iron-collapse.html 4.48 KB
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">

`iron-collapse` creates a collapsible block of content.  By default, the content
will be collapsed.  Use `opened` or `toggle()` to show/hide the content.

    <button on-click="{{toggle}}">toggle collapse</button>

    <iron-collapse id="collapse">
      <div>Content goes here...</div>


    toggle: function() {

`iron-collapse` adjusts the height/width of the collapsible element to show/hide
the content.  So avoid putting padding/margin/border on the collapsible directly,
and instead put a div inside and style that.

      .collapse-content {
        padding: 15px;
        border: 1px solid #dedede;

      <div class="collapse-content">
        <div>Content goes here...</div>

@group Iron Elements
@hero hero.svg
@demo demo/index.html
@element iron-collapse

<dom-module id="iron-collapse">


    :host {
      display: block;
      transition-duration: 300ms;

    :host(.iron-collapse-closed) {
      display: none;

    :host(:not(.iron-collapse-opened)) {
      overflow: hidden;








    is: 'iron-collapse',

    properties: {

       * If true, the orientation is horizontal; otherwise is vertical.
       * @attribute horizontal
      horizontal: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
        observer: '_horizontalChanged'

       * Set opened to true to show the collapse element and to false to hide it.
       * @attribute opened
      opened: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
        notify: true,
        observer: '_openedChanged'


    hostAttributes: {
      role: 'group',
      'aria-expanded': 'false'

    listeners: {
      transitionend: '_transitionEnd'

    ready: function() {
      // Avoid transition at the beginning e.g. page loads and enable
      // transitions only after the element is rendered and ready.
      this._enableTransition = true;

     * Toggle the opened state.
     * @method toggle
    toggle: function() {
      this.opened = !this.opened;

    show: function() {
      this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-closed', false);
      this.updateSize('auto', false);
      var s = this._calcSize();
      this.updateSize('0px', false);
      // force layout to ensure transition will go
      this.updateSize(s, true);

    hide: function() {
      this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-opened', false);
      this.updateSize(this._calcSize(), false);
      // force layout to ensure transition will go
      this.updateSize('0px', true);

    updateSize: function(size, animated) {
      var s =;
      var nochange = s[this.dimension] === size;
      s[this.dimension] = size;
      if (animated && nochange) {

    enableTransition: function(enabled) { = (enabled && this._enableTransition) ? '' : '0s';

    _horizontalChanged: function() {
      this.dimension = this.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height'; = this.dimension;

    _openedChanged: function() {
      this[this.opened ? 'show' : 'hide']();
      this.setAttribute('aria-expanded', this.opened ? 'true' : 'false');


    _transitionEnd: function() {
      if (this.opened) {
        this.updateSize('auto', false);
      this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-closed', !this.opened);
      this.toggleClass('iron-collapse-opened', this.opened);

    _calcSize: function() {
      return this.getBoundingClientRect()[this.dimension] + 'px';

