | |
15 | - <template> | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <page-slider-controllet id="slider"> | |
18 | - | |
19 | - <neon-animatable> | |
20 | - | |
21 | - <select-data-controllet id="select_data"></select-data-controllet> | |
22 | - | |
23 | - </neon-animatable> | |
24 | - | |
25 | - <neon-animatable> | |
26 | - | |
27 | - <select-visualization-controllet id="select_visualization" deep-url={{deepUrl}} datalets-list-url={{dataletsListUrl}}></select-visualization-controllet> | |
28 | - | |
29 | - </neon-animatable> | |
30 | - | |
31 | - </page-slider-controllet> | |
32 | - | |
33 | - </template> | |
34 | - | |
35 | - <script> | |
36 | - | |
37 | - Polymer({ | |
38 | - | |
39 | - is : 'datalets-modifier-controllet', | |
40 | - | |
41 | - listeners : { | |
42 | - 'page-slider-controllet_selected' : '_updateSlider', | |
43 | - 'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url' : '_allowSecondStep', | |
44 | - 'tree-view-controllet_selected-fields' : '_allowThirdStep' | |
45 | - }, | |
46 | - | |
47 | - properties : { | |
48 | -// dataUrl : { | |
49 | -// type : String, | |
50 | -// value : undefined | |
51 | -// }, | |
52 | - | |
53 | - preselectedDatalet : { //datalet | |
54 | - type : String, | |
55 | - value : undefined | |
56 | - }, | |
57 | - | |
58 | - preselectedFields : { //fields | |
59 | - type : Array, | |
60 | - value : undefined | |
61 | - }, | |
62 | - | |
63 | - dataletPreset : { //params | |
64 | - type : String, | |
65 | - value : undefined | |
66 | - }, | |
67 | - | |
68 | - deepUrl : { | |
69 | - type : String, | |
70 | - value : undefined | |
71 | - }, | |
72 | - | |
73 | - dataletsListUrl : { | |
74 | - type : String , | |
75 | - value : undefined | |
76 | - }, | |
77 | - | |
78 | - localization : { | |
79 | - type : String, | |
80 | - value : "en" | |
81 | - } | |
82 | - | |
83 | - }, | |
84 | - | |
85 | - ready : function(){ | |
86 | - if(this.selectedDatalet){ | |
87 | - this.modify = true; | |
88 | - this.$.slider.selected = 1; | |
89 | - this.dataUrl = this.dataletPreset["data-url"]; | |
90 | - } | |
91 | - ln["localization"] = this.localization; | |
92 | - }, | |
93 | - | |
94 | - _updateSlider : function(e){ | |
95 | - switch (e.detail.selected) { | |
96 | - case 0: | |
97 | - slider.setTitle(ln["slide1Title_" + this.localization], ln["slide1Subtitle_" + this.localization]); | |
98 | - slider.chevronLeft("invisible"); | |
99 | - slider.chevronRight(false); | |
100 | - if(slider.getPrevSelected() == 1) | |
101 | - slider.chevronRight(true); | |
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121 | - slider.chevronRight("invisible"); | |
122 | - | |
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130 | - | |
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137 | - | |
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139 | - | |
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150 | - | |
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157 | - | |
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161 | - | |
162 | - //NOT HERE ma quando VADO al secondo passo e l'url è cambiato | |
163 | -// this.$.select_data._init(); | |
164 | - this.$.select_visualization.reset(); | |
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166 | - | |
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172 | - | |
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175 | - | |
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177 | - | |
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181 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
0 → 100644
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85 | + | |
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103 | + | |
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112 | + | |
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120 | + | |
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0 | 163 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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24 | + | |
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24 | 26 | |
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340 | 359 | |
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1 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" /> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" /> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html"> | |
7 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
8 | - | |
9 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html"> | |
12 | - | |
13 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-textarea.html"> | |
14 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html"> | |
15 | - | |
16 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html"> | |
17 | - | |
18 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html"> | |
19 | - | |
20 | -<link rel="import" href="../items-vslider-controllet/items-vslider-controllet.html" /> | |
21 | - | |
22 | -<script src="../../../DEEPCLIENT/js/deepClient.js"></script> | |
23 | - | |
24 | -<dom-module id="datalet-selection-controllet"> | |
25 | - | |
26 | - <template> | |
27 | - | |
28 | - <style is="custom-style"> | |
29 | - :host { | |
30 | - --paper-dropdown-menu-icon: { | |
31 | - color: #2196F3; | |
32 | - }; | |
33 | - } | |
34 | - | |
35 | - #datalet_selection_container { | |
36 | - display: flex; | |
37 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
38 | - font-size: 16px; | |
39 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
40 | - } | |
41 | - | |
42 | - #items_vslider_controllet { | |
43 | - position: relative; | |
44 | - min-width: 172px; | |
45 | - } | |
46 | - | |
47 | - #datalet_selection_inputs { | |
48 | - position: relative; | |
49 | - height: 100vh; | |
50 | - margin-left: 32px; | |
51 | - min-width: 258px; | |
52 | - } | |
53 | - | |
54 | - #datalet_selection_labels { | |
55 | - position: relative; | |
56 | - height: 100vh; | |
57 | - margin-left: 32px; | |
58 | - min-width: 258px; | |
59 | - } | |
60 | - | |
61 | - #datalet_selection_column { | |
62 | - position: relative; | |
63 | - width: 100%; | |
64 | - margin-left: 32px; | |
65 | - } | |
66 | - | |
67 | - #datalet_selection_datalet { | |
68 | - position: relative; | |
69 | - height: 100vh; | |
70 | - width: 100%; | |
71 | - } | |
72 | - | |
73 | - #datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder { | |
74 | - padding: 16px; | |
75 | - } | |
76 | - | |
77 | - .inputs{ | |
78 | - position: relative; | |
79 | - } | |
80 | - | |
81 | - .input_header { | |
82 | - height: 32px; | |
83 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
84 | - text-align: center; | |
85 | - font-weight: 700; | |
86 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
87 | - } | |
88 | - | |
89 | - #expert_container { | |
90 | - display: none; | |
91 | - } | |
92 | - | |
93 | - #expert_header { | |
94 | - display: none; | |
95 | - | |
96 | - height: 32px; | |
97 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
98 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
99 | - text-align: center; | |
100 | - font-weight: 700; | |
101 | - color: #00BCD4; | |
102 | - cursor: pointer; | |
103 | - } | |
104 | - | |
105 | - .field_nema { | |
106 | - height: 40px; | |
107 | - padding-top: 8px; | |
108 | - | |
109 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
110 | - padding-left: 16px; | |
111 | - font-weight: 700; | |
112 | - color: #2196F3; | |
113 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
114 | - } | |
115 | - | |
116 | - .info_button { | |
117 | - position: absolute; | |
118 | - top: 18px; | |
119 | - right: 0px; | |
120 | - } | |
121 | - | |
122 | - paper-input { | |
123 | - display: inline-block; | |
124 | - height: 48px; | |
125 | - /*padding: 0px 8px;*/ | |
126 | - width: 210px; | |
127 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
128 | - padding-bottom: 8px; | |
129 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
130 | - } | |
131 | - | |
132 | - paper-input.base_input { | |
133 | - width: 242px; | |
134 | - } | |
135 | - | |
136 | - paper-textarea { | |
137 | - width: 242px; | |
138 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
139 | - padding-bottom: 4px; | |
140 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
141 | - } | |
142 | - | |
143 | - paper-dropdown-menu { | |
144 | - height: 48px; | |
145 | - width: 210px;; | |
146 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
147 | - padding-bottom: 8px; | |
148 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
149 | - } | |
150 | - | |
151 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
152 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
153 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
154 | - } | |
155 | - | |
156 | - paper-icon-button { | |
157 | - color: #2196F3; | |
158 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #2196F3; | |
159 | - margin: 0px; | |
160 | - } | |
161 | - | |
162 | - paper-button { | |
163 | - position: absolute; | |
164 | - bottom: 16px; | |
165 | - right: 11px; | |
166 | - | |
167 | - height: 48px; | |
168 | - width: 172px; | |
169 | - background-color: #00BCD4; | |
170 | - color: white; | |
171 | - font-weight: 700; | |
172 | - padding: 16px; | |
173 | - } | |
174 | - | |
175 | - paper-button:hover { | |
176 | - background-color: #00AABF; | |
177 | - | |
178 | - box-shadow: 0px 8px 12px #888; | |
179 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 8px 12px #888; | |
180 | - -moz-box-shadow: 0px 8px 12px #888; | |
181 | - } | |
182 | - | |
183 | - paper-button[disabled] { | |
184 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
185 | - } | |
186 | - | |
187 | - #dialog_info_input { | |
188 | - border: 2px solid #2196F3; | |
189 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
190 | - min-width: 248px; | |
191 | - } | |
192 | - </style> | |
193 | - | |
194 | - <iron-ajax id="selectedDatalet_request" on-response="_handleSelectedDatalet"></iron-ajax> | |
195 | - | |
196 | - <div id="datalet_selection_container"> | |
197 | - | |
198 | - <div id="items_vslider_controllet"> | |
199 | - <items-vslider-controllet id="vslider" datalets-list-url={{dataletsListUrl}} preselected-datalet={{preselectedDatalet}}></items-vslider-controllet> | |
200 | - </div> | |
201 | - | |
202 | - <paper-material id="datalet_selection_inputs" elevation="5"> | |
203 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="inputs"></span></div> | |
204 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{inputs}}" index-as="ddl_index"> | |
205 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
206 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id={{ddl_index}} label={{_getLabelName(}}> | |
207 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
208 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{fields}}> | |
209 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_addInput">{{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
210 | - <!--{{_fieldName(item)}}--> | |
211 | - </template> | |
212 | - </paper-menu> | |
213 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
214 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
215 | - <paper-icon-button id={{}} on-click="_showInfo" icon="info-outline" title="{{_getLabelName(}} info"></paper-icon-button> | |
216 | - </div> | |
217 | - </div> | |
218 | - </template> | |
219 | - | |
221 | - | |
222 | - <div id="expert_header" on-click="_showExpertMode"><span id="groupBy"></span></div> | |
223 | - | |
224 | - <div id="expert_container"> | |
225 | - | |
226 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
227 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="group_by"> | |
228 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
229 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{fields}}> | |
230 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_showGroupedFields">{{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
231 | - </template> | |
232 | - </paper-menu> | |
233 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
234 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
235 | - <paper-icon-button id="gb" on-click="_addOrder" icon="unfold-more" title=""></paper-icon-button> | |
236 | - </div> | |
237 | - </div> | |
238 | - | |
239 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{groupedFields}}"> | |
240 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
241 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="calculate_{{index}}" label="{{_calculateLabel()}}"> | |
242 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
243 | - <!--foreach functions--> | |
244 | - <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(0)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
245 | - <paper-item id="1" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(1)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
246 | - <paper-item id="2" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(2)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
247 | - <paper-item id="3" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(3)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
248 | - <paper-item id="4" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(4)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
249 | - <paper-item id="5" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(5)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
250 | - <paper-item id="6" on-tap="_addGroupByInput">{{_operationName(6)}} {{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
251 | - </paper-menu> | |
252 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
253 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
254 | - <paper-icon-button id={{_fieldName(item)}} on-click="_addOrder" icon="unfold-more" title=""></paper-icon-button> | |
255 | - </div> | |
256 | - </div> | |
257 | - </template> | |
258 | - | |
259 | - </div> | |
260 | - | |
262 | - | |
263 | - </paper-material> | |
264 | - | |
265 | - <paper-material id="datalet_selection_labels" elevation="5"> | |
266 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="baseInfo"></span></div> | |
267 | - | |
268 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
269 | - <paper-input id="base_title" maxlength="32" class="base_input"></paper-input> | |
270 | - </div> | |
271 | - | |
272 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
273 | - <paper-textarea id="base_description" maxlength="100" class="base_input"></paper-textarea> | |
274 | - </div> | |
275 | - | |
276 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="layouts"></span></div> | |
277 | - | |
278 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{labels}}" index-as="index"> | |
279 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
280 | - <paper-input label={{_getLabelName(}}></paper-input> | |
281 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
282 | - <paper-icon-button id={{}} on-click="_showInfo" icon="info-outline" title="{{_getLabelName(}} info"></paper-icon-button> | |
283 | - </div> | |
284 | - </div> | |
285 | - </template> | |
286 | - </paper-material> | |
287 | - | |
288 | - | |
289 | - <div id="datalet_selection_column"> | |
290 | - | |
291 | - <paper-material id="datalet_selection_datalet" elevation="5"> | |
292 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="dataletPreview"></span></div> | |
293 | - <div id="datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder"></div> | |
294 | - | |
295 | - </paper-material> | |
296 | - | |
297 | - <paper-button id="add_button" disabled raised on-click="_addDatalet"></paper-button> | |
298 | - | |
299 | - </div> | |
300 | - | |
301 | - <paper-dialog id="dialog_info_input"> | |
302 | - <h2 id="dialog_name"></h2> | |
303 | - <p id="dialog_description"></p> | |
304 | - </paper-dialog> | |
305 | - | |
306 | - </div> | |
307 | - | |
308 | - </template> | |
309 | - | |
310 | - <script> | |
311 | - | |
312 | - Polymer({ | |
313 | - | |
314 | - is : 'datalet-selection-controllet', | |
315 | - | |
316 | - properties : { | |
317 | - | |
318 | - deepUrl : { | |
319 | - type : String, | |
320 | - value : undefined | |
321 | - }, | |
322 | - | |
323 | - dataletsListUrl : { | |
324 | - type : String, | |
325 | - value : undefined | |
326 | - }, | |
327 | - | |
328 | - selectedDatalet : { | |
329 | - type : String, | |
330 | - value : undefined | |
331 | - }, | |
332 | - | |
333 | - preselectedDatalet : { | |
334 | - type : String, | |
335 | - value : undefined | |
336 | - }, | |
337 | - | |
338 | - loadPreview : { | |
339 | - type : Boolean, | |
340 | - value : false | |
341 | - }, | |
342 | - | |
343 | - type : { | |
344 | - type : String, | |
345 | - value : undefined | |
346 | - }, | |
347 | - | |
348 | - inputs : { | |
349 | - type : Array, | |
350 | - value : [] | |
351 | - }, | |
352 | - | |
353 | - labels : { | |
354 | - type : Array, | |
355 | - value : [] | |
356 | - }, | |
357 | - | |
358 | - filters : { | |
359 | - type : Array, | |
360 | - value : [] | |
361 | - }, | |
362 | - | |
363 | - aggregators : { | |
364 | - type : Array, | |
365 | - value : [] | |
366 | - }, | |
367 | - | |
368 | - orders : { | |
369 | - type : Array, | |
370 | - value : [] | |
371 | - }, | |
372 | - | |
373 | - fields : { | |
374 | - type : Array, | |
375 | - value : [] | |
376 | - }, | |
377 | - | |
378 | - selectedFields : { | |
379 | - type : Array, | |
380 | - value : [] | |
381 | - }, | |
382 | - | |
383 | - groupedFields : { | |
384 | - type : Array, | |
385 | - value : [] | |
386 | - }, | |
387 | - | |
388 | - dataletPreset : { | |
389 | - type : Object, | |
390 | - value : [] | |
391 | - }, | |
392 | - | |
393 | -// selectableFields : { | |
394 | -// type : Array, | |
395 | -// value : [] | |
396 | -// }, | |
397 | - | |
398 | - dataUrl : { | |
399 | - type : String, | |
400 | - value : undefined | |
401 | - }, | |
402 | - | |
403 | - params:{ | |
404 | - type: Object, | |
405 | - value: undefined | |
406 | - }, | |
407 | - | |
408 | - expert : { | |
409 | - type : Boolean, | |
410 | - value : false | |
411 | - }, | |
412 | - | |
413 | - functions : { | |
414 | - type : Array, | |
415 | - value : ["COUNT", "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "AVG", "FIRST", "LAST"] | |
416 | - }, | |
417 | - | |
418 | - modify : { | |
419 | - type : Boolean, | |
420 | - value : false | |
421 | - } | |
422 | - | |
423 | - }, | |
424 | - | |
425 | - listeners: { | |
426 | - 'items-vslider-controllet_selected-datalet': '_selectDatalet', | |
427 | -// 'tree-view-controllet_selected-fields': '_updateSelectedFields' | |
428 | - 'change': '_paramsChanged' | |
429 | - }, | |
430 | - | |
431 | - _showExpertMode : function() { | |
432 | - if(! { | |
433 | - this.$ = "#000000"; | |
434 | - this.$ = "#B6B6B6"; | |
435 | - this.$ = "block"; | |
436 | - } | |
437 | - else { | |
438 | - this.$ = "#00BCD4"; | |
439 | - this.$ = "#FFFFFF"; | |
440 | - this.$ = "none"; | |
441 | - } | |
442 | - | |
443 | - = !; | |
444 | - }, | |
445 | - | |
446 | - _showGroupedFields : function(e) { | |
447 | - var index =; | |
448 | - var temp = []; | |
449 | - | |
450 | -// var isSelected = false; | |
451 | -// for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) { | |
452 | -// if (this.selectedFields[i]) { | |
453 | -// if (this.selectedFields[i].indexOf(this.fields[index]) > -1) { | |
454 | -// isSelected = true; | |
455 | -// } | |
456 | -// else { | |
457 | -// temp.push(this.selectedFields[i]); | |
458 | -// } | |
459 | -// } | |
460 | -// } | |
461 | -// | |
462 | -// if (isSelected) | |
463 | -// this.groupedFields = this._copy(temp); | |
464 | -// else | |
465 | -// this.groupedFields =[]; | |
466 | - | |
467 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) { | |
468 | - if (this.selectedFields[i]) { | |
469 | - if (i != index) { | |
470 | - temp.push(this.selectedFields[i]); | |
471 | - } | |
472 | - } | |
473 | - } | |
474 | - | |
475 | - this.groupedFields = this._copy(temp); | |
476 | - | |
477 | - this.async(function() { | |
478 | - var ddls = document.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
479 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++){ | |
480 | - var id = ddls[i].id; | |
481 | - if(id.indexOf("calculate") > -1) { | |
482 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(-1); | |
483 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(0); | |
484 | - } | |
485 | - } | |
486 | - }, 0); | |
487 | - | |
488 | - this._addGroupByInput(); | |
489 | - }, | |
490 | - | |
491 | - ready : function() { | |
492 | - this._resize(); | |
493 | - $(this.$.datalet_selection_inputs).perfectScrollbar(); | |
494 | - $(this.$.datalet_selection_labels).perfectScrollbar(); | |
495 | - $(this.$.datalet_selection_datalet).perfectScrollbar(); | |
496 | - | |
497 | - this.params = {'data-url' : this.dataUrl}; | |
498 | - | |
499 | - //this.modify = true;//da eliminare in futuro | |
500 | - if(this.preselectedDatalet){ | |
501 | - if(this.modify) | |
502 | - this._preselectDatalet(); | |
503 | - | |
504 | - this.modify = true; | |
505 | - this.preselectedDatalet = undefined; | |
506 | - } | |
507 | - }, | |
508 | - | |
509 | - attached : function() { | |
510 | - this._resize(); | |
511 | - var that = this; | |
512 | - window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize(); }); | |
513 | - | |
514 | - this._translate(); | |
515 | - }, | |
516 | - | |
517 | - setFilters : function(filters) { | |
518 | - this.filters = filters; | |
519 | - }, | |
520 | - | |
521 | - setFields : function(fields) { | |
522 | - this.fields = fields; | |
523 | - }, | |
524 | - | |
525 | - reset : function() { | |
526 | - this.selectedDatalet = undefined;//non va!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
527 | - this.preselectedDatalet = undefined; | |
528 | - this.type = undefined; | |
529 | - this.inputs = []; | |
530 | - this.labels = []; | |
531 | - this.$ = "none"; | |
532 | - = true; | |
533 | - this._showExpertMode(); | |
534 | - this.loadPreview = false; | |
535 | - this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML = ""; | |
536 | - this._resetGroupBy(); | |
537 | - }, | |
538 | - | |
539 | - _translate : function(){ | |
540 | - | |
541 | - this.$.add_button.innerHTML = ln["addDatalet_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
542 | - this.$.inputs.innerHTML = ln["inputs_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
543 | - this.$.baseInfo.innerHTML = ln["baseInfo_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
544 | - this.$.layouts.innerHTML = ln["layouts_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
545 | - this.$.dataletPreview.innerHTML = ln["dataletPreview_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
546 | - | |
547 | - this.$.base_title.label = ln["title_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
548 | - this.$.base_description.label = ln["description_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
549 | - | |
550 | - this.$.groupBy.innerHTML = ln["groupBy_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
551 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("label", ln["groupBy_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
552 | - | |
553 | - if(this.modify) | |
554 | - this.$.add_button.innerHTML = ln["modifyDatalet_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
555 | - }, | |
556 | - | |
557 | - _selectDatalet : function(e){ | |
558 | - this.$.add_button.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
559 | - | |
560 | - this.selectedDatalet = e.detail.datalet; | |
561 | - | |
562 | - this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML = ""; | |
563 | - | |
564 | - if(!this.selectedDatalet){ | |
565 | - this.type = undefined; | |
566 | - this.inputs = []; | |
567 | - this.labels = []; | |
568 | - this.$ = "none"; | |
569 | - = true; | |
570 | - this._showExpertMode(); | |
571 | - this.loadPreview = false; | |
572 | - } | |
573 | - else{ | |
574 | - this.$.selectedDatalet_request.url = this.deepUrl + e.detail.datalet + "-datalet"; | |
575 | - this.$.selectedDatalet_request.generateRequest(); | |
576 | - this.$ = "block"; | |
577 | - } | |
578 | - }, | |
579 | - | |
580 | - _preselectDatalet : function() { | |
581 | - this.type = "undefined"; | |
582 | - this.$.selectedDatalet_request.url = this.deepUrl + this.preselectedDatalet + "-datalet"; | |
583 | - this.$.selectedDatalet_request.generateRequest(); | |
584 | - | |
585 | - this.selectedDatalet = this.preselectedDatalet; | |
586 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(this.fields); | |
587 | - | |
588 | -// this.filters = JSON.parse(this.dataletPreset["filters"]); | |
589 | -// this.aggregators = JSON.parse(this.dataletPreset["aggregators"]); | |
590 | -// this.orders = JSON.parse(this.dataletPreset["orders"]); | |
591 | - | |
592 | - this.async(function() { | |
593 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(this.fields); | |
594 | - | |
595 | - //set info labels options | |
596 | - var textarea = this.$.datalet_selection_labels.querySelectorAll("paper-textarea"); | |
597 | - textarea[0].value = this.dataletPreset["description"]; | |
598 | - | |
599 | - var inputs = this.$.datalet_selection_labels.querySelectorAll("paper-input"); | |
600 | - inputs[0].value = this.dataletPreset["title"]; | |
601 | - | |
602 | - for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) | |
603 | - inputs[i].value = this.dataletPreset[this.labels[i-1].name]; | |
604 | - | |
605 | - //set inputs --> prima apri GB e riempi CALCULATE e poi gli ORDERBY??? | |
606 | - var ddls = document.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
607 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++) { | |
608 | - var id = ddls[i].id; | |
609 | - if (!isNaN(id)) { | |
610 | -// id = parseInt(id); | |
611 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(id); | |
612 | - } | |
613 | - else if (id.indexOf("group_by") > -1) { | |
614 | - ; | |
615 | - } | |
616 | - else if (id.indexOf("calculate") > -1) { | |
617 | - ; | |
618 | - } | |
619 | - } | |
620 | - | |
621 | - this.loadPreview = true; | |
622 | - this._loadDatalet(this.selectedFields); | |
623 | - }, 300); | |
624 | - }, | |
625 | - | |
626 | - _handleSelectedDatalet : function(e){ | |
627 | - | |
628 | - if(this.type != e.detail.response.type) { | |
629 | - | |
630 | - this.inputs = []; | |
631 | - this.labels = []; | |
632 | - | |
633 | - var inputs = e.detail.response.idm.inputs.input; | |
634 | - | |
635 | - if (inputs.constructor == Object) {//not Array && inputs.input.selection == "*" | |
636 | - var name =; | |
637 | - var description = inputs.description; | |
638 | - var selection = inputs.selection; | |
639 | - inputs = []; | |
640 | - for (var i in this.fields) | |
641 | - inputs.push({name: name + " " + i, description: description, selection: selection}); | |
642 | - } | |
643 | - | |
644 | - this.async(function(){ | |
645 | - this.type = e.detail.response.type; | |
646 | - this.inputs = inputs; | |
647 | - this.labels = e.detail.response.idm.inputs.layouts.input; | |
648 | - | |
649 | - this.selectedFields = new Array(inputs.length); | |
650 | - },0); | |
651 | - | |
652 | - this._resetGroupBy(); | |
653 | - | |
654 | - this.loadPreview = false; | |
655 | - } | |
656 | - | |
657 | - else if (this.loadPreview) | |
658 | - this._loadDatalet(this.selectedFields); | |
659 | - }, | |
660 | - | |
661 | - _resetGroupBy : function(){ | |
662 | - $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0].select(-1); | |
663 | - this.groupedFields = []; | |
664 | - this.aggregators = []; | |
665 | - }, | |
666 | - | |
667 | - _addGroupByInput : function(){ | |
668 | - this.async(function() {//codice reprlicato! | |
669 | - var selectedFields = this.selectedFields; | |
670 | - | |
671 | - var load = true; | |
672 | - | |
673 | - if(this.inputs[0].selection == "*"){ | |
674 | - var temp = []; | |
675 | - for (var i = 0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
676 | - if(selectedFields[i]) | |
677 | - temp.push(selectedFields[i]); | |
678 | - selectedFields = temp; | |
679 | - } | |
680 | - else { | |
681 | - for (var i = 0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
682 | - if (!selectedFields[i]) { | |
683 | - load = false; | |
684 | - break; | |
685 | - } | |
686 | - } | |
687 | - | |
688 | - if(load){ | |
689 | - this.loadPreview = true; | |
690 | - this._loadDatalet(selectedFields); | |
691 | - } | |
692 | - }, 0); | |
693 | - }, | |
694 | - | |
695 | - _addOrder : function(e){ | |
696 | - var t =; | |
697 | - if(t.tagName.indexOf("IRON-ICON") > -1) | |
698 | - t = $("paper-icon-button")[0]; | |
699 | - | |
700 | - var icon = t.getAttribute("icon"); | |
701 | - var name = t.getAttribute("id"); | |
702 | - | |
703 | - if(name.indexOf("gb") > -1){ | |
704 | - var selectedItem = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
705 | - if(selectedItem) | |
706 | - name = selectedItem.textContent.trim(); | |
707 | -// name = "[" + selectedItem.textContent.trim() + "]"; | |
708 | - else | |
709 | - return; | |
710 | - }// else { | |
711 | -// var i = name; | |
712 | -// var ddl = $("#calculate_"+i); | |
713 | -// | |
714 | -// var label = $(ddl).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem.textContent.trim(); | |
715 | -// var index = label.split(" ", 2).join(" ").length; | |
716 | -// var field = label.substring(index+1, label.length); | |
717 | -// var operation = label.substring(0, label.indexOf(" ")); | |
718 | -// name = operation + "([" + field + "])"; | |
719 | -// } | |
720 | - | |
721 | - if(icon.indexOf("unfold-more") > -1){ | |
722 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "expand-less"); | |
723 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["sortAscending_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
724 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== name; }); | |
725 | - orders.push({"field": name, "operation": "ASC"}); | |
726 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
727 | - } | |
728 | - else if(icon.indexOf("expand-less") > -1){ | |
729 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "expand-more"); | |
730 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["sortDescending_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
731 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== name; }); | |
732 | - orders.push({"field": name, "operation": "DESC"}); | |
733 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
734 | - } | |
735 | - else if(icon.indexOf("expand-more") > -1){ | |
736 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "unfold-more"); | |
737 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["unsort_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
738 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== name; }); | |
739 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
740 | - } | |
741 | - | |
742 | - this._addGroupByInput();//no buoono | |
743 | -// if(load){ | |
744 | -// this.loadPreview = true; | |
745 | -// this._loadDatalet(selectedFields); | |
746 | -// } | |
747 | - }, | |
748 | - | |
749 | - _addInput : function(e){ | |
750 | - var selectedFields = this._copy(this.selectedFields); | |
751 | - | |
752 | -// var index = $("paper-dropdown-menu")[0].id; | |
753 | -// selectedFields[index] =; | |
754 | - | |
755 | - var ddl_index = $("paper-dropdown-menu")[0].id; | |
756 | - var index =; | |
757 | - selectedFields[ddl_index] = this.fields[index]; | |
758 | - | |
759 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(selectedFields); | |
760 | - | |
761 | - var load = true; | |
762 | - | |
763 | - if(this.inputs[0].selection == "*"){ | |
764 | - var temp = []; | |
765 | - for (var i = 0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
766 | - if(selectedFields[i]) | |
767 | - temp.push(selectedFields[i]); | |
768 | - selectedFields = temp; | |
769 | - } | |
770 | - else { | |
771 | - for (var i = 0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
772 | - if (!selectedFields[i]) { | |
773 | - load = false; | |
774 | - break; | |
775 | - } | |
776 | - } | |
777 | - | |
778 | - this._resetGroupBy();//--> conflitto, in _updateparams valorizza this.aggregators | |
779 | - | |
780 | - if(load){ | |
781 | - this.loadPreview = true; | |
782 | - this._loadDatalet(selectedFields); | |
783 | - } | |
784 | - }, | |
785 | - | |
786 | - _updateParams : function(){ | |
787 | - var textarea = this.$.datalet_selection_labels.querySelectorAll("paper-textarea"); | |
788 | - this.params["description"] = textarea[0].value; | |
789 | - | |
790 | - if(!textarea[0].value) | |
791 | - this.params[textarea[0].label] = ""; | |
792 | - | |
793 | - var inputs = this.$.datalet_selection_labels.querySelectorAll("paper-input"); | |
794 | - this.params["title"] = inputs[0].value; | |
795 | - | |
796 | - for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) | |
797 | - this.params[this.labels[i-1].name] = inputs[i].value; | |
798 | - | |
799 | - this.aggregators = []; | |
800 | - | |
801 | - var ddls = document.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
802 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++){ | |
803 | - var id = ddls[i].id; | |
804 | - if(id.indexOf("group_by") > -1 && $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem) { | |
805 | - var label = $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem.textContent.trim(); | |
806 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": label, "operation": "GROUP BY"}); | |
807 | - } | |
808 | - if(id.indexOf("calculate") > -1) { | |
809 | - var menu = $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
810 | - var label = menu.selectedItem.textContent.trim(); | |
811 | - var index =; | |
812 | - var ii = label.split(" ", 2).join(" ").length; | |
813 | - //attenzione BUG --> non funziona se la traduzione non ha solo 1 spazio | |
814 | - var field = label.substring(ii+1, label.length); | |
815 | -// var operation = label.substring(0, label.indexOf(" ")); | |
816 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": field, "operation": this.functions[index]}); | |
817 | - } | |
818 | - } | |
819 | - }, | |
820 | - | |
821 | - _paramsChanged : function(){ | |
822 | - | |
823 | - this._updateParams(); | |
824 | - | |
825 | - if(this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.children[1]) | |
826 | - this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.children[1].behavior.setParameters(this.params); | |
827 | - }, | |
828 | - | |
829 | - _loadDatalet : function(selectedFields){ | |
830 | - | |
831 | - this._updateParams(); | |
832 | - | |
833 | - this.params["filters"] = JSON.stringify(this.filters); | |
834 | - this.params["aggregators"] = JSON.stringify(this.aggregators); | |
835 | - this.params["orders"] = JSON.stringify(this.orders); | |
836 | - | |
837 | -// this.params["filters"] = '[{"field": "Lat", "operation": ">=", "value": "53.298164"}, {"field": "Lat", "operation": "<", "value": "54"}]'; | |
838 | -// this.params["aggregators"] = '[{"field": "Lat", "operation": "GROUP BY"}, {"field": "Lng", "operation": "COUNT"}]'; | |
839 | -// this.params["orders"] = '[{"field": "Lat", "operation": "DESC"}, {"field": "Lat", "operation": "ASC"}]'; | |
840 | - | |
841 | - //this.params["aggregators"] = '[{"field": "Value", "operation": "GROUP BY"}, {"field": "LOCATION", "operation": "COUNT"}]'; | |
842 | - //this.params["orders"] = '[{"field": "Value", "operation": "ASC"}, {"field": "Value", "operation": "ASC"}]'; | |
843 | - | |
844 | - var dataletParams ={ | |
845 | - component : this.selectedDatalet+"-datalet", | |
846 | - params : this.params, | |
847 | - fields : selectedFields, | |
848 | - placeHolder : this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder | |
849 | - }; | |
850 | - | |
851 | - ComponentService.deep_url = this.deepUrl; | |
852 | - ComponentService.getComponent(dataletParams); | |
853 | - | |
854 | - this.$.add_button.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
855 | - }, | |
856 | - | |
857 | - _addDatalet : function(){ | |
858 | - | |
859 | - this._updateParams(); | |
860 | - | |
861 | - var selectedFields = []; | |
862 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) | |
863 | - if(this.selectedFields[i]) | |
864 | - selectedFields.push(this.selectedFields[i]); | |
865 | - | |
866 | - var data = { | |
867 | - dataUrl : this.dataUrl, | |
868 | - params : this.params, | |
869 | - fields : selectedFields, | |
870 | - datalet : this.selectedDatalet+"-datalet", | |
871 | -// comment : "",//DEPRECATED!!! | |
872 | - staticData : JSON.stringify(this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.children[1] | |
873 | - } | |
874 | - | |
875 | -'data-sevc-controllet.dataletCreated', {data : data}); | |
876 | - | |
877 | - }, | |
878 | - | |
879 | - _showInfo : function(e){ | |
880 | -// var that = this; | |
881 | - var t =; | |
882 | - if(t.tagName.indexOf("IRON-ICON") != -1) | |
883 | - t = $("paper-icon-button")[0]; | |
884 | - | |
885 | -// var name = t.getAttribute("title").replace(" info", ""); | |
886 | - var name = t.getAttribute("id"); | |
887 | - | |
888 | - var dataset = $.grep(this.inputs, function(e){ return == name; })[0]; | |
889 | - if(!dataset) | |
890 | - dataset = $.grep(this.labels, function(e){ return == name; })[0]; | |
891 | - | |
892 | - this.$.dialog_name.innerHTML = this._getLabelName(; | |
893 | - this.$.dialog_description.innerHTML = ln[dataset.description + "_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
894 | - this.$; | |
895 | - | |
896 | - var pos = t.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
897 | - $("#dialog_info_input").css("top", - 4); | |
898 | - $("#dialog_info_input").css("left", pos.left - 4); | |
899 | - }, | |
900 | - | |
901 | - _fieldName : function(field) { | |
902 | - if(!field)//when? | |
903 | - return ""; | |
904 | - return field.substring(field.lastIndexOf(",")+1, field.length); | |
905 | - }, | |
906 | - | |
907 | - _copy : function(o) { | |
908 | - var out, v, key; | |
909 | - out = Array.isArray(o) ? new Array(o.length) : {}; | |
910 | - for (key in o) { | |
911 | - v = o[key]; | |
912 | - out[key] = (typeof v === "object") ? this._copy(v) : v; | |
913 | - } | |
914 | - return out; | |
915 | - }, | |
916 | - | |
917 | - _getLabelName: function(key) { | |
918 | - //* exceptions | |
919 | - if(key.indexOf("Cell") > -1) { | |
920 | - return ln["Cell" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
921 | - } | |
922 | - if(key.indexOf("Level") > -1) { | |
923 | - return ln["Level" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
924 | - } | |
925 | - | |
926 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
927 | - }, | |
928 | - | |
929 | - _calculateLabel: function() { | |
930 | - return ln["calculate" + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
931 | - }, | |
932 | - | |
933 | - _operationName: function(index) { | |
934 | - var key = this.functions[index]; | |
935 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
936 | - }, | |
937 | - | |
938 | - _resize : function(){ | |
939 | - var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - 16; | |
940 | - h = h - 64 - 8; //height with page scroller | |
941 | - | |
942 | - $("#items_vslider_container").height(h);//vslider controllet | |
943 | - | |
944 | - $("#datalet_selection_inputs").height(h); | |
945 | - $("#datalet_selection_labels").height(h); | |
946 | - $("#datalet_selection_datalet").height(h); | |
947 | - } | |
948 | - | |
949 | - }); | |
950 | - | |
951 | - </script> | |
952 | - | |
953 | -</dom-module> | |
954 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/datalet-selection-controllet/demo/index.html deleted
1 | -<html> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<head> | |
4 | - <script src="../../shared_js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> | |
5 | - | |
6 | - <script src="../../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> | |
7 | - | |
8 | - <script src="../../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/js/min/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js"></script> | |
9 | - <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css"> | |
10 | - | |
11 | - <script src="../../../locales/controllet_ln.js"></script> | |
12 | - <script> | |
13 | - ln["localization"] = "en"; | |
14 | - </script> | |
15 | - | |
16 | - <link rel="import" href="../datalet-selection-controllet.html" /> | |
17 | -</head> | |
18 | - | |
19 | -<body> | |
20 | - | |
21 | -<!--<datalet-selection-controllet fields='["result,records,Anno","result,records,Cinesi","result,records,Albanesi","result,records,Rumeni","result,records,Pakistani","result,records,Marocchini","result,records,Altri stranieri" ]' data-url="" deep-url="" datalets-list-url=""></datalet-selection-controllet>--> | |
22 | - | |
23 | -<!--<datalet-selection-controllet fields='["records,fields,title", "records,fields,published"]' data-url="" deep-url="" datalets-list-url=""></datalet-selection-controllet>--> | |
