reverse-ripple-animation.html 3.3 KB
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<link rel="import" href="../../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../neon-shared-element-animation-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../web-animations.html">

`<reverse-ripple-animation>` scales and transform an element such that it appears to ripple down from this element, to either
a shared element, or a screen position.

If using as a shared element animation in `<neon-animated-pages>`, use this animation in an `exit`
animation in the source page and in an `entry` animation in the destination page. Also, define the
reverse-ripple elements in the `sharedElements` property (not a configuration property, see
If using a screen position, define the `gesture` property.
  name: 'reverse-ripple-animation`.
  id: <shared-element-id>, /* set this or gesture */
  gesture: {x: <page-x>, y: <page-y>}, /* set this or id */
  timing: <animation-timing>,
  toPage: <node>, /* define for the destination page */
  fromPage: <node>, /* define for the source page */

    is: 'reverse-ripple-animation',

    behaviors: [

    configure: function(config) {
      var shared = this.findSharedElements(config);
      if (!shared) {
        return null;

      var translateX, translateY;
      var fromRect = shared.from.getBoundingClientRect();
      if (config.gesture) {
        translateX = config.gesture.x - (fromRect.left + (fromRect.width / 2));
        translateY = config.gesture.y - ( + (fromRect.height / 2));
      } else {
        var toRect =;
        translateX = (toRect.left + (toRect.width / 2)) - (fromRect.left + (fromRect.width / 2));
        translateY = ( + (toRect.height / 2)) - ( + (fromRect.height / 2));
      var translate = 'translate(' + translateX + 'px,' + translateY + 'px)';

      var size = Math.max(fromRect.width + Math.abs(translateX) * 2, fromRect.height + Math.abs(translateY) * 2);
      var diameter = Math.sqrt(2 * size * size);
      var scaleX = diameter / fromRect.width;
      var scaleY = diameter / fromRect.height;
      var scale = 'scale(' + scaleX + ',' + scaleY + ')';

      this.setPrefixedProperty(shared.from, 'transformOrigin', '50% 50%'); = '50%';

      this._effect = new KeyframeEffect(shared.from, [
        {'transform': translate + ' ' + scale},
        {'transform': translate + ' scale(0)'}
      ], this.timingFromConfig(config));
      return this._effect;

    complete: function() {
      if (this.sharedElements) {
        this.setPrefixedProperty(this.sharedElements.from, 'transformOrigin', ''); = '';