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  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>marked-element basic tests</title>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">

  <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
  <script src="../../web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
  <script src="../../test-fixture/test-fixture-mocha.js"></script>

  <link rel="import" href="../../test-fixture/test-fixture.html">
  <link rel="import" href="../../polymer/polymer.html">
  <link rel="import" href="../marked-element.html">

  <test-fixture id="CamelCaseHTML">
        <div id="output" class="markdown-html"></div>
        <script type="text/markdown">
<div camelCase></div>

  <test-fixture id="BadHTML">
        <div id="output" class="markdown-html"></div>
        <script type="text/markdown">

  <test-fixture id="CamelCaseHTMLWithoutChild">
        <script type="text/markdown">
<div camelCase></div>

  <test-fixture id="BadHTMLWithoutChild">
        <script type="text/markdown">

    'use strict';

    // Thanks IE10.
    function isHidden(element) {
      var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
      return (rect.width == 0 && rect.height == 0);

    // Replace reserved HTML characters with their character entity equivalents to match the
    // transform done by Markdown.
    // The Marked library itself is not used because it wraps code blocks in `<code><pre>`, which is
    // superfluous for testing purposes.
    function escapeHTML(string) {
      var span = document.createElement('span');
      span.textContent = string;
      return span.innerHTML;

    suite('<marked-element> with .markdown-html child', function() {

      suite('respects camelCased HTML', function() {
        var markedElement;
        var proofElement;
        var outputElement;

        setup(function() {
          markedElement = fixture('CamelCaseHTML');
          proofElement = document.createElement('div');
          outputElement = document.getElementById('output');

        test('in code blocks', function() {
          proofElement.innerHTML = '<div camelCase></div>';

          // If Markdown content were put into a `<template>` or directly into the DOM, it would be
          // rendered as DOM and be converted from camelCase to lowercase per HTML parsing rules. By
          // using `<script>` descendants, content is interpreted as plain text.
          expect(proofElement.innerHTML).to.eql('<div camelcase=""></div>')
          expect(outputElement.innerHTML).to.include(escapeHTML('<div camelCase>'));

      suite('respects bad HTML', function() {
        var markedElement;
        var proofElement;
        var outputElement;

        setup(function() {
          markedElement = fixture('BadHTML');
          proofElement = document.createElement('div');
          outputElement = document.getElementById('output');

        test('in code blocks', function() {
          proofElement.innerHTML = '<p><div></p></div>';

          // If Markdown content were put into a `<template>` or directly into the DOM, it would be
          // rendered as DOM and close unbalanced tags. Because they are in code blocks they should
          // remain as typed.
          // Turns out, however IE and everybody else have slightly different opinions
          // about how the incorrect HTML should be fixed. It seems that:
          // IE says:       <p><div></p></div> -> <p><div><p></p></div>
          // Chrome/FF say: <p><div></p></div> -> <p></p><div><p></p></div>.
          // So that's cool.
          var isEqualToOneOfThem =
              proofElement.innerHTML === '<p><div><p></p></div>' ||
              proofElement.innerHTML === '<p></p><div><p></p></div>';


    suite('<marked-element> without .markdown-html child', function() {

      suite('respects camelCased HTML', function() {
        var markedElement;
        var proofElement;

        setup(function() {
          markedElement = fixture('CamelCaseHTMLWithoutChild');
          proofElement = document.createElement('div');

        test('in code blocks', function() {
          proofElement.innerHTML = '<div camelCase></div>';

          // If Markdown content were put into a `<template>` or directly into the DOM, it would be
          // rendered as DOM and be converted from camelCase to lowercase per HTML parsing rules. By
          // using `<script>` descendants, content is interpreted as plain text.
          expect(proofElement.innerHTML).to.eql('<div camelcase=""></div>')
          expect(markedElement.$.content.innerHTML).to.include(escapeHTML('<div camelCase>'));

      suite('respects bad HTML', function() {
        var markedElement;
        var proofElement;

        setup(function() {
          markedElement = fixture('BadHTMLWithoutChild');
          proofElement = document.createElement('div');

        test('in code blocks', function() {
          proofElement.innerHTML = '<p><div></p></div>';

          // If Markdown content were put into a `<template>` or directly into the DOM, it would be
          // rendered as DOM and close unbalanced tags. Because they are in code blocks they should
          // remain as typed.
          // Turns out, however IE and everybody else have slightly different opinions
          // about how the incorrect HTML should be fixed. It seems that:
          // IE says:       <p><div></p></div> -> <p><div><p></p></div>
          // Chrome/FF say: <p><div></p></div> -> <p></p><div><p></p></div>.
          // So that's cool.
          var isEqualToOneOfThem =
              proofElement.innerHTML === '<p><div><p></p></div>' ||
              proofElement.innerHTML === '<p></p><div><p></p></div>';