24 | -<datalet-selection-controllet fields='["records,fields,annee", "records,fields,preteur", "records,fields,capital_restant_du"]' data-url="" deep-url="" datalets-list-url=""></datalet-selection-controllet> | |
25 | - | |
26 | -</body> | |
27 | - | |
28 | -<!--urls:--> | |
29 | -<!--> | |
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33 | -<!--url: '',--> | |
34 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/dataset-selection-controllet/dataset-selection-controllet.html deleted
1 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.html"> | |
4 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tab.html"> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation.html"> | |
7 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animatable.html"> | |
8 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animations.html"> | |
9 | - | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html"> | |
12 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
13 | - | |
14 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-textarea.html"> | |
15 | - | |
16 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" /> | |
17 | - | |
18 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> | |
19 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> | |
20 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html"> | |
21 | - | |
22 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html"> | |
23 | - | |
24 | -<link rel="import" href="../../datalets/datasetexplorer-datalet/datasetexplorer-datalet.html"> | |
25 | - | |
26 | -<link rel="import" href="paper-input-search.html"> | |
27 | - | |
28 | -<dom-module id="dataset-selection-controllet"> | |
29 | - | |
30 | - <template> | |
31 | - | |
32 | - <style is="custom-style"> | |
33 | - :host { | |
34 | - --paper-dropdown-menu-icon: { | |
35 | - color: #2196F3; | |
36 | - }; | |
37 | - } | |
38 | - | |
39 | - paper-tabs { | |
40 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
41 | - font-size: 16px; | |
42 | - font-weight: bold; | |
43 | - --paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: #2196F3; | |
44 | - } | |
45 | - | |
46 | - paper-tab { | |
47 | - transition: all 1.0s; | |
48 | - } | |
49 | - | |
50 | - paper-tab.iron-selected { | |
51 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
52 | - } | |
53 | - | |
54 | - paper-tab:hover { | |
55 | - color: #2196F3; | |
56 | - } | |
57 | - | |
58 | - paper-tab[disabled] { | |
59 | - color: #B6B6B6; | |
60 | - } | |
61 | - | |
62 | - paper-dropdown-menu { | |
63 | - width: 45%; | |
64 | - margin-bottom: 32px; | |
65 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
66 | - } | |
67 | - | |
68 | - paper-dropdown-menu paper-item { | |
69 | - white-space: nowrap; | |
70 | - } | |
71 | - | |
72 | - paper-input-search { | |
73 | - width: 45%; | |
74 | - margin-bottom: 32px; | |
75 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
76 | - } | |
77 | - | |
78 | - paper-input-search paper-item { | |
79 | - white-space: nowrap; | |
80 | - } | |
81 | - | |
82 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
83 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
84 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
85 | - } | |
86 | - | |
87 | - .ddl_container { | |
88 | - position: relative; | |
89 | - } | |
90 | - | |
91 | - .info_button { | |
92 | - position: absolute; | |
93 | - top: 18px; | |
94 | - left: 45%; | |
95 | - } | |
96 | - | |
97 | - paper-textarea { | |
98 | - width: 90%; | |
99 | - margin-bottom: 32px; | |
100 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
101 | - } | |
102 | - | |
103 | - paper-icon-button { | |
104 | - color: #2196F3; | |
105 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #2196F3; | |
106 | - } | |
107 | - | |
108 | - paper-icon-button[disabled] { | |
109 | - color: #B6B6B6; | |
110 | - } | |
111 | - | |
112 | - #material_container { | |
113 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
114 | - } | |
115 | - | |
116 | - #div_selection { | |
117 | - padding-left: 10%; | |
118 | - padding-top: 64px; | |
119 | - } | |
120 | - | |
121 | - #dialog_info { | |
122 | - border: 2px solid #2196F3; | |
123 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
124 | - } | |
125 | - </style> | |
126 | - | |
127 | - <paper-material id="material_container" elevation="5"> | |
128 | - | |
129 | - <paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}"> | |
130 | - <paper-tab noink><span id="listView"></span></paper-tab> | |
131 | - <paper-tab noink><span id="treeMapView"></span></paper-tab> | |
132 | - <!--<paper-tab noink disabled><span data-l10n-id="mostPopular"></span></paper-tab>--> | |
133 | - </paper-tabs> | |
134 | - | |
135 | - <neon-animated-pages selected="{{selected}}" entry-animation="fade-in-animation" exit-animation="fade-out-animation"> | |
136 | - | |
137 | - <neon-animatable> | |
138 | - | |
139 | - <div id="div_selection"> | |
140 | - <div class="ddl_container"> | |
141 | - <paper-input-search id="_datasets" label="Available datasets"> | |
142 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
143 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{filteredDatasets}} as="dataset"> | |
144 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_selectDataUrl">{{}}</paper-item> | |
145 | - </template> | |
146 | - </paper-menu> | |
147 | - </paper-input-search> | |
148 | - | |
149 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
150 | - <paper-icon-button id="info_dataset" disabled on-click="_showInfo" icon="info-outline" title="dataset info"></paper-icon-button> | |
151 | - </div> | |
152 | - </div> | |
153 | - | |
154 | - <template is="dom-if" if={{isSuggested}}> | |
155 | - | |
156 | - <div class="ddl_container"> | |
157 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="s_datasets" label="Suggested datasets"> | |
158 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
159 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{suggestedDatasets}} as="dataset"> | |
160 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_selectSuggestedDataUrl">{{}}</paper-item> | |
161 | - </template> | |
162 | - </paper-menu> | |
163 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
164 | - | |
165 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
166 | - <paper-icon-button id="info_s_dataset" disabled on-click="_showInfo" icon="info-outline" title="dataset info"></paper-icon-button> | |
167 | - </div> | |
168 | - </div> | |
169 | - | |
170 | - </template> | |
171 | - | |
172 | - <paper-textarea id="selected_url" label="Selected url" value={{dataUrl}} error-message={{errorMessage}}></paper-textarea> | |
173 | - | |
174 | - <paper-dialog id="dialog_info"> | |
175 | - <h2 id="dialog_name"></h2> | |
176 | - <p id="dialog_description"></p> | |
177 | - </paper-dialog> | |
178 | - </div> | |
179 | - | |
180 | - </neon-animatable> | |
181 | - | |
182 | - <neon-animatable> | |
183 | - <div id="div_datasetexplorer"></div> | |
184 | - </neon-animatable> | |
185 | - | |
186 | - <neon-animatable> | |
187 | - <!--popular--> | |
188 | - </neon-animatable> | |
189 | - | |
190 | - </neon-animated-pages> | |
191 | - | |
192 | - </paper-material> | |
193 | - | |
194 | - </template> | |
195 | - | |
196 | - <script> | |
197 | - | |
198 | - Polymer({ | |
199 | - | |
200 | - is : 'dataset-selection-controllet', | |
201 | - | |
202 | - properties : { | |
203 | - | |
204 | - selected : { | |
205 | - type : Number, | |
206 | - value : 0 | |
207 | - }, | |
208 | - | |
209 | - datasets : { | |
210 | - type : Array, | |
211 | - value : undefined | |
212 | - }, | |
213 | - | |
214 | - filteredDatasets : { | |
215 | - type : Array, | |
216 | - value : [] | |
217 | - }, | |
218 | - | |
219 | - suggestedDatasets : { | |
220 | - type : Array, | |
221 | - value : undefined | |
222 | - }, | |
223 | - | |
224 | - isSuggested : { | |
225 | - type : Boolean, | |
226 | - value : false | |
227 | - }, | |
228 | - | |
229 | - dataUrl : { | |
230 | - type : String, | |
231 | - value : undefined, | |
232 | - observer : '_fireDataUrl' | |
233 | - }, | |
234 | - | |
235 | - errorMessage : { | |
236 | - type : String, | |
237 | - value : "", | |
238 | - } | |
239 | - | |
240 | - }, | |
241 | - | |
242 | - listeners: { | |
243 | - 'datasetexplorer-datalet_data-url': '_selectDataUrl_treeMap', | |
244 | - 'paper-input-search_input-value' : '_filterDatasets' | |
245 | - }, | |
246 | - | |
247 | - ready : function(){ | |
248 | - $(this.$.material_container).perfectScrollbar(); | |
249 | - $(this.$.dialog_info).perfectScrollbar(); | |
250 | - | |
251 | - this.errorMessage = ln["wrongUrl_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
252 | - }, | |
253 | - | |
254 | - attached : function(){ | |
255 | - this._resize(); | |
256 | - var that = this; | |
257 | - window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize(); }); | |
258 | - | |
259 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.datasets; | |
260 | - | |
261 | - if(this.suggestedDatasets) | |
262 | - this.isSuggested = true; | |
263 | - | |
264 | - this._loadTreeMap(); | |
265 | - | |
266 | - this.async(function(){this._translate();},100); | |
267 | - }, | |
268 | - | |
269 | - _translate : function(){ | |
270 | - this.$._datasets.setAttribute("label", ln["availableDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
271 | - this.$.listView.innerHTML = ln["listView_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
272 | - this.$.treeMapView.innerHTML = ln["treeMapView_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
273 | - | |
274 | - if(this.isSuggested) | |
275 | - this.$$("#s_datasets").setAttribute("label", ln["suggestedDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
276 | - this.$.selected_url.setAttribute("label", ln["selectedUrl_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
277 | - }, | |
278 | - | |
279 | - _filterDatasets : function(e){ | |
280 | - var filter = e.detail.inputValue; | |
281 | - var filteredDatasets = []; | |
282 | - for (var i in this.datasets){ | |
283 | - if(this.datasets[i].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) != -1) | |
284 | - filteredDatasets.push(this.datasets[i]); | |
285 | - } | |
286 | - | |
287 | - this.filteredDatasets = filteredDatasets; | |
288 | - }, | |
289 | - | |
290 | - _loadTreeMap : function(){ | |
291 | - var h = $("#material_container").height() - 48; | |
292 | - var w = $("#material_container").width(); | |
293 | - | |
294 | - this.$.div_datasetexplorer.innerHTML = "<datasetexplorer-datalet data='""' width=\""+w+"\" height=\""+h+"\" data-url=\"/openwall/api/datasetTree\" fields='[\"result,datasets,provider_name\",\"result,datasets,organization_name\",\"result,datasets,package_name\",\"result,datasets,resource_name\",\"result,datasets,url\",\"result,datasets,w\"]'></datasetexplorer-datalet>"; | |
295 | - }, | |
296 | - | |
297 | - _selectDataUrl_treeMap : function(e) { | |
298 | - $("#_datasets")[0]._setSelectedItem(null); | |
299 | - $("#_datasets")[0].inputValue = ""; | |
300 | - $("#info_dataset")[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
301 | - | |
302 | - if (this.isSuggested) { | |
303 | - $("#s_datasets")[0]._setSelectedItem(null); | |
304 | - $("#s_datasets")[0]; | |
305 | - $("#info_s_dataset")[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
306 | - } | |
307 | - | |
308 | - this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(e.detail.url); | |
309 | - this.selected=0; | |
310 | - }, | |
311 | - | |
312 | - _selectDataUrl : function(e){this._translate(); | |
313 | - if (this.isSuggested) { | |
314 | - $("#s_datasets")[0]._setSelectedItem(null); | |
315 | - $("#s_datasets")[0]; | |
316 | - $("#info_s_dataset")[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
317 | - } | |
318 | - | |
319 | - var dataset = this.filteredDatasets[parseInt(] | |
320 | - | |
321 | - this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(dataset.url); | |
322 | - | |
323 | - if(dataset.description != ""){ | |
324 | - $("#info_dataset")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
325 | - this.$.dialog_name.innerHTML =; | |
326 | - this.$.dialog_description.innerHTML = dataset.description; | |
327 | - } | |
328 | - else | |
329 | - $("#info_dataset")[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
330 | - }, | |
331 | - | |
332 | - _selectSuggestedDataUrl : function(e){ | |
333 | - $("#_datasets")[0]._setSelectedItem(null); | |
334 | - $("#_datasets")[0].inputValue = ""; | |
335 | - $("#info_dataset")[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
336 | - | |
337 | - var dataset = this.suggestedDatasets[parseInt(] | |
338 | - | |
339 | - this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(dataset.url); | |
340 | - | |
341 | - if(dataset.description != ""){ | |
342 | - $("#info_s_dataset")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
343 | - this.$.dialog_name.innerHTML =; | |
344 | - this.$.dialog_description.innerHTML = dataset.description; | |
345 | - } | |
346 | - else | |
347 | - $("#info_s_dataset")[0].setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
348 | - }, | |
349 | - | |
350 | - _showInfo : function(e){ | |
351 | - var t =; | |
352 | - if(t.tagName.indexOf("IRON-ICON") != -1) | |
353 | - t = $("paper-icon-button")[0]; | |
354 | - | |
355 | - this.$; | |
356 | - | |
357 | - var pos = t.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
358 | - $("#dialog_info").css("top", - 4); | |
359 | - $("#dialog_info").css("left", pos.left - 4); | |
360 | - }, | |
361 | - | |
362 | - _fireDataUrl : function(){ | |
363 | -'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url', {url: this.dataUrl}); | |
364 | - }, | |
365 | - | |
366 | - _addlimitUrl : function(url){ | |
367 | - //CKAN --> action no limit | |
368 | - if((url.indexOf("api/action") > -1) && !(url.indexOf("limit") > -1)) | |
369 | - { | |
370 | - url += "&limit=99999"; | |
371 | - } | |
372 | - //OpenDataSoft --> action no limit | |
373 | - if((url.indexOf("api/records") > -1) && !(url.indexOf("rows") > -1)){ | |
374 | - url += "&rows=10000"; | |
375 | - } | |
376 | - return url; | |
377 | - }, | |
378 | - | |
379 | - _resize : function(){ | |
380 | - var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - 16; | |
381 | - h = h - 64 - 8; //height with page scroller | |
382 | - $("#material_container").height(h); | |
383 | - } | |
384 | - | |
385 | - }); | |
386 | - | |
387 | - </script> | |
388 | - | |
389 | -</dom-module> |
controllets/dataset-selection-controllet/demo/index.html deleted
1 | -<html> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<head> | |
4 | - <script src="../../shared_js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> | |
5 | - | |
6 | - <script src="../../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> | |
7 | - | |
8 | - <script src="../../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/js/min/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js"></script> | |
9 | - <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css"> | |
10 | - | |
11 | - <link rel="import" href="../dataset-selection-controllet.html" /> | |
12 | -</head> | |
13 | - | |
14 | -<body> | |
15 | - | |
16 | -<dataset-selection-controllet id="ds"></dataset-selection-controllet> | |
17 | - | |
18 | -<script> | |
19 | - var description = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+ | |
20 | - " aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+ | |
21 | - " aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+ | |
22 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
23 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
24 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
25 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
26 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
27 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
28 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
29 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
30 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
31 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
32 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
33 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
34 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
35 | - "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; | |
36 | - | |
37 | - var dataset1 = {description: description, name: "Data", url: ""}; | |
38 | - var dataset2 = {description: "", name: "Klassen", url: ""}; | |
39 | - var dataset3 = {description: "descrizione bellissima purissima levissima sbiricuda antani", name: "Derelict Sites", url: ""}; | |
40 | - var datasets = [dataset1, dataset2, dataset3]; | |
41 | - var datasets = [dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3]; | |
42 | - | |
43 | - var ds = document.getElementById('ds'); | |
44 | - ds.setAttribute("datasets", JSON.stringify(datasets)); | |
45 | - | |
46 | -</script> | |
47 | - | |
48 | -</body> | |
49 | - | |
50 | -</html> | |
51 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/dataset-selection-controllet/paper-input-search.html deleted
1 | -<!-- | |
2 | -@license | |
3 | -Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. | |
4 | -This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at | |
5 | -The complete set of authors may be found at | |
6 | -The complete set of contributors may be found at | |
7 | -Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also | |
8 | -subject to an additional IP rights grant found at | |
9 | ---> | |
10 | - | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> | |
12 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-styles/default-theme.html"> | |
13 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html"> | |
14 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu-button/paper-menu-button.html"> | |
15 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html"> | |
16 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.html"> | |
17 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-control-state.html"> | |
18 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-button-state.html"> | |
19 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> | |
20 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html"> | |
21 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selectable.html"> | |
22 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-form-element-behavior/iron-form-element-behavior.html"> | |
23 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-validatable-behavior/iron-validatable-behavior.html"> | |
24 | - | |
25 | -<!-- | |
26 | -Material design: [Dropdown menus]( | |
27 | - | |
28 | -`paper-dropdown-menu` is similar to a native browser select element. | |
29 | -`paper-dropdown-menu` works with selectable content. The currently selected | |
30 | -item is displayed in the control. If no item is selected, the `label` is | |
31 | -displayed instead. | |
32 | - | |
33 | -The child element with the class `dropdown-content` will be used as the dropdown | |
34 | -menu. It could be a `paper-menu` or element that triggers `iron-select` when | |
35 | -selecting its children. | |
36 | - | |
37 | -Example: | |
38 | - | |
39 | - <paper-dropdown-menu label="Your favourite pastry"> | |
40 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
41 | - <paper-item>Croissant</paper-item> | |
42 | - <paper-item>Donut</paper-item> | |
43 | - <paper-item>Financier</paper-item> | |
44 | - <paper-item>Madeleine</paper-item> | |
45 | - </paper-menu> | |
46 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
47 | - | |
48 | -This example renders a dropdown menu with 4 options. | |
49 | - | |
50 | -Similarly to using `iron-select`, `iron-deselect` events will cause the | |
51 | -current selection of the `paper-dropdown-menu` to be cleared. | |
52 | - | |
53 | -### Styling | |
54 | - | |
55 | -The following custom properties and mixins are also available for styling: | |
56 | - | |
57 | -Custom property | Description | Default | |
58 | -----------------|-------------|---------- | |
59 | -`--paper-dropdown-menu` | A mixin that is applied to the element host | `{}` | |
60 | -`--paper-dropdown-menu-disabled` | A mixin that is applied to the element host when disabled | `{}` | |
61 | -`--paper-dropdown-menu-ripple` | A mixin that is applied to the internal ripple | `{}` | |
62 | -`--paper-dropdown-menu-button` | A mixin that is applied to the internal menu button | `{}` | |
63 | -`--paper-dropdown-menu-input` | A mixin that is applied to the internal paper input | `{}` | |
64 | -`--paper-dropdown-menu-icon` | A mixin that is applied to the internal icon | `{}` | |
65 | - | |
66 | -You can also use any of the `paper-input-container` and `paper-menu-button` | |
67 | -style mixins and custom properties to style the internal input and menu button | |
68 | -respectively. | |
69 | - | |
70 | -@group Paper Elements | |
71 | -@element paper-dropdown-menu | |
72 | -@hero hero.svg | |
73 | -@demo demo/index.html | |
74 | ---> | |
75 | - | |
76 | -<dom-module id="paper-input-search"> | |
77 | - <style> | |
78 | - :host { | |
79 | - display: inline-block; | |
80 | - position: relative; | |
81 | - text-align: left; | |
82 | - cursor: pointer; | |
83 | - | |
84 | - /* NOTE(cdata): Both values are needed, since some phones require the | |
85 | - * value to be `transparent`. | |
86 | - */ | |
87 | - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); | |
88 | - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; | |
89 | - | |
90 | - --paper-input-container-input: { | |
91 | - overflow: hidden; | |
92 | - white-space: nowrap; | |
93 | - text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
94 | - max-width: 100%; | |
95 | - box-sizing: border-box; | |
96 | - /*cursor: pointer;*/ | |
97 | - }; | |
98 | - | |
99 | - @apply(--paper-dropdown-menu); | |
100 | - } | |
101 | - | |
102 | - :host([disabled]) { | |
103 | - @apply(--paper-dropdown-menu-disabled); | |
104 | - } | |
105 | - | |
106 | - :host([noink]) paper-ripple { | |
107 | - display: none; | |
108 | - } | |
109 | - | |
110 | - :host([no-label-float]) paper-ripple { | |
111 | - top: 8px; | |
112 | - } | |
113 | - | |
114 | - paper-ripple { | |
115 | - top: 12px; | |
116 | - left: 0px; | |
117 | - bottom: 8px; | |
118 | - right: 0px; | |
119 | - | |
120 | - @apply(--paper-dropdown-menu-ripple); | |
121 | - } | |
122 | - | |
123 | - paper-menu-button { | |
124 | - display: block; | |
125 | - padding: 0; | |
126 | - @apply(--paper-dropdown-menu-button); | |
127 | - } | |
128 | - | |
129 | - paper-input { | |
130 | - @apply(--paper-dropdown-menu-input); | |
131 | - } | |
132 | - | |
133 | - iron-icon { | |
134 | - /*color: var(--disabled-text-color);*/ | |
135 | - color: #2196F3; | |
136 | - | |
137 | - @apply(--paper-dropdown-menu-icon); | |
138 | - } | |
139 | - | |
140 | - </style> | |
141 | - <template> | |
142 | - <paper-menu-button | |
143 | - id="menuButton" | |
144 | - vertical-align="top" | |
145 | - horizontal-align="left" | |
146 | - vertical-offset="[[_computeMenuVerticalOffset(noLabelFloat)]]" | |
147 | - disabled="[[disabled]]" | |
148 | - no-animations="[[noAnimations]]" | |
149 | - on-iron-select="_onIronSelect" | |
150 | - on-iron-deselect="_onIronDeselect" | |
151 | - opened="{{opened}}"> | |
152 | - <div class="dropdown-trigger"> | |
153 | - <!--<paper-ripple></paper-ripple>--> | |
154 | - <paper-input | |
155 | - id="inputField" | |
156 | - invalid="[[invalid]]" | |
157 | - value="{{inputValue}}" | |
158 | - placeholder="[[placeholder]]" | |
159 | - always-float-label="[[alwaysFloatLabel]]" | |
160 | - no-label-float="[[noLabelFloat]]" | |
161 | - label="[[label]]"> | |
162 | - <iron-icon icon="search" prefix></iron-icon> | |
163 | - <iron-icon icon="arrow-drop-down" suffix></iron-icon> | |
164 | - </paper-input> | |
165 | - </div> | |
166 | - <content id="content" select=".dropdown-content"></content> | |
167 | - </paper-menu-button> | |
168 | - </template> | |
169 | -</dom-module> | |
170 | -<script> | |
171 | - (function() { | |
172 | - 'use strict'; | |
173 | - | |
174 | - Polymer({ | |
175 | - is: 'paper-input-search', | |
176 | - | |
177 | - /** | |
178 | - * Fired when the dropdown opens. | |
179 | - * | |
180 | - * @event paper-dropdown-open | |
181 | - */ | |
182 | - | |
183 | - /** | |
184 | - * Fired when the dropdown closes. | |
185 | - * | |
186 | - * @event paper-dropdown-close | |
187 | - */ | |
188 | - | |
189 | - behaviors: [ | |
190 | - Polymer.IronControlState, | |
191 | - Polymer.IronButtonState, | |
192 | - Polymer.IronFormElementBehavior, | |
193 | - Polymer.IronValidatableBehavior | |
194 | - ], | |
195 | - | |
196 | - properties: { | |
197 | - /** | |
198 | - * The derived "label" of the currently selected item. This value | |
199 | - * is the `label` property on the selected item if set, or else the | |
200 | - * trimmed text content of the selected item. | |
201 | - */ | |
202 | - selectedItemLabel: { | |
203 | - type: String, | |
204 | - notify: true, | |
205 | - readOnly: true | |
206 | - }, | |
207 | - | |
208 | - /** | |
209 | - * The last selected item. An item is selected if the dropdown menu has | |
210 | - * a child with class `dropdown-content`, and that child triggers an | |
211 | - * `iron-select` event with the selected `item` in the `detail`. | |
212 | - * | |
213 | - * @type {?Object} | |
214 | - */ | |
215 | - selectedItem: { | |
216 | - type: Object, | |
217 | - notify: true, | |
218 | - readOnly: true | |
219 | - }, | |
220 | - | |
221 | - /** | |
222 | - * The value for this element that will be used when submitting in | |
223 | - * a form. It is read only, and will always have the same value | |
224 | - * as `selectedItemLabel`. | |
225 | - */ | |
226 | - value: { | |
227 | - type: String, | |
228 | - notify: true, | |
229 | - readOnly: true | |
230 | - }, | |
231 | - | |
232 | - /** | |
233 | - * The label for the dropdown. | |
234 | - */ | |
235 | - label: { | |
236 | - type: String | |
237 | - }, | |
238 | - | |
239 | - /** | |
240 | - * The placeholder for the dropdown. | |
241 | - */ | |
242 | - placeholder: { | |
243 | - type: String | |
244 | - }, | |
245 | - | |
246 | - /** | |
247 | - * True if the dropdown is open. Otherwise, false. | |
248 | - */ | |
249 | - opened: { | |
250 | - type: Boolean, | |
251 | - notify: true, | |
252 | - value: false | |
253 | - }, | |
254 | - | |
255 | - /** | |
256 | - * Set to true to disable the floating label. Bind this to the | |
257 | - * `<paper-input-container>`'s `noLabelFloat` property. | |
258 | - */ | |
259 | - noLabelFloat: { | |
260 | - type: Boolean, | |
261 | - value: false, | |
262 | - reflectToAttribute: true | |
263 | - }, | |
264 | - | |
265 | - /** | |
266 | - * Set to true to always float the label. Bind this to the | |
267 | - * `<paper-input-container>`'s `alwaysFloatLabel` property. | |
268 | - */ | |
269 | - alwaysFloatLabel: { | |
270 | - type: Boolean, | |
271 | - value: false | |
272 | - }, | |
273 | - | |
274 | - /** | |
275 | - * Set to true to disable animations when opening and closing the | |
276 | - * dropdown. | |
277 | - */ | |
278 | - noAnimations: { | |
279 | - type: Boolean, | |
280 | - value: false | |
281 | - }, | |
282 | - | |
283 | - inputValue: { | |
284 | - type: String, | |
285 | - value: undefined, | |
286 | - observer: '_fireInputValue' | |
287 | - }, | |
288 | - | |
289 | - fireInputValue: { | |
290 | - type: Boolean, | |
291 | - value: true, | |
292 | - } | |
293 | - }, | |
294 | - | |
295 | - listeners: { | |
296 | - 'tap': '_onTap' | |
297 | - }, | |
298 | - | |
299 | - keyBindings: { | |
300 | - 'up down': 'open', | |
301 | - 'esc': 'close' | |
302 | - }, | |
303 | - | |
304 | - hostAttributes: { | |
305 | - role: 'group', | |
306 | - 'aria-haspopup': 'true' | |
307 | - }, | |
308 | - | |
309 | - observers: [ | |
310 | -// '_selectedItemChanged(selectedItem)' | |
311 | - ], | |
312 | - | |
313 | - attached: function() { | |
314 | - // NOTE(cdata): Due to timing, a preselected value in a `IronSelectable` | |
315 | - // child will cause an `iron-select` event to fire while the element is | |
316 | - // still in a `DocumentFragment`. This has the effect of causing | |
317 | - // handlers not to fire. So, we double check this value on attached: | |
318 | - var contentElement = this.contentElement; | |
319 | - if (contentElement && contentElement.selectedItem) { | |
320 | - this._setSelectedItem(contentElement.selectedItem); | |
321 | - } | |
322 | - }, | |
323 | - | |
324 | - _fireInputValue: function() {//console.log(this.inputValue); | |
325 | - if(this.fireInputValue) {//change NO DDL | |
326 | -'paper-input-search_input-value', {inputValue: this.inputValue}); | |
327 | - if(this.contentElement.selectedItem){ | |
328 | -// this._setSelectedItem(null); | |
329 | -; | |
330 | -// console.log("deselected"); | |
331 | - } | |
332 | - } | |
333 | - | |
334 | - this.fireInputValue = true; | |
335 | - }, | |
336 | - | |
337 | - /** | |
338 | - * The content element that is contained by the dropdown menu, if any. | |
339 | - */ | |
340 | - get contentElement() { | |
341 | - return Polymer.dom(this.$.content).getDistributedNodes()[0]; | |
342 | - }, | |
343 | - | |
344 | - /** | |
345 | - * Show the dropdown content. | |
346 | - */ | |
347 | - open: function() { | |
348 | - this.$; | |
349 | - }, | |
350 | - | |
351 | - /** | |
352 | - * Hide the dropdown content. | |
353 | - */ | |
354 | - close: function() { | |
355 | - this.$.menuButton.close(); | |
356 | - }, | |
357 | - | |
358 | - /** | |
359 | - * A handler that is called when `iron-select` is fired. | |
360 | - * | |
361 | - * @param {CustomEvent} event An `iron-select` event. | |
362 | - */ | |
363 | - _onIronSelect: function(event) { | |
364 | -// console.log("select"); | |
365 | - this.fireInputValue = false; | |
366 | - this._setSelectedItem(event.detail.item); | |
367 | - this.inputValue = event.detail.item.label || event.detail.item.textContent.trim(); | |
368 | - }, | |
369 | - | |
370 | - /** | |
371 | - * A handler that is called when `iron-deselect` is fired. | |
372 | - * | |
373 | - * @param {CustomEvent} event An `iron-deselect` event. | |
374 | - */ | |
375 | - _onIronDeselect: function(event) { | |
376 | -// console.log("deselect"); | |
377 | - this.fireInputValue = false; | |
378 | - this._setSelectedItem(null); | |
379 | - }, | |
380 | - | |
381 | - /** | |
382 | - * A handler that is called when the dropdown is tapped. | |
383 | - * | |
384 | - * @param {CustomEvent} event A tap event. | |
385 | - */ | |
386 | - _onTap: function(event) { | |
387 | - if (Polymer.Gestures.findOriginalTarget(event) === this) { | |
388 | -; | |
389 | - } | |
390 | - this.async(function(){this.$.inputField.$.input.focus();},200);//to improve | |
391 | -// console.log(this.selectedItemLabel); | |
392 | -// console.log(this.value); | |
393 | -// console.log(this.$.inputField.value); | |
394 | -// console.log(this.inputValue); | |
395 | - }, | |
396 | - | |
397 | - /** | |
398 | - * Compute the label for the dropdown given a selected item. | |
399 | - * | |
400 | - * @param {Element} selectedItem A selected Element item, with an | |
401 | - * optional `label` property. | |
402 | - */ | |
403 | -// _selectedItemChanged: function(selectedItem) { | |
404 | -// var value = ''; | |
405 | -// if (!selectedItem) { | |
406 | -// value = ''; | |
407 | -// } else { | |
408 | -// value = selectedItem.label || selectedItem.textContent.trim(); | |
409 | -// } | |
410 | -// | |
411 | -// this._setValue(value); | |
412 | -// this._setSelectedItemLabel(value); | |
413 | -// this.inputValue = selectedItem.label || selectedItem.textContent.trim(); | |
414 | -// }, | |
415 | - | |
416 | - /** | |
417 | - * Compute the vertical offset of the menu based on the value of | |
418 | - * `noLabelFloat`. | |
419 | - * | |
420 | - * @param {boolean} noLabelFloat True if the label should not float | |
421 | - * above the input, otherwise false. | |
422 | - */ | |
423 | - _computeMenuVerticalOffset: function(noLabelFloat) { | |
424 | - // NOTE(cdata): These numbers are somewhat magical because they are | |
425 | - // derived from the metrics of elements internal to `paper-input`'s | |
426 | - // template. The metrics will change depending on whether or not the | |
427 | - // input has a floating label. | |
428 | -// return noLabelFloat ? -4 : 8; | |
429 | - return noLabelFloat ? 46-4 : 46+8; | |
430 | -// return 64; | |
431 | - }, | |
432 | - | |
433 | - /** | |
434 | - * Returns false if the element is required and does not have a selection, | |
435 | - * and true otherwise. | |
436 | - * @return {Boolean} true if `required` is false, or if `required` is true | |
437 | - * and the element has a valid selection. | |
438 | - */ | |
439 | - _getValidity: function() { | |
440 | - return this.disabled || !this.required || (this.required && this.value); | |
441 | - } | |
442 | - }); | |
443 | - })(); | |
444 | -</script> | |
445 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... | @@ -434,7 +434,10 @@ |
434 | 434 | |
435 | 435 | //2nd loop will extract each column and convert it in string comma-seprated |
436 | 436 | for (var index in arrData[i]) { |
437 | - row += arrData[i][index] + ','; | |
437 | + if(typeof arrData[i][index] == 'string') | |
438 | + row += '"' + arrData[i][index].replace('"', '""') + '",'; | |
439 | + else | |
440 | + row += arrData[i][index] + ','; | |
438 | 441 | } |
439 | 442 | |
440 | 443 | row.slice(0, row.length - 1); | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> | |
2 | + | |
3 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> | |
4 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
5 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html"> | |
6 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
7 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-spinner/paper-spinner.html"> | |
8 | + | |
9 | +<dom-module id="datasets-list-controllet"> | |
10 | + <template> | |
11 | + <style> | |
12 | + | |
13 | + #datasets_list_container { | |
14 | + height: 100%; | |
15 | + width: 100%; | |
16 | + } | |
17 | + | |
18 | + #datasets_list_container * { | |
19 | + font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
20 | + font-size: 16px; | |
21 | + line-height: 24px; | |
22 | + } | |
23 | + | |
24 | + #datasets_list_container #list_info { | |
25 | + display: flex; | |
26 | + height: calc(100% - 48px); | |
27 | + width: 100%; | |
28 | + | |
29 | + background: #E0E0E0; | |
30 | + } | |
31 | + | |
32 | + #datasets_list_container #menu { | |
33 | + background: #E0E0E0; | |
34 | + } | |
35 | + | |
36 | + #datasets_list_container #list_container { | |
37 | + position: relative; | |
38 | + height: calc(100% - 28px); | |
39 | + width: calc(50% - 24px); | |
40 | + margin-top: 12px; | |
41 | + padding: 0 12px; | |
42 | + overflow: hidden; | |
43 | + background: #E0E0E0; | |
44 | + } | |
45 | + | |
46 | + #datasets_list_container #info_container { | |
47 | + position: relative; | |
48 | + height: calc(100% - 32px); | |
49 | + width: calc(50% - 32px); | |
50 | + padding: 16px; | |
51 | + background: #E0E0E0; | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + | |
54 | + #datasets_list_container #info { | |
55 | + position: relative; | |
56 | + height: calc(100% - 2px); | |
57 | + width: calc(100% - 2px); | |
58 | + border: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
59 | + border-radius: 2px; | |
60 | + background: #FFFFFF; | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + | |
63 | + #datasets_list_container #footer { | |
64 | + width: 100%; | |
65 | + height: 48px; | |
66 | + background: #B6B6B6; | |
67 | + display: flex; | |
68 | + flex-direction: row; | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + | |
71 | + #datasets_list_container .footer_block { | |
72 | + height: 24px; | |
73 | + padding: 12px 8px; | |
74 | + text-align: right; | |
75 | + } | |
76 | + | |
77 | + #datasets_list_container .footer_block:nth-child(1) { | |
78 | + width: 30%; | |
79 | + overflow: hidden; | |
80 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
81 | + text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
82 | + } | |
83 | + | |
84 | + #datasets_list_container .footer_block:nth-child(2) { | |
85 | + width: 40%; | |
86 | + height: 48px; | |
87 | + padding: 0 8px; | |
88 | + text-align: center; | |
89 | + } | |
90 | + | |
91 | + #datasets_list_container .footer_block:nth-child(3) { | |
92 | + width: 30%; | |
93 | + height: 40px; | |
94 | + padding: 4px 8px; | |
95 | + text-align: left; | |
96 | + } | |
97 | + | |
98 | + #datasets_list_container #info_header { | |
99 | + height: 24px; | |
100 | + padding: 12px; | |
101 | + text-align: center; | |
102 | + font-weight: 700; | |
103 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
104 | + background: #2196F3; | |
105 | + | |
106 | + overflow: hidden; | |
107 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
108 | + text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
109 | + | |
110 | + border-bottom: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
111 | + } | |
112 | + | |
113 | + #datasets_list_container #info_body { | |
114 | + padding: 12px; | |
115 | + } | |
116 | + | |
117 | + #datasets_list_container br { | |
118 | + display: block; | |
119 | + margin-top: 8px; | |
120 | + content: " "; | |
121 | + } | |
122 | + | |
123 | + paper-input { | |
124 | + max-width: 288px; | |
125 | + --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
126 | + } | |
127 | + | |
128 | + paper-menu { | |
129 | + padding: 0; | |
130 | + } | |
131 | + | |
132 | + paper-item { | |
133 | + cursor: pointer; | |
134 | + color: #000000; | |
135 | + margin: 4px; | |
136 | + padding: 0 12px; | |
137 | + border-radius: 2px; | |
138 | + border: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
139 | + | |
140 | + background: #FFFFFF; | |
141 | + } | |
142 | + | |
143 | + paper-item span { | |
144 | + width: 100%; | |
145 | + overflow: hidden; | |
146 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
147 | + text-overflow: ellipsis; | |
148 | + } | |
149 | + | |
150 | + paper-item.iron-selected { | |
151 | + background: #2196F3 !important;; | |
152 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
153 | + /*font-weight: 700;*/ | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + | |
156 | + paper-item:focus:before { | |
157 | + opacity: 0 !important; | |
158 | + background: white; | |
159 | + } | |
160 | + | |
161 | + paper-item:focus:after { | |
162 | + opacity: 0 !important; | |
163 | + background: white; | |
164 | + } | |
165 | + | |
166 | + paper-item:hover:not(.iron-selected) { | |
167 | + background: #BBDEFB !important; | |
168 | + } | |
169 | + | |
170 | + paper-icon-button{ | |
171 | + height: 48px; | |
172 | + width: 48px; | |
173 | + padding: 0; | |
174 | + --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
175 | + } | |
176 | + | |
177 | + paper-icon-button:hover{ | |
178 | + color: #2196F3; | |
179 | + } | |
180 | + | |
181 | + paper-icon-button.clear { | |
182 | + width: 24px; | |
183 | + height: 24px; | |
184 | + padding: 0 4px; | |
185 | + color: #F44336; | |
186 | + --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
187 | + } | |
188 | + | |
189 | + #datasets_list_container #spinner_container { | |
190 | + height: calc(100% - 49px); | |
191 | + width: 100%; | |
192 | + text-align: center; | |
193 | + display: none; | |
194 | + } | |
195 | + | |
196 | + paper-spinner { | |
197 | + top: calc(50% - 32px); | |
198 | + height: 64px; | |
199 | + width: 64px; | |
200 | + | |
201 | + --paper-spinner-stroke-width: 8px; | |
202 | + | |
203 | + --paper-spinner-layer-1-color: #2196F3; | |
204 | + --paper-spinner-layer-2-color: #F44336;; | |
205 | + --paper-spinner-layer-3-color: #FFEB3B;; | |
206 | + --paper-spinner-layer-4-color: #4CAF50;; | |
207 | + } | |
208 | + | |
209 | + </style> | |
210 | + | |
211 | + <div id="datasets_list_container"> | |
212 | + <div id="list_info"> | |
213 | + <div id="list_container"> | |
214 | + <div id="menu_container"> | |
215 | + <paper-menu id="menu"> | |
216 | + <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{shownDatasets}}"> | |
217 | + <paper-item id={{index}} title="{{item.resource_name}}" on-click="_selectDataset" style$="background: {{_getColorForItem(item)}};"><span>{{_getVersionedResourceName(item)}}</span></paper-item> | |
218 | + </template> | |
219 | + </paper-menu> | |
220 | + </div> | |
221 | + </div> | |
222 | + <div id="info_container"> | |
223 | + <div id="info"> | |
224 | + <div id="info_header"><span id="datasets_info"></span></div> | |
225 | + <div id="info_body"></div> | |
226 | + <div id="spinner_container"> | |
227 | + <paper-spinner id="spinner"></paper-spinner> | |
228 | + </div> | |
229 | + </div> | |
230 | + </div> | |
231 | + </div> | |
232 | + | |
233 | + <div id="footer"> | |
234 | + <div class="footer_block"> | |
235 | + <span id="showing"></span> {{shownPrev}} <span id="to"></span> {{shownNext}} <span id="of"></span> {{length}} <span id="rows"></span> | |
236 | + </div> | |
