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    <title>iron-autogrow-textarea tests</title>

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    <script src="../../test-fixture/test-fixture-mocha.js"></script>
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    <link rel="import" href="../../test-fixture/test-fixture.html">
    <link rel="import" href="../iron-autogrow-textarea.html">


    <test-fixture id="basic">

    <test-fixture id="has-bindValue">
        <iron-autogrow-textarea bind-value="foobar"></iron-autogrow-textarea>

    <test-fixture id="rows">
        <iron-autogrow-textarea rows="3"></iron-autogrow-textarea>


      suite('basic', function() {

        test('setting bindValue sets textarea value', function() {
          var autogrow = fixture('basic');
          var textarea = autogrow.textarea;

          autogrow.bindValue = 'batman';
          assert.equal(textarea.value, autogrow.bindValue, 'textarea value equals to bindValue');

        test('can set an initial bindValue', function() {
          var autogrow = fixture('has-bindValue');
          assert.equal(autogrow.textarea.value, 'foobar', 'textarea value equals to initial bindValue');

        test('can set an initial number of rows', function() {
          var autogrow = fixture("rows");
          assert.equal(autogrow.textarea.rows, 3, 'textarea has rows=3');

        test('adding rows grows the textarea', function() {
          var autogrow = fixture('basic');
          var initialHeight = autogrow.offsetHeight;

          autogrow.bindValue = 'batman\nand\nrobin';
          var finalHeight = autogrow.offsetHeight
          assert.isTrue(finalHeight > initialHeight);

        test('removing rows shrinks the textarea', function() {
          var autogrow = fixture('basic');
          autogrow.bindValue = 'batman\nand\nrobin';
          var initialHeight = autogrow.offsetHeight;

          autogrow.bindValue = 'batman';
          var finalHeight = autogrow.offsetHeight
          assert.isTrue(finalHeight < initialHeight);

        test('textarea selection works', function() {
          var autogrow = fixture('basic');
          var textarea = autogrow.textarea;
          autogrow.bindValue = 'batman\nand\nrobin';

          autogrow.selectionStart = 3;
          autogrow.selectionEnd = 5;

          assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 3);
          assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 5);

      suite('focus/blur events', function() {
        var input;

        setup(function() {
          input = fixture('basic');

        test('focus/blur events fired on host element', function(done) {
          var nFocusEvents = 0;
          var nBlurEvents = 0;
          input.addEventListener('focus', function() {
            nFocusEvents += 1;
            // setTimeout to wait for potentially more, erroneous events
            setTimeout(function() {
              assert.equal(nFocusEvents, 1, 'one focus event fired');
          input.addEventListener('blur', function() {
            nBlurEvents += 1;
            // setTimeout to wait for potentially more, erroneous events
            setTimeout(function() {
              assert.equal(nBlurEvents, 1, 'one blur event fired');


      suite('validation', function() {
        test('a required textarea with no text is invalid', function() {
          var input = fixture('basic');
          input.required = true;

          input.bindValue = 'batman';