237 | + <div class="footer_block"> | |
238 | + <paper-icon-button id="slider_chevron_left" class="chevron-left" on-click="_onPrevClick" icon="chevron-left"></paper-icon-button> | |
239 | + <paper-icon-button id="slider_chevron_right" class="chevron-right" on-click="_onNextClick" icon="chevron-right"></paper-icon-button> | |
240 | + </div> | |
241 | + <div class="footer_block"> | |
242 | + <paper-input id="filter" value={{filter}} no-label-float> | |
243 | + <iron-icon class="search" icon="search" prefix></iron-icon> | |
244 | + <paper-icon-button class="clear" suffix on-click="_clearInput" icon="clear"></paper-icon-button> | |
245 | + </paper-input> | |
246 | + </div> | |
247 | + </div> | |
248 | + </div> | |
249 | + | |
250 | + </template> | |
251 | + | |
252 | + <script> | |
253 | + HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { | |
254 | + Polymer({ | |
255 | + is: 'datasets-list-controllet', | |
256 | + | |
257 | + properties: { | |
258 | + | |
259 | + datasets: { | |
260 | + type: Object, | |
261 | + value: undefined | |
262 | + }, | |
263 | + | |
264 | + providers: { | |
265 | + type: Object, | |
266 | + value: undefined | |
267 | + }, | |
268 | + | |
269 | + filter : { | |
270 | + type : String, | |
271 | + value : "", | |
272 | + observer : '_filter' | |
273 | + } | |
274 | + | |
275 | + }, | |
276 | + | |
277 | +// _loadTreeMap : function(){ | |
278 | +// this.async(function () { | |
279 | +// var h = $("#list_info").height(); | |
280 | +// var w = $("#list_info").width(); | |
281 | +// | |
282 | +// var data = JSON.stringify({result : {providers: this.providers, datasets: this.datasets}}).replace(/'/g, ""); | |
283 | +// | |
284 | +// this.$.list_info.innerHTML = "<datasetexplorer-datalet data='"+data+"' width=\""+w+"\" height=\""+h+"\" fields='[\"provider_name\",\"organization_name\",\"package_name\",\"resource_name\",\"url\",\"w\",\"metas\"]'></datasetexplorer-datalet>"; | |
285 | +// }, 100); | |
286 | +// }, | |
287 | +// | |
288 | +// setProviders : function(providers) { | |
289 | +// this.providers = this._copy(providers); | |
290 | +// }, | |
291 | + | |
292 | + ready : function() { | |
293 | + $(this.$.list_container).perfectScrollbar(); | |
294 | + $(this.$.info).perfectScrollbar(); | |
295 | + | |
296 | + this.step = 20; | |
297 | + this.version = true; | |
298 | + this.selectedItemId = -1; | |
299 | + }, | |
300 | + | |
301 | + attached: function() { | |
302 | + this._translate(); | |
303 | + }, | |
304 | + | |
305 | + setDatasets : function(datasets) { | |
306 | + this.datasets = this._copy(datasets); | |
307 | + | |
308 | + this.prev = 1; | |
309 | + = this.step; | |
310 | + this.length = this.datasets.length; | |
311 | + | |
312 | + this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
313 | + this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
314 | + this.shownDatasets = this.datasets.slice(this.prev-1,; | |
315 | + | |
316 | + this.$.info_header.innerHTML = ln["datasetsInfo_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
317 | + this.$.info_body.innerHTML = ""; | |
318 | + this.$ = false; | |
319 | + this.selectedItemId = -1; | |
320 | +"datasets-list-controllet_dataset", { dataset: {url:""} }); | |
321 | + | |
322 | + this._filter(); | |
323 | + }, | |
324 | + | |
325 | + showDatasetInfo : function() { | |
326 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
327 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
328 | + this.$ = false; | |
329 | + }, | |
330 | + | |
331 | + showVersion : function(flag) { | |
332 | + this.version = flag; | |
333 | + }, | |
334 | + | |
335 | + _loadDatasetInfo : function() { | |
336 | + $(this.$.info).animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
337 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
338 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
339 | + this.$ = true; | |
340 | + }, | |
341 | + | |
342 | + _onPrevClick : function(){ | |
343 | + if(this.prev != 1) { | |
344 | + this.prev -= this.step; | |
345 | + -= this.step; | |
346 | + | |
347 | + this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
348 | + this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
349 | + this.shownDatasets = this.datasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
350 | + } | |
351 | + $(this.$.list_container).animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
352 | + this.$.menu.selected = -1; | |
353 | + }, | |
354 | + | |
355 | + _onNextClick : function(){ | |
356 | + if( < this.length) { | |
357 | + this.prev += this.step; | |
358 | + += this.step; | |
359 | + | |
360 | + this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
361 | + this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
362 | + this.shownDatasets = this.datasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
363 | + } | |
364 | + $(this.$.list_container).animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
365 | + this.$.menu.selected = -1; | |
366 | + }, | |
367 | + | |
368 | + _filter : function() { | |
369 | + this.debounce('_filter', function () { | |
370 | + if(this.datasets && this.datasets.length) { | |
371 | + var filter = this.filter.toLowerCase(); | |
372 | + | |
373 | + if(filter == "") | |
374 | + this.shownDatasets = this.datasets; | |
375 | + else | |
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377 | + return (el.resource_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > -1); | |
378 | + }); | |
379 | + | |
380 | + this.prev = 1; | |
381 | + = this.step; | |
382 | + this.length = this.shownDatasets.length; | |
383 | + | |
384 | + this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
385 | + this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
386 | + this.shownDatasets = this.shownDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
387 | + | |
388 | + $(this.$.list_container).animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
389 | + this.$.menu.selected = -1; | |
390 | + } | |
391 | + }, 0); | |
392 | + }, | |
393 | + | |
394 | + _clearInput : function() { | |
395 | + this.$.filter.value = ""; | |
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397 | + | |
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400 | + | |
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405 | + | |
406 | + this.$.filter.setAttribute("label", ln["search_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
407 | + }, | |
408 | + | |
409 | + _selectDataset : function(){ | |
410 | + var id = this.$; | |
411 | + if(id == this.selectedItemId) | |
412 | + return; | |
413 | + | |
414 | + this.selectedItemId = id; | |
415 | + | |
416 | + this._loadDatasetInfo(); | |
417 | + | |
418 | + var dataset = this.shownDatasets[id]; | |
419 | + | |
420 | + var html = ''; | |
421 | + | |
422 | + var users = dataset.users; | |
423 | + var metas = JSON.parse(dataset.metas); | |
424 | + | |
425 | + if(users) { | |
426 | + html += '<b>users:</b><div class="user_icons" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">'; | |
427 | + for(var j in users) { | |
428 | + html += '<a href="' + users[j].href + '">'; | |
429 | + html += '<div class="user_icon" style="background-image: url(' + users[j].src + '); background-size: 40px 40px; height:40px; width:40px; border-radius: 50%; cursor: pointer; margin-right: 12px;" title="' + users[j].user + '"></div>'; | |
430 | + html += '</a>'; | |
431 | + | |
432 | + } | |
433 | + html += '</div>'; | |
434 | + html += '<b> version:</b> ' + dataset.version + '<br>'; | |
435 | + } | |
436 | + | |
437 | + for(var i in metas) | |
438 | + html += '<b>' + i + ':</b> ' + metas[i] + '<br>'; | |
439 | + | |
440 | +// this.$.info_header.innerHTML = this._getVersionedResourceName(dataset); | |
441 | + this.$.info_header.innerHTML = dataset.resource_name; | |
442 | + this.$.info_body.innerHTML = html; | |
443 | + | |
444 | +"datasets-list-controllet_dataset", { dataset: dataset }); | |
445 | + }, | |
446 | + | |
447 | + _getVersionedResourceName : function(dataset){ | |
448 | + if(this.version && dataset.version) | |
449 | +// return dataset.resource_name + ' [' + ln["Version_" + ln["localization"]] + ' ' + dataset.version + ']'; | |
450 | + return dataset.resource_name + ' [VER ' + dataset.version + ']'; | |
451 | + return dataset.resource_name; | |
452 | + }, | |
453 | + | |
454 | + _getColorForItem : function(item) { | |
455 | + if(!item.provider_name && !item.version) | |
456 | + return "#FFEB3B"; | |
457 | + }, | |
458 | + | |
459 | + _copy : function(o) { | |
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461 | + out = Array.isArray(o) ? new Array(o.length) : {}; | |
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463 | + v = o[key]; | |
464 | + out[key] = (typeof v === "object") ? this._copy(v) : v; | |
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466 | + return out; | |
467 | + } | |
468 | + | |
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49 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
50 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
51 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
52 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
53 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
54 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
55 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
56 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
57 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
58 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
59 | + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"+ | |
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164 | + | |
165 | + #select_dataset_container p .description { | |
166 | + } | |
167 | + | |
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169 | + | |
170 | + <paper-material id="select_dataset_container" elevation="5"> | |
171 | + <paper-tabs selected={{tabIndex}} no-bar> | |
172 | + <paper-tab noink on-tap="">EXAMPLE DATASETS LIST</paper-tab> | |
173 | + <!--<paper-tab noink on-tap="_setLocalDatasets"><span id="spod_users_datasets"></span></paper-tab>--> | |
174 | + <!--<paper-tab noink on-tap="_setExtendedDatasets"><span id="extended_datasets"></span></paper-tab>--> | |
175 | + </paper-tabs> | |
176 | + | |
177 | + <div id="options"> | |
178 | + | |
179 | + <div id="options_header"></div> | |
180 | + | |
181 | + <div id="provider_option" class="header_block"> | |
182 | + {{_getLocalization('provider')}}: | |
183 | + <paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_provider" label="" no-label-float> | |
184 | + <paper-menu id="menu_provider" class="dropdown-content"> | |
185 | + <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_setProvidersDatasets"><span id="all"></span></paper-item> | |
186 | + <template is="dom-repeat" items={{_toArray(providers)}}> | |
187 | + <paper-item id={{}} on-tap="_setProvidersDatasets">{{item.value.title}}</paper-item> | |
188 | + </template> | |
189 | + </paper-menu> | |
190 | + </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
191 | + <paper-icon-button id="info_provider" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button> | |
192 | + <paper-tooltip id="tooltip_provider" for="info_provider" offset="8"> | |
193 | + <p> | |
194 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('all')}}</span><br> | |
195 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('allDescription')}}</span><br> | |
196 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('providerName')}}</span><br> | |
197 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('providerNameDescription')}}</span><br> | |
198 | + </p> | |
199 | + </paper-tooltip> | |
200 | + </div> | |
201 | + | |
202 | + <!--<div id="view_option" class="header_block">--> | |
203 | + <!--{{_getLocalization('view')}}: --> | |
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205 | + <!--<paper-menu id="menu_view" class="dropdown-content">--> | |
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212 | + <!--<p>--> | |
213 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('list')}}</span><br>--> | |
214 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('listDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
215 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('tree')}}</span><br>--> | |
216 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('treeDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
217 | + <!--</p>--> | |
218 | + <!--</paper-tooltip>--> | |
219 | + <!--</div>--> | |
220 | + | |
221 | + <!--<div id="search_option" class="header_block">--> | |
222 | + <!--{{_getLocalization('search')}}: --> | |
223 | + <!--<paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_search" label="" no-label-float>--> | |
224 | + <!--<paper-menu id="menu_search" class="dropdown-content">--> | |
225 | + <!--<paper-item><span id="standard"></span></paper-item>--> | |
226 | + <!--<paper-item disabled><span id="extended"></span></paper-item>--> | |
227 | + <!--</paper-menu>--> | |
228 | + <!--</paper-dropdown-menu>--> | |
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230 | + <!--<paper-tooltip id="tooltip_search" for="info_search" offset="8">--> | |
231 | + <!--<p>--> | |
232 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('standard')}}</span><br>--> | |
233 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('standardDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
234 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('extended')}}</span><br>--> | |
235 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('extendedDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
236 | + <!--</p>--> | |
237 | + <!--</paper-tooltip>--> | |
238 | + <!--</div>--> | |
239 | + | |
240 | + <div id="version_option" class="header_block"> | |
241 | + {{_getLocalization('version')}}: | |
242 | + <paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_version" label="" no-label-float> | |
243 | + <paper-menu id="menu_version" class="dropdown-content"> | |
244 | + <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_showLast"><span id="show_last"></span></paper-item> | |
245 | + <paper-item id="1" on-tap="_showAll"><span id="show_all"></span></paper-item> | |
246 | + </paper-menu> | |
247 | + </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
248 | + <paper-icon-button id="tooltip_version" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button> | |
249 | + <paper-tooltip id="tooltip_version" for="tooltip_version" offset="8"> | |
250 | + <p> | |
251 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('showLast')}}</span><br> | |
252 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('showLastDescription')}}</span><br> | |
253 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('showAll')}}</span><br> | |
254 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('showAllDescription')}}</span><br> | |
255 | + </p> | |
256 | + </paper-tooltip> | |
257 | + </div> | |
258 | + | |
259 | + <!--<paper-icon-button icon="settings" on-click="_optionsMenu"></paper-icon-button>--> | |
260 | + | |
261 | + </div> | |
262 | + | |
263 | + <div id="datasets_list_container"> | |
264 | + <datasets-list-controllet id="datasets_list"></datasets-list-controllet> | |
265 | + </div> | |
266 | + | |
267 | + <div id="url"><paper-input id="selected_url" label="" value={{dataUrl}} error-message={{errorMessage}}></paper-input></div> | |
268 | + </paper-material> | |
269 | + | |
270 | + </template> | |
271 | + | |
272 | + <script> | |
273 | + HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { | |
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276 | + | |
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278 | + | |
279 | + tabIndex: { | |
280 | + type: Number, | |
281 | + value: 0 | |
282 | + }, | |
283 | + | |
284 | + datasets: { | |
285 | + type: Object, | |
286 | + value: undefined | |
287 | + }, | |
288 | + | |
289 | + suggestedDatasets : { | |
290 | + type : Array, | |
291 | + value : undefined | |
292 | + }, | |
293 | + | |
294 | + dataUrl : { | |
295 | + type : String, | |
296 | + value : undefined, | |
297 | + observer : '_fireDataUrl' | |
298 | + } | |
299 | + | |
300 | + }, | |
301 | + | |
302 | + listeners: { | |
303 | + 'datasets-list-controllet_dataset' : '_selectDataUrl' | |
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305 | + | |
306 | + ready : function() { | |
307 | + this._translate(); | |
308 | + | |
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311 | + | |
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314 | + | |
315 | + attached : function() { | |
316 | + this._translate(); | |
317 | + | |
318 | + this._resize(); | |
319 | + var that = this; | |
320 | + window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize() }); | |
321 | + | |
322 | + this.providers = this.datasets["result"]["providers"]; | |
323 | + this.providersDatasets = this.datasets["result"]["datasets"]; | |
324 | + | |
325 | + if(this.suggestedDatasets) | |
326 | + this.providersDatasets = this.suggestedDatasets.concat(this.providersDatasets); | |
327 | + | |
328 | + $.ajax({ | |
329 | + url: "/cocreation/ajax/get-all-dataset", | |
330 | + dataType: "json", | |
331 | + success: function(localDatasets){ | |
332 | + that.localDatasets = localDatasets; | |
333 | + that.lastLocalDatasets = []; | |
334 | + var resource_name = ""; | |
335 | + for(var i in localDatasets) | |
336 | + if(localDatasets[i].resource_name != resource_name) { | |
337 | + that.lastLocalDatasets.push(localDatasets[i]); | |
338 | + resource_name = localDatasets[i].resource_name; | |
339 | + } | |
340 | + }, | |
341 | + error: function(){ | |
342 | + that.localDatasets = []; | |
343 | + that.lastLocalDatasets = []; | |
344 | + } | |
345 | + }); | |
346 | + | |
347 | + this._setProvidersDatasets(); | |
348 | + }, | |
349 | + | |
350 | + showDatasetInfo : function() { | |
351 | + this.$.datasets_list.showDatasetInfo(); | |
352 | + }, | |
353 | + | |
354 | + _translate : function(){ | |
355 | + this.$.selected_url.setAttribute("label", ln["selectedUrl_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
356 | + this.errorMessage = ln["wrongUrl_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
357 | + | |
358 | +// this.$.providers_datasets.innerHTML = ln["providersDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
359 | +// this.$.spod_users_datasets.innerHTML = ln["spodUsersDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
360 | +// this.$.extended_datasets.innerHTML = ln["extendedDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
361 | + | |
362 | + this.$.options_header.innerHTML = ln["datasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
363 | + | |
364 | + this.$.all.innerHTML = ln["all_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
365 | +// this.$.list.innerHTML = ln["list_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
366 | +// this.$.tree.innerHTML = ln["tree_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
367 | +// this.$.standard.innerHTML = ln["standard_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
368 | +// this.$.extended.innerHTML = ln["extended_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
369 | + this.$.show_last.innerHTML = ln["showLast_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
370 | + this.$.show_all.innerHTML = ln["showAll_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
371 | + | |
372 | + this.$; | |
373 | +// this.$; | |
374 | +// this.$; | |
375 | + this.$; | |
376 | + }, | |
377 | + | |
378 | + _setProvidersDatasets : function() { | |
379 | + this.async(function () { | |
380 | + var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
381 | + var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
382 | + var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
383 | + if (id) { | |
384 | + var providerDatasets = this.providersDatasets.filter(function (el) { | |
385 | + return el.provider_name == "p:" + id; | |
386 | + }); | |
387 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(providerDatasets); | |
388 | + } | |
389 | + else | |
390 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(this.providersDatasets); | |
391 | + | |
392 | + this._showOptions(); | |
393 | + }, 0); | |
394 | + }, | |
395 | + | |
396 | + _setLocalDatasets : function() { | |
397 | + if(this.$ == 0) | |
398 | + this._showLast(); | |
399 | + else | |
400 | + this._showAll(); | |
401 | + this._showOptions(); | |
402 | + }, | |
403 | + | |
404 | + _setExtendedDatasets : function() { | |
405 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets([]);//tutto molto bello, clap, clap, clapù | |
406 | + this._showOptions() | |
407 | + }, | |
408 | + | |
409 | + _getIdByProviderName : function(name) { | |
410 | + for(var id in this.providers) { | |
411 | + if (this.providers[id].title == name) | |
412 | + return this.providers[id].id; | |
413 | + } | |
414 | + }, | |
415 | + | |
416 | + _optionsMenu : function() { | |
417 | + this.options = !this.options; | |
418 | + this._showOptions(); | |
419 | + }, | |
420 | + | |
421 | + _showOptions : function() { | |
422 | + this.async(function () { | |
423 | + if(!this.options) { | |
424 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
425 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
426 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
427 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
428 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
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431 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
432 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
433 | +// this.$ = "block"; | |
434 | +// this.$ = "block"; | |
435 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
436 | + } | |
437 | + else if(this.tabIndex == 1) { | |
438 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
439 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
440 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
441 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
442 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
443 | + } | |
444 | + else if(this.tabIndex == 2) { | |
445 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
446 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
447 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
448 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
449 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
450 | + } | |
451 | + }, 0); | |
452 | + }, | |
453 | + | |
454 | + _showAll : function() { | |
455 | + this.$.datasets_list.showVersion(true); | |
456 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(this.localDatasets); | |
457 | + }, | |
458 | + | |
459 | + _showLast : function() { | |
460 | + this.$.datasets_list.showVersion(false); | |
461 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(this.lastLocalDatasets); | |
462 | + }, | |
463 | + | |
464 | + _getLocalization : function(text){ | |
465 | + return ln[text + "_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
466 | + }, | |
467 | + | |
468 | + _toArray: function(obj) { | |
469 | + return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { | |
470 | + return { | |
471 | + name: key, | |
472 | + value: obj[key] | |
473 | + }; | |
474 | + }); | |
475 | + }, | |
476 | + | |
477 | + _selectDataUrl : function(e){ | |
478 | + this.async(function () { | |
479 | + this.dataUrl = e.detail.dataset.url; | |
480 | + }, 0); | |
481 | + }, | |
482 | + | |
483 | + _fireDataUrl : function(){ | |
484 | +'select-dataset-controllet_data-url', {url: this.dataUrl}); | |
485 | + }, | |
486 | + | |
487 | + _resize : function(){ | |
488 | + var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - 16; | |
489 | + h = h - 64 - 8; //height with page scroller | |
490 | + $("#select_dataset_container").height(h); | |
491 | + } | |
492 | + }); | |
493 | + }); | |
494 | + </script> | |
495 | +</dom-module> | |
0 | 496 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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140 | - .item.expanded { | |
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142 | - border-color: #2196F3; | |
76 | + paper-tab { | |
77 | + font-weight: 700; | |
78 | + border-right: 2px solid #FFFFFF; | |
143 | 79 | } |
144 | 80 | |
145 | - .pad { | |
146 | - @apply(--layout-flex); | |
147 | - /*@apply(--layout-vertical);*/ | |
81 | + paper-tab:nth-last-child(2) { | |
82 | + border-right: 0; | |
148 | 83 | } |
149 | 84 | |
150 | - .primary { | |
151 | - font-weight: bold; | |
85 | + paper-tab.iron-selected { | |
86 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
87 | + background: #2196F3;; | |
152 | 88 | } |
153 | 89 | |
154 | - .item.expanded .primary { | |
90 | + paper-tab:not(.iron-selected):hover { | |
155 | 91 | color: #2196F3; |
156 | 92 | } |
157 | 93 | |
158 | - .longText { | |
159 | - display: none; | |
160 | - } | |
161 | - | |
162 | - .item.expanded .longText { | |
163 | - display: block; | |
94 | + paper-input { | |
95 | + --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
164 | 96 | } |
165 | 97 | |
166 | - #select_dataset_container { | |
167 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
98 | + paper-icon-button { | |
99 | + height: 48px; | |
100 | + width: 48px; | |
101 | + padding: 8px; | |
168 | 102 | } |
169 | 103 | |
170 | - #select_dataset_container * { | |
171 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
172 | - font-size: 16px; | |
173 | - line-height: 24px; | |
174 | - } | |
104 | + paper-icon-button[icon="settings"] { | |
105 | + cursor: pointer; | |
106 | + color: #00BCD4; | |
107 | + --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #00BCD4; | |
175 | 108 | |
176 | - #select_dataset_container #neon_container { | |
177 | - height: calc(100% - 172px); | |
178 | - width: calc(100% - 8px); | |
109 | + background: #E0E0E0; | |
110 | + float: right; | |
111 | + position: absolute; | |
112 | + right: 0; | |
179 | 113 | } |
180 | 114 | |
181 | - #select_dataset_container #list_info { | |
182 | - display: flex; | |
183 | - height: calc(100% - 48px); | |
184 | - width: calc(100% + 8px);/*bad*/ | |
115 | + paper-icon-button[icon="info-outline"] { | |
116 | + cursor: help; | |
185 | 117 | } |
186 | 118 | |
187 | - #select_dataset_container #list_container { | |
188 | - position: relative; | |
189 | - height: 100%; | |
190 | - width: 50%; | |
191 | - border-left: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
119 | + :host { | |
120 | + --paper-dropdown-menu-icon: { | |
121 | + color: #000000; | |
122 | + }; | |
123 | + --paper-dropdown-menu-ripple: { | |
124 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
125 | + }; | |
192 | 126 | } |
193 | 127 | |
194 | - #select_dataset_container #info_container { | |
195 | - position: relative; | |
196 | - height: 100%; | |
128 | + paper-dropdown-menu { | |
129 | + /*width: 200px;*/ | |
197 | 130 | width: 50%; |
198 | - border-right: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
199 | - } | |
200 | - | |
201 | - #select_dataset_container #info { | |
202 | - position: relative; | |
203 | - height: calc(100% - 56px); | |
204 | - width: calc(100% - 56px); | |
205 | - padding: 11px; | |
206 | - border: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
207 | - border-radius: 4px; | |
208 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
209 | - margin: 16px; | |
210 | - } | |
211 | - | |
212 | - #select_dataset_container #treemap_container { | |
213 | - /*height: calc(100% - 244px);*/ | |
214 | - /*width: calc(100% - 8px);*/ | |
215 | - height: calc(100% - 48px); | |
216 | - width: 100%; | |
217 | - border: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
218 | - border-top: 0px; | |
219 | - border-bottom: 0px; | |
220 | - position: relative; | |
221 | - } | |
222 | - | |
223 | - #select_dataset_container #header { | |
224 | - position: relative; | |
225 | - z-index: 1; | |
226 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
227 | - -moz-box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
228 | - box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
229 | - | |
230 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
231 | - display: flex; | |
232 | - padding: 0px 4px; | |
233 | - } | |
234 | - | |
235 | - #select_dataset_container #footer_list { | |
236 | - position: relative; | |
237 | - z-index: 1; | |
238 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
239 | - -moz-box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
240 | - box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
241 | - } | |
242 | - | |
243 | - .noshadow { | |
244 | - -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; | |
245 | - -moz-box-shadow: none !important; | |
246 | - box-shadow: none !important; | |
131 | + --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
247 | 132 | } |
248 | 133 | |
249 | - #select_dataset_container #footer_list, | |
250 | - #select_dataset_container #footer_treemap { | |
251 | - width: 100%; | |
252 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
253 | - display: flex; | |
254 | - padding: 0px 4px; | |
134 | + paper-item { | |
135 | + min-width: 128px; | |
136 | + white-space: nowrap; | |
255 | 137 | } |
256 | 138 | |
257 | - #select_dataset_container #url { | |
258 | - height: 76px;/*100*/ | |
259 | - border: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
260 | - border-top: 0px; | |
261 | - padding: 0px 16px; | |
262 | - margin-top: -4px; | |
139 | + paper-item.iron-selected { | |
140 | + background-color: #2196F3; | |
141 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
263 | 142 | } |
264 | 143 | |
265 | - #header .header_block { | |
266 | - width: 20%; | |
267 | - height: 40px; | |
268 | - padding: 4px 16px 4px 16px; | |
144 | + paper-tooltip { | |
145 | + min-width: 400px; | |
146 | + --paper-tooltip-background: black; | |
269 | 147 | } |
270 | 148 | |
271 | - /*.header_block:nth-child(2), .header_block:nth-child(3), .header_block:nth-child(3), .header_block:nth-child(4){*/ | |
272 | - /*visibility: hidden;*/ | |
273 | - /*}*/ | |
274 | - | |
275 | - #header .header_block:nth-child(4) { | |
276 | - text-align: center; | |
149 | + #select_dataset_container br { | |
150 | + display: block; | |
151 | + margin-top: 8px; | |
152 | + content: " "; | |
277 | 153 | } |
278 | 154 | |
279 | - .footer_block { | |
280 | - width: calc((100% - 0px) / 3); | |
281 | - height: 24px; | |
282 | - padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; | |
283 | - text-align: center; | |
155 | + #select_dataset_container p { | |
156 | + margin: 0; | |
157 | + padding: 0; | |
284 | 158 | } |
285 | 159 | |
286 | - .footer_block:nth-child(2) { | |
287 | - height: 48px; | |
288 | - padding: 0px 8px; | |
160 | + #select_dataset_container p .option { | |
161 | + color: #2196F3;; | |
162 | + font-weight: 700; | |
289 | 163 | } |
290 | 164 | |
291 | - #suggested_div { | |
292 | - visibility: hidden; | |
165 | + #select_dataset_container p .description { | |
293 | 166 | } |
294 | 167 | |
295 | - /*.info_resource_name {*/ | |
296 | - /*color: #2196F3;*/ | |
297 | - /*font-weight: bold;*/ | |
298 | - /*line-height: 48px;*/ | |
299 | - /*}*/ | |
300 | - | |
301 | - /*#ortelio {*/ | |
302 | - /*/!*height: calc(100% - 172px);*!/*/ | |
303 | - /*/!*width: calc(100% - 8px);*!/*/ | |
304 | - /*height: 100%;*/ | |
305 | - /*width: 100%;*/ | |
306 | - /*background-color: red;*/ | |
307 | - /*}*/ | |
308 | 168 | </style> |
309 | 169 | |
310 | 170 | <paper-material id="select_dataset_container" elevation="5"> |
311 | - | |
312 | - <paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}" no-bar> | |
313 | - <paper-tab on-tap="_refreshList" noink><span id="listView"></span></paper-tab> | |
314 | - <paper-tab on-tap="_noShadow" noink><span id="treeMapView"></span></paper-tab> | |
315 | - <paper-tab on-tap="_hideSearch" noink><span id="extendedSearch"></span></paper-tab> | |
171 | + <paper-tabs selected={{tabIndex}} no-bar> | |
172 | + <paper-tab noink on-tap="_setProvidersDatasets"><span id="providers_datasets"></span></paper-tab> | |
173 | + <paper-tab noink on-tap="_setLocalDatasets"><span id="spod_users_datasets"></span></paper-tab> | |
174 | + <paper-tab noink on-tap="_setExtendedDatasets"><span id="extended_datasets"></span></paper-tab> | |
316 | 175 | </paper-tabs> |
317 | 176 | |
318 | - <div id="header"> | |
319 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
177 | + <div id="options"> | |
178 | + | |
179 | + <div id="options_header"></div> | |
180 | + | |
181 | + <div id="provider_option" class="header_block"> | |
182 | + {{_getLocalization('provider')}}: | |
320 | 183 | <paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_provider" label="" no-label-float> |
321 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content" selected="0"> | |
322 | - <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_filter"></paper-item> | |
323 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{_toArray(providers)}} as="provider"> | |
324 | - <!--<paper-item id={{}} style$="background: {{_getProviderColor(}};">{{provider.value.title}}</paper-item>--> | |
325 | - <paper-item id={{}} on-tap="_filter">{{provider.value.title}}</paper-item> | |
184 | + <paper-menu id="menu_provider" class="dropdown-content"> | |
185 | + <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_setProvidersDatasets"><span id="all"></span></paper-item> | |
186 | + <template is="dom-repeat" items={{_toArray(providers)}}> | |
187 | + <paper-item id={{}} on-tap="_setProvidersDatasets">{{item.value.title}}</paper-item> | |
326 | 188 | </template> |
327 | 189 | </paper-menu> |
328 | 190 | </paper-dropdown-menu> |
191 | + <paper-icon-button id="info_provider" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button> | |
192 | + <paper-tooltip id="tooltip_provider" for="info_provider" offset="8"> | |
193 | + <p> | |
194 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('all')}}</span><br> | |
195 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('allDescription')}}</span><br> | |
196 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('providerName')}}</span><br> | |
197 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('providerNameDescription')}}</span><br> | |
198 | + </p> | |
199 | + </paper-tooltip> | |
329 | 200 | </div> |
330 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
331 | - </div> | |
332 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
333 | - </div> | |
334 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
335 | - </div> | |
336 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
337 | - <paper-input id="datasets_filter" value={{filter}} no-label-float label=""> | |
338 | - <iron-icon class="search" icon="search" prefix></iron-icon> | |
339 | - <paper-icon-button class="clear" suffix on-click="_clearInput" icon="clear" tabindex="0"></paper-icon-button> | |
340 | - </paper-input> | |
201 | + | |
202 | + <!--<div id="view_option" class="header_block">--> | |
203 | + <!--{{_getLocalization('view')}}: --> | |
204 | + <!--<paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_view" label="" no-label-float>--> | |
205 | + <!--<paper-menu id="menu_view" class="dropdown-content">--> | |
206 | + <!--<paper-item id="0" on-tap=""><span id="list"></span></paper-item>--> | |
207 | + <!--<paper-item id="1" on-tap="" disabled><span id="tree"></span></paper-item>--> | |
208 | + <!--</paper-menu>--> | |
209 | + <!--</paper-dropdown-menu>--> | |
210 | + <!--<paper-icon-button id="info_view" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button>--> | |
211 | + <!--<paper-tooltip id="tooltip_view" for="info_view" offset="8">--> | |
212 | + <!--<p>--> | |
213 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('list')}}</span><br>--> | |
214 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('listDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
215 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('tree')}}</span><br>--> | |
216 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('treeDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
217 | + <!--</p>--> | |
218 | + <!--</paper-tooltip>--> | |
219 | + <!--</div>--> | |
220 | + | |
221 | + <!--<div id="search_option" class="header_block">--> | |
222 | + <!--{{_getLocalization('search')}}: --> | |
223 | + <!--<paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_search" label="" no-label-float>--> | |
224 | + <!--<paper-menu id="menu_search" class="dropdown-content">--> | |
225 | + <!--<paper-item><span id="standard"></span></paper-item>--> | |
226 | + <!--<paper-item disabled><span id="extended"></span></paper-item>--> | |
227 | + <!--</paper-menu>--> | |
228 | + <!--</paper-dropdown-menu>--> | |
229 | + <!--<paper-icon-button id="info_search" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button>--> | |
230 | + <!--<paper-tooltip id="tooltip_search" for="info_search" offset="8">--> | |
231 | + <!--<p>--> | |
232 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('standard')}}</span><br>--> | |
233 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('standardDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
234 | + <!--<span class="option">{{_getLocalization('extended')}}</span><br>--> | |
235 | + <!--<span class="description">{{_getLocalization('extendedDescription')}}</span><br>--> | |
236 | + <!--</p>--> | |
237 | + <!--</paper-tooltip>--> | |
238 | + <!--</div>--> | |
239 | + | |
240 | + <div id="version_option" class="header_block"> | |
241 | + {{_getLocalization('version')}}: | |
242 | + <paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_version" label="" no-label-float> | |
243 | + <paper-menu id="menu_version" class="dropdown-content"> | |
244 | + <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_showLast"><span id="show_last"></span></paper-item> | |
245 | + <paper-item id="1" on-tap="_showAll"><span id="show_all"></span></paper-item> | |
246 | + </paper-menu> | |
247 | + </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
248 | + <paper-icon-button id="tooltip_version" icon="info-outline" noink></paper-icon-button> | |
249 | + <paper-tooltip id="tooltip_version" for="tooltip_version" offset="8"> | |
250 | + <p> | |
251 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('showLast')}}</span><br> | |
252 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('showLastDescription')}}</span><br> | |
253 | + <span class="option">{{_getLocalization('showAll')}}</span><br> | |
254 | + <span class="description">{{_getLocalization('showAllDescription')}}</span><br> | |
255 | + </p> | |
256 | + </paper-tooltip> | |
341 | 257 | </div> |
258 | + | |
259 | + <!--<paper-icon-button icon="settings" on-click="_optionsMenu"></paper-icon-button>--> | |
260 | + | |
342 | 261 | </div> |
343 | 262 | |
344 | - <neon-animated-pages id="neon_container" selected="{{selected}}" entry-animation="fade-in-animation" exit-animation="fade-out-animation"> | |
345 | - | |
346 | - <neon-animatable> | |
347 | - <div id="list_info"> | |
348 | - <div id="list_container"> | |
349 | - <iron-list id="list" items="{{shownDatasets}}" selection-enabled> | |
350 | - <template> | |
351 | - <div> | |
352 | - <div class$="{{getClassForItem(selected)}}" on-tap="_selectDataUrl" style$="background: {{_getColorForItem(item)}};"> | |
353 | - <span style="display:none;">{{item.url}}</span> | |
354 | - <div class="pad"> | |
355 | - <div class="primary">{{item.resource_name}}</div> | |
356 | - <!--<div class="longText">--> | |
357 | - <!--<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{_stringToArray(item.metas)}}" as="mata">--> | |
358 | - <!--<b>{{}}:</b>--> | |
359 | - <!--<span inner-h-t-m-l="{{mata.value}}"></span> <br>--> | |
360 | - <!--</template>--> | |
361 | - <!--</div>--> | |
362 | - </div> | |
363 | - <iron-icon icon$="{{_getIconForItem(item)}}" style$="color: {{_getColorForIcon(item)}};"></iron-icon> | |
364 | - </div> | |
365 | - </div> | |
366 | - </template> | |
367 | - </iron-list> | |
368 | - </div> | |
369 | - <div id="info_container"> | |
370 | - <div id="info"> | |
371 | - </div> | |
372 | - </div> | |
373 | - </div> | |
374 | - | |
375 | - <div id="footer_list"> | |
376 | - <div class="footer_block"><span id="showing"></span> {{shownPrev}} <span id="to"></span> {{shownNext}} <span id="of"></span> {{length}} <span id="datasets"></span></div> | |
377 | - <div class="footer_block"> | |
378 | - <paper-icon-button id="slider_chevron_left" class="chevron-left" on-click="_onPrevClick" icon="chevron-left"></paper-icon-button> | |
379 | - <paper-icon-button id="slider_chevron_right" class="chevron-right" on-click="_onNextClick" icon="chevron-right"></paper-icon-button> | |
380 | - </div> | |
381 | - <div id="suggested_div" class="footer_block"> | |
382 | - <!--<template is="dom-if" if={{suggestedDatasets}}>--> | |
383 | - <paper-checkbox checked on-change="showSuggested"><span id="suggested_datasets"></span></paper-checkbox> | |
384 | - <!--</template>--> | |
385 | - </div> | |
386 | - </div> | |
387 | - </neon-animatable> | |
388 | - | |
389 | - <neon-animatable> | |
390 | - <div id="treemap_container"></div> | |
391 | - | |
392 | - <div id="footer_treemap"> | |
393 | - <div class="footer_block"><span id="showing2"></span> {{tLength}} <span id="datasets2"></span></div> | |
394 | - <div class="footer_block"></div> | |
395 | - <div class="footer_block"></div> | |
396 | - </div> | |
397 | - </neon-animatable> | |
398 | - | |
399 | - <neon-animatable> | |
400 | - <!--<div id="ortelio">--> | |
401 | - <ortelio-controllet datasets={{datasets}}></ortelio-controllet> | |
402 | - <!--</div>--> | |
403 | - </neon-animatable> | |
404 | - | |
405 | - </neon-animated-pages> | |
406 | - | |
407 | - <div id="url"> | |
408 | - <paper-textarea id="selected_url" label="" value={{dataUrl}} error-message={{errorMessage}}></paper-textarea> | |
263 | + <div id="datasets_list_container"> | |
264 | + <datasets-list-controllet id="datasets_list"></datasets-list-controllet> | |
409 | 265 | </div> |
410 | 266 | |
267 | + <div id="url"><paper-input id="selected_url" label="" value={{dataUrl}} error-message={{errorMessage}}></paper-input></div> | |
411 | 268 | </paper-material> |
412 | 269 | |
413 | 270 | </template> |
... | ... | @@ -416,211 +273,137 @@ |
416 | 273 | HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { |
417 | 274 | Polymer({ |
418 | 275 | is: 'select-dataset-controllet', |
276 | + | |
419 | 277 | properties: { |
278 | + | |
279 | + tabIndex: { | |
280 | + type: Number, | |
281 | + value: 0 | |
282 | + }, | |
283 | + | |
420 | 284 | datasets: { |
421 | 285 | type: Object, |
422 | 286 | value: undefined |
423 | 287 | }, |
424 | - filteredDatasets : { | |
425 | - type : Array, | |
426 | - value : undefined | |
427 | - }, | |
428 | - shownDatasets : { | |
429 | - type : Array, | |
430 | - value : undefined | |
431 | - }, | |
288 | + | |
432 | 289 | suggestedDatasets : { |
433 | 290 | type : Array, |
434 | 291 | value : undefined |
435 | 292 | }, |
436 | 293 | |
437 | - providers : { | |
438 | - type : Array, | |
439 | - value : undefined | |
440 | - }, | |
441 | 294 | dataUrl : { |
442 | 295 | type : String, |
443 | 296 | value : undefined, |
444 | 297 | observer : '_fireDataUrl' |
445 | - }, | |
446 | - filter : { | |
447 | - type : String, | |
448 | - value : "", | |
449 | - observer : '_filter' | |
450 | - }, | |
451 | - selected : { | |
452 | - type : Number, | |
453 | - value : 0 | |
454 | - }, | |
455 | - prev : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
456 | - next : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
457 | - shownPrev : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
458 | - shownNext : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
459 | - length : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
460 | - tLength : {type : Number, computed : 'treemapLength(length)'}, | |
461 | - step : {type : Number, value : 20}, | |
462 | - colors : { | |
463 | - type : Array, | |
464 | - value : ["#8dd3c7","#ffffb3","#bebada","#fb8072","#80b1d3","#fdb462","#b3de69","#fccde5","#d9d9d9","#bc80bd","#ccebc5","#ffed6f"] | |
465 | 298 | } |
299 | + | |
466 | 300 | }, |
467 | 301 | |
468 | 302 | listeners: { |
469 | - 'datasetexplorer-datalet_data-url': '_selectDataUrl_treeMap' | |
303 | + 'datasets-list-controllet_dataset' : '_selectDataUrl' | |
470 | 304 | }, |
471 | 305 | |
472 | 306 | ready : function() { |
307 | + this._translate(); | |
308 | + | |
473 | 309 | $(this.$.list_container).perfectScrollbar(); |
474 | 310 | $(this.$.info).perfectScrollbar(); |
475 | 311 | |
476 | -// this.$.selected_url.invalid = true; | |
312 | + this.options = true; | |
477 | 313 | }, |
478 | 314 | |
479 | - attached: function() { | |
315 | + attached : function() { | |
316 | + this._translate(); | |
317 | + | |
480 | 318 | this._resize(); |
481 | 319 | var that = this; |
482 | - window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize(); that._loadTreeMap();}); | |
320 | + window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize() }); | |
321 | + | |
322 | + this.providers = this.datasets["result"]["providers"]; | |
323 | + this.providersDatasets = this.datasets["result"]["datasets"]; | |
483 | 324 | |
484 | -// this.providers = that.datasets["result"]["providers"]; | |
485 | -// this.datasets = that.datasets["result"]["datasets"]; | |
325 | + if(this.suggestedDatasets) | |
326 | + this.providersDatasets = this.suggestedDatasets.concat(this.providersDatasets); | |
486 | 327 | |
487 | 328 | $.ajax({ |
488 | 329 | url: "/cocreation/ajax/get-all-dataset", |
489 | 330 | dataType: "json", |
490 | - success: function(spodDatasets){ | |
491 | - | |
492 | - that.providers = $.extend(that.datasets["result"]["providers"], {99: {api_url: "/cocreation/ajax/get-all-dataset", id: "99", image_hash: "SPOD", title: "SPOD"}}); | |
493 | - that.datasets = $.merge(spodDatasets, that.datasets["result"]["datasets"]); | |
494 | - | |
495 | - if(that.suggestedDatasets) { | |
496 | - that.tempDatasets = that.datasets; | |
497 | - that.datasets = that.suggestedDatasets.concat(that.datasets); | |
498 | - that.$ = "visible"; | |
499 | - } | |
500 | - | |
501 | - that.filteredDatasets = that.datasets; | |
502 | - | |
503 | - that.prev = 1; | |
504 | - = that.step; | |
505 | - that.length = that.filteredDatasets.length; | |
506 | - | |
507 | - that.shownPrev = Math.min(that.prev, that.length); | |
508 | - that.shownNext = Math.min(, that.length); | |
509 | - that.shownDatasets = that.filteredDatasets.slice(that.prev-1,; | |
510 | - | |
511 | - that.$.list.scrollTarget = that.ownerDocument.documentElement; | |
512 | - | |
513 | - that._translate(); | |
514 | - | |
515 | - that._loadTreeMap(); | |
331 | + success: function(localDatasets){ | |
332 | + that.localDatasets = localDatasets; | |
333 | + that.lastLocalDatasets = []; | |
334 | + var resource_name = ""; | |
335 | + for(var i in localDatasets) | |
336 | + if(localDatasets[i].resource_name != resource_name) { | |
337 | + that.lastLocalDatasets.push(localDatasets[i]); | |
338 | + resource_name = localDatasets[i].resource_name; | |
339 | + } | |
340 | + }, | |
341 | + error: function(){ | |
342 | + that.localDatasets = []; | |
343 | + that.lastLocalDatasets = []; | |
516 | 344 | } |
517 | 345 | }); |
518 | - }, | |
519 | - | |
520 | - _translate : function(){ | |
521 | - this.$.listView.innerHTML = ln["listView_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
522 | - this.$.treeMapView.innerHTML = ln["treeMapView_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
523 | - this.$.extendedSearch.innerHTML = ln["extendedSearch_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
524 | - | |
525 | - this.$.ddl_provider.setAttribute("label", ln["provider_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
526 | - this.$.datasets_filter.setAttribute("label", ln["search_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
527 | 346 | |
528 | - this.$.suggested_datasets.innerHTML = ln["suggestedDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
347 | + this._setProvidersDatasets(); | |
348 | + }, | |
529 | 349 | |
530 | - this.$.showing.innerHTML = ln["showing_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
531 | - this.$.showing2.innerHTML = ln["showing_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
532 | - this.$.to.innerHTML = ln["to_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
533 | - this.$.of.innerHTML = ln["of_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
534 | - this.$.datasets.innerHTML = ln["datasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
535 | - this.$.datasets2.innerHTML = ln["datasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
350 | + showDatasetInfo : function() { | |
351 | + this.$.datasets_list.showDatasetInfo(); | |
352 | + }, | |
536 | 353 | |
354 | + _translate : function(){ | |
537 | 355 | this.$.selected_url.setAttribute("label", ln["selectedUrl_" + ln["localization"]]); |
538 | 356 | this.errorMessage = ln["wrongUrl_" + ln["localization"]]; |
539 | - }, | |
540 | 357 | |
541 | - showSuggested : function(e) { | |
542 | - if( | |
543 | - this.datasets = this.suggestedDatasets.concat(this.tempDatasets); | |
544 | - else | |
545 | - this.datasets = this.tempDatasets; | |
546 | - this._filter(); | |
547 | - }, | |
358 | + this.$.providers_datasets.innerHTML = ln["providersDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
359 | + this.$.spod_users_datasets.innerHTML = ln["spodUsersDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
360 | + this.$.extended_datasets.innerHTML = ln["extendedDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
548 | 361 | |
549 | - _loadTreeMap : function(){ | |
550 | - var h = $("#neon_container").height() - 48; | |
551 | - var w = $("#neon_container").width(); | |
362 | + this.$.options_header.innerHTML = ln["datasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
552 | 363 | |
553 | - var data = JSON.stringify({result : {providers: this.providers, datasets: this.filteredDatasets}}).replace(/'/g, ""); | |
364 | + this.$.all.innerHTML = ln["all_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
365 | +// this.$.list.innerHTML = ln["list_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
366 | +// this.$.tree.innerHTML = ln["tree_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
367 | +// this.$.standard.innerHTML = ln["standard_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
368 | +// this.$.extended.innerHTML = ln["extended_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
369 | + this.$.show_last.innerHTML = ln["showLast_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
370 | + this.$.show_all.innerHTML = ln["showAll_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
554 | 371 | |
555 | - if(this.filteredDatasets.length > 0) | |
556 | - this.$.treemap_container.innerHTML = "<datasetexplorer-datalet data='"+data+"' width=\""+w+"\" height=\""+h+"\" fields='[\"provider_name\",\"organization_name\",\"package_name\",\"resource_name\",\"url\",\"w\",\"metas\"]'></datasetexplorer-datalet>"; | |
557 | - else | |
558 | - this.$.treemap_container.innerHTML = ""; | |
372 | + this.$; | |
373 | +// this.$; | |
374 | +// this.$; | |
375 | + this.$; | |
559 | 376 | }, |
560 | 377 | |
561 | - _filter : function() { | |
562 | - if(this.filteredDatasets) { | |
563 | - this.async(function () { | |
564 | - var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
565 | - var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
566 | - var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
567 | - this.prev = 1; | |
568 | - = this.step; | |
569 | - if (id) { | |
570 | - //filtered by provider name | |
571 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.datasets.filter(function (el) { | |
572 | - return el.provider_name == "p:" + id; | |
573 | - }); | |
574 | - } | |
575 | - else { | |
576 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.datasets; | |
577 | - } | |
578 | - | |
579 | - //filtered by filter | |
580 | - var filter = this.filter; | |
581 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.filter(function (el) { | |
582 | - return el.resource_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) > -1; | |
378 | + _setProvidersDatasets : function() { | |
379 | + this.async(function () { | |
380 | + var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
381 | + var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
382 | + var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
383 | + if (id) { | |
384 | + var providerDatasets = this.providersDatasets.filter(function (el) { | |
385 | + return el.provider_name == "p:" + id; | |
583 | 386 | }); |
387 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(providerDatasets); | |
388 | + } | |
389 | + else | |
390 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(this.providersDatasets); | |
584 | 391 | |
585 | - this.length = this.filteredDatasets.length; | |
586 | - | |
587 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
588 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
589 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
590 | - | |
591 | - $("#list_container").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
592 | - | |
593 | - this._loadTreeMap(); | |
594 | - }, 0); | |
595 | - } | |
596 | - }, | |
597 | - | |
598 | - _refreshList : function() { | |
599 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
600 | - | |
601 | - this.$ = "flex"; | |
602 | - this.$ = "visible"; | |
603 | -// this.$ = "-4px"; | |
604 | - | |
605 | - this.$.header.className = this.$.header.className.replace(" noshadow", ""); | |
606 | - }, | |
607 | - | |
608 | - _noShadow : function() { | |
609 | - this.$ = "flex"; | |
610 | - this.$ = "visible"; | |
611 | -// this.$ = "-4px"; | |
612 | - | |
613 | - this.$.header.className += " noshadow"; | |
392 | + this._showOptions(); | |
393 | + }, 0); | |
614 | 394 | }, |
615 | 395 | |
616 | - _hideSearch : function() { | |
617 | -// this.$ = "none"; | |
618 | - this.$ = "hidden"; | |
619 | -// this.$ = "44px"; | |
396 | + _setLocalDatasets : function() { | |
397 | + if(this.$ == 0) | |
398 | + this._showLast(); | |
399 | + else | |
400 | + this._showAll(); | |
401 | + this._showOptions(); | |
620 | 402 | }, |
621 | 403 | |
622 | - _clearInput : function() { | |
623 | - this.$.datasets_filter.value = ""; | |
404 | + _setExtendedDatasets : function() { | |
405 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets([]);//tutto molto bello, clap, clap, clapù | |
406 | + this._showOptions() | |
624 | 407 | }, |
625 | 408 | |
626 | 409 | _getIdByProviderName : function(name) { |
... | ... | @@ -630,104 +413,56 @@ |
630 | 413 | } |
631 | 414 | }, |
632 | 415 | |
633 | -// iconForItem: function(item) { | |
634 | -// return item ? (item.integer < 50 ? 'star-border' : 'info-outline') : ''; | |
635 | -// }, | |
636 | - | |
637 | - treemapLength : function(length) { | |
638 | - var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
639 | - var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
640 | - var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
641 | - | |
642 | - if(this.suggestedDatasets && !id) | |
643 | - return Math.max(length - this.suggestedDatasets.length, 0); | |
644 | - return length; | |
645 | - }, | |
646 | - | |
647 | - _getColorForIcon : function(item) { | |
648 | - var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
649 | - var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
650 | - var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
651 | - if (id) { | |
652 | - return this.colors[0]; | |
653 | - } | |
654 | - if(!item.provider_name) { | |
655 | - return "#00BCD4"; | |
656 | - } | |
657 | - var id = item.provider_name.substring(2, item.provider_name.length); | |
658 | - var i = this.getProviderById(id) % this.colors.length; | |
659 | - return this.colors[i]; | |
660 | - }, | |
661 | - | |
662 | - _getColorForItem : function(item) { | |
663 | -// var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
664 | -// var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
665 | -// var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
666 | -// if (id) { | |
667 | -// return this.colors[0]; | |
668 | -// } | |
669 | - if(!item.provider_name) { | |
670 | - return "#FFEB3B"; | |
671 | - } | |
672 | -// var id = item.provider_name.substring(2, item.provider_name.length); | |
673 | -// var i = this.getProviderById(id) % this.colors.length; | |
674 | -// return this.colors[i]; | |
416 | + _optionsMenu : function() { | |
417 | + this.options = !this.options; | |
418 | + this._showOptions(); | |
675 | 419 | }, |
676 | 420 | |
677 | - _getIconForItem : function(item) { | |
678 | - return item.provider_name ? 'bookmark' : 'star'; | |
679 | - }, | |
680 | - | |
681 | -// _getProviderColor: function(id) { | |
682 | -// var i = this.getProviderById(id) % this.colors.length; | |
683 | -// return this.colors[i]; | |
684 | -// }, | |
685 | - | |
686 | - getClassForItem: function(selected) { | |
687 | - return selected ? 'item expanded' : 'item'; | |
421 | + _showOptions : function() { | |
422 | + this.async(function () { | |
423 | + if(!this.options) { | |
424 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
425 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
426 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
427 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
428 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
429 | + } | |
430 | + else if(this.tabIndex == 0) { | |
431 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
432 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
433 | +// this.$ = "block"; | |
434 | +// this.$ = "block"; | |
435 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
436 | + } | |
437 | + else if(this.tabIndex == 1) { | |
438 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
439 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
440 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
441 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
442 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
443 | + } | |
444 | + else if(this.tabIndex == 2) { | |
445 | + this.$ = "block"; | |
446 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
447 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
448 | +// this.$ = "none"; | |
449 | + this.$ = "none"; | |
450 | + } | |
451 | + }, 0); | |
688 | 452 | }, |
689 | 453 | |
690 | - getProviderById: function(providerId) { | |
691 | - var i = 0; | |
692 | - for(var id in this.providers){ | |
693 | - if(this.providers[id].id == providerId) | |
694 | - return i; | |
695 | - i++; | |
696 | - } | |
454 | + _showAll : function() { | |
455 | + this.$.datasets_list.showVersion(true); | |
456 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(this.localDatasets); | |
697 | 457 | }, |
698 | 458 | |
699 | - _onPrevClick : function(){ | |
700 | - if(this.prev != 1) { | |
701 | - this.prev -= this.step; | |
702 | - -= this.step; | |
703 | - | |
704 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
705 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
706 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
707 | - } | |
708 | - $("#list_container").animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
459 | + _showLast : function() { | |
460 | + this.$.datasets_list.showVersion(false); | |
461 | + this.$.datasets_list.setDatasets(this.lastLocalDatasets); | |
709 | 462 | }, |
710 | 463 | |
711 | - _onNextClick : function(){ | |
712 | - if( < this.length) { | |
713 | - this.prev += this.step; | |
714 | - += this.step; | |
715 | - | |
716 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
717 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
718 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
719 | - } | |
720 | - $("#list_container").animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
721 | - }, | |
722 | - | |
723 | - _stringToArray: function(obj) { | |
724 | - obj = JSON.parse(obj); | |
725 | - return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { | |
726 | - return { | |
727 | - name: key, | |
728 | - value: obj[key] | |
729 | - }; | |
730 | - }); | |
464 | + _getLocalization : function(text){ | |
465 | + return ln[text + "_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
731 | 466 | }, |
732 | 467 | |
733 | 468 | _toArray: function(obj) { |
... | ... | @@ -739,74 +474,16 @@ |
739 | 474 | }); |
740 | 475 | }, |
741 | 476 | |
742 | - _selectDataUrl : function(){ | |
477 | + _selectDataUrl : function(e){ | |
743 | 478 | this.async(function () { |
744 | - if(this.$.list.selectedItem) { | |
745 | - | |
746 | - var metas = JSON.parse(this.$.list.selectedItem.metas); | |
747 | - var html = "<span style=\"color: #2196F3; font-weight: bold;\">" + this.$.list.selectedItem.resource_name + "</span><br><br>"; | |
748 | - /*font-weight: bold;*/ | |
749 | - /*line-height: 48px;*/ | |
750 | - for(var i in metas) | |
751 | - html += "<b>" + i + ":</b> " + metas[i] + "<br>"; | |
752 | - this.$.info.innerHTML = html; | |
753 | - | |
754 | - this.dataUrl = this.$.list.selectedItem.url; | |
755 | -// var url = this.$.list.selectedItem.url; | |
756 | - | |
757 | -// url = utility_getResourceUrl(url); | |
758 | - | |
759 | -// // Check if CKAN | |
760 | -// var strDatasetPos = url.indexOf('/dataset/'); | |
761 | -// var strResourcePos = (strDatasetPos >= 0) ? url.indexOf('/resource/') : -1; | |
762 | -// if (strDatasetPos >= 0 && strResourcePos > strDatasetPos) { | |
763 | -// var urlSegment1 = url.substring(0, strDatasetPos); | |
764 | -// var urlResourceEnd = url.indexOf('/', strResourcePos + 10); | |
765 | -// var resourceId = url.substring(strResourcePos + 10, urlResourceEnd); | |
766 | -// url = urlSegment1 + "/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id=" + resourceId; | |
767 | -// } | |
768 | -// | |
769 | -// // Check if OPENDATASOFT | |
770 | -// var strExploreDatasetPos = url.indexOf('/explore/dataset/'); | |
771 | -// if (strExploreDatasetPos >= 0) { | |
772 | -// var urlSegment1 = url.substring(0, strExploreDatasetPos); | |
773 | -// var datasetEnd = url.indexOf(strExploreDatasetPos + 17, '/'); | |
774 | -// var datasetId = url.substring(strExploreDatasetPos + 17, datasetEnd >= 0 ? datasetEnd : url.length); | |
775 | -// url = urlSegment1 + '/api/records/1.0/search?dataset=' + datasetId; | |
776 | -// } | |
777 | - | |
778 | -// this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(url); | |
779 | -// this.dataUrl = url; | |
780 | - } | |
781 | - else { | |
782 | - this.dataUrl = ""; | |
783 | - this.$.info.innerHTML = ""; | |
784 | - } | |
479 | + this.dataUrl = e.detail.dataset.url; | |
785 | 480 | }, 0); |
786 | 481 | }, |
787 | 482 | |
788 | - _selectDataUrl_treeMap : function(e) { | |
789 | -// this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(e.detail.url); | |
790 | - this.dataUrl = e.detail.url; | |
791 | - }, | |
792 | - | |
793 | 483 | _fireDataUrl : function(){ |
794 | -'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url', {url: this.dataUrl}); | |
484 | +'select-dataset-controllet_data-url', {url: this.dataUrl}); | |
795 | 485 | }, |
796 | 486 | |
797 | -// _addlimitUrl : function(url){ | |
798 | -// //CKAN --> action no limit | |
799 | -// if((url.indexOf("api/action") > -1) && !(url.indexOf("limit") > -1)) | |
800 | -// { | |
801 | -// url += "&limit=99999"; | |
802 | -// } | |
803 | -// //OpenDataSoft --> action no limit | |
804 | -// if((url.indexOf("api/records") > -1) && !(url.indexOf("rows") > -1)){ | |
805 | -// url += "&rows=10000"; | |
806 | -// } | |
807 | -// return url; | |
808 | -// }, | |
809 | - | |
810 | 487 | _resize : function(){ |
811 | 488 | var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - 16; |
812 | 489 | h = h - 64 - 8; //height with page scroller | ... | ... |
controllets/select-dataset-controllet/select-dataset-controllet_purelist.html deleted
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29 | - | |
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35 | - | |
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37 | - | |
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48 | - /*--paper-tab-ink: {*/ | |
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50 | - /*};*/ | |
51 | - } | |
52 | - | |
53 | - iron-list { | |
54 | - --iron-list-items-container: { | |
55 | - margin:16px 16px 8px 16px; | |
56 | - }; | |
57 | - } | |
58 | - | |
59 | - paper-textarea { | |
60 | - width: 100%; | |
61 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
62 | - } | |
63 | - | |
64 | - paper-input { | |
65 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
66 | - } | |
67 | - paper-dropdown-menu { | |
68 | - width: 100%; | |
69 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
70 | - } | |
71 | - | |
72 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
73 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
74 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
75 | - } | |
76 | - | |
77 | - paper-checkbox { | |
78 | - height: 24px; | |
79 | - /*margin-top: 8px*/ | |
80 | - --paper-checkbox-checked-color: #2196F3; | |
81 | - --paper-checkbox-checked-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
82 | - --paper-checkbox-unchecked-color: #000000; | |
83 | - --paper-checkbox-unchecked-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
84 | - --paper-checkbox-label-color: #000000; | |
85 | - } | |
86 | - | |
87 | - paper-icon-button{ | |
88 | - height: 48px; | |
89 | - width: 48px; | |
90 | - padding: 0px; | |
91 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
92 | - } | |
93 | - | |
94 | - paper-icon-button:hover{ | |
95 | - color: #2196F3; | |
96 | - } | |
97 | - | |
98 | - paper-icon-button[disabled]{ | |
99 | - color: #B6B6B6; | |
100 | - } | |
101 | - | |
102 | - paper-icon-button.clear { | |
103 | - width: 24px; | |
104 | - height: 24px; | |
105 | - padding: 0px 4px; | |
106 | - color: #F44336; | |
107 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
108 | - } | |
109 | - | |
110 | - paper-tabs { | |
111 | - font-weight: bold; | |
112 | - } | |
113 | - | |
114 | - paper-tab { | |
115 | - transition: all 1.0s; | |
116 | - } | |
117 | - | |
118 | - paper-tab.iron-selected { | |
119 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
120 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
121 | - } | |
122 | - | |
123 | - paper-tab:not(.iron-selected):hover { | |
124 | - color: #2196F3; | |
125 | - } | |
126 | - | |
127 | - .item { | |
128 | - /*@apply(--layout-horizontal);*/ | |
129 | - display: flex; | |
130 | - padding: 11px; | |
131 | - border: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
132 | - border-radius: 4px; | |
133 | - cursor: pointer; | |
134 | - margin-bottom: 8px; | |
135 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
136 | - } | |
137 | - | |
138 | - .pad { | |
139 | - @apply(--layout-flex); | |
140 | - /*@apply(--layout-vertical);*/ | |
141 | - } | |
142 | - | |
143 | - .primary { | |
144 | - font-weight: bold; | |
145 | - } | |
146 | - | |
147 | - .item.expanded .primary { | |
148 | - color: #2196F3; | |
149 | - } | |
150 | - | |
151 | - .longText { | |
152 | - display: none; | |
153 | - } | |
154 | - | |
155 | - .item.expanded .longText { | |
156 | - display: block; | |
157 | - } | |
158 | - | |
159 | - #select_dataset_container { | |
160 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
161 | - } | |
162 | - | |
163 | - #select_dataset_container * { | |
164 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
165 | - font-size: 16px; | |
166 | - line-height: 24px; | |
167 | - } | |
168 | - | |
169 | - #select_dataset_container #neon_container { | |
170 | - height: calc(100% - 172px); | |
171 | - width: calc(100% - 8px); | |
172 | - } | |
173 | - | |
174 | - #select_dataset_container #list_container { | |
175 | - /*height: calc(100% - 244px);*/ | |
176 | - /*width: calc(100% - 8px);*/ | |
177 | - height: calc(100% - 48px); | |
178 | - width: 100%; | |
179 | - border: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
180 | - border-top: 0px; | |
181 | - border-bottom: 0px; | |
182 | - position: relative; | |
183 | - } | |
184 | - | |
185 | - #select_dataset_container #treemap_container { | |
186 | - /*height: calc(100% - 244px);*/ | |
187 | - /*width: calc(100% - 8px);*/ | |
188 | - height: calc(100% - 48px); | |
189 | - width: 100%; | |
190 | - border: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
191 | - border-top: 0px; | |
192 | - border-bottom: 0px; | |
193 | - position: relative; | |
194 | - } | |
195 | - | |
196 | - #select_dataset_container #header { | |
197 | - position: relative; | |
198 | - z-index: 1; | |
199 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
200 | - -moz-box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
201 | - box-shadow: 0 30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
202 | - | |
203 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
204 | - display: flex; | |
205 | - padding: 0px 4px; | |
206 | - } | |
207 | - | |
208 | - #select_dataset_container #footer_list { | |
209 | - position: relative; | |
210 | - z-index: 1; | |
211 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
212 | - -moz-box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
213 | - box-shadow: 0 -30px 24px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 -20px 30px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 -20px 10px -19px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); | |
214 | - } | |
215 | - | |
216 | - .noshadow { | |
217 | - -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; | |
218 | - -moz-box-shadow: none !important; | |
219 | - box-shadow: none !important; | |
220 | - } | |
221 | - | |
222 | - #select_dataset_container #footer_list, | |
223 | - #select_dataset_container #footer_treemap { | |
224 | - width: 100%; | |
225 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
226 | - display: flex; | |
227 | - padding: 0px 4px; | |
228 | - } | |
229 | - | |
230 | - #select_dataset_container #url { | |
231 | - height: 76px;/*100*/ | |
232 | - border: 4px solid #B6B6B6; | |
233 | - border-top: 0px; | |
234 | - padding: 0px 16px; | |
235 | - margin-top: -4px; | |
236 | - } | |
237 | - | |
238 | - #header .header_block { | |
239 | - width: 20%; | |
240 | - height: 40px; | |
241 | - padding: 4px 16px 4px 16px; | |
242 | - } | |
243 | - | |
244 | - /*.header_block:nth-child(2), .header_block:nth-child(3), .header_block:nth-child(3), .header_block:nth-child(4){*/ | |
245 | - /*visibility: hidden;*/ | |
246 | - /*}*/ | |
247 | - | |
248 | - #header .header_block:nth-child(4) { | |
249 | - text-align: center; | |
250 | - } | |
251 | - | |
252 | - .footer_block { | |
253 | - width: calc((100% - 0px) / 3); | |
254 | - height: 24px; | |
255 | - padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; | |
256 | - text-align: center; | |
257 | - } | |
258 | - | |
259 | - .footer_block:nth-child(2) { | |
260 | - height: 48px; | |
261 | - padding: 0px 8px; | |
262 | - } | |
263 | - | |
264 | - #suggested_div { | |
265 | - visibility: hidden; | |
266 | - } | |
267 | - </style> | |
268 | - | |
269 | - <paper-material id="select_dataset_container" elevation="5"> | |
270 | - | |
271 | - <paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}" no-bar> | |
272 | - <paper-tab noink on-tap="_refreshList"><span id="listView"></span></paper-tab> | |
273 | - <!--<paper-tab noink ><span id="listView"></span></paper-tab>--> | |
274 | - <paper-tab on-tap="_noShadow" noink><span id="treeMapView"></span></paper-tab> | |
275 | - </paper-tabs> | |
276 | - | |
277 | - <div id="header"> | |
278 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
279 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="ddl_provider" label="" no-label-float> | |
280 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content" selected="0"> | |
281 | - <paper-item id="0" on-tap="_filter"></paper-item> | |
282 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{_toArray(providers)}} as="provider"> | |
283 | - <!--<paper-item id={{}} style$="background: {{_getProviderColor(}};">{{provider.value.title}}</paper-item>--> | |
284 | - <paper-item id={{}} on-tap="_filter">{{provider.value.title}}</paper-item> | |
285 | - </template> | |
286 | - </paper-menu> | |
287 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
288 | - </div> | |
289 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
290 | - </div> | |
291 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
292 | - </div> | |
293 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
294 | - </div> | |
295 | - <div class="header_block"> | |
296 | - <paper-input id="datasets_filter" value={{filter}} no-label-float label=""> | |
297 | - <iron-icon class="search" icon="search" prefix></iron-icon> | |
298 | - <paper-icon-button class="clear" suffix on-click="_clearInput" icon="clear" tabindex="0"></paper-icon-button> | |
299 | - </paper-input> | |
300 | - </div> | |
301 | - </div> | |
302 | - | |
303 | - <neon-animated-pages id="neon_container" selected="{{selected}}" entry-animation="fade-in-animation" exit-animation="fade-out-animation"> | |
304 | - | |
305 | - <neon-animatable> | |
306 | - <div id="list_container"> | |
307 | - <iron-list id="list" items="{{shownDatasets}}" selection-enabled><!--multi-selection--> | |
308 | - <template> | |
309 | - <div> | |
310 | - <div class$="{{getClassForItem(selected)}}" on-tap="_selectDataUrl" style$="background: {{_getColorForItem(item)}};"> | |
311 | - <!--<div class$="{{getClassForItem(selected)}}" on-tap="_selectDataUrl">--> | |
312 | - <span style="display:none;">{{item.url}}</span> | |
313 | - <div class="pad"> | |
314 | - <div class="primary">{{item.resource_name}}</div> | |
315 | - <!--<div class="shortText" style="display:none;">{{item.url}}</div>--> | |
316 | - <div class="longText"> | |
317 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{_stringToArray(item.metas)}}" as="mata"> | |
318 | - <b>{{}}:</b> | |
319 | - <span inner-h-t-m-l="{{mata.value}}"></span> <br> | |
320 | - </template> | |
321 | - </div> | |
322 | - </div> | |
323 | - <!--<iron-icon icon$="[[iconForItem(item)]]"></iron-icon>--> | |
324 | - <!--<iron-icon icon="bookmark" style$="color: {{_getColorForItem(item)}};"></iron-icon>--> | |
325 | - <iron-icon icon$="{{_getIconForItem(item)}}" style$="color: {{_getColorForIcon(item)}};"></iron-icon> | |
326 | - </div> | |
327 | - </div> | |
328 | - </template> | |
329 | - </iron-list> | |
330 | - </div> | |
331 | - | |
332 | - <div id="footer_list"> | |
333 | - <div class="footer_block"><span id="showing"></span> {{shownPrev}} <span id="to"></span> {{shownNext}} <span id="of"></span> {{length}} <span id="datasets"></span></div> | |
334 | - <div class="footer_block"> | |
335 | - <paper-icon-button id="slider_chevron_left" class="chevron-left" on-click="_onPrevClick" icon="chevron-left"></paper-icon-button> | |
336 | - <paper-icon-button id="slider_chevron_right" class="chevron-right" on-click="_onNextClick" icon="chevron-right"></paper-icon-button> | |
337 | - </div> | |
338 | - <div id="suggested_div" class="footer_block"> | |
339 | - <!--<template is="dom-if" if={{suggestedDatasets}}>--> | |
340 | - <paper-checkbox checked on-change="showSuggested"><span id="suggested_datasets"></span></paper-checkbox> | |
341 | - <!--</template>--> | |
342 | - </div> | |
343 | - </div> | |
344 | - </neon-animatable> | |
345 | - | |
346 | - <neon-animatable> | |
347 | - <div id="treemap_container"></div> | |
348 | - | |
349 | - <div id="footer_treemap"> | |
350 | - <div class="footer_block"><span id="showing2"></span> {{tLength}} <span id="datasets2"></span></div> | |
351 | - <div class="footer_block"></div> | |
352 | - <div class="footer_block"></div> | |
353 | - </div> | |
354 | - </neon-animatable> | |
355 | - | |
356 | - </neon-animated-pages> | |
357 | - | |
358 | - <div id="url"> | |
359 | - <paper-textarea id="selected_url" label="" value={{dataUrl}} error-message={{errorMessage}}></paper-textarea> | |
360 | - </div> | |
361 | - | |
362 | - </paper-material> | |
363 | - | |
364 | - </template> | |
365 | - | |
366 | - <script> | |
367 | - HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { | |
368 | - Polymer({ | |
369 | - is: 'select-dataset-controllet', | |
370 | - properties: { | |
371 | - datasets: { | |
372 | - type: Object, | |
373 | - value: undefined | |
374 | - }, | |
375 | - filteredDatasets : { | |
376 | - type : Array, | |
377 | - value : undefined | |
378 | - }, | |
379 | - shownDatasets : { | |
380 | - type : Array, | |
381 | - value : undefined | |
382 | - }, | |
383 | - suggestedDatasets : { | |
384 | - type : Array, | |
385 | - value : undefined | |
386 | - }, | |
387 | - | |
388 | - providers : { | |
389 | - type : Array, | |
390 | - value : undefined | |
391 | - }, | |
392 | - dataUrl : { | |
393 | - type : String, | |
394 | - value : undefined, | |
395 | - observer : '_fireDataUrl' | |
396 | - }, | |
397 | - filter : { | |
398 | - type : String, | |
399 | - value : "", | |
400 | - observer : '_filter' | |
401 | - }, | |
402 | - selected : { | |
403 | - type : Number, | |
404 | - value : 0 | |
405 | - }, | |
406 | - prev : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
407 | - next : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
408 | - shownPrev : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
409 | - shownNext : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
410 | - length : {type : Number, value : undefined}, | |
411 | - tLength : {type : Number, computed : 'treemapLength(length)'}, | |
412 | - step : {type : Number, value : 20}, | |
413 | - colors : { | |
414 | - type : Array, | |
415 | - value : ["#8dd3c7","#ffffb3","#bebada","#fb8072","#80b1d3","#fdb462","#b3de69","#fccde5","#d9d9d9","#bc80bd","#ccebc5","#ffed6f"] | |
416 | - } | |
417 | - }, | |
418 | - | |
419 | - listeners: { | |
420 | - 'datasetexplorer-datalet_data-url': '_selectDataUrl_treeMap' | |
421 | - }, | |
422 | - | |
423 | - ready : function() { | |
424 | - $(this.$.list_container).perfectScrollbar(); | |
425 | - | |
426 | -// this.$.selected_url.invalid = true; | |
427 | - }, | |
428 | - | |
429 | - attached: function() { | |
430 | - this._resize(); | |
431 | - var that = this; | |
432 | - window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize(); that._loadTreeMap();}); | |
433 | - | |
434 | - this.providers = this.datasets["result"]["providers"]; | |
435 | - this.datasets = this.datasets["result"]["datasets"]; | |
436 | - | |
437 | - if(this.suggestedDatasets) { | |
438 | - this.tempDatasets = this.datasets; | |
439 | - this.datasets = this.suggestedDatasets.concat(this.datasets); | |
440 | - this.$ = "visible"; | |
441 | - } | |
442 | - | |
443 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.datasets; | |
444 | - | |
445 | - this.prev = 1; | |
446 | - = this.step; | |
447 | - this.length = this.filteredDatasets.length; | |
448 | - | |
449 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
450 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
451 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev-1,; | |
452 | - | |
453 | - this.$.list.scrollTarget = this.ownerDocument.documentElement; | |
454 | - | |
455 | - this._translate(); | |
456 | - | |
457 | - this._loadTreeMap(); | |
458 | - }, | |
459 | - | |
460 | - _translate : function(){ | |
461 | - this.$.listView.innerHTML = ln["listView_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
462 | - this.$.treeMapView.innerHTML = ln["treeMapView_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
463 | - | |
464 | - this.$.ddl_provider.setAttribute("label", ln["provider_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
465 | - this.$.datasets_filter.setAttribute("label", ln["search_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
466 | - | |
467 | - this.$.suggested_datasets.innerHTML = ln["suggestedDatasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
468 | - | |
469 | - this.$.showing.innerHTML = ln["showing_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
470 | - this.$.showing2.innerHTML = ln["showing_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
471 | - this.$.to.innerHTML = ln["to_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
472 | - this.$.of.innerHTML = ln["of_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
473 | - this.$.datasets.innerHTML = ln["datasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
474 | - this.$.datasets2.innerHTML = ln["datasets_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
475 | - | |
476 | - this.$.selected_url.setAttribute("label", ln["selectedUrl_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
477 | - this.errorMessage = ln["wrongUrl_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
478 | - }, | |
479 | - | |
480 | - showSuggested : function(e) { | |
481 | - if( | |
482 | - this.datasets = this.suggestedDatasets.concat(this.tempDatasets); | |
483 | - else | |
484 | - this.datasets = this.tempDatasets; | |
485 | - this._filter(); | |
486 | - }, | |
487 | - | |
488 | - _loadTreeMap : function(){ | |
489 | - var h = $("#neon_container").height() - 48; | |
490 | - var w = $("#neon_container").width(); | |
491 | - | |
492 | - var data = JSON.stringify({result : {providers: this.providers, datasets: this.filteredDatasets}}).replace(/'/g, ""); | |
493 | - | |
494 | - if(this.filteredDatasets.length > 0) | |
495 | - this.$.treemap_container.innerHTML = "<datasetexplorer-datalet data='"+data+"' width=\""+w+"\" height=\""+h+"\" fields='[\"result,datasets,provider_name\",\"result,datasets,organization_name\",\"result,datasets,package_name\",\"result,datasets,resource_name\",\"result,datasets,url\",\"result,datasets,w\",\"result,datasets,metas\"]'></datasetexplorer-datalet>"; | |
496 | - else | |
497 | - this.$.treemap_container.innerHTML = ""; | |
498 | - }, | |
499 | - | |
500 | - _filter : function() { | |
501 | - if(this.filteredDatasets) { | |
502 | - this.async(function () { | |
503 | - var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
504 | - var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
505 | - var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
506 | - this.prev = 1; | |
507 | - = this.step; | |
508 | - if (id) { | |
509 | - //filtered by provider name | |
510 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.datasets.filter(function (el) { | |
511 | - return el.provider_name == "p:" + id; | |
512 | - }); | |
513 | - } | |
514 | - else { | |
515 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.datasets; | |
516 | - } | |
517 | - | |
518 | - //filtered by filter | |
519 | - var filter = this.filter; | |
520 | - this.filteredDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.filter(function (el) { | |
521 | - return el.resource_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) > -1; | |
522 | - }); | |
523 | - | |
524 | - this.length = this.filteredDatasets.length; | |
525 | - | |
526 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
527 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
528 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
529 | - | |
530 | - $("#list_container").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
531 | - | |
532 | - this._loadTreeMap(); | |
533 | - }, 0); | |
534 | - } | |
535 | - }, | |
536 | - | |
537 | - _refreshList : function() { | |
538 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
539 | - this.$.header.className = this.$.header.className.replace(" noshadow", ""); | |
540 | - }, | |
541 | - | |
542 | - _noShadow : function() { | |
543 | - console.log(this.$.header); | |
544 | - this.$.header.className += " noshadow"; | |
545 | - }, | |
546 | - | |
547 | - _clearInput : function() { | |
548 | - this.$.datasets_filter.value = ""; | |
549 | - }, | |
550 | - | |
551 | - _getIdByProviderName : function(name) { | |
552 | - for(var id in this.providers) { | |
553 | - if (this.providers[id].title == name) | |
554 | - return this.providers[id].id; | |
555 | - } | |
556 | - }, | |
557 | - | |
558 | -// iconForItem: function(item) { | |
559 | -// return item ? (item.integer < 50 ? 'star-border' : 'info-outline') : ''; | |
560 | -// }, | |
561 | - | |
562 | - treemapLength : function(length) { | |
563 | - var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
564 | - var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
565 | - var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
566 | - | |
567 | - if(this.suggestedDatasets && !id) | |
568 | - return Math.max(length - this.suggestedDatasets.length, 0); | |
569 | - return length; | |
570 | - }, | |
571 | - | |
572 | - _getColorForIcon : function(item) { | |
573 | - var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
574 | - var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
575 | - var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
576 | - if (id) { | |
577 | - return this.colors[0]; | |
578 | - } | |
579 | - if(!item.provider_name) { | |
580 | - return "#00BCD4"; | |
581 | - } | |
582 | - var id = item.provider_name.substring(2, item.provider_name.length); | |
583 | - var i = this.getProviderById(id) % this.colors.length; | |
584 | - return this.colors[i]; | |
585 | - }, | |
586 | - | |
587 | - _getColorForItem : function(item) { | |
588 | -// var ddl_provider = $(this.$.ddl_provider).find("paper-menu")[0].selectedItem; | |
589 | -// var name = ddl_provider.innerHTML.trim(); | |
590 | -// var id = this._getIdByProviderName(name); | |
591 | -// if (id) { | |
592 | -// return this.colors[0]; | |
593 | -// } | |
594 | - if(!item.provider_name) { | |
595 | - return "#FFEB3B"; | |
596 | - } | |
597 | -// var id = item.provider_name.substring(2, item.provider_name.length); | |
598 | -// var i = this.getProviderById(id) % this.colors.length; | |
599 | -// return this.colors[i]; | |
600 | - }, | |
601 | - | |
602 | - _getIconForItem : function(item) { | |
603 | - return item.provider_name ? 'bookmark' : 'star'; | |
604 | - }, | |
605 | - | |
606 | -// _getProviderColor: function(id) { | |
607 | -// var i = this.getProviderById(id) % this.colors.length; | |
608 | -// return this.colors[i]; | |
609 | -// }, | |
610 | - | |
611 | - getClassForItem: function(selected) { | |
612 | - return selected ? 'item expanded' : 'item'; | |
613 | - }, | |
614 | - | |
615 | - getProviderById: function(providerId) { | |
616 | - var i = 0; | |
617 | - for(var id in this.providers){ | |
618 | - if(this.providers[id].id == providerId) | |
619 | - return i; | |
620 | - i++; | |
621 | - } | |
622 | - }, | |
623 | - | |
624 | - _onPrevClick : function(){ | |
625 | - if(this.prev != 1) { | |
626 | - this.prev -= this.step; | |
627 | - -= this.step; | |
628 | - | |
629 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
630 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
631 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
632 | - } | |
633 | - $("#list_container").animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
634 | - }, | |
635 | - | |
636 | - _onNextClick : function(){ | |
637 | - if( < this.length) { | |
638 | - this.prev += this.step; | |
639 | - += this.step; | |
640 | - | |
641 | - this.shownPrev = Math.min(this.prev, this.length); | |
642 | - this.shownNext = Math.min(, this.length); | |
643 | - this.shownDatasets = this.filteredDatasets.slice(this.prev - 1,; | |
644 | - } | |
645 | - $("#list_container").animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0); | |
646 | - }, | |
647 | - | |
648 | - _stringToArray: function(obj) { | |
649 | - obj = JSON.parse(obj); | |
650 | - return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { | |
651 | - return { | |
652 | - name: key, | |
653 | - value: obj[key] | |
654 | - }; | |
655 | - }); | |
656 | - }, | |
657 | - | |
658 | - _toArray: function(obj) { | |
659 | - return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { | |
660 | - return { | |
661 | - name: key, | |
662 | - value: obj[key] | |
663 | - }; | |
664 | - }); | |
665 | - }, | |
666 | - | |
667 | - _selectDataUrl : function(){ | |
668 | - this.async(function () { | |
669 | - if(this.$.list.selectedItem) { | |
670 | - var url = this.$.list.selectedItem.url; | |
671 | - | |
672 | - // Check if CKAN | |
673 | - var strDatasetPos = url.indexOf('/dataset/'); | |
674 | - var strResourcePos = (strDatasetPos >= 0) ? url.indexOf('/resource/') : -1; | |
675 | - if (strDatasetPos >= 0 && strResourcePos > strDatasetPos) { | |
676 | - var urlSegment1 = url.substring(0, strDatasetPos); | |
677 | - var urlResourceEnd = url.indexOf('/', strResourcePos + 10); | |
678 | - var resourceId = url.substring(strResourcePos + 10, urlResourceEnd); | |
679 | - url = urlSegment1 + "/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id=" + resourceId; | |
680 | - } | |
681 | - | |
682 | - // Check if OPENDATASOFT | |
683 | - var strExploreDatasetPos = url.indexOf('/explore/dataset/'); | |
684 | - if (strExploreDatasetPos >= 0) { | |
685 | - var urlSegment1 = url.substring(0, strExploreDatasetPos); | |
686 | - var datasetEnd = url.indexOf(strExploreDatasetPos + 17, '/'); | |
687 | - var datasetId = url.substring(strExploreDatasetPos + 17, datasetEnd >= 0 ? datasetEnd : url.length); | |
688 | - url = urlSegment1 + '/api/records/1.0/search?dataset=' + datasetId; | |
689 | - } | |
690 | - | |
691 | - this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(url); | |
692 | - } | |
693 | - else { | |
694 | - this.dataUrl = ""; | |
695 | - } | |
696 | - }, 0); | |
697 | - }, | |
698 | - | |
699 | - _selectDataUrl_treeMap : function(e) { | |
700 | - this.dataUrl = this._addlimitUrl(e.detail.url); | |
701 | - }, | |
702 | - | |
703 | - _fireDataUrl : function(){ | |
704 | -'dataset-selection-controllet_data-url', {url: this.dataUrl}); | |
705 | - }, | |
706 | - | |
707 | - _addlimitUrl : function(url){ | |
708 | - //CKAN --> action no limit | |
709 | - if((url.indexOf("api/action") > -1) && !(url.indexOf("limit") > -1)) | |
710 | - { | |
711 | - url += "&limit=99999"; | |
712 | - } | |
713 | - //OpenDataSoft --> action no limit | |
714 | - if((url.indexOf("api/records") > -1) && !(url.indexOf("rows") > -1)){ | |
715 | - url += "&rows=10000"; | |
716 | - } | |
717 | - return url; | |
718 | - }, | |
719 | - | |
720 | - _resize : function(){ | |
721 | - var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - 16; | |
722 | - h = h - 64 - 8; //height with page scroller | |
723 | - $("#select_dataset_container").height(h); | |
724 | - } | |
725 | - }); | |
726 | - }); | |
727 | - </script> | |
728 | -</dom-module> | |
729 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... | @@ -45,8 +45,14 @@ |
45 | 45 | paper-item { |
46 | 46 | cursor: pointer; |
47 | 47 | color: #000000; |
48 | + background: #FFFFFF; | |
48 | 49 | margin: 4px; |
49 | - padding: 0px 12px; | |
50 | + padding: 0 12px; | |
51 | + /*background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);*/ | |
52 | + border-radius: 2px; | |
53 | + border: 1px solid #B6B6B6; | |
54 | + | |
55 | + /*background: #E0E0E0;*/ | |
50 | 56 | } |
51 | 57 | |
52 | 58 | paper-item span { |
... | ... | @@ -72,7 +78,11 @@ |
72 | 78 | } |
73 | 79 | |
74 | 80 | paper-item:hover:not(.iron-selected) { |
75 | - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); | |
81 | + background-color: #BBDEFB; | |
82 | + } | |
83 | + | |
84 | + #menu, #menu_container { | |
85 | + background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
76 | 86 | } |
77 | 87 | |
78 | 88 | </style> | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"/> |
2 | 2 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html"/> |
3 | 3 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-fab/paper-fab.html"/> |
4 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/maps-icons.html"> | |
4 | 5 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"/> |
5 | 6 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html"/> |
6 | 7 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation.html"/> |
... | ... | @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ |
48 | 49 | </paper-dropdown-menu> |
49 | 50 | |
50 | 51 | <!--<paper-input id="shape_label" label="Shape label" maxlenght="30" value="{{label}}"></paper-input>--> |
52 | + <paper-fab id="map_layer" class="cocreation_view_modes_button" mini icon="maps:satellite" on-click="_handleMapLayerClick" style="background-color:#B6B6B6"></paper-fab> | |
51 | 53 | |
52 | 54 | </div> |
53 | 55 | |
... | ... | @@ -139,7 +141,25 @@ |
139 | 141 | label: { |
140 | 142 | type: String, |
141 | 143 | value: "" |
144 | + }, | |
145 | + | |
146 | + satLayer: { | |
147 | + type: Object, | |
148 | + value: new ol.layer.Tile({ | |
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150 | + visible: false, | |
151 | + source: new ol.source.BingMaps({ | |
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153 | + imagerySet: 'AerialWithLabels' | |
154 | + }) | |
155 | + }) | |
156 | + }, | |
157 | + | |
158 | + layers: { | |
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160 | + value : [] | |
142 | 161 | } |
162 | + | |
143 | 163 | }, |
144 | 164 | |
145 | 165 | ready : function(){ |
... | ... | @@ -162,7 +182,7 @@ |
162 | 182 | anchor: [0.5, 46], |
163 | 183 | anchorXUnits: 'fraction', |
164 | 184 | anchorYUnits: 'pixels', |
165 | - opacity: 0.75, | |
185 | + opacity: 0.9, | |
166 | 186 | src: '' |
167 | 187 | })) |
168 | 188 | }); |
... | ... | @@ -176,7 +196,7 @@ |
176 | 196 | source: this.source, |
177 | 197 | style: new{ |
178 | 198 | fill: new{ |
179 | - color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)' | |
199 | + color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)' | |
180 | 200 | }), |
181 | 201 | stroke: new{ |
182 | 202 | color: '#ffff00', |
... | ... | @@ -201,8 +221,9 @@ |
201 | 221 | loadTilesWhileAnimating: true, |
202 | 222 | loadTilesWhileInteracting: true, |
203 | 223 | layers: [baseLayer, |
224 | + this.satLayer, | |
204 | 225 | new ol.layer.Vector({ |
205 | - source: this.vectorSource | |
226 | + source: this.vectorSource | |
206 | 227 | }), |
207 | 228 | this.draw_layer |
208 | 229 | ] |
... | ... | @@ -326,6 +347,11 @@ |
326 | 347 | this.addInteraction(); |
327 | 348 | }, |
328 | 349 | |
350 | + _handleMapLayerClick: function(e){ | |
351 | + this.satLayer.setVisible(!this.satLayer.getVisible()); | |
352 | + | |
353 | + }, | |
354 | + | |
329 | 355 | getTextStyle: function(offsetX) { |
330 | 356 | return new{ |
331 | 357 | fill: new{ | ... | ... |
controllets/select-visualization-controllet/select-datalet-inputs.html deleted
1 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" /> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" /> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html"> | |
7 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
8 | - | |
9 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html"> | |
12 | - | |
13 | -<dom-module id="select-datalet-inputs"> | |
14 | - | |
15 | - <template> | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <style is="custom-style"> | |
18 | - :host { | |
19 | - --paper-dropdown-menu-icon: { | |
20 | - color: #2196F3; | |
21 | - }; | |
22 | - } | |
23 | - | |
24 | - #inputs_container { | |
25 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
26 | - font-size: 16px; | |
27 | - | |
28 | - height: 100%; | |
29 | - width: 258px; | |
30 | - } | |
31 | - | |
32 | - .inputs{ | |
33 | - position: relative; | |
34 | - } | |
35 | - | |
36 | - .input_header { | |
37 | - height: 32px; | |
38 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
39 | - text-align: center; | |
40 | - font-weight: 700; | |
41 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
42 | - } | |
43 | - | |
44 | - #expert_container { | |
45 | - display: none; | |
46 | - } | |
47 | - | |
48 | - #expert_header { | |
49 | - height: 32px; | |
50 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
51 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
52 | - text-align: center; | |
53 | - font-weight: 700; | |
54 | - color: #00BCD4; | |
55 | - cursor: pointer; | |
56 | - | |
57 | - display: none; | |
58 | - } | |
59 | - | |
60 | - .info_button { | |
61 | - position: absolute; | |
62 | - top: 18px; | |
63 | - right: 0px; | |
64 | - } | |
65 | - | |
66 | - paper-dropdown-menu { | |
67 | - height: 48px; | |
68 | - width: 210px;; | |
69 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
70 | - padding-bottom: 8px; | |
71 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
72 | - } | |
73 | - | |
74 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
75 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
76 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
77 | - } | |
78 | - | |
79 | - paper-icon-button { | |
80 | - color: #2196F3; | |
81 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #2196F3; | |
82 | - margin: 0px; | |
83 | - } | |
84 | - </style> | |
85 | - | |
86 | - <paper-material id="inputs_container" elevation="5"> | |
87 | - | |
88 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="inputs"></span></div> | |
89 | - | |
90 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{inputs}}" index-as="ddl_index"> | |
91 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
92 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id={{ddl_index}} label={{_getLabelName(}}> | |
93 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
94 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{fields}}> | |
95 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_addInput">{{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
96 | - </template> | |
97 | - </paper-menu> | |
98 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
99 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
100 | - <paper-icon-button id="{{ddl_index}}" on-click="_setOrders" icon="unfold-more" title=""></paper-icon-button> | |
101 | - </div> | |
102 | - </div> | |
103 | - </template> | |
104 | - | |
105 | - <div id="expert_header" on-click="_showExpertMode"><span id="groupBy"></span></div> | |
106 | - | |
107 | - <div id="expert_container"> | |
108 | - | |
109 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
110 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="group_by" disabled> | |
111 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
112 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{groupableFields}}> | |
113 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_setAggregatorsFields">{{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
114 | - </template> | |
115 | - </paper-menu> | |
116 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
117 | - </div> | |
118 | - | |
119 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{aggregateFields}}" as="field"> | |
120 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
121 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="calculate_{{index}}" label="{{_calculateLabel()}}"> | |
122 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
123 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{functions}}"> | |
124 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_setAggregators">{{_operationName(index)}} : {{_fieldName(field)}}</paper-item> | |
125 | - </template> | |
126 | - </paper-menu> | |
127 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
128 | - </div> | |
129 | - </template> | |
130 | - | |
131 | - </div> | |
132 | - | |
133 | - </paper-material> | |
134 | - | |
135 | - | |
136 | - </template> | |
137 | - | |
138 | - <script> | |
139 | - | |
140 | - Polymer({ | |
141 | - | |
142 | - is : 'select-datalet-inputs', | |
143 | - | |
144 | - properties : { | |
145 | - | |
146 | - //INPUT | |
147 | - fields : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
148 | - | |
149 | - //OUTPUT | |
150 | - selectedFields : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
151 | - aggregators : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
152 | - orders : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
153 | - | |
154 | - expert : { | |
155 | - type : Boolean, | |
156 | - value : false | |
157 | - }, | |
158 | - | |
159 | - functions : { | |
160 | - type : Array, | |
161 | - value : ["COUNT", "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "AVG", "FIRST", "LAST"] | |
162 | - }, | |
163 | - | |
164 | - inputs : { | |
165 | - type : Array, | |
166 | - value : [] | |
167 | - }, | |
168 | - | |
169 | - groupableFields : { | |
170 | - type : Array, | |
171 | - value : [] | |
172 | - }, | |
173 | - | |
174 | - aggregateFields : { | |
175 | - type : Array, | |
176 | - value : [] | |
177 | - } | |
178 | - | |
179 | - }, | |
180 | - | |
181 | - ready : function() { | |
182 | - $(this.$.inputs_container).perfectScrollbar(); | |
183 | - }, | |
184 | - | |
185 | - attached : function() { | |
186 | - this._translate(); | |
187 | - }, | |
188 | - | |
189 | - _preselectInputs : function(fields, aggregators, orders) { | |
190 | - aggregators = JSON.parse(aggregators); | |
191 | - orders = JSON.parse(orders); | |
192 | - | |
193 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(fields); | |
194 | - | |
195 | - var ddls = this.$.inputs_container.querySelectorAll("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
196 | - | |
197 | - for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) | |
198 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(i+1); | |
199 | - | |
200 | - if(orders.length > 0) { | |
201 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders);//wrong | |
202 | - } | |
203 | - | |
204 | - if(aggregators.length > 0) { | |
205 | - | |
206 | - this.$.group_by.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
207 | - this._showExpertMode(); | |
208 | - | |
209 | - var groupableFields = []; | |
210 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) { | |
211 | - if(this.selectedFields[i]) | |
212 | - groupableFields.push(this.selectedFields[i]); | |
213 | - } | |
214 | - this.groupableFields = this._copy(groupableFields); | |
215 | - this.aggregateFields = []; | |
216 | - | |
217 | - var index = this.groupableFields.indexOf(aggregators[0].field); | |
218 | - | |
219 | - this.async(function () { | |
220 | - var menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
221 | -; | |
222 | - }, 0); | |
223 | - | |
224 | - var aggregateFields = []; | |
225 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.groupableFields.length; i++) { | |
226 | - if (i != index && this.groupableFields[i]) | |
227 | - aggregateFields.push(this.groupableFields[i]); | |
228 | - } | |
229 | - this.aggregateFields = this._copy(aggregateFields); | |
230 | - | |
231 | - this.async(function() { | |
232 | - var ddls = document.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
233 | - var j = 1; | |
234 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++){ | |
235 | - var id = ddls[i].id; | |
236 | - if(id.indexOf("calculate") > -1) { | |
237 | - var ii = this.functions.indexOf(aggregators[j].operation); | |
238 | - j++; | |
239 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(-1); | |
240 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(ii); | |
241 | - } | |
242 | - } | |
243 | - | |
244 | -// this._setAggregators(); | |
245 | - this.aggregators = this._copy(aggregators); | |
246 | - | |
247 | - this.fireReady(); | |
248 | - }, 0); | |
249 | - } | |
250 | - else | |
251 | - this.fireReady(); | |
252 | - }, | |
253 | - | |
254 | - getSelectedFields : function () { | |
255 | - return this.selectedFields.filter(function(field){ return field != "" }); | |
256 | - }, | |
257 | - | |
258 | - getAggregators : function () { | |
259 | - return this.aggregators; | |
260 | - }, | |
261 | - | |
262 | - getOrders : function () { | |
263 | - return this.orders; | |
264 | - }, | |
265 | - | |
266 | - setFields : function(fields) { | |
267 | - var temp = this._copy(fields); | |
268 | - temp.unshift(""); | |
269 | - | |
270 | - if (JSON.stringify(this.fields) != JSON.stringify(temp)) { | |
271 | - this.fields = this._copy(temp); | |
272 | - this.$ = "block"; | |
273 | - this._reset(); | |
274 | - } | |
275 | - }, | |
276 | - | |
277 | - setInputs : function(inputs) { | |
278 | - var temp = this._copy(inputs); | |
279 | - if (inputs.constructor != Array && == "GEOJSON") { | |
280 | - temp = []; | |
281 | - temp.push(inputs); | |
282 | - } | |
283 | - else if (inputs.constructor != Array) {//table --> 1 input | |
284 | - var name =; | |
285 | - var description = inputs.description; | |
286 | - var selection = inputs.selection; | |
287 | - temp = []; | |
288 | - for (var i = 1; i < this.fields.length; i++) | |
289 | - temp.push({name: name + " " + i, description: description, selection: selection}); | |
290 | - } | |
291 | - else if (inputs.length > 2 && inputs[2].selection == "*") {//map --> multiple baloon content | |
292 | - name = inputs[2].name; | |
293 | - description = inputs[2].description; | |
294 | - selection = inputs[2].selection; | |
295 | - temp = [inputs[0], inputs[1]]; | |
296 | - temp.push({name: name + " 1", description: description, selection: selection}); | |
297 | - for (var i = 4; i < this.fields.length; i++) | |
298 | - temp.push({name: name + " " +(i-2), description: description, selection: selection}); | |
299 | - } | |
300 | -// else if (inputs.length > 4 && inputs[4].selection == "+") {//bubble --> multiple bubble content | |
301 | -// name = inputs[4].name; | |
302 | -// description = inputs[4].description; | |
303 | -// selection = inputs[4].selection; | |
304 | -// temp = [inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3]]; | |
305 | -// temp.push({name: name + " 1", description: description, selection: selection}); | |
306 | -// for (var i = 6; i < this.fields.length; i++) | |
307 | -// temp.push({name: name + " " + (i-4), description: description, selection: selection}); | |
308 | -// } | |
309 | - | |
310 | - else if (inputs.length == 2 && inputs[1].selection == "*") {// | |
311 | - name = inputs[1].name; | |
312 | - description = inputs[1].description; | |
313 | - selection = inputs[1].selection; | |
314 | - temp = [inputs[0]]; | |
315 | - temp.push({name: name + " 1", description: description, selection: selection}); | |
316 | - for (var i = 3; i < this.fields.length; i++) | |
317 | - temp.push({name: name + " " +(i-1), description: description, selection: selection}); | |
318 | - } | |
319 | - | |
320 | - else if (inputs.length == 3 && inputs[1].selection == "*") {// | |
321 | - name = inputs[1].name; | |
322 | - description = inputs[1].description; | |
323 | - selection = inputs[1].selection; | |
324 | - temp = [inputs[0]]; | |
325 | - temp.push({name: name + " 1", description: description, selection: selection}); | |
326 | - for (var i = 3; i < this.fields.length; i++) | |
327 | - temp.push({name: name + " " +(i-1), description: description, selection: selection}); | |
328 | - | |
329 | - temp.push(inputs[2]); | |
330 | - } | |
331 | - | |
332 | - this.inputs = this._copy(temp); | |
333 | - | |
334 | - this.selectedFields = new Array(temp.length); | |
335 | - | |
336 | - this.selectedFields2 = new Array(temp.length); | |
337 | - }, | |
338 | - | |
339 | - fireReady : function() { | |
340 | - if(this._isReady()) | |
341 | -'select_visualization_inputs_ready', {isReady: true}); | |
342 | - else | |
343 | -'select_visualization_inputs_ready', {isReady: false}); | |
344 | - }, | |
345 | - | |
346 | - _isReady : function() { | |
347 | - var fire = true; | |
348 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) { | |
349 | - if (!this.selectedFields[i] && this.inputs[i].selection != "+" && this.inputs[i].selection != "*" && this.inputs[i].selection != "?") | |
350 | - return false; | |
351 | - if(this.inputs[i].selection == "+") | |
352 | - fire = false; | |
353 | - } | |
354 | - | |
355 | - if(!fire) { | |
356 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) { | |
357 | - if (this.selectedFields[i] && this.inputs[i].selection == "+") { | |
358 | - fire = true; | |
359 | - break; | |
360 | - } | |
361 | - } | |
362 | - } | |
363 | - | |
364 | - return fire; | |
365 | - }, | |
366 | - | |
367 | - _reset : function() { | |
368 | - //this.fields = []; --> setFields | |
369 | - //this.inputs = []; --> setInputs | |
370 | - this.selectedFields = []; | |
371 | - this.aggregators = []; | |
372 | - //this.orders = []; --> _resetOrders | |
373 | - this._resetOrders(); | |
374 | - = true; | |
375 | - this._showExpertMode();//expert --> false | |
376 | - this.groupableFields = []; | |
377 | - this.aggregateFields = []; | |
378 | - | |
379 | - this.async(function () { | |
380 | - //reset ddl | |
381 | - var ddls = this.$.inputs_container.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
382 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++) | |
383 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(-1); | |
384 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
385 | - //reset orders | |
386 | - this._resetOrders(); | |
387 | - }, 1); | |
388 | - }, | |
389 | - | |
390 | - _translate : function(){ | |
391 | - this.$.inputs.innerHTML = ln["inputs_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
392 | - this.$.groupBy.innerHTML = ln["expertGroupBy_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
393 | - | |
394 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("label", ln["groupBy_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
395 | - }, | |
396 | - | |
397 | - _showExpertMode : function() { | |
398 | - if(! { | |
399 | - this.$ = "#000000"; | |
400 | - this.$ = "#B6B6B6"; | |
401 | - this.$ = "block"; | |
402 | - } | |
403 | - else { | |
404 | - this.$ = "#00BCD4"; | |
405 | - this.$ = "#FFFFFF"; | |
406 | - this.$ = "none"; | |
407 | - } | |
408 | - | |
409 | - = !; | |
410 | - }, | |
411 | - | |
412 | - getFields : function () { | |
413 | - return this.selectedFields2; | |
414 | - }, | |
415 | - | |
416 | - _addInput : function(e){ | |
417 | - var selectedFields = this._copy(this.selectedFields); | |
418 | - | |
419 | - var ddl_index = $("paper-dropdown-menu")[0].id; | |
420 | - | |
421 | - var index =; | |
422 | - selectedFields[ddl_index] = this.fields[index]; | |
423 | - | |
424 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(selectedFields); | |
425 | - | |
426 | -// console.log(this.inputs[ddl_index].name); | |
427 | - this.selectedFields2[ddl_index] = {field: this.fields[index], input: this.inputs[ddl_index].name}; | |
428 | - | |
429 | - if(!this._isReady()) { | |
430 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
431 | - | |
432 | - this.groupableFields = []; | |
433 | - this.aggregateFields = []; | |
434 | - } | |
435 | - else { | |
436 | - this.$.group_by.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
437 | - | |
438 | - var groupableFields = []; | |
439 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedFields.length; i++) { | |
440 | - if(this.selectedFields[i]) | |
441 | - groupableFields.push(this.selectedFields[i]); | |
442 | - } | |
443 | - this.groupableFields = this._copy(groupableFields); | |
444 | - this.aggregateFields = []; | |
445 | - | |
446 | - this.async(function () { | |
447 | - var menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
448 | -; | |
449 | - }, 0); | |
450 | - } | |
451 | - this._setAggregators(); | |
452 | - }, | |
453 | - | |
454 | - _setAggregatorsFields : function(e){ | |
455 | - var index =; | |
456 | - var aggregateFields = []; | |
457 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.groupableFields.length; i++) { | |
458 | - if (i != index && this.groupableFields[i]) | |
459 | - aggregateFields.push(this.groupableFields[i]); | |
460 | - } | |
461 | - this.aggregateFields = this._copy(aggregateFields); | |
462 | - | |
463 | - this.async(function() { | |
464 | - var ddls = document.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
465 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++){ | |
466 | - var id = ddls[i].id; | |
467 | - if(id.indexOf("calculate") > -1) { | |
468 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(-1); | |
469 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(0); | |
470 | - } | |
471 | - } | |
472 | - | |
473 | - this._setAggregators(); | |
474 | - }, 0); | |
475 | - }, | |
476 | - | |
477 | - _setAggregators : function(){ | |
478 | - this.async(function() { | |
479 | - this.aggregators = []; | |
480 | - | |
481 | - this._resetOrders(); | |
482 | - | |
483 | - var gb_menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
484 | - var groupByField = this.groupableFields[gb_menu.selected]; | |
485 | - if(groupByField) { | |
486 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": groupByField, "operation": "GROUP BY"}); | |
487 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.aggregateFields.length; i++){ | |
488 | - var c_menu = $("#calculate_"+i).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
489 | - var operationIndex =; | |
490 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": this.aggregateFields[i], "operation": this.functions[operationIndex]}) | |
491 | - } | |
492 | - } | |
493 | - | |
494 | - this.fireReady(); | |
495 | - }, 1); | |
496 | - }, | |
497 | - | |
498 | - _setOrders : function(e){ | |
499 | - var t =; | |
500 | - if(t.tagName.indexOf("IRON-ICON") > -1) | |
501 | - t = $("paper-icon-button")[0]; | |
502 | - | |
503 | - var icon = t.getAttribute("icon"); | |
504 | - var id = t.getAttribute("id"); | |
505 | - var field = this.selectedFields[id]; | |
506 | - | |
507 | - if(icon.indexOf("unfold-more") > -1){ | |
508 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "expand-less"); | |
509 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["sortAscending_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
510 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== field; }); | |
511 | - orders.unshift({"field": field, "operation": "ASC"}); | |
512 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
513 | - } | |
514 | - else if(icon.indexOf("expand-less") > -1){ | |
515 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "expand-more"); | |
516 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["sortDescending_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
517 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== field; }); | |
518 | - orders.unshift({"field": field, "operation": "DESC"}); | |
519 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
520 | - } | |
521 | - else if(icon.indexOf("expand-more") > -1){ | |
522 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "unfold-more"); | |
523 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["unsort_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
524 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== field; }); | |
525 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
526 | - } | |
527 | - | |
528 | - this.fireReady(); | |
529 | - }, | |
530 | - | |
531 | - _resetOrders : function(){ | |
532 | - var icons = this.$.inputs_container.querySelectorAll("paper-icon-button"); | |
533 | - for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++){ | |
534 | - icons[i].setAttribute("icon", "unfold-more"); | |
535 | - icons[i].setAttribute("title", ln["unsort_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
536 | - } | |
537 | - this.orders = []; | |
538 | - }, | |
539 | - | |
540 | - _fieldName : function(field) { | |
541 | - return field.substring(field.lastIndexOf(",")+1, field.length); | |
542 | - }, | |
543 | - | |
544 | - _getLabelName: function(key) { | |
545 | - if(key.indexOf("Column") > -1) { | |
546 | - return ln["Column" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
547 | - } | |
548 | - if(key.indexOf("Level") > -1) { | |
549 | - return ln["Level" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
550 | - } | |
551 | - if(key.indexOf("BalloonContent") > -1) { | |
552 | - return ln["BalloonContent" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
553 | - } | |
554 | -// if(key.indexOf("BubbleContent") > -1) { | |
555 | -// return ln["BubbleContent" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
556 | -// } | |
557 | - if(key.indexOf("NumericYAxis") > -1) { | |
558 | - return ln["NumericYAxis" + "_" +ln["localization"]] + key.slice(-2); | |
559 | - } | |
560 | - | |
561 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
562 | - }, | |
563 | - | |
564 | - _operationName: function(index) { | |
565 | - var key = this.functions[index]; | |
566 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
567 | - }, | |
568 | - | |
569 | - _calculateLabel: function() { | |
570 | - return ln["calculate" + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
571 | - }, | |
572 | - | |
573 | - _copy : function(o) { | |
574 | - var out, v, key; | |
575 | - out = Array.isArray(o) ? new Array(o.length) : {}; | |
576 | - for (key in o) { | |
577 | - v = o[key]; | |
578 | - out[key] = (typeof v === "object") ? this._copy(v) : v; | |
579 | - } | |
580 | - return out; | |
581 | - } | |
582 | - | |
583 | - }); | |
584 | - | |
585 | - </script> | |
586 | - | |
587 | -</dom-module> | |
588 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/select-visualization-controllet/select-datalet-inputs_series.html deleted
1 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" /> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" /> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html"> | |
7 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
8 | - | |
9 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html"> | |
12 | - | |
13 | -<dom-module id="select-datalet-inputs_series"> | |
14 | - | |
15 | - <template> | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <style is="custom-style"> | |
18 | - :host { | |
19 | - --paper-dropdown-menu-icon: { | |
20 | - color: #2196F3; | |
21 | - }; | |
22 | - } | |
23 | - | |
24 | - #inputs_series_container { | |
25 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
26 | - font-size: 16px; | |
27 | - | |
28 | - height: 100%; | |
29 | - width: 258px; | |
30 | - } | |
31 | - | |
32 | - .inputs{ | |
33 | - position: relative; | |
34 | - } | |
35 | - | |
36 | - .input_header { | |
37 | - height: 32px; | |
38 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
39 | - text-align: center; | |
40 | - font-weight: 700; | |
41 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
42 | - } | |
43 | - | |
44 | - #expert_container { | |
45 | - display: none; | |
46 | - } | |
47 | - | |
48 | - #expert_header { | |
49 | - height: 32px; | |
50 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
51 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
52 | - text-align: center; | |
53 | - font-weight: 700; | |
54 | - color: #00BCD4; | |
55 | - cursor: pointer; | |
56 | - } | |
57 | - | |
58 | - .info_button { | |
59 | - position: absolute; | |
60 | - top: 18px; | |
61 | - right: 0px; | |
62 | - } | |
63 | - | |
64 | - paper-dropdown-menu { | |
65 | - height: 48px; | |
66 | - width: 210px;; | |
67 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
68 | - padding-bottom: 8px; | |
69 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
70 | - } | |
71 | - | |
72 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
73 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
74 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
75 | - } | |
76 | - | |
77 | - paper-icon-button { | |
78 | - color: #2196F3; | |
79 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #2196F3; | |
80 | - margin: 0px; | |
81 | - } | |
82 | - </style> | |
83 | - | |
84 | - <paper-material id="inputs_series_container" elevation="5"> | |
85 | - | |
86 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="inputs"></span></div> | |
87 | - | |
88 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{inputs}}" index-as="ddl_index"> | |
89 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
90 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id={{ddl_index}} label={{_getLabelName(}}> | |
91 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
92 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{fields}}> | |
93 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_addInput">{{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
94 | - </template> | |
95 | - </paper-menu> | |
96 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
97 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
98 | - <paper-icon-button id="{{ddl_index}}" on-click="_setOrders" icon="unfold-more" title=""></paper-icon-button> | |
99 | - </div> | |
100 | - </div> | |
101 | - </template> | |
102 | - | |
103 | - <div id="expert_header" on-click="_showExpertMode"><span id="groupBy"></span></div> | |
104 | - | |
105 | - <div id="expert_container"> | |
106 | - | |
107 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
108 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="group_by" disabled> | |
109 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
110 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{groupableFields}}> | |
111 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_setAggregatorsFields">{{_fieldName(item)}}</paper-item> | |
112 | - </template> | |
113 | - </paper-menu> | |
114 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
115 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
116 | - <paper-icon-button id="gb" on-click="_setOrders" icon="unfold-more" title="" disabled></paper-icon-button> | |
117 | - </div> | |
118 | - </div> | |
119 | - | |
120 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{aggregateFields}}" as="field"> | |
121 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
122 | - <paper-dropdown-menu id="calculate_{{index}}" label="{{_calculateLabel()}}" disabled> | |
123 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
124 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{functions}}"> | |
125 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_setAggregators">{{_operationName(index)}} : {{_fieldName(field)}}</paper-item> | |
126 | - </template> | |
127 | - </paper-menu> | |
128 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
129 | - </div> | |
130 | - </template> | |
131 | - | |
132 | - </div> | |
133 | - | |
134 | - </paper-material> | |
135 | - | |
136 | - | |
137 | - </template> | |
138 | - | |
139 | - <script> | |
140 | - | |
141 | - Polymer({ | |
142 | - | |
143 | - is : 'select-datalet-inputs_series', | |
144 | - | |
145 | - properties : { | |
146 | - | |
147 | - //INPUT | |
148 | - fields : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
149 | - | |
150 | - //OUTPUT | |
151 | - selectedFields : {type : Array, value : ["", ""]}, | |
152 | - aggregators : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
153 | - orders : {type : Array, value : []}, | |
154 | - | |
155 | - expert : { | |
156 | - type : Boolean, | |
157 | - value : false | |
158 | - }, | |
159 | - | |
160 | - functions : { | |
161 | - type : Array, | |
162 | - value : ["COUNT", "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "AVG", "FIRST", "LAST"] | |
163 | - }, | |
164 | - | |
165 | - inputs : { | |
166 | - type : Array, | |
167 | - value : [] | |
168 | - }, | |
169 | - | |
170 | - groupableFields : { | |
171 | - type : Array, | |
172 | - value : [] | |
173 | - }, | |
174 | - | |
175 | - aggregateFields : { | |
176 | - type : Array, | |
177 | - value : [""] | |
178 | - } | |
179 | - | |
180 | - }, | |
181 | - | |
182 | - ready : function() { | |
183 | - $(this.$.inputs_series_container).perfectScrollbar(); | |
184 | - }, | |
185 | - | |
186 | - attached : function() { | |
187 | - this._translate(); | |
188 | - }, | |
189 | - | |
190 | - _preselectInputs : function(fields, aggregators, orders) { | |
191 | - aggregators = JSON.parse(aggregators); | |
192 | - orders = JSON.parse(orders); | |
193 | - | |
194 | - //fields = [f1 gb(opt) f2] --> si può cambiare in f1 f2 gb ??? | |
195 | - | |
196 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(fields); | |
197 | - | |
198 | - var ddls = this.$.inputs_series_container.querySelectorAll("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
199 | - | |
200 | - $(ddls[0]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(1); | |
201 | - $(ddls[1]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(2); | |
202 | - | |
203 | - if(orders.length > 0) { | |
204 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders);//wrong | |
205 | - } | |
206 | - | |
207 | - if(aggregators.length > 0) { | |
208 | - if(fields.length == 2) { | |
209 | - this.selectedFields = [fields[0], fields[1]]; | |
210 | - | |
211 | - this.$.group_by.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
212 | - $("#calculate_0")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
213 | - $("#gb")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
214 | - this._showExpertMode(); | |
215 | - | |
216 | - var groupableFields = []; | |
217 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) { | |
218 | - if(this.fields[i] != this.selectedFields[1]) | |
219 | - groupableFields.push(this.fields[i]); | |
220 | - } | |
221 | - this.groupableFields = this._copy(groupableFields); | |
222 | - this.aggregateFields = [this.selectedFields[1]]; | |
223 | - | |
224 | - $(ddls[0]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(1); | |
225 | - $(ddls[1]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(2); | |
226 | - | |
227 | - this.async(function () { | |
228 | - var i = this.functions.indexOf(aggregators[1].operation); | |
229 | - | |
230 | - $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0].select(1); | |
231 | - $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0].select(i); | |
232 | - | |
233 | -// this._setAggregators();//if dont --> $("#gb")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
234 | - this.aggregators = this._copy(aggregators); | |
235 | - | |
236 | - this.fireReady(); | |
237 | - }, 0); | |
238 | - } | |
239 | - else/*if(fields.length == 3)*/ { | |
240 | - this.selectedFields = [fields[0], fields[2]]; | |
241 | - | |
242 | - this.$.group_by.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
243 | - $("#calculate_0")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
244 | - $("#gb")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
245 | - this._showExpertMode(); | |
246 | - | |
247 | - var groupableFields = []; | |
248 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) { | |
249 | - if(this.fields[i] != this.selectedFields[1]) | |
250 | - groupableFields.push(this.fields[i]); | |
251 | - } | |
252 | - this.groupableFields = this._copy(groupableFields); | |
253 | - this.aggregateFields = [this.selectedFields[1]]; | |
254 | - | |
255 | - $(ddls[0]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(1); | |
256 | - $(ddls[1]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(3); | |
257 | - | |
258 | - this.async(function () { | |
259 | - var i = this.functions.indexOf(aggregators[2].operation); | |
260 | - | |
261 | - $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0].select(2); | |
262 | - $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0].select(i); | |
263 | - | |
264 | -// this._setAggregators();//if dont --> $("#gb")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
265 | - this.aggregators = this._copy(aggregators); | |
266 | - | |
267 | - this.fireReady(); | |
268 | - }, 0); | |
269 | - } | |
270 | - } | |
271 | - else | |
272 | - this.fireReady(); | |
273 | - }, | |
274 | - | |
275 | - getSelectedFields : function () { | |
276 | - var gb_menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
277 | - var c_menu = $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
278 | - | |
279 | - if(gb_menu.selectedItem && c_menu.selectedItem && != 0) { | |
280 | - var groupByField = this.groupableFields[gb_menu.selected]; | |
281 | - if (groupByField != this.selectedFields[0]) | |
282 | - return [this.selectedFields[0], groupByField, this.selectedFields[1]]; | |
283 | - } | |
284 | - return this.selectedFields; | |
285 | - }, | |
286 | - | |
287 | - getAggregators : function () { | |
288 | - return this.aggregators; | |
289 | - }, | |
290 | - | |
291 | - getOrders : function () { | |
292 | - return this.orders; | |
293 | - }, | |
294 | - | |
295 | - setFields : function(fields) { | |
296 | - var temp = this._copy(fields); | |
297 | - temp.unshift(""); | |
298 | - | |
299 | - if (JSON.stringify(this.fields) != JSON.stringify(temp)) { | |
300 | - this.fields = this._copy(temp); | |
301 | - this._reset(); | |
302 | - } | |
303 | - }, | |
304 | - | |
305 | - getFields : function () { | |
306 | - return null; | |
307 | - }, | |
308 | - | |
309 | - setInputs : function(inputs) { | |
310 | - this.inputs = this._copy(inputs); | |
311 | - }, | |
312 | - | |
313 | - fireReady : function() { | |
314 | - if(this.selectedFields[0] != "" && this.selectedFields[1] != "") | |
315 | -'select_visualization_inputs_ready', {isReady: true}); | |
316 | - else | |
317 | -'select_visualization_inputs_ready', {isReady: false}); | |
318 | - }, | |
319 | - | |
320 | - _reset : function() { | |
321 | - //this.fields = []; --> setFields | |
322 | - //this.inputs = []; --> setInputs | |
323 | - this.selectedFields = ["", ""]; | |
324 | - this.aggregators = []; | |
325 | - //this.orders = []; --> _resetOrders | |
326 | - = true; | |
327 | - this._showExpertMode();//expert --> false | |
328 | - this.groupableFields = []; | |
329 | - this.aggregateFields = [""]; | |
330 | - | |
331 | - this.async(function () { | |
332 | - //reset ddl | |
333 | - var ddls = this.$.inputs_series_container.getElementsByTagName("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
334 | - for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++) | |
335 | - $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0].select(-1); | |
336 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
337 | - $("#calculate_0")[0].setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
338 | - //reset orders | |
339 | - this._resetOrders(); | |
340 | - }, 1); | |
341 | - }, | |
342 | - | |
343 | - _translate : function(){ | |
344 | - this.$.inputs.innerHTML = ln["inputs_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
345 | - this.$.groupBy.innerHTML = ln["expertGroupBy_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
346 | - | |
347 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("label", ln["groupBy_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
348 | - }, | |
349 | - | |
350 | - _showExpertMode : function() { | |
351 | - if(! { | |
352 | - this.$ = "#000000"; | |
353 | - this.$ = "#B6B6B6"; | |
354 | - this.$ = "block"; | |
355 | - } | |
356 | - else { | |
357 | - this.$ = "#00BCD4"; | |
358 | - this.$ = "#FFFFFF"; | |
359 | - this.$ = "none"; | |
360 | - } | |
361 | - | |
362 | - = !; | |
363 | - }, | |
364 | - | |
365 | - _addInput : function(e){ | |
366 | - var selectedFields = this._copy(this.selectedFields); | |
367 | - | |
368 | - var ddl_index = $("paper-dropdown-menu")[0].id; | |
369 | - var index =; | |
370 | - selectedFields[ddl_index] = this.fields[index]; | |
371 | - | |
372 | - this.selectedFields = this._copy(selectedFields); | |
373 | - | |
374 | - if(this.selectedFields[0] == "" || this.selectedFields[1] == "") { | |
375 | - this.$.group_by.setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
376 | - $("#calculate_0")[0].setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
377 | - | |
378 | - this.groupableFields = []; | |
379 | - this.aggregateFields = [""]; | |
380 | - var menu = $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
381 | -; | |
382 | - } | |
383 | - else { | |
384 | - this.$.group_by.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
385 | - $("#calculate_0")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
386 | - | |
387 | - var groupableFields = []; | |
388 | - for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) { | |
389 | - if(this.fields[i] != this.selectedFields[1]) | |
390 | - groupableFields.push(this.fields[i]); | |
391 | - } | |
392 | - this.groupableFields = this._copy(groupableFields); | |
393 | - this.aggregateFields = [this.selectedFields[1]]; | |
394 | - | |
395 | - this.async(function () { | |
396 | - var menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
397 | -; | |
398 | - var menu = $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
399 | - //var selected = menu.selected; | |
400 | -; | |
401 | - //; | |
402 | - }, 0); | |
403 | - } | |
404 | - this._setAggregators(); | |
405 | - }, | |
406 | - | |
407 | - _setAggregatorsFields : function(){ | |
408 | - this.async(function() { | |
409 | - var c_menu = $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
410 | - var selected = c_menu.selected > 0 ? c_menu.selected : 0; | |
411 | -; | |
412 | -; | |
413 | - | |
414 | - this._setAggregators(); | |
415 | - }, 0); | |
416 | - }, | |
417 | - | |
418 | - _setAggregators : function(){ | |
419 | - this.async(function() { | |
420 | - this.aggregators = []; | |
421 | - | |
422 | - this._resetOrders(); | |
423 | - | |
424 | - $("#gb")[0].setAttribute("disabled", ""); | |
425 | - | |
426 | - var gb_menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
427 | - var c_menu = $("#calculate_0").find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
428 | - | |
429 | - if(gb_menu.selectedItem && c_menu.selectedItem && != 0) { | |
430 | - var groupByField = this.groupableFields[gb_menu.selected]; | |
431 | - var operationIndex =; | |
432 | - | |
433 | - if (groupByField == this.selectedFields[0]){// X Axis field | |
434 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": groupByField, "operation": "GROUP BY"}); | |
435 | - } | |
436 | - else{ | |
437 | - $("#gb")[0].removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
438 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": this.selectedFields[0], "operation": "GROUP BY"}); | |
439 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": groupByField, "operation": "GROUP BY"}); | |
440 | - } | |
441 | - | |
442 | - this.aggregators.push({"field": this.selectedFields[1], "operation": this.functions[operationIndex]}); | |
443 | - } | |
444 | - | |
445 | - this.fireReady(); | |
446 | - }, 0); | |
447 | - }, | |
448 | - | |
449 | - _setOrders : function(e){ | |
450 | - var t =; | |
451 | - if(t.tagName.indexOf("IRON-ICON") > -1) | |
452 | - t = $("paper-icon-button")[0]; | |
453 | - | |
454 | - var icon = t.getAttribute("icon"); | |
455 | - var id = t.getAttribute("id"); | |
456 | - var field; | |
457 | - | |
458 | - if(id == "gb"){ | |
459 | - var gb_menu = $(this.$.group_by).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
460 | - field = this.groupableFields[gb_menu.selected]; | |
461 | - } | |
462 | - else { | |
463 | - field = this.selectedFields[id]; | |
464 | - } | |
465 | - | |
466 | - if(icon.indexOf("unfold-more") > -1){ | |
467 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "expand-less"); | |
468 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["sortAscending_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
469 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== field; }); | |
470 | - orders.unshift({"field": field, "operation": "ASC"}); | |
471 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
472 | - } | |
473 | - else if(icon.indexOf("expand-less") > -1){ | |
474 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "expand-more"); | |
475 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["sortDescending_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
476 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== field; }); | |
477 | - orders.unshift({"field": field, "operation": "DESC"}); | |
478 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
479 | - } | |
480 | - else if(icon.indexOf("expand-more") > -1){ | |
481 | - t.setAttribute("icon", "unfold-more"); | |
482 | - t.setAttribute("title", ln["unsort_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
483 | - var orders = this.orders.filter(function (el) { return el.field !== field; }); | |
484 | - this.orders = this._copy(orders); | |
485 | - } | |
486 | - | |
487 | - this.fireReady(); | |
488 | - }, | |
489 | - | |
490 | - _resetOrders : function(){ | |
491 | - var icons = this.$.inputs_series_container.querySelectorAll("paper-icon-button"); | |
492 | - for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++){ | |
493 | - icons[i].setAttribute("icon", "unfold-more"); | |
494 | - icons[i].setAttribute("title", ln["unsort_" + ln["localization"]]); | |
495 | - } | |
496 | - this.orders = []; | |
497 | - }, | |
498 | - | |
499 | - _fieldName : function(field) { | |
500 | - return field.substring(field.lastIndexOf(",")+1, field.length); | |
501 | - }, | |
502 | - | |
503 | - _getLabelName: function(key) { | |
504 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
505 | - }, | |
506 | - | |
507 | - _operationName: function(index) { | |
508 | - var key = this.functions[index]; | |
509 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
510 | - }, | |
511 | - | |
512 | - _calculateLabel: function() { | |
513 | - return ln["calculate" + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
514 | - }, | |
515 | - | |
516 | - _copy : function(o) { | |
517 | - var out, v, key; | |
518 | - out = Array.isArray(o) ? new Array(o.length) : {}; | |
519 | - for (key in o) { | |
520 | - v = o[key]; | |
521 | - out[key] = (typeof v === "object") ? this._copy(v) : v; | |
522 | - } | |
523 | - return out; | |
524 | - } | |
525 | - | |
526 | - }); | |
527 | - | |
528 | - </script> | |
529 | - | |
530 | -</dom-module> | |
531 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/select-visualization-controllet/select-datalet-options.html deleted
1 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" /> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" /> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
6 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-menu/paper-menu.html"> | |
7 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
8 | - | |
9 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> | |
11 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html"> | |
12 | - | |
13 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-textarea.html"> | |
14 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html"> | |
15 | - | |
16 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html"> | |
17 | - | |
18 | -<dom-module id="select-datalet-options"> | |
19 | - | |
20 | - <template> | |
21 | - | |
22 | - <style is="custom-style"> | |
23 | - :host { | |
24 | - --paper-dropdown-menu-icon: { | |
25 | - color: #2196F3; | |
26 | - }; | |
27 | - } | |
28 | - | |
29 | - #select_datalet_options_container { | |
30 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
31 | - font-size: 16px; | |
32 | - | |
33 | - /*height: 100vh;*/ | |
34 | - height: 100%; | |
35 | - width: 258px; | |
36 | - } | |
37 | - | |
38 | - .inputs{ | |
39 | - position: relative; | |
40 | - } | |
41 | - | |
42 | - .input_header { | |
43 | - height: 32px; | |
44 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
45 | - text-align: center; | |
46 | - font-weight: 700; | |
47 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
48 | - } | |
49 | - | |
50 | - .info_button { | |
51 | - position: absolute; | |
52 | - top: 18px; | |
53 | - right: 0px; | |
54 | - } | |
55 | - | |
56 | - #dialog_info_input { | |
57 | - display: flex; | |
58 | - flex-direction: column; | |
59 | - color: #000000; | |
60 | - border: 2px solid #2196F3; | |
61 | - background-color: #E0E0E0; | |
62 | - min-width: 244px; | |
63 | - padding: 8px; | |
64 | - } | |
65 | - | |
66 | - #dialog_name{ | |
67 | - font-size: 24px; | |
68 | - line-height: 24px; | |
69 | - font-weight: 700; | |
70 | - padding: 0px; | |
71 | - margin: 0px; | |
72 | - } | |
73 | - | |
74 | - #dialog_description{ | |
75 | - | |
76 | - font-size: 16px; | |
77 | - line-height: 16px; | |
78 | - font-weight: normal; | |
79 | - padding: 0px; | |
80 | - margin: 8px 0px 0px 0px; | |
81 | - } | |
82 | - | |
83 | - paper-dropdown-menu { | |
84 | - height: 48px; | |
85 | - width: 210px;; | |
86 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
87 | - padding-bottom: 8px; | |
88 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
89 | - } | |
90 | - | |
91 | - paper-item.iron-selected { | |
92 | - background-color: #2196F3; | |
93 | - color: #FFFFFF; | |
94 | - } | |
95 | - | |
96 | - paper-icon-button { | |
97 | - color: #2196F3; | |
98 | - --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #2196F3; | |
99 | - margin: 0px; | |
100 | - } | |
101 | - | |
102 | - paper-input { | |
103 | - display: inline-block; | |
104 | - height: 48px; | |
105 | - /*padding: 0px 8px;*/ | |
106 | - width: 210px; | |
107 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
108 | - padding-bottom: 8px; | |
109 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
110 | - } | |
111 | - | |
112 | - paper-input.base_input { | |
113 | - width: 242px; | |
114 | - } | |
115 | - | |
116 | - paper-textarea { | |
117 | - width: 242px; | |
118 | - padding-left: 8px; | |
119 | - padding-bottom: 4px; | |
120 | - --paper-input-container-focus-color: #2196F3; | |
121 | - } | |
122 | - </style> | |
123 | - | |
124 | - <paper-material id="select_datalet_options_container" elevation="5"> | |
125 | - | |
126 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="baseInfo"></span></div> | |
127 | - | |
128 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
129 | - <paper-input id="base_title" maxlength="32" class="base_input" on-change="_updateParams" value=""></paper-input> | |
130 | - </div> | |
131 | - | |
132 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
133 | - <paper-textarea id="base_description" maxlength="100" class="base_input" on-change="_updateParams" value=""></paper-textarea> | |
134 | - </div> | |
135 | - | |
136 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="layouts"></span></div> | |
137 | - | |
138 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{options}} index-as="index"> | |
139 | - <div class="inputs"> | |
140 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{_checkType(item.type, 'TEXT')}}"> | |
141 | - <paper-input label={{_getLabelName(}} on-change="_updateParams"></paper-input> | |
142 | - </template> | |
143 | - | |
144 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{_checkType(item.type, 'LIST')}}"> | |
145 | - <paper-dropdown-menu label={{_getLabelName(}}> | |
146 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content" selected = 0> | |
147 | - <!--<paper-item on-tap="_updateParams"></paper-item>--> | |
148 | - <template is="dom-repeat" items={{item.list.item}}> | |
149 | - <paper-item id={{index}} on-tap="_updateParams">{{item}}</paper-item> | |
150 | - </template> | |
151 | - </paper-menu> | |
152 | - </paper-dropdown-menu> | |
153 | - </template> | |
154 | - | |
155 | - <div class="info_button"> | |
156 | - <paper-icon-button id={{}} on-click="_showInfo" icon="info-outline" title="{{_getLabelName(}} info"></paper-icon-button> | |
157 | - </div> | |
158 | - </div> | |
159 | - </template> | |
160 | - | |
161 | - </paper-material> | |
162 | - | |
163 | - <paper-dialog id="dialog_info_input"> | |
164 | - <span id="dialog_name"></span> | |
165 | - <span id="dialog_description"></span> | |
166 | - </paper-dialog> | |
167 | - | |
168 | - </template> | |
169 | - | |
170 | - <script> | |
171 | - | |
172 | - Polymer({ | |
173 | - | |
174 | - is : 'select-datalet-options', | |
175 | - | |
176 | - properties : { | |
177 | - | |
178 | - options : { | |
179 | - type : Array, | |
180 | - value : [] | |
181 | - }, | |
182 | - | |
183 | - params : { | |
184 | - type : Object, | |
185 | - value : {} | |
186 | - } | |
187 | - | |
188 | - }, | |
189 | - | |
190 | - ready : function() { | |
191 | - $(this.$.select_datalet_options_container).perfectScrollbar(); | |
192 | - }, | |
193 | - | |
194 | - attached : function() { | |
195 | - this._translate(); | |
196 | - }, | |
197 | - | |
198 | - _preselectOptions : function(params) { | |
199 | - var textarea = this.$.select_datalet_options_container.querySelectorAll("paper-textarea"); | |
200 | - textarea[0].value = params["description"]; | |
201 | - | |
202 | - var inputs = this.$.select_datalet_options_container.querySelectorAll("paper-input"); | |
203 | - inputs[0].value = params["title"]; | |
204 | - | |
205 | - for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) | |
206 | - if(params[this.options[i - 1].name]) | |
207 | - inputs[i].value = params[this.options[i - 1].name]; | |
208 | - | |
209 | - this._updateParams(); | |
210 | - | |
211 | -// var menus = this.$.select_datalet_options_container.querySelectorAll("paper-menu"); | |
212 | -// var ddls = this.$.select_datalet_options_container.querySelectorAll("paper-dropdown-menu"); | |
213 | -// for (var i = 0; i < ddls.length; i++) { | |
214 | -// var menu = $(ddls[i]).find("paper-menu")[0]; | |
215 | -// if(params[ddls[i].label]) | |
216 | -//;//select item con nome params[ddls[i].label] | |
217 | -// } | |
218 | - }, | |
219 | - | |
220 | - setOptions : function(options) { | |
221 | - this.options = []; | |
222 | - this.params = []; | |
223 | - this.async(function() { | |
224 | - this.options = options; | |
225 | - }, 0); | |
226 | - | |
227 | -// this.params["title"] = ""; | |
228 | -// this.params["description"] = ""; | |
229 | - }, | |
230 | - | |
231 | - checkOptions : function(options) { | |
232 | - if(options.length != this.options.length) | |
233 | - this.setOptions(options); | |
234 | - }, | |
235 | - | |
236 | - getParams : function() { | |
237 | - return this.params; | |
238 | - }, | |
239 | - | |
240 | - _reset : function() { | |
241 | - this.options = []; | |
242 | - this.params = []; | |
243 | - }, | |
244 | - | |
245 | - _updateParams : function() { | |
246 | - this.async(function() { | |
247 | - var textarea = this.$.select_datalet_options_container.querySelectorAll("paper-textarea"); | |
248 | - this.params["description"] = textarea[0].value; | |
249 | - | |
250 | - var inputs = this.$.select_datalet_options_container.querySelectorAll("paper-input"); | |
251 | - this.params["title"] = inputs[0].value; | |
252 | - | |
253 | - for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) | |
254 | - this.params[this.options[i-1].name] = inputs[i].value; | |
255 | - | |
256 | -'select_visualization_options_changed'); | |
257 | - }, 0); | |
258 | - }, | |
259 | - | |
260 | - _translate : function(){ | |
261 | - this.$.baseInfo.innerHTML = ln["baseInfo_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
262 | - this.$.layouts.innerHTML = ln["layouts_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
263 | - | |
264 | - this.$.base_title.label = ln["title_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
265 | - this.$.base_description.label = ln["description_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
266 | - }, | |
267 | - | |
268 | - _checkType: function(type, check){ | |
269 | - return (type == check); | |
270 | - }, | |
271 | - | |
272 | - _getLabelName: function(key) { | |
273 | - return ln[key + "_" +ln["localization"]]; | |
274 | - }, | |
275 | - | |
276 | - _showInfo : function(e){ | |
277 | - var t =; | |
278 | - if(t.tagName.indexOf("IRON-ICON") != -1) | |
279 | - t = $("paper-icon-button")[0]; | |
280 | - | |
281 | - var name = t.getAttribute("id"); | |
282 | - | |
283 | - this.$.dialog_name.innerHTML = ln[name + "_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
284 | - this.$.dialog_description.innerHTML = ln[name + "_description_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
285 | - this.$; | |
286 | - | |
287 | - var pos = t.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
288 | - $("#dialog_info_input").css("top", - 4); | |
289 | - $("#dialog_info_input").css("left", pos.left - 4); | |
290 | - }, | |
291 | - | |
292 | - }); | |
293 | - | |
294 | - </script> | |
295 | - | |
296 | -</dom-module> | |
297 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
controllets/select-visualization-controllet/select-visualization-controllet_old.html deleted
1 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" /> | |
2 | - | |
3 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" /> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html"> | |
6 | - | |
7 | -<link rel="import" href="../items-vslider-controllet/items-vslider-controllet.html" /> | |
8 | -<link rel="import" href="select-datalet-inputs_series.html" /> | |
9 | -<link rel="import" href="select-datalet-inputs.html" /> | |
10 | -<link rel="import" href="select-datalet-options.html" /> | |
11 | - | |
12 | -<script src="../../../DEEPCLIENT/js/deepClient.js"></script> | |
13 | - | |
14 | -<dom-module id="select-visualization-controllet"> | |
15 | - | |
16 | - <template> | |
17 | - | |
18 | - <style is="custom-style"> | |
19 | - #select_visualization_container { | |
20 | - display: flex; | |
21 | - font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
22 | - font-size: 16px; | |
23 | - margin-top: 8px; | |
24 | - } | |
25 | - | |
26 | - #items_vslider_controllet { | |
27 | - position: relative; | |
28 | - min-width: 172px; | |
29 | - } | |
30 | - | |
31 | - #datalet_selection_inputs { | |
32 | - position: relative; | |
33 | - margin-left: 32px; | |
34 | - min-width: 258px; | |
35 | - } | |
36 | - | |
37 | - #datalet_selection_options { | |
38 | - position: relative; | |
39 | - margin-left: 32px; | |
40 | - min-width: 258px; | |
41 | - } | |
42 | - | |
43 | - #datalet_preview_container { | |
44 | - position: relative; | |
45 | - width: 100%; | |
46 | - margin-left: 32px; | |
47 | - } | |
48 | - | |
49 | - #datalet_selection_datalet { | |
50 | - position: relative; | |
51 | - height: 100vh; | |
52 | - width: 100%; | |
53 | - } | |
54 | - | |
55 | - #datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder { | |
56 | - padding: 16px; | |
57 | - } | |
58 | - | |
59 | - .input_header { | |
60 | - height: 32px; | |
61 | - padding-top: 16px; | |
62 | - text-align: center; | |
63 | - font-weight: 700; | |
64 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
65 | - } | |
66 | - | |
67 | - paper-button { | |
68 | - position: absolute; | |
69 | - bottom: 16px; | |
70 | - right: 11px; | |
71 | - | |
72 | - height: 48px; | |
73 | - width: 172px; | |
74 | - background-color: #00BCD4; | |
75 | - color: white; | |
76 | - font-weight: 700; | |
77 | - padding: 16px; | |
78 | - } | |
79 | - | |
80 | - paper-button:hover { | |
81 | - background-color: #00AABF; | |
82 | - | |
83 | - box-shadow: 0px 8px 12px #888; | |
84 | - -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 8px 12px #888; | |
85 | - -moz-box-shadow: 0px 8px 12px #888; | |
86 | - } | |
87 | - | |
88 | - paper-button[disabled] { | |
89 | - background-color: #B6B6B6; | |
90 | - } | |
91 | - </style> | |
92 | - | |
93 | - <iron-ajax id="selectedDatalet_request" on-response="_handleSelectedDatalet"></iron-ajax> | |
94 | - | |
95 | - <div id="select_visualization_container"> | |
96 | - | |
97 | - <div id="items_vslider_controllet"> | |
98 | - <items-vslider-controllet id="vslider" datalets-list-url={{dataletsListUrl}} preselected-datalet={{preselectedDatalet}}></items-vslider-controllet> | |
99 | - </div> | |
100 | - | |
101 | - <div id="datalet_selection_inputs"> | |
102 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{_checkType(type, 'multiseries')}}"> | |
103 | - <select-datalet-inputs_series id="inputs_series"></select-datalet-inputs_series> | |
104 | - </template> | |
105 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{_checkType(type, 'default')}}"> | |
106 | - <select-datalet-inputs id="inputs"></select-datalet-inputs> | |
107 | - </template> | |
108 | - <template is="dom-if" if="{{_checkType(type, '')}}"> | |
109 | - <select-datalet-inputs></select-datalet-inputs> | |
110 | - </template> | |
111 | - </div> | |
112 | - | |
113 | - <div id="datalet_selection_options"> | |
114 | - <select-datalet-options id="options"></select-datalet-options> | |
115 | - </div> | |
116 | - | |
117 | - <div id="datalet_preview_container"> | |
118 | - | |
119 | - <paper-material id="datalet_selection_datalet" elevation="5"> | |
120 | - <div class="input_header"><span id="dataletPreview"></span></div> | |
121 | - <div id="datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder"></div> | |
122 | - </paper-material> | |
123 | - | |
124 | - <paper-button id="add_button" disabled raised on-click="_addDatalet"></paper-button> | |
125 | - | |
126 | - </div> | |
127 | - | |
128 | - </div> | |
129 | - | |
130 | - </template> | |
131 | - | |
132 | - <script> | |
133 | - | |
134 | - Polymer({ | |
135 | - | |
136 | - is : 'select-visualization-controllet', | |
137 | - | |
138 | - properties : { | |
139 | - | |
140 | - deepUrl : { | |
141 | - type : String, | |
142 | - value : undefined | |
143 | - }, | |
144 | - | |
145 | - dataletsListUrl : { | |
146 | - type : String, | |
147 | - value : undefined | |
148 | - }, | |
149 | - | |
150 | - selectedDatalet : { | |
151 | - type : String, | |
152 | - value : undefined | |
153 | - }, | |
154 | - | |
155 | - preselectedDatalet : { | |
156 | - type : String, | |
157 | - value : undefined | |
158 | - }, | |
159 | - | |
160 | - type : { | |
161 | - type : String, | |
162 | - value : "" | |
163 | - }, | |
164 | - | |
165 | - filters : { | |
166 | - type : Array, | |
167 | - value : [] | |
168 | - }, | |
169 | - | |
170 | - fields : { | |
171 | - type : Array, | |
172 | - value : [] | |
173 | - }, | |
174 | - | |
175 | - selectedFields : { | |
176 | - type : Array, | |
177 | - value : [] | |
178 | - }, | |
179 | - | |
180 | - dataletPreset : { | |
181 | - type : Object, | |
182 | - value : [] | |
183 | - }, | |
184 | - | |
185 | - dataUrl : { | |
186 | - type : String, | |
187 | - value : undefined | |
188 | - }, | |
189 | - | |
190 | - params:{ | |
191 | - type: Object, | |
192 | - value: undefined | |
193 | - }, | |
194 | - | |
195 | - data : { | |
196 | - type : Object, | |
197 | - value : undefined | |
198 | - }, | |
199 | - | |
200 | - }, | |
201 | - | |
202 | - listeners: { | |
203 | -// 'select-fields-controllet_selected-fields': '_updateFields', | |
204 | -// 'filters-controllet_filters': '_updateFilters', | |
205 | - 'items-vslider-controllet_selected-datalet': '_selectDatalet', | |
206 | - 'select_visualization_inputs_ready': '_loadDatalet', | |
207 | - 'select_visualization_options_changed': '_tryLoadDatalet' | |
208 | - }, | |
209 | - | |
210 | - ready : function() { | |
211 | - this._resize(); | |
212 | - | |
213 | - $(this.$.datalet_selection_datalet).perfectScrollbar(); | |
214 | - | |
215 | -// this.params = {'data-url' : this.dataUrl};//not here | |
216 | - }, | |
217 | - | |
218 | - attached : function() { | |
219 | - this._resize(); | |
220 | - var that = this; | |
221 | - window.addEventListener("resize", function() { that._resize(); }); | |
222 | - | |
223 | - this._translate(); | |
224 | - }, | |
225 | - | |
226 | - setFilters : function(filters) { | |
227 | - this.filters = this._copy(filters); | |
228 | - }, | |
229 | - | |
230 | - setFields : function(fields) { | |
231 | -// if (this.fields.length > 0 && JSON.stringify(this.fields) != JSON.stringify(fields)) | |
232 | -// this.init(); | |
233 | - | |
234 | - this.fields = this._copy(fields); | |
235 | - | |
236 | - var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
237 | - if (inputs) | |
238 | - inputs.setFields(this.fields); | |
239 | - }, | |
240 | - | |
241 | - setData : function(data) { | |
242 | - = this._copy(data); | |
243 | - }, | |
244 | - | |
245 | - init : function() { | |
246 | - this.$.vslider._reset(); | |
247 | - }, | |
248 | - | |
249 | - show : function() {//show --> preselect | |
250 | -// if(this.preselectedDatalet) | |
251 | - if(this.dataletPreset) | |
252 | - this._preselectDatalet(); | |
253 | - | |
254 | -// if (this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML == "") { | |
255 | -// var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
256 | -// inputs.fireReady(); | |
257 | -// } | |
258 | - }, | |
259 | - | |
260 | - _translate : function(){ | |
261 | - if(this.preselectedDatalet) | |
262 | - this.$.add_button.innerHTML = ln["modifyDatalet_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
263 | - else | |
264 | - this.$.add_button.innerHTML = ln["addDatalet_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
265 | - | |
266 | - this.$.dataletPreview.innerHTML = ln["dataletPreview_" + ln["localization"]]; | |
267 | - }, | |
268 | - | |
269 | - _selectDatalet : function(e){ | |
270 | - | |
271 | - this.$.add_button.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); | |
272 | - | |
273 | - this.selectedDatalet = e.detail.datalet; | |
274 | - | |
275 | - this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML = ""; | |
276 | - | |
277 | - if(!this.selectedDatalet){ | |
278 | - this.type = ""; | |
279 | - this.$.options.setOptions([]); | |
280 | - } | |
281 | - else{ | |
282 | - this.$.selectedDatalet_request.url = this.deepUrl + e.detail.datalet + "-datalet"; | |
283 | - this.$.selectedDatalet_request.generateRequest(); | |
284 | - } | |
285 | - }, | |
286 | - | |
287 | - _handleSelectedDatalet : function(e){ | |
288 | - | |
289 | - if(this.type != e.detail.response.type) { | |
290 | - | |
291 | - this.type = e.detail.response.type; | |
292 | - | |
293 | - this.async(function () { | |
294 | - var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
295 | - inputs.setFields(this.fields); | |
296 | - inputs.setInputs(e.detail.response.idm.inputs.input);// Cannot read property '0' of undefined | |
297 | - }, 0); | |
298 | - | |
299 | - this.$.options.setOptions(e.detail.response.idm.inputs.layouts.input); | |
300 | - } | |
301 | - else { | |
302 | - this.$.options.checkOptions(e.detail.response.idm.inputs.layouts.input); | |
303 | - } | |
304 | - | |
305 | - this.async(function () { | |
306 | - var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
307 | - inputs.fireReady(); | |
308 | - }, 0); | |
309 | - | |
310 | -// this.async(function () { | |
311 | -// if(this.preselectedDatalet) | |
312 | -// this._preselectDatalet(); | |
313 | -// }, 1); | |
314 | - }, | |
315 | - | |
316 | - _preselectDatalet : function() { | |
317 | - this.$.vslider._preselectDatalet(); | |
318 | - | |
319 | - this.async(function () { | |
320 | - this.$.options._preselectOptions(this.dataletPreset); | |
321 | - }, 100); | |
322 | - | |
323 | - this.async(function () { | |
324 | - var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
325 | - inputs._preselectInputs(this.fields, this.dataletPreset["aggregators"], this.dataletPreset["orders"]); | |
326 | - this.dataletPreset = undefined; | |
327 | - }, 200); | |
328 | - }, | |
329 | - | |
330 | - _tryLoadDatalet : function(){ | |
331 | - var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
332 | - inputs.fireReady(); | |
333 | - }, | |
334 | - | |
335 | - _loadDatalet : function(e){ | |
336 | - if(!e.detail.isReady) { | |
337 | - this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML = ""; | |
338 | - return; | |
339 | - } | |
340 | - | |
341 | - var inputs = this._getInputs(); | |
342 | - | |
343 | - this.selectedFields = inputs.getSelectedFields(); | |
344 | - | |
345 | -// console.log(inputs.getFields()); | |
346 | - | |
347 | - this.params = {'data-url' : this.dataUrl};//?????????????????? | |
348 | -// this.params = {}; | |
349 | - | |
350 | - this.params["selectedfields"] = JSON.stringify(inputs.getFields()); | |
351 | - | |
352 | - this.params["filters"] = JSON.stringify(this.filters); | |
353 | - this.params["aggregators"] = JSON.stringify(inputs.getAggregators()); | |
354 | - this.params["orders"] = JSON.stringify(inputs.getOrders()); | |
355 | - | |
356 | - this.params["export_menu"] = "0"; | |
357 | - | |
358 | - var params = this.$.options.getParams(); | |
359 | - for (var key in params) { this.params[key] = params[key]; } | |
360 | - | |
361 | - //use cache | |
362 | - var data = alasql_QUERY(, this.selectedFields, null, inputs.getAggregators(), inputs.getOrders()); | |
363 | - | |
364 | - var converter = new DataTypeConverter(); | |
365 | - var result = converter.inferJsonDataType(data, ["*"]); | |
366 | - result = converter.cast(result); | |
367 | - data = result.dataset; | |
368 | - | |
369 | - data = alasql_transformData(data, this.selectedFields, true); | |
370 | - | |
371 | - this.params["data"] = JSON.stringify(data).replace(/'/g, "'"); | |
372 | - // | |
373 | - | |
374 | - var dataletParams ={ | |
375 | - component: this.selectedDatalet+"-datalet", | |
376 | - fields: this.selectedFields, | |
377 | - params: this.params, | |
378 | - placeHolder: this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder, | |
379 | - }; | |
380 | - | |
381 | - ComponentService.deep_url = this.deepUrl; | |
382 | - ComponentService.getComponent(dataletParams); | |
383 | - | |
384 | - this.$.add_button.removeAttribute("disabled"); | |
385 | - }, | |
386 | - | |
387 | - _addDatalet : function(){ | |
388 | - delete this.params["export_menu"]; | |
389 | - delete this.params["data"]; | |
390 | - | |
391 | - var data = { | |
392 | - dataUrl: this.dataUrl, | |
393 | - datalet: this.selectedDatalet+"-datalet", | |
394 | - fields: this.selectedFields, | |
395 | - params: this.params, | |
396 | - staticData: JSON.stringify(this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.children[1] | |
397 | - } | |
398 | - | |
399 | -'data-sevc-controllet.dataletCreated', {data : data}); | |
400 | - }, | |
401 | - | |
402 | - _checkType: function(type, check){ | |
403 | - if (type == "multiseries" || type == "") | |
404 | - return (type == check); | |
405 | - else if(check == "default") | |
406 | - return true; | |
407 | - return false; | |
408 | - }, | |
409 | - | |
410 | - _getInputs : function(){ | |
411 | - if(this.type == "multiseries") | |
412 | - return this.$$("#inputs_series") | |
413 | - return this.$$("#inputs"); | |
414 | - }, | |
415 | - | |
416 | - _copy : function(o) { | |
417 | - var out, v, key; | |
418 | - out = Array.isArray(o) ? new Array(o.length) : {}; | |
419 | - for (key in o) { | |
420 | - v = o[key]; | |
421 | - out[key] = (typeof v === "object") ? this._copy(v) : v; | |
422 | - } | |
423 | - return out; | |
424 | - }, | |
425 | - | |
426 | - _resize : function(){ | |
427 | - var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - 16; | |
428 | - h = h - 64 - 8; //height with page scroller | |
429 | - | |
430 | - $("#items_vslider_controllet").height(h);//vslider controllet | |
431 | - $("#datalet_selection_inputs").height(h); | |
432 | - $("#datalet_selection_options").height(h); | |
433 | - | |
434 | - $("#datalet_selection_datalet").height(h); | |
435 | - } | |
436 | - | |
437 | - }); | |
438 | - | |
439 | - </script> | |
440 | - | |
441 | -</dom-module> | |
442 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... | @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ |
31 | 31 | |
32 | 32 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> |
33 | 33 | <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-styles/color.html"> |
34 | +<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-textarea.html"> | |
34 | 35 | |
35 | 36 | <!-- |
36 | 37 | `text-element-controllet` is a text area with heading. It fires an event when the text value is modified. This event can be useful when you have to monitor many af this elements. | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -62,6 +62,13 @@ Example: |
62 | 62 | * @method transformData |
63 | 63 | */ |
64 | 64 | presentData: function(){ |
65 | + var min = 0; | |
66 | + for (var i in { | |
67 | + min = Math.min(Math.min.apply(Math,[i].data), min); | |
68 | + } | |
69 | + if(min < 0) | |
70 | + min--; | |
71 | + | |
65 | 72 | options = { |
66 | 73 | chart: { |
67 | 74 | type: 'area', |
... | ... | @@ -77,7 +84,7 @@ Example: |
77 | 84 | } |
78 | 85 | }, |
79 | 86 | yAxis: { |
80 | - min: 0, | |
87 | + min: min, | |
81 | 88 | title: { |
82 | 89 | text: this._component.yAxisLabel, |
83 | 90 | } | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -62,6 +62,13 @@ Example: |
62 | 62 | * @method transformData |
63 | 63 | */ |
64 | 64 | presentData: function(){ |
65 | + var min = 0; | |
66 | + for (var i in { | |
67 | + min = Math.min(Math.min.apply(Math,[i].data), min); | |
68 | + } | |
69 | + if(min < 0) | |
70 | + min--; | |
71 | + | |
65 | 72 | options = { |
66 | 73 | chart: { |
67 | 74 | type: 'bar', |
... | ... | @@ -77,7 +84,7 @@ Example: |
77 | 84 | } |
78 | 85 | }, |
79 | 86 | yAxis: { |
80 | - min: 0, | |
87 | + min: min, | |
81 | 88 | title: { |
82 | 89 | text: this._component.yAxisLabel, |
83 | 90 | } | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -100,22 +100,27 @@ var AjaxJsonAlasqlBehavior = { |
100 | 100 | var aggregators = JSON.parse(this._component.getAttribute("aggregators")); |
101 | 101 | var orders = JSON.parse(this._component.getAttribute("orders")); |
102 | 102 | |
103 | - this._component.fields = JSON.parse(this._component.fields); /*deprecated*/ | |
104 | - if(selectedFields) { /*if deprecated*/ | |
105 | - this._component.fields = []; /*deprecated*/ | |
106 | - for (var i=0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
107 | - if (selectedFields[i]) | |
108 | - this._component.fields.push(selectedFields[i].value); | |
109 | - } | |
110 | - | |
111 | - var fields = this._component.fields; | |
112 | - | |
113 | - //preview my space ? | |
114 | - if(filters && filters[0] && filters[0].constructor == Array){ | |
115 | - filters = filters[0]; | |
116 | - aggregators = aggregators[0]; | |
117 | - orders = orders[0]; | |
118 | - } | |
103 | + //this._component.fields = JSON.parse(this._component.fields); /*deprecated*/ | |
104 | + //if(selectedFields) { /*if deprecated*/ | |
105 | + // this._component.fields = []; /*deprecated*/ | |
106 | + // for (var i=0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
107 | + // if (selectedFields[i]) | |
108 | + // this._component.fields.push(selectedFields[i].value); | |
109 | + //} | |
110 | + // | |
111 | + //var fields = this._component.fields; | |
112 | + | |
113 | + fields = []; | |
114 | + for (var i=0; i < selectedFields.length; i++) | |
115 | + if (selectedFields[i]) | |
116 | + fields.push(selectedFields[i].value); | |
117 | + | |
118 | + ////preview my space ? | |
119 | + //if(filters && filters[0] && filters[0].constructor == Array){ | |
120 | + // filters = filters[0]; | |
121 | + // aggregators = aggregators[0]; | |
122 | + // orders = orders[0]; | |
123 | + //} | |
119 | 124 | |
120 | 125 | var converter = new DataTypeConverter(); |
121 | 126 | var data = []; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Example : |
170 | 170 | </div> |
171 | 171 | |
172 | 172 | <div id="base_datalet_source_link"> |
173 | - <b>Source:</b> <a id="base_datalet_source" target="_blank"></a> (<a id="base_datalet_link" target="_blank">dataset</a>) | |
173 | + <b>Source:</b> <a id="base_datalet_source" target="_blank"></a> <a id="base_datalet_link" target="_blank">(dataset)</a> | |
174 | 174 | </div> |
175 | 175 | |
176 | 176 | <div id="base_datalet_rtp"> |
... | ... | @@ -248,6 +248,10 @@ Example : |
248 | 248 | } |
249 | 249 | }); |
250 | 250 | } |
251 | + else | |
252 | + { | |
253 | + this.$ = 'none'; | |
254 | + } | |
251 | 255 | } |
252 | 256 | |
253 | 257 | else { |
... | ... | @@ -272,6 +276,7 @@ Example : |
272 | 276 | this.$.base_datalet_container.innerHTML = ""; |
273 | 277 | this.$ = 0; |
274 | 278 | this.$ = 0; |
279 | + this.removeLoader(); | |
275 | 280 | }, |
276 | 281 | |
277 | 282 | setExportMenu: function() |
... | ... | @@ -321,12 +326,11 @@ Example : |
321 | 326 | '\<script type="text/javascript" src=""\>\<\/script\>\n' + |
323 | 328 | |
324 | - var dataletLink = '<link rel="import" href="''/''.html" /> \n'; | |
329 | + var dataletLink = '<link rel="import" href="''/''.html" /> \n'; | |
325 | 330 | |
326 | 331 | window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", dataletImport+dataletLink+html); |
327 | 332 | }, |
328 | 333 | |
329 | - | |
330 | 334 | exportToIMG: function () { |
331 | 335 | var parent = this.parentElement; |
332 | 336 | while(!parent.hasAttribute("data-url")) | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ Example: |
63 | 63 | * @method transformData |
64 | 64 | */ |
65 | 65 | presentData: function(){ |
66 | + var min = 0; | |
67 | + for (var i in { | |
68 | + min = Math.min(Math.min.apply(Math,[i].data), min); | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + if(min < 0) | |
71 | + min--; | |
72 | + | |
66 | 73 | options = { |
67 | 74 | chart: { |
68 | 75 | type: 'column', |
... | ... | @@ -78,7 +85,7 @@ Example: |
78 | 85 | } |
79 | 86 | }, |
80 | 87 | yAxis: { |
81 | - min: 0, | |
88 | + min: min, | |
82 | 89 | title: { |
83 | 90 | text: this._component.yAxisLabel, |
84 | 91 | } | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ Example: |
67 | 67 | width: 100%; |
68 | 68 | height: 70%; |
69 | 69 | /*min-height: 500px;*/ |
70 | - background: #ffffff; | |
70 | + /*background: #ffffff;*/ | |
71 | + background: transparent; | |
71 | 72 | position: relative; |
72 | 73 | } |
73 | 74 | |
... | ... | @@ -115,6 +116,10 @@ Example: |
115 | 116 | fill: #bbb; |
116 | 117 | } |
117 | 118 | |
119 | + :host ::content iframe.iframe { | |
120 | + border: 0 !important; | |
121 | + } | |
122 | + | |
118 | 123 | /*:host ::content .children svg.foreignObject {*/ |
119 | 124 | /*font: 9px sans-serif;*/ |
120 | 125 | /*text-overflow: ellipsis;*/ |
... | ... | @@ -206,7 +211,7 @@ Example: |
206 | 211 | var xyz = function(url) { |
207 | 212 | me.selectResource(url); |
208 | 213 | } |
209 | - =; | |
214 | + = datasetexplorer_ln["path_" + datasetexplorer_ln["ln"]]; | |
210 | 215 | build2(, this.meta, this._component.$.treemap_placeholder, xyz, this._component.width, this._component.height); |
211 | 216 | }, |
212 | 217 | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ function build2(root, meta, place_holder, select_listener, width, height) { |
249 | 249 | .attr("width", root.dx) |
250 | 250 | .attr("height", root.dy - root.y) |
251 | 251 | .append("xhtml:body") |
252 | - .html('<iframe src="'+pageurl+'" width="'+root.dx+'" height="'+root.dy+'"></iframe>'); | |
252 | + .html('<iframe class="iframe" src="'+pageurl+'" width="'+root.dx+'" height="'+root.dy+'"></iframe>'); | |
253 | 253 | } |
254 | 254 | |
255 | 255 | return g; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -471,9 +471,9 @@ Example: |
471 | 471 | |
472 | 472 | |
473 | 473 | _this.gnodes.attr("cx", function (t) { |
474 | - return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width - 50, t.x)) | |
474 | + return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width, t.x)) | |
475 | 475 | }).attr("cy", function (t) { |
476 | - return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(600, t.y)) | |
476 | + return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(_this.height, t.y)) | |
477 | 477 | }); |
478 | 478 | |
479 | 479 | _this.glinks.attr("x1", function (t) { | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ Example: |
270 | 270 | }, |
271 | 271 | |
272 | 272 | tick : function () { |
273 | - if(_this.gnodes != undefined && _this.graph.nodes.length > 0) | |
273 | + if(_this.gnodes != undefined && _this.graph.nodes != undefined && _this.graph.nodes.length > 0) | |
274 | 274 | { |
275 | 275 | d3.selectAll("g foreignObject").attr("x", function (t) { |
276 | 276 | return t.x + (t.r ? 0.8 * t.r : 15) |
... | ... | @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Example: |
286 | 286 | |
287 | 287 | |
288 | 288 | _this.gnodes.attr("cx", function (t) { |
289 | - return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width - 50, t.x)) | |
289 | + return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width, t.x)) | |
290 | 290 | }).attr("cy", function (t) { |
291 | 291 | return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(_this.height, t.y)) |
292 | 292 | }); | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ Example: |
461 | 461 | }); |
462 | 462 | |
463 | 463 | _this.svgNodes.attr("cx", function (t) { |
464 | - return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width - 50, t.x)) | |
464 | + return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width, t.x)) | |
465 | 465 | }).attr("cy", function (t) { |
466 | 466 | return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(_this.height, t.y)) |
467 | 467 | }); | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ Example: |
493 | 493 | }); |
494 | 494 | |
495 | 495 | _this.svgNodes.attr("cx", function (t) { |
496 | - return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width - 50, t.x)) | |
496 | + return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(_this.width, t.x)) | |
497 | 497 | }).attr("cy", function (t) { |
498 | - return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(600, t.y)) | |
498 | + return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(_this.height, t.y)) | |
499 | 499 | }); |
500 | 500 | |
501 | 501 | _this.svgLinks.attr("x1", function (t) { | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ |
13 | 13 | <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> |
14 | 14 | <link rel="import" href="../leafletjs-datalet.html" /> |
15 | 15 | |
16 | -<leafletjs-datalet data-url="" | |
17 | - fields='["result,records,Lat","result,records,Lng", "result,records,Link"]'></leafletjs-datalet> | |
16 | +<leafletjs-datalet data-url="" selectedfields="[{"field":"Latitude","value":"Lat","index":1},{"field":"Longitude","value":"Lng","index":2},{"field":"BalloonContent","value":"Link","index":3}]" filters="[]" aggregators="[]" orders="[]" data="" fields="["Lat","Lng","Link"]"> | |
17 | + </leafletjs-datalet> | |
18 | 18 | |
19 | 19 | |
20 | 20 | </body> | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ Example: |
91 | 91 | var coordinates = []; |
92 | 92 | var coordinates_index = 0; |
93 | 93 | var isArray =[0].data[0].constructor === Array; |
94 | + var geo; | |
94 | 95 | |
95 | 96 | for(var i=0; i<[0].data.length; i++) |
96 | 97 | { |
... | ... | @@ -101,25 +102,34 @@ Example: |
101 | 102 | else |
102 | 103 | continue; |
103 | 104 | } |
105 | + else if(typeof[0].data[i] == 'string' &&[0].data[i].startsWith('{"type":"')) | |
106 | + { | |
107 | + try | |
108 | + { | |
109 | +[0].data[i] = JSON.parse([0].data[i]); | |
110 | + geo = L.geoJson([0].data[i]).addTo(; | |
111 | + }catch(e) {continue;} | |
112 | + } | |
104 | 113 | else if(typeof[0].data[i] == 'string' &&[0].data[i].indexOf(",")) |
105 | 114 | { |
106 | 115 | var coords =[0].data[i].split(","); |
107 | - if(!isNaN(coords[0]) && !isNaN(coords[1])) | |
116 | + if(!isNaN(coords[0]) && !isNaN(coords[1])) { | |
108 | 117 | coordinates.push([parseFloat(coords[0]), parseFloat(coords[1])]); |
109 | - else | |
118 | + geo = L.marker([coordinates[coordinates_index][0], coordinates[coordinates_index][1]]).addTo(; | |
119 | + coordinates_index++; | |
120 | + }else | |
110 | 121 | continue; |
111 | 122 | } |
112 | 123 | else |
113 | 124 | { |
114 | - if(!isNaN([0].data[i]) && !isNaN([1].data[i])) | |
125 | + if(!isNaN([0].data[i]) && !isNaN([1].data[i])) { | |
115 | 126 | coordinates.push([parseFloat([0].data[i]), parseFloat([1].data[i])]); |
116 | - else | |
127 | + geo = L.marker([coordinates[coordinates_index][0], coordinates[coordinates_index][1]]).addTo(; | |
128 | + coordinates_index++; | |
129 | + }else | |
117 | 130 | continue; |
118 | 131 | } |
119 | 132 | |
120 | - var marker = L.marker([coordinates[coordinates_index][0], coordinates[coordinates_index][1]]).addTo(; | |
121 | - coordinates_index++; | |
122 | - | |
123 | 133 | if( > 2) |
124 | 134 | { |
125 | 135 | var popupText = ""; |
... | ... | @@ -135,7 +145,7 @@ Example: |
135 | 145 | } |
136 | 146 | |
137 | 147 | var popup = L.popup().setContent(popupText); |
138 | - marker.bindPopup(popup); | |
148 | + geo.bindPopup(popup); | |
139 | 149 | } |
140 | 150 | } |
141 | 151 | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -89,23 +89,53 @@ Example: |
89 | 89 | |
90 | 90 | L.Icon.Default.imagePath = ''; |
91 | 91 | |
92 | - var bounding_box = L.geoJson([0].data); | |
92 | + //var coordinates = []; | |
93 | + //var coordinates_index = 0; | |
94 | + var geo_layer = L.geoJson(); | |
95 | + var geo; | |
93 | 96 | |
94 | 97 | for (var i = 0; i <[0].data.length; i++) |
95 | 98 | { |
96 | - try{ | |
97 | - if(typeof[0].data[i] != 'object') | |
99 | + if(Array.isArray([0].data[i])) | |
100 | + { | |
101 | + if(!isNaN([0].data[i][0]) && !isNaN([0].data[i][1])) { | |
102 | + //coordinates.push([parseFloat([0].data[i][0]), parseFloat([0].data[i][1])]); | |
103 | + geo_layer.addData({"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [parseFloat([0].data[i][0]), parseFloat([0].data[i][1])]}}); | |
104 | + }else | |
105 | + continue; | |
106 | + } | |
107 | + else if(typeof[0].data[i] == 'object') | |
108 | + { | |
109 | + geo = L.geoJson([0].data[i]).addTo(; | |
110 | + geo_layer.addData([0].data[i]); | |
111 | + } | |
112 | + else if(typeof[0].data[i] == 'string' &&[0].data[i].startsWith('{"type":"')) | |
113 | + { | |
114 | + try | |
115 | + { | |
98 | 116 |[0].data[i] = JSON.parse([0].data[i]); |
99 | - }catch(e){} | |
100 | - | |
101 | - var geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson([0].data[i]).addTo(; | |
117 | + geo = L.geoJson([0].data[i]).addTo(; | |
118 | + geo_layer.addData([0].data[i]); | |
119 | + }catch(e) {continue;} | |
120 | + } | |
121 | + else if(typeof[0].data[i] == 'string' &&[0].data[i].indexOf(",")) | |
122 | + { | |
123 | + var coords =[0].data[i].split(","); | |
124 | + if(!isNaN(coords[0]) && !isNaN(coords[1])) { | |
125 | + //coordinates.push([parseFloat(coords[0]), parseFloat(coords[1])]); | |
126 | + geo_layer.addData({"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [parseFloat(coords[0]), parseFloat(coords[1])]}}); | |
127 | + geo = L.marker([parseFloat(coords[0]), parseFloat(coords[1])]).addTo(; | |
128 | + //coordinates_index++; | |
129 | + }else | |
130 | + continue; | |
131 | + } | |
102 | 132 | |
103 | 133 | if( > 1) |
104 | 134 | { |
105 | 135 | var popupText = ""; |
106 | 136 | for(var j=1; j<; j++) |
107 | 137 | { |
108 | - if(typeof[j] != 'undefined' && typeof[j].data[i] != 'undefined') | |
138 | + if(typeof[j] != 'undefined' &&[j].data[i] && typeof[j].data[i] != 'undefined') | |
109 | 139 | { |
110 | 140 | if ([j].data[i].toString().match(new RegExp("^(http[s]?:\\/\\/(www\\.)?|ftp:\\/\\/(www\\.)?|www\\.){1}([0-9A-Za-z-\\.@:%_\+~#=]+)+((\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})+)(/(.)*)?(\\?(.)*)?"))) |
111 | 141 | popupText += '<image height="100" width="100" src="' +[j].data[i] + '" /><br/>'; |
... | ... | @@ -115,13 +145,13 @@ Example: |
115 | 145 | } |
116 | 146 | |
117 | 147 | var popup = L.popup().setContent(popupText); |
118 | - geoJsonLayer.bindPopup(popup); | |
148 | + geo.bindPopup(popup); | |
119 | 149 | } |
120 | 150 | } |
121 | 151 | |
122 | 152 |; |
123 | 153 |; |
124 | -; | |
154 | +; | |
125 | 155 | |
126 | 156 | } |
127 | 157 | }; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -62,6 +62,13 @@ Example: |
62 | 62 | * @method presentData |
63 | 63 | */ |
64 | 64 | presentData: function(){ |
65 | + var min = 0; | |
66 | + for (var i in { | |
67 | + min = Math.min(Math.min.apply(Math,[i].data), min); | |
68 | + } | |
69 | + if(min < 0) | |
70 | + min--; | |
71 | + | |
65 | 72 | options = { |
66 | 73 | chart: { |
67 | 74 | zoomType: 'xy' |
... | ... | @@ -76,7 +83,7 @@ Example: |
76 | 83 | } |
77 | 84 | }, |
78 | 85 | yAxis: { |
79 | - min: 0, | |
86 | + min: min, | |
80 | 87 | title: { |
81 | 88 | text: this._component.yAxisLabel, |
82 | 89 | } | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -5,21 +5,18 @@ |
5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> |
7 | 7 | |
8 | + <script type="text/javascript" src="datalets/shared_js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> | |
9 | + <script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> | |
10 | + | |
8 | 11 | <link rel="import" href="bower_components/iron-component-page/iron-component-page.html"> |
9 | - <link rel="import" href="bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html"> | |
10 | - <link rel="import" href="bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html"> | |
11 | 12 | <link rel="import" href="bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html"> |
12 | - <link rel="import" href="bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html"> | |
13 | 13 | |
14 | - <script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> | |
15 | - <script type="text/javascript" src="datalets/shared_js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> | |
16 | 14 | <script type="text/javascript" src="docs/js/editarea_0_8_2/edit_area/edit_area_full.js"></script> |
17 | 15 | |
18 | - | |
19 | 16 | <script type="text/javascript"> |
20 | 17 | $(document).ready(function () { |
21 | 18 | editAreaLoader.init({ |
22 | - id : "sbiricuda", // textarea id | |
19 | + id : "text_area", // textarea id | |
23 | 20 | syntax: "html", // syntax to be uses for highgliting |
24 | 21 | start_highlight: true, // to display with highlight mode on start-up |
25 | 22 | replace_tab_by_spaces: 4, |
... | ... | @@ -49,120 +46,117 @@ |
49 | 46 | '\<script type="text/javascript" src=""\>\<\/script\>\n' + |
51 | 48 | |
52 | - var dataletLink = '<link rel="import" href="''/''.html" /> \n'; | |
49 | + var dataletLink = '<link rel="import" href="''/''.html" /> \n'; | |
53 | 50 | |
54 | - editAreaLoader.setValue("sbiricuda", dataletImport+dataletLink+dataletHTML); | |
51 | + editAreaLoader.setValue("text_area", dataletImport+dataletLink+dataletHTML); | |
55 | 52 | } |
56 | 53 | |
57 | 54 | </script> |
58 | 55 | |
59 | - <style> | |
56 | + <style is="custom-style"> | |
57 | + | |
58 | + #creator_container { | |
59 | + width: 100%; | |
60 | + height: 100%; | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + | |
63 | + #creator_container * { | |
64 | + font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
65 | + font-size: 16px; | |
66 | + line-height: 24px; | |
67 | + } | |
68 | + | |
69 | + #text_container { | |
70 | + padding: 8px; | |
71 | + background: #BBDEFB; | |
72 | + | |
73 | + margin-top: 8px; | |
74 | + } | |
75 | + | |
76 | + #controllet_iframe { | |
77 | + height: 100%; | |
78 | + width: 100%; | |
79 | + } | |
80 | + | |
81 | + #iframe_container { | |
82 | + border: 2px solid #BBDEFB; | |
83 | + border-top: 0; | |
84 | + width: calc(100% - 4px); | |
85 | + height: 698px; | |
86 | + } | |
60 | 87 | |
61 | - body { | |
62 | - font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; | |
88 | + #toolbar { | |
89 | + background: #2196F3; | |
63 | 90 | } |
64 | 91 | |
65 | - #toolbar{ | |
66 | - background: #2196F3 ; | |
92 | + .title { | |
93 | + font-weight: 700 !important; | |
67 | 94 | } |
68 | 95 | |
69 | 96 | #logo{ |
70 | - width: 56px; | |
71 | - height: 56px; | |
72 | - background-image: url(""); | |
73 | - background-size: auto 41px; | |
97 | + width: 64px; | |
98 | + height: 64px; | |
99 | + background-image: url(""); | |
74 | 100 | background-repeat: no-repeat; |
75 | 101 | background-position: center center; |
102 | + } | |
103 | + | |
104 | + paper-icon-button { | |
105 | + --paper-icon-button-ink-color: #FFFFFF; | |
106 | + height: 48px; | |
107 | + width: 48px; | |
108 | + padding: 8px; | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + | |
111 | + a { | |
112 | + color: #FFFFFF; | |
113 | + text-decoration: none; | |
114 | + } | |
115 | + #text_area_container { | |
116 | + width: 100%; | |
117 | + height: calc(100vh - 884px); | |
118 | + min-height: 192px; | |
76 | 119 | |
120 | + margin-top: 8px; | |
121 | + /*background: red;*/ | |
77 | 122 | } |
123 | + | |
124 | + #text_area { | |
125 | + width: calc(100% - 18px); | |
126 | + height: calc(100% - 18px); | |
127 | + margin: 0; | |
128 | + padding: 8px; | |
129 | + } | |
130 | + | |
78 | 131 | </style> |
79 | 132 | |
80 | 133 | </head> |
81 | 134 | <body> |
82 | 135 | |
83 | - <paper-toolbar id="toolbar"> | |
84 | - <paper-menu-button> | |
85 | - <paper-icon-button icon="menu" class="dropdown-trigger"></paper-icon-button> | |
86 | - <paper-menu class="dropdown-content"> | |
87 | - <paper-item><a href="" target="_blank">ROUTE-TO PA European Project</a></paper-item> | |
88 | - <paper-item><a href="docs/docs.html" target="_blank">DEEP Documentation</a></paper-item> | |
89 | - </paper-menu> | |
90 | - </paper-menu-button> | |
91 | - <span class="title">DatalEts-Ecosystem Provider - Datalet Creator</span> | |
92 | - <a href="" target="_blank"><paper-icon-button id="logo"></paper-icon-button></a> | |
93 | - </paper-toolbar> | |
94 | - | |
95 | - <div class=""> | |
96 | - <p> | |
136 | + <div id="creator_container"> | |
137 | + | |
138 | + <paper-toolbar id="toolbar"> | |
139 | + <a href="" target="_blank"><paper-icon-button id="logo" title="ROUTE-TO PA European Project"></paper-icon-button></a> | |
140 | + <span class="title">DatalEts-Ecosystem Provider - Datalet Creator</span> | |
141 | + <a href="docs/docs.html" target="_blank"><paper-icon-button icon="description" title="DEEP Documentation"></paper-icon-button></a> | |
142 | + <a href="" target="_blank"><paper-icon-button icon="forward" title="ROUTE-TO PA European Project"></paper-icon-button></a> | |
143 | + </paper-toolbar> | |
144 | + | |
145 | + <div id="text_container"> | |
97 | 146 | Using this page you can create a Datalet, a off-the-shelf, reusable web-component able to load, |
98 | 147 | query, filter, and visualise any dataset content (e.g. through HighCharts Javascript library). |
99 | 148 | Datalet are reusable since they can be placed in every web page, like institutional web-sites, |
100 | 149 | blogs, forums and so on, without any knowledge on how it effectively is implemented. |
101 | - </p> | |
102 | - </div> | |
150 | + </div> | |
103 | 151 | |
104 | - <iframe style="width:100%; height:62vh" frameborder="0" srcdoc=' | |
105 | - <head> | |
106 | - <script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> | |
107 | - <script type="text/javascript" src="datalets/shared_js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> | |
108 | - <link rel="import" href="controllets/data-sevc-controllet/data-sevc-controllet.html" /> | |
109 | - <script src="controllets/shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/js/min/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js"></script> | |
110 | - <link rel="stylesheet" href="controllets/shared_js/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css"> | |
111 | - <script type="text/javascript"> | |
112 | - $(document).ready(function () { | |
113 | - | |
114 | - var datasets = [ | |
115 | - {decription:"", name:"Italy - Consuntivo entrate 2009", url:""}, | |
116 | - {decription:"", name:"Italy - Consuntivo entrate 2010",url:""}, | |
117 | - {decription:"", name:"Italy - Consuntivo entrate 2011",url:""}, | |
118 | - {decription:"", name:"Italy - Consuntivo entrate 2012",url:""}, | |
119 | - {decription:"", name:"Italy - Consuntivo entrate 2014",url:""}, | |
120 | - {decription:"", name:"Holland - Vestigingen register gemeente Groningen",url:""}, | |
121 | - {decription:"", name:"Holland - Woonruimte gemeente Groningen",url:""}, | |
122 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - SDCC Traffic Cameras",url:""}, | |
123 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Derelict Site Register",url:""}, | |
124 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Dublin City Council Commencement Notices",url:""}, | |
125 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Dublin City Council Planning Applications",url:""}, | |
126 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Planning Application 2008-2014",url:""}, | |
127 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Fingal Council Planning Applications for last 7 years",url:""}, | |
128 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Planning Register",url:""}, | |
129 | - {decription:"", name:"Ireland - Fingal Development Plan 2011-2017 Record of Protected Structures",url:""}, | |
130 | - {decription:"", name:"Bubble example",url:""}, | |
131 | - {decription:"", name:"Issy - 3d pie chart", url:""} | |
132 | - ]; | |
133 | - | |
134 | - var dsc = document.getElementById("dsc"); | |
135 | - dsc.setAttribute("datasets", JSON.stringify(datasets)); | |
136 | - | |
137 | - $("#treeMapView").parent().parent().hide(); | |
138 | - window.addEventListener("data-sevc-controllet.dataletCreated", function(e){parent.createHTML(e);}); | |
139 | - | |
140 | - /*var h = $("#material_container").height() - 48; | |
141 | - var w = $("#material_container").width(); | |
142 | - console.log($("#div_datasetexplorer")); | |
143 | - console.log($("#div_datasetexplorer").html()); | |
144 | - $("#div_datasetexplorer").html("CIAO !!"); | |
145 | - console.log($("#div_datasetexplorer").html()); | |
146 | - $("#div_datasetexplorer").html("<datasetexplorer-datalet width=\""+w+"\" height=\""+h+"\" data-url=\"\" fields=\"[\"result,datasets,provider_name\",\"result,datasets,organization_name\",\"result,datasets,package_name\",\"result,datasets,resource_name\",\"result,datasets,url\",\"result,datasets,w\"]\"></datasetexplorer-datalet>"); | |
147 | - console.log($("#div_datasetexplorer").html());*/ | |
148 | - }); | |
149 | - </script> | |
150 | - </head> | |
151 | - <body> | |
152 | - <data-sevc-controllet localization="en" id="dsc" deep-url="" datalets-list-url=""></data-sevc-controllet> | |
153 | - </body> | |
154 | - '> | |
155 | - </iframe> | |
156 | - | |
157 | - <div id="code_area"> | |
158 | - <textarea id="sbiricuda" style="position:relative;width: 100%;min-height: 15vh;max-height: 15vh;" style="" rows="4" cols="50"> | |
159 | -Copy and paste this code to inject the datalet in you page. | |
160 | - </textarea> | |
161 | - </div> | |
152 | + <div id="iframe_container"> | |
153 | + <iframe id="controllet_iframe" frameborder="0" src="./controllet.html"></iframe> | |
154 | + </div> | |
162 | 155 | |
163 | - <!--<div> | |
164 | - <textarea style="width: 90%; margin-left:10px; height: 110px" id="code-textarea"></textarea> | |
165 | - </div>--> | |
156 | + <div id="text_area_container"> | |
157 | + <textarea id="text_area">Copy and paste this code to inject the datalet in you page.</textarea> | |
158 | + </div> | |
159 | + </div> | |
166 | 160 | |
167 | 161 | </body> |
168 | 162 | </html> |
169 | 163 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +cocreation_room_ln = []; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +/*EN*/ | |
4 | +cocreation_room_ln["explore_en"] = "EXPLORE"; | |
5 | +cocreation_room_ln["goal_en"] = "GOAL"; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +/*IT*/ | |
8 | +cocreation_room_ln["explore_it"] = "ESPLORA"; | |
9 | +cocreation_room_ln["goal_it"] = "GOAL"; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +/*FR*/ | |
12 | +cocreation_room_ln["explore_fr"] = "EXPLORE"; | |
13 | +cocreation_room_ln["goal_fr"] = "GOAL"; | |
14 | + | |
15 | +/*NL*/ | |
16 | +cocreation_room_ln["explore_nl"] = "EXPLORE"; | |
17 | +cocreation_room_ln["goal_nl"] = "GOAL"; | |
0 | 18 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -17,17 +17,45 @@ ln["forward_en"] = "FORWARD"; |
17 | 17 | |
18 | 18 | //SELECT DATASET |
19 | 19 | |
20 | -ln["listView_en"] = "LIST VIEW"; | |
21 | -ln["treeMapView_en"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; | |
22 | -ln["extendedSearch_en"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; | |
20 | +ln["selectedUrl_en"] = "Selected url"; | |
21 | +ln["wrongUrl_en"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; | |
22 | + | |
23 | +ln["providersDatasets_en"] = "FROM PROVIDERS"; | |
24 | +ln["spodUsersDatasets_en"] = "FROM COCREATED"; | |
25 | +ln["extendedDatasets_en"] = "FROM EXTENDED SEARCH"; | |
26 | +ln["datasets_en"] = "DATASETS LIST"; | |
27 | + | |
23 | 28 | ln["provider_en"] = "Provider"; |
29 | +ln["all_en"] = "All"; | |
30 | +ln["allDescription_en"] = "Shows the datasets of all associated providers."; | |
31 | +ln["providerName_en"] = "Provider"; | |
32 | +ln["providerNameDescription_en"] = "Shows only the datasets of the selected provider."; | |
33 | + | |
34 | +//ln["view_en"] = "View"; | |
35 | +//ln["list_en"] = "List"; | |
36 | +//ln["listDescription_en"] = "Shows the datasets with a classic list."; | |
37 | +//ln["tree_en"] = "Tree"; | |
38 | +//ln["treeDescription_en"] = "Shows the datasets with a tree map."; | |
39 | + | |
40 | +//ln["search_en"] = "Search"; | |
41 | +//ln["standard_en"] = "Standard"; | |
42 | +//ln["standardDescription_en"] = "The search function works only on datasets names."; | |
43 | +//ln["extended_en"] = "Extended [NOT AVAILABLE]"; | |
44 | +//ln["extendedDescription_en"] = "The search function works the entire contents of the datasets."; | |
45 | + | |
46 | +ln["version_en"] = "Version"; | |
47 | +ln["showLast_en"] = "Show last"; | |
48 | +ln["showLastDescription_en"] = "Shows only the latest version of the datasets."; | |
49 | +ln["showAll_en"] = "Show all"; | |
50 | +ln["showAllDescription_en"] = "Shows all versions of the datasets."; | |
51 | + | |
52 | +//select-dataset-controllet | |
53 | +ln["datasetsInfo_en"] = "DATASET INFO"; | |
24 | 54 | ln["showing_en"] = "Showing"; |
25 | 55 | ln["to_en"] = "to"; |
26 | 56 | ln["of_en"] = "of"; |
27 | -ln["datasets_en"] = "datasets"; | |
28 | -ln["suggestedDatasets_en"] = "Suggested datasets"; | |
29 | -ln["selectedUrl_en"] = "Selected url"; | |
30 | -ln["wrongUrl_en"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; | |
57 | +ln["datasetsRows_en"] = "datasets"; | |
58 | +ln["search_en"] = "Search"; | |
31 | 59 | |
32 | 60 | //SELECT DATA |
33 | 61 | |
... | ... | @@ -179,7 +207,7 @@ ln["CategoriesDescription_en"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If |
179 | 207 | ln["x-axis-label_en"] = "X Axis Label"; |
180 | 208 | ln["y-axis-label_en"] = "Y Axis Label"; |
181 | 209 | ln["suffix_en"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; |
182 | -ln["legend_en"] = "Leged"; | |
210 | +ln["legend_en"] = "Legend"; | |
183 | 211 | ln["data-labels_en"] = "Show Data Labels"; |
184 | 212 | ln["stack_en"] = "Stack"; |
185 | 213 | ln["theme_en"] = "Theme"; |
... | ... | @@ -200,7 +228,7 @@ ln["themeSpod_en"] = "Spod"; |
200 | 228 | ln["x-axis-labelDescription_en"] = "The x-axis label."; |
201 | 229 | ln["y-axis-labelDescription_en"] = "The y-axis label."; |
202 | 230 | ln["suffixDescription_en"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; |
203 | -ln["legendDescription_en"] = "The leged position."; | |
231 | +ln["legendDescription_en"] = "The legend position."; | |
204 | 232 | ln["data-labelsDescription_en"] = "Show/hide data labels."; |
205 | 233 | ln["themeDescription_en"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; |
206 | 234 | ln["stackDescription_en"] = "The stack type."; |
... | ... | @@ -210,409 +238,451 @@ ln["donutDescription_en"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa)."; |
210 | 238 | |
211 | 239 | //PAGE SLIDER |
212 | 240 | |
213 | -ln["slide1Title_it"] = "SELECT DATASET"; | |
214 | -ln["slide1Subtitle_it"] = "Select a dataset from the list or copy and paste the url of dataset."; | |
215 | -ln["slide2Title_it"] = "SELECT DATA"; | |
216 | -ln["slide2Subtitle_it"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; | |
217 | -ln["slide3Title_it"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; | |
218 | -ln["slide3Subtitle_it"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; | |
219 | -ln["back_it"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; | |
220 | -ln["forward_it"] = "FORWARD"; | |
241 | +ln["slide1Title_it"] = "SELEZIONA UN DATASET"; | |
242 | +ln["slide1Subtitle_it"] = "Seleziona un dataset dall'elenco oppure copia-incolla l'url di un dataset."; | |
243 | +ln["slide2Title_it"] = "SELEZIONA I DATI"; | |
244 | +ln["slide2Subtitle_it"] = "Seleziona i campi sulla sinistra. La tabella mostrerà i valori relativi ai campi selezionati"; | |
245 | +ln["slide3Title_it"] = "SELEZIONA LA VISUALIZZAZIONE"; | |
246 | +ln["slide3Subtitle_it"] = "Seleziona una visualizzazione, compila i campi e le opzioni."; | |
247 | +ln["back_it"] = "RITORNO AL FUTURO"; | |
248 | +ln["forward_it"] = "AVANTI"; | |
221 | 249 | |
222 | 250 | //SELECT DATASET |
223 | 251 | |
224 | -ln["listView_it"] = "LIST VIEW"; | |
225 | -ln["treeMapView_it"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; | |
226 | -ln["extendedSearch_it"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; | |
252 | +ln["selectedUrl_it"] = "Url selezionato"; | |
253 | +ln["wrongUrl_it"] = "Url non valido o provider dati non ancora supportato."; | |
254 | + | |
255 | +ln["providersDatasets_it"] = "DATASET DEI PROVIDER"; | |
256 | +ln["spodUsersDatasets_it"] = "DATASET COCREATI"; | |
257 | +ln["extendedDatasets_it"] = "RICERCA ESTESA"; | |
258 | +ln["datasets_it"] = "LISTA DEI DATASET"; | |
259 | + | |
227 | 260 | ln["provider_it"] = "Provider"; |
228 | -ln["showing_it"] = "Showing"; | |
229 | -ln["to_it"] = "to"; | |
230 | -ln["of_it"] = "of"; | |
231 | -ln["datasets_it"] = "datasets"; | |
232 | -ln["suggestedDatasets_it"] = "Suggested datasets"; | |
233 | -ln["selectedUrl_it"] = "Selected url"; | |
234 | -ln["wrongUrl_it"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; | |
261 | +ln["all_it"] = "Tutti"; | |
262 | +ln["allDescription_it"] = "Mostra i dataset di tutti i provider associati.."; | |
263 | +ln["providerName_it"] = "Provider"; | |
264 | +ln["providerNameDescription_it"] = "Mostra solo i dataset del provider selezionato."; | |
265 | + | |
266 | +ln["search_it"] = "Ricerca"; | |
267 | +ln["standard_it"] = "Standard"; | |
268 | +ln["standardDescription_it"] = "La ricerca funziona solo sui nommi dei dataset."; | |
269 | +ln["extended_it"] = "Extended [NOT AVAILABLE]"; | |
270 | +ln["extendedDescription_it"] = "La ricerca funziona sull'intero contenuto dei dataset;."; | |
271 | + | |
272 | +ln["version_it"] = "Version"; | |
273 | +ln["showLast_it"] = "Mostra l'ultima"; | |
274 | +ln["showLastDescription_it"] = "Mostra solo l'ultima versione dei dataset."; | |
275 | +ln["showAll_it"] = "Mostra tutti"; | |
276 | +ln["showAllDescription_it"] = "Mostra tutte le versioni dei dataset."; | |
277 | + | |
278 | +//select-dataset-controllet | |
279 | +ln["datasetsInfo_it"] = "INFORMAZIONI SUL DATASET"; | |
280 | +ln["showing_it"] = "Mostrati"; | |
281 | +ln["to_it"] = "a"; | |
282 | +ln["of_it"] = "di"; | |
283 | +ln["datasetsRows_it"] = "dataset"; | |
284 | +ln["search_it"] = "Ricerca"; | |
235 | 285 | |
236 | 286 | //SELECT DATA |
237 | 287 | |
238 | 288 | //select-fields |
239 | -ln["fields_it"] = "FIELDS"; | |
289 | +ln["fields_it"] = "CAMPI"; | |
240 | 290 | |
241 | 291 | //data-table |
242 | -ln["selectedData_it"] = "SELECTED DATA"; | |
243 | -ln["showing_it"] = "Showing"; | |
244 | -ln["to_it"] = "to"; | |
245 | -ln["of_it"] = "of"; | |
246 | -ln["rows_it"] = "rows"; | |
247 | -ln["type_it"] = "TYPE"; | |
248 | -ln["warning_it"] = "WARNING"; | |
292 | +ln["selectedData_it"] = "DATI SELEZIONATI"; | |
293 | +ln["showing_it"] = "Mostrati"; | |
294 | +ln["to_it"] = "a"; | |
295 | +ln["of_it"] = "di"; | |
296 | +ln["rows_it"] = "file"; | |
297 | +ln["type_it"] = "SCRIVERE"; | |
298 | +ln["warning_it"] = "ATTENZIONE"; | |
249 | 299 | |
250 | 300 | //expert |
251 | -ln["expert_it"] = "EXPERT MODE"; | |
252 | -ln["filters_it"] = "FILTERS"; | |
253 | -ln["groupBy_it"] = "GROUP BY"; | |
254 | -ln["query_it"] = "QUERY"; | |
301 | +ln["expert_it"] = "MODALITA' ESPERTO"; | |
302 | +ln["filters_it"] = "FILTRI"; | |
303 | +ln["groupBy_it"] = "RAGGRUPPA PER"; | |
304 | +ln["query_it"] = "INTERROGARE"; | |
255 | 305 | |
256 | 306 | //filters |
257 | -ln["filterField_it"] = "Field"; | |
258 | -ln["filterOperation_it"] = "Operation"; | |
259 | -ln["filterValue_it"] = "Value"; | |
307 | +ln["filterField_it"] = "Campo"; | |
308 | +ln["filterOperation_it"] = "Operazione"; | |
309 | +ln["filterValue_it"] = "Valore"; | |
260 | 310 | |
261 | -ln["disableFilters_it"] = "DISABLE FILTERS"; | |
262 | -ln["enableFilters_it"] = "ENABLE FILTERS"; | |
311 | +ln["disableFilters_it"] = "DISABILITA FILTRI"; | |
312 | +ln["enableFilters_it"] = "ABILITA FILTRI"; | |
263 | 313 | |
264 | 314 | ln["=_it"] = "="; //is equal to |
265 | -ln["!=_it"] = "not ="; //is not equal to | |
315 | +ln["!=_it"] = "non ="; //is not equal to | |
266 | 316 | ln[">_it"] = ">"; //is greater than |
267 | 317 | ln[">=_it"] = ">="; //is greater than or equal to |
268 | 318 | ln["<_it"] = "<"; //is less than |
269 | 319 | ln["<=_it"] = "<="; //is less than or equal to |
270 | -ln["contains_it"] = "contains"; | |
271 | -ln["notContains_it"] = "not contains"; | |
272 | -ln["start_it"] = "start with"; | |
273 | -ln["ends_it"] = "ends with"; | |
320 | +ln["contains_it"] = "contiene"; | |
321 | +ln["notContains_it"] = "non contiene"; | |
322 | +ln["start_it"] = "inizia con"; | |
323 | +ln["ends_it"] = "termina con"; | |
274 | 324 | |
275 | 325 | //aggregators |
276 | -ln["GROUP BY_it"] = "GROUP BY"; | |
277 | -ln["CALCULATE_it"] = "CALCULATE"; | |
278 | -ln["Calculate_it"] = "Calculate"; | |
279 | -ln["aggregatorField_it"] = "Field"; | |
280 | - | |
281 | -ln["disableGroupBy_it"] = "DISABLE GROUP BY"; | |
282 | -ln["enableGroupBy_it"] = "ENABLE GROUP BY"; | |
283 | - | |
284 | -ln["COUNT_it"] = "COUNT of"; | |
285 | -ln["SUM_it"] = "SUM of"; | |
286 | -ln["MIN_it"] = "MIN of"; | |
287 | -ln["MAX_it"] = "MAX of"; | |
288 | -ln["AVG_it"] = "AVG of"; | |
289 | -ln["FIRST_it"] = "FIRST of"; | |
290 | -ln["LAST_it"] = "LAST of"; | |
326 | +ln["GROUP BY_it"] = "RAGGRUPPA PER"; | |
327 | +ln["CALCULATE_it"] = "CALCOLA"; | |
328 | +ln["Calculate_it"] = "Calcola"; | |
329 | +ln["aggregatorField_it"] = "Campo"; | |
330 | + | |
331 | +ln["disableGroupBy_it"] = "DISABILITA RAGGRUPPAMENTO "; | |
332 | +ln["enableGroupBy_it"] = "ABILITA RAGGRUPPAMENTO"; | |
333 | + | |
334 | +ln["COUNT_it"] = "TOTALE di"; | |
335 | +ln["SUM_it"] = "SOMMA di"; | |
336 | +ln["MIN_it"] = "MINORE di"; | |
337 | +ln["MAX_it"] = "MASSIMO di"; | |
338 | +ln["AVG_it"] = "AVG di"; | |
339 | +ln["FIRST_it"] = "PRIMO di"; | |
340 | +ln["LAST_it"] = "ULTIMO di"; | |
291 | 341 | |
293 | 343 | |
294 | -ln["addDatalet_it"] = "ADD"; | |
295 | -ln["modifyDatalet_it"] = "MODIFY"; | |
344 | +ln["addDatalet_it"] = "AGGIUNGI"; | |
345 | +ln["modifyDatalet_it"] = "MODIFICA"; | |
296 | 346 | |
297 | 347 | //datalet-preview |
298 | -ln["previewTab_it"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; | |
348 | +ln["previewTab_it"] = "ANTEPRIMA DATALET"; | |
299 | 349 | ln["infoTab_it"] = "DATALET INFO"; |
300 | 350 | |
301 | 351 | //select-inputs |
302 | -ln["baseInfo_it"] = "BASE INFO"; | |
303 | -ln["inputs_it"] = "INPUTS"; | |
304 | -ln["options_it"] = "OPTIONS"; | |
352 | +ln["baseInfo_it"] = "INFO BASE"; | |
353 | +ln["inputs_it"] = "INPUT"; | |
354 | +ln["options_it"] = "OPZIONI"; | |
305 | 355 | |
306 | 356 | //vslider |
307 | -ln["search_it"] = "Search"; | |
357 | +ln["search_it"] = "Cerca"; | |
308 | 358 | |
309 | -ln["datatable_it"] = "Table"; | |
310 | -ln["barchart_it"] = "Bar Chart"; | |
311 | -ln["columnchart_it"] = "Column Chart"; | |
312 | -ln["areachart_it"] = "Area Chart"; | |
313 | -ln["linechart_it"] = "Line Chart"; | |
359 | +ln["datatable_it"] = "Tabella"; | |
360 | +ln["barchart_it"] = "Grafico a barre"; | |
361 | +ln["columnchart_it"] = "Istogramma"; | |
362 | +ln["areachart_it"] = "Grafico ad area"; | |
363 | +ln["linechart_it"] = "Grafico a linee"; | |
314 | 364 | ln["heatmap_it"] = "Heat Map"; |
315 | -ln["piechart_it"] = "Pie Chart"; | |
316 | -ln["scatterchart_it"] = "Scatter Chart"; | |
317 | -ln["bubblechart_it"] = "Bubble Chart"; | |
318 | -ln["treemap_it"] = "Tree Map"; | |
319 | -ln["leafletjs_it"] = "Map"; | |
320 | -ln["leafletjs-geojson_it"] = "Geojson Map"; | |
321 | - | |
322 | -ln["datatableDescription_it"] = "A table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns."; | |
323 | -ln["barchartDescription_it"] = "A bar chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted horizontally with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; | |
324 | -ln["columnchartDescription_it"] = "A column chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted vertically with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; | |
325 | -ln["areachartDescription_it"] = "An area chart is a chart which displays graphically quantitive data. The area between axis and line are emphasized with colors and textures. Commonly one compares with the area chart two or more quantities."; | |
326 | -ln["linechartDescription_it"] = "A line chart is chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time."; | |
327 | -ln["heatmapDescription_it"] = "A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors."; | |
328 | -ln["piechartDescription_it"] = "A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In the pie chart, the arc length of each slice, and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents."; | |
329 | -ln["scatterchartDescription_it"] = "A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis."; | |
330 | -ln["bubblechartDescription_it"] = "A bubble chart is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size."; | |
331 | -ln["treemapDescription_it"] = "A tree map is a chart for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles."; | |
365 | +ln["piechart_it"] = "Grafico a torta"; | |
366 | +ln["scatterchart_it"] = "Grafico a dispersione"; | |
367 | +ln["bubblechart_it"] = "Diagramma a bolle"; | |
368 | +ln["treemap_it"] = "Mappa ad albero"; | |
369 | +ln["leafletjs_it"] = "Mappa"; | |
370 | +ln["leafletjs-geojson_it"] = "Mappa Geojson"; | |
371 | + | |
372 | +ln["datatableDescription_it"] = "Una tabella è un mezzo per organizzare i dati in righe e colonne."; | |
373 | +ln["barchartDescription_it"] = "Un grafico a barre è un grafico che presenta dati raggruppati in barre rettangolari impostate orizzontalmente con la lunghezza proporzionale al valore rappresentato."; | |
374 | +ln["columnchartDescription_it"] = "Un istogramma è un grafico raffigurante dati raggruppati in barre rettangolari impostate verticalmente con lunghezza proporzionale al valore rappresentato."; | |
375 | +ln["areachartDescription_it"] = "Un grafico ad area è un grafico che mostra graficamente dati quantitativi. L'area tra le assi e la linea sono enfatizzate con colori e texture. Usualmente si compara il grafico ad area con due o più quantità."; | |
376 | +ln["linechartDescription_it"] = "Un grafico a linee è un grafico che mostra le informazioni sottoforma di una serie di dati puntuali definiti 'markers' e collegati tra loro con segmenti di linee dritte. Il grafico a linee è spesso utilizzato per visualizzare trend lungo un intervallo temporale."; | |
377 | +ln["heatmapDescription_it"] = "Una heat map è una rappresentazione grafica di dati in cui i valori individuali contenuti in una matrice sono rappresentati con colori."; | |
378 | +ln["piechartDescription_it"] = "Un grafico a torta è un grafico statistico e circolare che è diviso in fette che mostrano la proporzione numerica. Nel grafico a torta la lunghezza dell'arco di ogni fetta, e di conseguenza il suo angolo al centro e l'area, è proporzionato alla quantita che rappresenta."; | |
379 | +ln["scatterchartDescription_it"] = "Un grafico a dispersione è un tipo di grafico o diagramma matematico che utilizza coordinate cartesiane per mostrare valori tipicamente per due variabili per un set di dati. I dati sono mostrati come un insieme di punti, ciascuno avente il valore di una variabile che ne determina la posizione sull'asse orizzontale e il valore dell'altra variabile ne determina la posizione sull'asse verticale."; | |
380 | +ln["bubblechartDescription_it"] = " Un diagramma a bolle è un tipo di diagramma che mostra tre dimensioni dei dati. Ciascuna entità con la sua tripletta (v1,v2,v3) di dati associati viene impostata come un disco che esprime due dei valori di vi attraverso la localizzazione dell'xy del disco mentre la terza vi è la dimensione del disco stessa."; | |
381 | +ln["treemapDescription_it"] = " Una mappa ad albero è un diagramma per rappresentare dati gerarchicamente utilizzando rettangoli nidificati."; | |
332 | 382 | ln["leafletjsDescription_it"] = ""; |
333 | 383 | ln["leafletjs-geojsonDescription_it"] = ""; |
334 | 384 | |
335 | 385 | //inputs |
336 | -ln["title_it"] = "Title" | |
337 | -ln["description_it"] = "Description"; | |
338 | - | |
339 | -ln["sortAscending_it"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; | |
340 | -ln["sortDescending_it"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; | |
341 | -ln["unsort_it"] = "UNSORTED"; | |
342 | - | |
343 | -//--> "_" not allowed! | |
344 | -ln["TITLE_it"] = "TITLE"; | |
345 | -ln["DESCRIPTION_it"] = "DESCRIPTION"; | |
346 | -ln["XAxis_it"] = "X-AXIS"; | |
347 | -ln["YAxis_it"] = "Y-AXIS"; | |
348 | -ln["NumericXAxis_it"] = "X-AXIS"; | |
349 | -ln["NumericYAxis_it"] = "Y-AXIS"; | |
350 | -ln["Column_it"] = "COLUMN"; | |
351 | -ln["Level_it"] = "LEVEL"; | |
352 | -ln["SliceLabels_it"] = "LABEL"; | |
353 | -ln["SliceSizes_it"] = "SIZE"; | |
354 | -ln["Latitude_it"] = "LATITUDE"; | |
355 | -ln["Longitude_it"] = "LONGITUDE"; | |
356 | -ln["BalloonContent_it"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; | |
386 | +ln["title_it"] = "Titolo" | |
387 | +ln["description_it"] = "Descrizione"; | |
388 | + | |
389 | +ln["sortAscending_it"] = "ORDINE CRESCENTE"; | |
390 | +ln["sortDescending_it"] = "ORDINE DECRESCENTE"; | |
391 | +ln["unsort_it"] = "NON ORDINATI"; | |
392 | + | |
393 | +ln["TITLE_it"] = "TITOLO"; | |
394 | +ln["DESCRIPTION_it"] = "DESCRIZIONE"; | |
395 | +ln["XAxis_it"] = "ASSE X"; | |
396 | +ln["YAxis_it"] = "ASSE Y"; | |
397 | +ln["NumericXAxis_it"] = "ASSE X"; | |
398 | +ln["NumericYAxis_it"] = "ASSE Y"; | |
399 | +ln["Column_it"] = "COLONNA"; | |
400 | +ln["Level_it"] = "LIVELLO"; | |
401 | +ln["SliceLabels_it"] = "ETICHETTA"; | |
402 | +ln["SliceSizes_it"] = "DIMENSIONE"; | |
403 | +ln["Latitude_it"] = "LATITUDINE"; | |
404 | +ln["Longitude_it"] = "LONGITUDINE"; | |
405 | +ln["BalloonContent_it"] = "CONTENUTO DEL BALLOON"; | |
357 | 406 | ln["GEOJSON_it"] = "GEOJSON"; |
358 | -ln["GEOJSONContent_it"] = "GEOJSON CONTENT"; | |
359 | -ln["BubbleContent_it"] = "BUBBLE CONTENT"; | |
360 | -ln["BubbleSize_it"] = "BUBBLE SIZE"; | |
361 | -ln["Categories_it"] = "CATEGORY"; | |
362 | - | |
363 | -ln["TITLEDescription_it"] = "The datalet title."; | |
364 | -ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_it"] = "The datalet description."; | |
365 | -ln["XAxisDescription_it"] = "The x-axis."; | |
366 | -ln["YAxisDescription_it"] = "The y-axis."; | |
367 | -ln["NumericXAxisDescription_it"] = "The x-axis."; | |
368 | -ln["NumericYAxisDescription_it"] = "The y-axis."; | |
369 | -ln["ColumnDescription_it"] = "The column of the table."; | |
370 | -ln["LevelDescription_it"] = "The level of the tree map."; | |
371 | -ln["SliceLabelsDescription_it"] = "The label of the slices."; | |
372 | -ln["SliceSizesDescription_it"] = "The size of the slices."; | |
373 | -ln["LatitudeDescription_it"] = "The latitude of locations."; | |
374 | -ln["LongitudeDescription_it"] = "The longitude of locations."; | |
375 | -ln["BalloonContentDescription_it"] = "The content of balloons."; | |
376 | -ln["GEOJSONDescription_it"] = "The GeoJSON data."; | |
377 | -ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_it"] = "The content of GeoJSON."; | |
378 | -ln["BubbleContentDescription_it"] = "The content of bubbles."; | |
379 | -ln["BubbleSizeDescription_it"] = "The size of bubbles."; | |
380 | -ln["CategoriesDescription_it"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If selected only the first selected y-axis will be considered."; | |
407 | +ln["GEOJSONContent_it"] = "CONTENUTO DEL GEOJSON"; | |
408 | +ln["BubbleContent_it"] = "CONTENUTO DELLA BOLLA"; | |
409 | +ln["BubbleSize_it"] = "DIMENSIONE DELLA BOLLA"; | |
410 | +ln["Categories_it"] = "CATEGORIA"; | |
411 | + | |
412 | +ln["TITLEDescription_it"] = "Titolo del datalet"; | |
413 | +ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_it"] = "Descrizione datalet"; | |
414 | +ln["XAxisDescription_it"] = "Asse x"; | |
415 | +ln["YAxisDescription_it"] = "Asse y"; | |
416 | +ln["NumericXAxisDescription_it"] = "Asse x"; | |
417 | +ln["NumericYAxisDescription_it"] = "Asse y"; | |
418 | +ln["ColumnDescription_it"] = "Colonna della tabella"; | |
419 | +ln["LevelDescription_it"] = "Livello della mappa ad albero"; | |
420 | +ln["SliceLabelsDescription_it"] = "Etichette delle fette"; | |
421 | +ln["SliceSizesDescription_it"] = "Dimensione delle fette"; | |
422 | +ln["LatitudeDescription_it"] = "Latitudine della posizione"; | |
423 | +ln["LongitudeDescription_it"] = "Longitudine della posizione"; | |
424 | +ln["BalloonContentDescription_it"] = "Contenuto dei balloons"; | |
425 | +ln["GEOJSONDescription_it"] = "Dati GeoJSON."; | |
426 | +ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_it"] = "Contenuto del GeoJSON."; | |
427 | +ln["BubbleContentDescription_it"] = "Contenuto delle bolle."; | |
428 | +ln["BubbleSizeDescription_it"] = "Dimensione delle bolle."; | |
429 | +ln["CategoriesDescription_it"] = "Categoria che separa l'asse y. Se selezionata, solo l'asse y scelta per prima sarà considerata."; | |
381 | 430 | |
382 | 431 | //options |
383 | -ln["x-axis-label_it"] = "X Axis Label"; | |
384 | -ln["y-axis-label_it"] = "Y Axis Label"; | |
385 | -ln["suffix_it"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; | |
386 | -ln["legend_it"] = "Leged"; | |
387 | -ln["data-labels_it"] = "Show Data Labels"; | |
388 | -ln["stack_it"] = "Stack"; | |
389 | -ln["theme_it"] = "Theme"; | |
390 | -ln["donut_it"] = "Donut"; | |
391 | - | |
392 | -ln["true_it"] = "Yes"; | |
432 | +ln["x-axis-label_it"] = "Etichetta asse X"; | |
433 | +ln["y-axis-label_it"] = "Etichetta asse Y"; | |
434 | +ln["suffix_it"] = "Suffisso Tooltip"; | |
435 | +ln["legend_it"] = "Leggenda"; | |
436 | +ln["data-labels_it"] = "Mostra etichette dati"; | |
437 | +ln["stack_it"] = "Pila"; | |
438 | +ln["theme_it"] = "Tema"; | |
439 | +ln["donut_it"] = "Ciambella"; | |
440 | + | |
441 | +ln["true_it"] = "Si"; | |
393 | 442 | ln["false_it"] = "No"; |
394 | -ln["bottom_it"] = "Yes: Bottom"; | |
395 | -ln["topRight_it"] = "Yes: Top Right"; | |
396 | -ln["normal_it"] = "Yes: Normal"; | |
397 | -ln["percent_it"] = "Yes: Percent"; | |
443 | +ln["bottom_it"] = "Si: in fondo"; | |
444 | +ln["topRight_it"] = "Si: in alto a destra"; | |
445 | +ln["normal_it"] = "Si: Normale"; | |
446 | +ln["percent_it"] = "Si: Percentuale"; | |
398 | 447 | ln["themeBase_it"] = "Base"; |
399 | 448 | ln["themeDarkUnika_it"] = "Dark Unika"; |
400 | 449 | ln["themeSandSignika_it"] = "Sand Signika"; |
401 | 450 | ln["themeGridLight_it"] = "Grid Light"; |
402 | 451 | ln["themeSpod_it"] = "Spod"; |
403 | 452 | |
404 | -ln["x-axis-labelDescription_it"] = "The x-axis label."; | |
405 | -ln["y-axis-labelDescription_it"] = "The y-axis label."; | |
406 | -ln["suffixDescription_it"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; | |
407 | -ln["legendDescription_it"] = "The leged position."; | |
408 | -ln["data-labelsDescription_it"] = "Show/hide data labels."; | |
409 | -ln["themeDescription_it"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; | |
410 | -ln["stackDescription_it"] = "The stack type."; | |
411 | -ln["donutDescription_it"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa)."; | |
453 | +ln["x-axis-labelDescription_it"] = "Etichetta asse X"; | |
454 | +ln["y-axis-labelDescription_it"] = "Etichetta asse Y"; | |
455 | +ln["suffixDescription_it"] = " Suffisso aggiunto all'etichette dati nel tooltip."; | |
456 | +ln["legendDescription_it"] = "Posizione leggenda"; | |
457 | +ln["data-labelsDescription_it"] = "Mostra/Nascondi etichette dati"; | |
458 | +ln["themeDescription_it"] = "Il tema influenza l'aspetto e i colori del grafico."; | |
459 | +ln["stackDescription_it"] = "Tipologia di pila"; | |
460 | +ln["donutDescription_it"] = "La torta si trasforma in ciambella! :) (o viceversa)."; | |
412 | 461 | |
413 | 462 | /******** FR ********/ |
414 | 463 | |
415 | 464 | //PAGE SLIDER |
416 | 465 | |
417 | -ln["slide1Title_fr"] = "SELECT DATASET"; | |
418 | -ln["slide1Subtitle_fr"] = "Select a dataset from the list or copy and paste the url of dataset."; | |
419 | -ln["slide2Title_fr"] = "SELECT DATA"; | |
420 | -ln["slide2Subtitle_fr"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; | |
421 | -ln["slide3Title_fr"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; | |
422 | -ln["slide3Subtitle_fr"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; | |
423 | -ln["back_fr"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; | |
424 | -ln["forward_fr"] = "FORWARD"; | |
466 | +ln["slide1Title_fr"] = "SÉLECTIONNER UN JEU DE DONNÉES"; | |
467 | +ln["slide1Subtitle_fr"] = "Rechercher ou copier/coller l’url du jeu de données."; | |
468 | +ln["slide2Title_fr"] = "SÉLECTIONNER DONNÉES"; | |
469 | +ln["slide2Subtitle_fr"] = "Sélectionner les champs sur la gauche. Le tableau présentera les valeurs liées aux champs sélectionnés."; | |
470 | +ln["slide3Title_fr"] = "SÉLECTIONNER UN MODE DE VISUALISATION"; | |
471 | +ln["slide3Subtitle_fr"] = "Sélectionner une visualisation, compléter les données et les options."; | |
472 | +ln["back_fr"] = "RETOUR VERS LE FUTUR"; | |
473 | +ln["forward_fr"] = "AVANT"; | |
425 | 474 | |
426 | 475 | //SELECT DATASET |
427 | 476 | |
428 | -ln["listView_fr"] = "LIST VIEW"; | |
429 | -ln["treeMapView_fr"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; | |
430 | -ln["extendedSearch_fr"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; | |
477 | +ln["selectedUrl_fr"] = "API URL sélectionné"; | |
478 | +ln["wrongUrl_fr"] = "URL invalide ou fournisseur de données pas encore supporté."; | |
479 | + | |
480 | +ln["providersDatasets_fr"] = "DATASET DE PROVIDER"; | |
481 | +ln["spodUsersDatasets_fr"] = "DATASET COCRÉE"; | |
482 | +ln["extendedDatasets_fr"] = "RECHERCHE AVANCÉE"; | |
483 | +ln["datasets_fr"] = "LISTE DE DATASET"; | |
484 | + | |
431 | 485 | ln["provider_fr"] = "Provider"; |
432 | -ln["showing_fr"] = "Showing"; | |
433 | -ln["to_fr"] = "to"; | |
434 | -ln["of_fr"] = "of"; | |
435 | -ln["datasets_fr"] = "datasets"; | |
436 | -ln["suggestedDatasets_fr"] = "Suggested datasets"; | |
437 | -ln["selectedUrl_fr"] = "Selected url"; | |
438 | -ln["wrongUrl_fr"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; | |
486 | +ln["all_fr"] = "Tout"; | |
487 | +ln["allDescription_fr"] = "Hows les ensembles de données de tous les fournisseurs associés."; | |
488 | +ln["providerName_fr"] = "Provider"; | |
489 | +ln["providerNameDescription_fr"] = "Affiche uniquement les ensembles de données du fournisseur sélectionné."; | |
490 | + | |
491 | +ln["search_fr"] = "Rechercher"; | |
492 | +ln["standard_fr"] = "Standard"; | |
493 | +ln["standardDescription_fr"] = "La fonction de recherche ne fonctionne que sur des ensembles de données des noms."; | |
494 | +ln["extended_fr"] = "Extended [NON DISPONIBLE]"; | |
495 | +ln["extendedDescription_fr"] = "La fonction de recherche fonctionne tout le contenu des ensembles de données."; | |
496 | + | |
497 | +ln["version_fr"] = "Version"; | |
498 | +ln["showLast_fr"] = "Montre la dernière"; | |
499 | +ln["showLastDescription_fr"] = "Indique que la dernière version des ensembles de données."; | |
500 | +ln["showAll_fr"] = "Montre tout"; | |
501 | +ln["showAllDescription_fr"] = "Montre toutes les versions des ensembles de données."; | |
502 | + | |
503 | +//select-dataset-controllet | |
504 | +ln["datasetsInfo_fr"] = "INFORMATIONS SUR DATASET"; | |
505 | +ln["showing_fr"] = "Aperçu"; | |
506 | +ln["to_fr"] = "à"; | |
507 | +ln["of_fr"] = "de"; | |
508 | +ln["datasetsRows_fr"] = "dataset"; | |
509 | +ln["search_fr"] = "Rechercher"; | |
439 | 510 | |
440 | 511 | //SELECT DATA |
441 | 512 | |
442 | 513 | //select-fields |
443 | -ln["fields_fr"] = "FIELDS"; | |
514 | +ln["fields_fr"] = "CHAMPS"; | |
444 | 515 | |
445 | 516 | //data-table |
446 | -ln["selectedData_fr"] = "SELECTED DATA"; | |
447 | -ln["showing_fr"] = "Showing"; | |
448 | -ln["to_fr"] = "to"; | |
449 | -ln["of_fr"] = "of"; | |
450 | -ln["rows_fr"] = "rows"; | |
517 | +ln["selectedData_fr"] = "DONNÉES SÉLECTIONNÉES"; | |
518 | +ln["showing_fr"] = "Aperçu"; | |
519 | +ln["to_fr"] = "à"; | |
520 | +ln["of_fr"] = "de"; | |
521 | +ln["rows_fr"] = "rangées"; | |
451 | 522 | ln["type_fr"] = "TYPE"; |
452 | -ln["warning_fr"] = "WARNING"; | |
523 | +ln["warning_fr"] = "AVERTISSEMENT"; | |
453 | 524 | |
454 | 525 | //expert |
455 | -ln["expert_fr"] = "EXPERT MODE"; | |
456 | -ln["filters_fr"] = "FILTERS"; | |
457 | -ln["groupBy_fr"] = "GROUP BY"; | |
458 | -ln["query_fr"] = "QUERY"; | |
526 | +ln["expert_fr"] = "MODE EXPERT"; | |
527 | +ln["filters_fr"] = "FILTRES"; | |
528 | +ln["groupBy_fr"] = "GROUPE PAR"; | |
529 | +ln["query_fr"] = "REQUÊTE"; | |
459 | 530 | |
460 | 531 | //filters |
461 | -ln["filterField_fr"] = "Field"; | |
462 | -ln["filterOperation_fr"] = "Operation"; | |
463 | -ln["filterValue_fr"] = "Value"; | |
464 | - | |
465 | -ln["disableFilters_fr"] = "DISABLE FILTERS"; | |
466 | -ln["enableFilters_fr"] = "ENABLE FILTERS"; | |
467 | - | |
468 | -ln["=_fr"] = "="; //is equal to | |
469 | -ln["!=_fr"] = "not ="; //is not equal to | |
470 | -ln[">_fr"] = ">"; //is greater than | |
471 | -ln[">=_fr"] = ">="; //is greater than or equal to | |
472 | -ln["<_fr"] = "<"; //is less than | |
473 | -ln["<=_fr"] = "<="; //is less than or equal to | |
474 | -ln["contains_fr"] = "contains"; | |
475 | -ln["notContains_fr"] = "not contains"; | |
476 | -ln["start_fr"] = "start with"; | |
477 | -ln["ends_fr"] = "ends with"; | |
532 | +ln["filterField_fr"] = "Champ"; | |
533 | +ln["filterOperation_fr"] = "Opération"; | |
534 | +ln["filterValue_fr"] = "Valeur"; | |
535 | + | |
536 | +ln["disableFilters_fr"] = "DÉSACTIVER LES FILTRES"; | |
537 | +ln["enableFilters_fr"] = "ACTIVER LES FILTRES"; | |
538 | + | |
539 | +ln["=_fr"] = "="; //est égal à | |
540 | +ln["!=_fr"] = "not ="; //n'est pas égal à | |
541 | +ln[">_fr"] = ">"; //est plus grand que | |
542 | +ln[">=_fr"] = ">="; //est plus grand ou égal à | |
543 | +ln["<_fr"] = "<"; //est inférieur à | |
544 | +ln["<=_fr"] = "<="; //est inférieur ou égal à | |
545 | +ln["contains_fr"] = "contient"; | |
546 | +ln["notContains_fr"] = "ne contient pas"; | |
547 | +ln["start_fr"] = "commence par"; | |
548 | +ln["ends_fr"] = "se finit par"; | |
478 | 549 | |
479 | 550 | //aggregators |
480 | -ln["GROUP BY_fr"] = "GROUP BY"; | |
481 | -ln["CALCULATE_fr"] = "CALCULATE"; | |
482 | -ln["Calculate_fr"] = "Calculate"; | |
483 | -ln["aggregatorField_fr"] = "Field"; | |
484 | - | |
485 | -ln["disableGroupBy_fr"] = "DISABLE GROUP BY"; | |
486 | -ln["enableGroupBy_fr"] = "ENABLE GROUP BY"; | |
487 | - | |
488 | -ln["COUNT_fr"] = "COUNT of"; | |
489 | -ln["SUM_fr"] = "SUM of"; | |
490 | -ln["MIN_fr"] = "MIN of"; | |
491 | -ln["MAX_fr"] = "MAX of"; | |
492 | -ln["AVG_fr"] = "AVG of"; | |
493 | -ln["FIRST_fr"] = "FIRST of"; | |
494 | -ln["LAST_fr"] = "LAST of"; | |
551 | +ln["GROUP BY_fr"] = "GROUPE PAR"; | |
552 | +ln["CALCULATE_fr"] = "CALCULER"; | |
553 | +ln["Calculate_fr"] = "Calculer"; | |
554 | +ln["aggregatorField_fr"] = "Champ"; | |
555 | + | |
556 | +ln["disableGroupBy_fr"] = "DÉSACTIVER LE GROUPE PAR"; | |
557 | +ln["enableGroupBy_fr"] = "ACTIVER LE GROUPE PAR"; | |
558 | + | |
559 | +ln["COUNT_fr"] = "COMPTE de"; | |
560 | +ln["SUM_fr"] = "SOMME de"; | |
561 | +ln["MIN_fr"] = "MIN de"; | |
562 | +ln["MAX_fr"] = "MAX de"; | |
563 | +ln["AVG_fr"] = "AVG de"; | |
564 | +ln["FIRST_fr"] = "PREMIER de"; | |
565 | +ln["LAST_fr"] = "DERNIER de"; | |
495 | 566 | |
497 | 568 | |
498 | -ln["addDatalet_fr"] = "ADD"; | |
499 | -ln["modifyDatalet_fr"] = "MODIFY"; | |
569 | +ln["addDatalet_fr"] = "AJOUTER"; | |
570 | +ln["modifyDatalet_fr"] = "MODIFIER"; | |
500 | 571 | |
501 | 572 | //datalet-preview |
502 | -ln["previewTab_fr"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; | |
503 | -ln["infoTab_fr"] = "DATALET INFO"; | |
573 | +ln["previewTab_fr"] = "APERÇU DU DATALET"; | |
574 | +ln["infoTab_fr"] = "INFORMATIONS DU DATALET"; | |
504 | 575 | |
505 | 576 | //select-inputs |
506 | -ln["baseInfo_fr"] = "BASE INFO"; | |
507 | -ln["inputs_fr"] = "INPUTS"; | |
577 | +ln["baseInfo_fr"] = "INFORMATIONS DE BASE"; | |
578 | +ln["inputs_fr"] = "DONNÉES"; | |
508 | 579 | ln["options_fr"] = "OPTIONS"; |
509 | 580 | |
510 | 581 | //vslider |
511 | -ln["search_fr"] = "Search"; | |
512 | - | |
513 | -ln["datatable_fr"] = "Table"; | |
514 | -ln["barchart_fr"] = "Bar Chart"; | |
515 | -ln["columnchart_fr"] = "Column Chart"; | |
516 | -ln["areachart_fr"] = "Area Chart"; | |
517 | -ln["linechart_fr"] = "Line Chart"; | |
518 | -ln["heatmap_fr"] = "Heat Map"; | |
519 | -ln["piechart_fr"] = "Pie Chart"; | |
520 | -ln["scatterchart_fr"] = "Scatter Chart"; | |
521 | -ln["bubblechart_fr"] = "Bubble Chart"; | |
522 | -ln["treemap_fr"] = "Tree Map"; | |
523 | -ln["leafletjs_fr"] = "Map"; | |
524 | -ln["leafletjs-geojson_fr"] = "Geojson Map"; | |
525 | - | |
526 | -ln["datatableDescription_fr"] = "A table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns."; | |
527 | -ln["barchartDescription_fr"] = "A bar chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted horizontally with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; | |
528 | -ln["columnchartDescription_fr"] = "A column chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted vertically with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; | |
529 | -ln["areachartDescription_fr"] = "An area chart is a chart which displays graphically quantitive data. The area between axis and line are emphasized with colors and textures. Commonly one compares with the area chart two or more quantities."; | |
530 | -ln["linechartDescription_fr"] = "A line chart is chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time."; | |
531 | -ln["heatmapDescription_fr"] = "A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors."; | |
532 | -ln["piechartDescription_fr"] = "A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In the pie chart, the arc length of each slice, and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents."; | |
533 | -ln["scatterchartDescription_fr"] = "A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis."; | |
534 | -ln["bubblechartDescription_fr"] = "A bubble chart is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size."; | |
535 | -ln["treemapDescription_fr"] = "A tree map is a chart for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles."; | |
582 | +ln["search_fr"] = "Rechercher"; | |
583 | + | |
584 | +ln["datatable_fr"] = "Tableau"; | |
585 | +ln["barchart_fr"] = "Diagramme à barres"; | |
586 | +ln["columnchart_fr"] = "Histogramme"; | |
587 | +ln["areachart_fr"] = "Diagramme de zone"; | |
588 | +ln["linechart_fr"] = "Diagramme linéaire"; | |
589 | +ln["heatmap_fr"] = "Carte Thermique"; | |
590 | +ln["piechart_fr"] = "Diagramme Circulaire"; | |
591 | +ln["scatterchart_fr"] = "Diagramme de dispersion"; | |
592 | +ln["bubblechart_fr"] = "Diagramme à bulles"; | |
593 | +ln["treemap_fr"] = "Carte d'arborescence"; | |
594 | +ln["leafletjs_fr"] = "Carte"; | |
595 | +ln["leafletjs-geojson_fr"] = "Carte Geojson"; | |
596 | + | |
597 | +ln["datatableDescription_fr"] = "Un tableau est un moyen d'organiser les données dans des rangées et des colonnes."; | |
598 | +ln["barchartDescription_fr"] = "Un diagramme à barres est un graphique qui représente des données groupées au moyen de barres rectangulaires disposées horizontallement avec des longueurs proportionnelles aux valeurs qu'elles représentent."; | |
599 | +ln["columnchartDescription_fr"] = "Un histogramme est un graphique qui représente des données groupées au moyen de barres rectangulaires disposées verticallement avec des longueurs proportionnelles aux valeurs qu'elles représentent."; | |
600 | +ln["areachartDescription_fr"] = "Un diagramme de zone est un graphique qui propose des données quantitatives de manière graphique. La zone entre l'axe et la ligne est accentuée par des couleurs et des textures. En général, minimum deux données quantitatives sont utilisées pour être comparées dans ce genre de graphique."; | |
601 | +ln["linechartDescription_fr"] = "Un diagramme linéaire est un graphique qui propose des informations sous forme d'une série de points de données appelés des 'marqueurs', reliés entre eux pour former des lignes continues. Un diagramme linéaire est souvent utilisé pour visualiser une tendance dans les données en parallèle avec des périodes de temps données."; | |
602 | +ln["heatmapDescription_fr"] = "Une carte thermique est une représentation graphique de données dans laquelle les valeurs individuelles contenues dans une matrice sont représentées à l'aide de couleurs."; | |
603 | +ln["piechartDescription_fr"] = "Un diagramme circulaire est un graphique statistique qui est séparé en deux pour illustrer des proportions numériques. Dans un diagramme circulaire, la longueur de l'arc de chaque parties, et par conséquent son angle central et sa superficie, est proportionnelle à la quantité qu'elle représente."; | |
604 | +ln["scatterchartDescription_fr"] = "Un diagramme de dispersion est un type de graphique ou de diagramme mathématque qui utilise des coordonnées cartésiennes pour mettre en évidence des valeurs pour deux variables d'un jeu de données. Les données sont mises se traduisent par un regroupement de points, chacun ayant la valeur d'une variable déterminant la position sur l'axe horizontal et la valeur de l'autre variable qui détermine la position sur l'axe vertical."; | |
605 | +ln["bubblechartDescription_fr"] = "Un diagramme à bulles est un graphique qui propose des données à trois dimensions. Chaque entité avec ses triplets (v1, v2, v3) de données associées est agencée comme un disque qui exprime deux des valeurs vi au moyen de l'emplacement xy du disque ainsi que de la taille du troisième."; | |
606 | +ln["treemapDescription_fr"] = "Une arte d'arborescence est un graphique qui permet de visualiser les données hiérarchiques à l'aide de rectangles imbriqués."; | |
536 | 607 | ln["leafletjsDescription_fr"] = ""; |
537 | 608 | ln["leafletjs-geojsonDescription_fr"] = ""; |
538 | 609 | |
539 | 610 | //inputs |
540 | -ln["title_fr"] = "Title" | |
611 | +ln["title_fr"] = "Titre"; | |
541 | 612 | ln["description_fr"] = "Description"; |
542 | 613 | |
543 | -ln["sortAscending_fr"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; | |
544 | -ln["sortDescending_fr"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; | |
545 | -ln["unsort_fr"] = "UNSORTED"; | |
614 | +ln["sortAscending_fr"] = "CLASSÉ DE MANIÈRE ASCENDANTE"; | |
615 | +ln["sortDescending_fr"] = "CLASSÉ DE MANIÈRE DESCENDANTE"; | |
616 | +ln["unsort_fr"] = "PAS CLASSÉ"; | |
546 | 617 | |
547 | -//--> "_" not allowed! | |
548 | -ln["TITLE_fr"] = "TITLE"; | |
618 | +ln["TITLE_fr"] = "TITRE"; | |
549 | 619 | ln["DESCRIPTION_fr"] = "DESCRIPTION"; |
550 | -ln["XAxis_fr"] = "X-AXIS"; | |
551 | -ln["YAxis_fr"] = "Y-AXIS"; | |
552 | -ln["NumericXAxis_fr"] = "X-AXIS"; | |
553 | -ln["NumericYAxis_fr"] = "Y-AXIS"; | |
554 | -ln["Column_fr"] = "COLUMN"; | |
555 | -ln["Level_fr"] = "LEVEL"; | |
620 | +ln["XAxis_fr"] = "AXE DES X"; | |
621 | +ln["YAxis_fr"] = "AXE DES Y"; | |
622 | +ln["NumericXAxis_fr"] = "AXE DES X"; | |
623 | +ln["NumericYAxis_fr"] = "AXE DES Y"; | |
624 | +ln["Column_fr"] = "COLONNE"; | |
625 | +ln["Level_fr"] = "NIVEAU"; | |
556 | 626 | ln["SliceLabels_fr"] = "LABEL"; |
557 | -ln["SliceSizes_fr"] = "SIZE"; | |
627 | +ln["SliceSizes_fr"] = "TAILLE"; | |
558 | 628 | ln["Latitude_fr"] = "LATITUDE"; |
559 | 629 | ln["Longitude_fr"] = "LONGITUDE"; |
560 | -ln["BalloonContent_fr"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; | |
630 | +ln["BalloonContent_fr"] = "CONTENU DE LA BULLE"; | |
561 | 631 | ln["GEOJSON_fr"] = "GEOJSON"; |
562 | -ln["GEOJSONContent_fr"] = "GEOJSON CONTENT"; | |
563 | -ln["BubbleContent_fr"] = "BUBBLE CONTENT"; | |
564 | -ln["BubbleSize_fr"] = "BUBBLE SIZE"; | |
565 | -ln["Categories_fr"] = "CATEGORY"; | |
566 | - | |
567 | -ln["TITLEDescription_fr"] = "The datalet title."; | |
568 | -ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_fr"] = "The datalet description."; | |
569 | -ln["XAxisDescription_fr"] = "The x-axis."; | |
570 | -ln["YAxisDescription_fr"] = "The y-axis."; | |
571 | -ln["NumericXAxisDescription_fr"] = "The x-axis."; | |
572 | -ln["NumericYAxisDescription_fr"] = "The y-axis."; | |
573 | -ln["ColumnDescription_fr"] = "The column of the table."; | |
574 | -ln["LevelDescription_fr"] = "The level of the tree map."; | |
575 | -ln["SliceLabelsDescription_fr"] = "The label of the slices."; | |
576 | -ln["SliceSizesDescription_fr"] = "The size of the slices."; | |
577 | -ln["LatitudeDescription_fr"] = "The latitude of locations."; | |
578 | -ln["LongitudeDescription_fr"] = "The longitude of locations."; | |
579 | -ln["BalloonContentDescription_fr"] = "The content of balloons."; | |
580 | -ln["GEOJSONDescription_fr"] = "The GeoJSON data."; | |
581 | -ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_fr"] = "The content of GeoJSON."; | |
582 | -ln["BubbleContentDescription_fr"] = "The content of bubbles."; | |
583 | -ln["BubbleSizeDescription_fr"] = "The size of bubbles."; | |
584 | -ln["CategoriesDescription_fr"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If selected only the first selected y-axis will be considered."; | |
632 | +ln["GEOJSONContent_fr"] = "CONTENU GEOJSON"; | |
633 | +ln["BubbleContent_fr"] = "CONTENU DE LA BULLE"; | |
634 | +ln["BubbleSize_fr"] = "TAILLE DE LA BULLE"; | |
635 | +ln["Categories_fr"] = "CATÉGORIE"; | |
636 | + | |
637 | +ln["TITLEDescription_fr"] = "Le titre du datalet."; | |
638 | +ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_fr"] = "La description du datalet."; | |
639 | +ln["XAxisDescription_fr"] = "L'axe des x."; | |
640 | +ln["YAxisDescription_fr"] = "L'axe des y."; | |
641 | +ln["NumericXAxisDescription_fr"] = "L'axe des x."; | |
642 | +ln["NumericYAxisDescription_fr"] = "L'axe des y."; | |
643 | +ln["ColumnDescription_fr"] = "La colonne du tableau."; | |
644 | +ln["LevelDescription_fr"] = "Le niveau de la carte d'arborescence."; | |
645 | +ln["SliceLabelsDescription_fr"] = "Le label des parts."; | |
646 | +ln["SliceSizesDescription_fr"] = "La taille des parts."; | |
647 | +ln["LatitudeDescription_fr"] = "La latitude des localisations."; | |
648 | +ln["LongitudeDescription_fr"] = "La longitude des localisations."; | |
649 | +ln["BalloonContentDescription_fr"] = "Le contenu des bulles."; | |
650 | +ln["GEOJSONDescription_fr"] = "Les données GeoJSON."; | |
651 | +ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_fr"] = "Le contenu de GeoJSON."; | |
652 | +ln["BubbleContentDescription_fr"] = "Le contenu des bulles."; | |
653 | +ln["BubbleSizeDescription_fr"] = "La taille des bulles."; | |
654 | +ln["CategoriesDescription_fr"] = "La catégorie qui sépare les valeurs de l'axe des x. Si sélectionné, seulement le premier axe des y sera considéré."; | |
585 | 655 | |
586 | 656 | //options |
587 | -ln["x-axis-label_fr"] = "X Axis Label"; | |
588 | -ln["y-axis-label_fr"] = "Y Axis Label"; | |
589 | -ln["suffix_fr"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; | |
590 | -ln["legend_fr"] = "Leged"; | |
591 | -ln["data-labels_fr"] = "Show Data Labels"; | |
592 | -ln["stack_fr"] = "Stack"; | |
593 | -ln["theme_fr"] = "Theme"; | |
657 | +ln["x-axis-label_fr"] = "Label de l'Axe des X"; | |
658 | +ln["y-axis-label_fr"] = "Label de l'Axe des Y"; | |
659 | +ln["suffix_fr"] = "Suffixe d'aide"; | |
660 | +ln["legend_fr"] = "Légende"; | |
661 | +ln["data-labels_fr"] = "Montrer les labels de données"; | |
662 | +ln["stack_fr"] = "Empiler"; | |
663 | +ln["theme_fr"] = "Thème"; | |
594 | 664 | ln["donut_fr"] = "Donut"; |
595 | 665 | |
596 | -ln["true_fr"] = "Yes"; | |
597 | -ln["false_fr"] = "No"; | |
598 | -ln["bottom_fr"] = "Yes: Bottom"; | |
599 | -ln["topRight_fr"] = "Yes: Top Right"; | |
600 | -ln["normal_fr"] = "Yes: Normal"; | |
601 | -ln["percent_fr"] = "Yes: Percent"; | |
666 | +ln["true_fr"] = "Oui"; | |
667 | +ln["false_fr"] = "Non"; | |
668 | +ln["bottom_fr"] = "Oui: En Bas"; | |
669 | +ln["topRight_fr"] = "Oui: En Haut à Droite"; | |
670 | +ln["normal_fr"] = "Oui: Normal"; | |
671 | +ln["percent_fr"] = "Oui: Pourcentage"; | |
602 | 672 | ln["themeBase_fr"] = "Base"; |
603 | 673 | ln["themeDarkUnika_fr"] = "Dark Unika"; |
604 | 674 | ln["themeSandSignika_fr"] = "Sand Signika"; |
605 | 675 | ln["themeGridLight_fr"] = "Grid Light"; |
606 | 676 | ln["themeSpod_fr"] = "Spod"; |
607 | 677 | |
608 | -ln["x-axis-labelDescription_fr"] = "The x-axis label."; | |
609 | -ln["y-axis-labelDescription_fr"] = "The y-axis label."; | |
610 | -ln["suffixDescription_fr"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; | |
611 | -ln["legendDescription_fr"] = "The leged position."; | |
612 | -ln["data-labelsDescription_fr"] = "Show/hide data labels."; | |
613 | -ln["themeDescription_fr"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; | |
614 | -ln["stackDescription_fr"] = "The stack type."; | |
615 | -ln["donutDescription_fr"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa)."; | |
678 | +ln["x-axis-labelDescription_fr"] = "Le label de l'axe des x."; | |
679 | +ln["y-axis-labelDescription_fr"] = "Le label de l'axe des y."; | |
680 | +ln["suffixDescription_fr"] = "Le suffixe ajouté aux labels des données dans l'aide."; | |
681 | +ln["legendDescription_fr"] = "La position de la légende."; | |
682 | +ln["data-labelsDescription_fr"] = "Montrer/cacher les labels de données."; | |
683 | +ln["themeDescription_fr"] = "Le thème affecte l'apparence des couleurs du graphique."; | |
684 | +ln["stackDescription_fr"] = "Le type de regroupement."; | |
685 | +ln["donutDescription_fr"] = "La Tarte va devenir un Donut! :) (ou vice versa)."; | |
616 | 686 | |
617 | 687 | /******** NL ********/ |
618 | 688 | |
... | ... | @@ -624,22 +694,44 @@ ln["slide2Title_nl"] = "SELECT DATA"; |
624 | 694 | ln["slide2Subtitle_nl"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; |
625 | 695 | ln["slide3Title_nl"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; |
626 | 696 | ln["slide3Subtitle_nl"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; |
627 | -ln["back_nl"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; | |
697 | +ln["back_nl"] = "TERUG NAAR DE TOEKOMST"; | |
628 | 698 | ln["forward_nl"] = "FORWARD"; |
629 | 699 | |
630 | 700 | //SELECT DATASET |
631 | 701 | |
632 | -ln["listView_nl"] = "LIST VIEW"; | |
633 | -ln["treeMapView_nl"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; | |
634 | -ln["extendedSearch_nl"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; | |
702 | +ln["selectedUrl_nl"] = "Selected url"; | |
703 | +ln["wrongUrl_nl"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; | |
704 | + | |
705 | +ln["providersDatasets_nl"] = "PROVIDERS DATASETS"; | |
706 | +ln["spodUsersDatasets_nl"] = "COCREATED DATASETS"; | |
707 | +ln["extendedDatasets_nl"] = "FROM EXTENDED SEARCH"; | |
708 | +ln["datasets_nl"] = "DATASETS LIST"; | |
709 | + | |
635 | 710 | ln["provider_nl"] = "Provider"; |
711 | +ln["all_nl"] = "All"; | |
712 | +ln["allDescription_nl"] = "Shows the datasets of all associated providers."; | |
713 | +ln["providerName_nl"] = "Provider"; | |
714 | +ln["providerNameDescription_nl"] = "Shows only the datasets of the selected provider."; | |
715 | + | |
716 | +ln["search_nl"] = "Search"; | |
717 | +ln["standard_nl"] = "Standard"; | |
718 | +ln["standardDescription_nl"] = "The search function works only on datasets names."; | |
719 | +ln["extended_nl"] = "Extended [NOT AVAILABLE]"; | |
720 | +ln["extendedDescription_nl"] = "The search function works the entire contents of the datasets."; | |
721 | + | |
722 | +ln["version_nl"] = "Version"; | |
723 | +ln["showLast_nl"] = "Show last"; | |
724 | +ln["showLastDescription_nl"] = "Shows only the latest version of the datasets."; | |
725 | +ln["showAll_nl"] = "Show all"; | |
726 | +ln["showAllDescription_nl"] = "Shows all versions of the datasets."; | |
727 | + | |
728 | +//select-dataset-controllet | |
729 | +ln["datasetsInfo_nl"] = "DATASET INFO"; | |
636 | 730 | ln["showing_nl"] = "Showing"; |
637 | 731 | ln["to_nl"] = "to"; |
638 | 732 | ln["of_nl"] = "of"; |
639 | -ln["datasets_nl"] = "datasets"; | |
640 | -ln["suggestedDatasets_nl"] = "Suggested datasets"; | |
641 | -ln["selectedUrl_nl"] = "Selected url"; | |
642 | -ln["wrongUrl_nl"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; | |
733 | +ln["datasetsRows_nl"] = "dataset"; | |
734 | +ln["search_nl"] = "Search"; | |
643 | 735 | |
644 | 736 | //SELECT DATA |
645 | 737 | |
... | ... | @@ -748,7 +840,6 @@ ln["sortAscending_nl"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; |
748 | 840 | ln["sortDescending_nl"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; |
749 | 841 | ln["unsort_nl"] = "UNSORTED"; |
750 | 842 | |
751 | -//--> "_" not allowed! | |
752 | 843 | ln["TITLE_nl"] = "TITLE"; |
753 | 844 | ln["DESCRIPTION_nl"] = "DESCRIPTION"; |
754 | 845 | ln["XAxis_nl"] = "X-AXIS"; |
... | ... | @@ -791,7 +882,7 @@ ln["CategoriesDescription_nl"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If |
791 | 882 | ln["x-axis-label_nl"] = "X Axis Label"; |
792 | 883 | ln["y-axis-label_nl"] = "Y Axis Label"; |
793 | 884 | ln["suffix_nl"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; |
794 | -ln["legend_nl"] = "Leged"; | |
885 | +ln["legend_nl"] = "Legend"; | |
795 | 886 | ln["data-labels_nl"] = "Show Data Labels"; |
796 | 887 | ln["stack_nl"] = "Stack"; |
797 | 888 | ln["theme_nl"] = "Theme"; |
... | ... | @@ -812,7 +903,7 @@ ln["themeSpod_nl"] = "Spod"; |
812 | 903 | ln["x-axis-labelDescription_nl"] = "The x-axis label."; |
813 | 904 | ln["y-axis-labelDescription_nl"] = "The y-axis label."; |
814 | 905 | ln["suffixDescription_nl"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; |
815 | -ln["legendDescription_nl"] = "The leged position."; | |
906 | +ln["legendDescription_nl"] = "The legend position."; | |
816 | 907 | ln["data-labelsDescription_nl"] = "Show/hide data labels."; |
817 | 908 | ln["themeDescription_nl"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; |
818 | 909 | ln["stackDescription_nl"] = "The stack type."; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -50,25 +50,25 @@ ln["download_docs_it"] = "Download documento"; |
50 | 50 | /******** fr ********/ |
51 | 51 | |
52 | 52 | //data-table |
53 | -ln["selectedData_fr"] = "DATASET"; | |
54 | -ln["rows_fr"] = "rows"; | |
53 | +ln["selectedData_fr"] = "JEU DE DONNÉES"; | |
54 | +ln["rows_fr"] = "rangées"; | |
55 | 55 | ln["type_fr"] = "TYPE"; |
56 | -ln["warning_fr"] = "WARNING"; | |
57 | -ln["showing_fr"] = "Showing"; | |
58 | -ln["to_fr"] = "to"; | |
59 | -ln["of_fr"] = "of"; | |
60 | -ln["search_fr"] = "Search"; | |
56 | +ln["warning_fr"] = "AVERTISSEMENT"; | |
57 | +ln["showing_fr"] = "Aperçu"; | |
58 | +ln["to_fr"] = "à"; | |
59 | +ln["of_fr"] = "de"; | |
60 | +ln["search_fr"] = "Rechercher"; | |
61 | 61 | ln["VER_fr"] = "VER"; |
62 | -ln["USER_fr"] = "USER"; | |
63 | -ln["NAME_fr"] = "NAME"; | |
64 | -ln["DATA_fr"] = "DATA"; | |
62 | +ln["USER_fr"] = "UTILISATEUR"; | |
63 | +ln["NAME_fr"] = "NOM"; | |
64 | +ln["DATA_fr"] = "DONNÉES"; | |
65 | 65 | ln["DESCRIPTION_fr"] = "DESCRIPTION"; |
66 | -ln["TOOLS_fr"] = "TOOLS"; | |
67 | -ln["last_version_fr"] = "Last version"; | |
68 | -ln["open_fr"] = "Open"; | |
69 | -ln["download_csv_fr"] = "Download as CSV"; | |
70 | -ln["copy_link_fr"] = "Copy link"; | |
71 | -ln["download_docs_fr"] = "Download docs"; | |
66 | +ln["TOOLS_fr"] = "OUTILS"; | |
67 | +ln["last_version_fr"] = "Dernière version"; | |
68 | +ln["open_fr"] = "Ouvrir"; | |
69 | +ln["download_csv_fr"] = "Télécharger en CSV"; | |
70 | +ln["copy_link_fr"] = "Copier le lien"; | |
71 | +ln["download_docs_fr"] = "Télécharger les documents"; | |
72 | 72 | |
73 | 73 | /******** nl ********/ |
74 | 74 | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -2,12 +2,16 @@ datasetexplorer_ln = []; |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | /*EN*/ |
4 | 4 | datasetexplorer_ln["ode+back_en"] = "<< Click to navigate back to the top level."; |
5 | +datasetexplorer_ln["path_en"] = "Path: "; | |
5 | 6 | |
6 | 7 | /*IT*/ |
7 | 8 | datasetexplorer_ln["ode+back_it"] = "<< Clicca qui per tornare al livello precedente."; |
9 | +datasetexplorer_ln["path_it"] = "Path: "; | |
8 | 10 | |
9 | 11 | /*FR*/ |
10 | 12 | datasetexplorer_ln["ode+back_fr"] = "<< Click to navigate back to the top level."; |
13 | +datasetexplorer_ln["path_fr"] = "Path: "; | |
11 | 14 | |
12 | 15 | /*NL*/ |
13 | 16 | datasetexplorer_ln["ode+back_nl"] = "<< Click to navigate back to the top level."; |
17 | +datasetexplorer_ln["path_nl"] = "Path: "; | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ room_ln["and_it"] = "e"; |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | /* FR */ |
28 | 28 | |
29 | -room_ln["thisRoom_fr"] = "This room"; | |
30 | -room_ln["createdBy_fr"] = "created by"; | |
31 | -room_ln["has_fr"] = "has"; | |
32 | -room_ln["many_fr"] = "many"; | |
33 | -room_ln["few_fr"] = "few"; | |
34 | -room_ln["views_fr"] = "views"; | |
35 | -room_ln["comments_fr"] = "comments"; | |
36 | -room_ln["datasets_fr"] = "datasets"; | |
37 | -room_ln["and_fr"] = "and"; | |
29 | +room_ln["thisRoom_fr"] = "Cet espace commun"; | |
30 | +room_ln["createdBy_fr"] = "créé par"; | |
31 | +room_ln["has_fr"] = "contient"; | |
32 | +room_ln["many_fr"] = "plusieurs"; | |
33 | +room_ln["few_fr"] = "peu"; | |
34 | +room_ln["views_fr"] = "visualisations"; | |
35 | +room_ln["comments_fr"] = "commentaires"; | |
36 | +room_ln["datasets_fr"] = "jeux de données"; | |
37 | +room_ln["and_fr"] = "et"; | |
38 | 38 | |
39 | 39 | /* NL */ |
40 | 40 | ... | ... |