iron-form.html 8.96 KB
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html">

``<iron-form>` is an HTML `<form>` element that can validate and submit any custom
elements that implement `Polymer.IronFormElementBehavior`, as well as any
native HTML elements.

It supports both `get` and `post` methods, and uses an `iron-ajax` element to
submit the form data to the action URL.


    <form is="iron-form" id="form" method="post" action="/form/handler">
      <paper-input name="name" label="name"></paper-input>
      <input name="address">

By default, a native `<button>` element will submit this form. However, if you
want to submit it from a custom element's click handler, you need to explicitly
call the form's `submit` method.


    <paper-button raised onclick="submitForm()">Submit</paper-button>

    function submitForm() {

@demo demo/index.html


    is: 'iron-form',

    extends: 'form',

    properties: {
       * Content type to use when sending data.
      contentType: {
        type: String,
        value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

       * By default, the form will display the browser's native validation
       * UI (i.e. popup bubbles and invalid styles on invalid fields). You can
       * manually disable this; however, if you do, note that you will have to
       * manually style invalid *native* HTML fields yourself, as you are
       * explicitly preventing the native form from doing so.
      disableNativeValidationUi: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false

      * Set the withCredentials flag when sending data.
      withCredentials: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false

      * HTTP request headers to send
      * Note: setting a `Content-Type` header here will override the value
      * specified by the `contentType` property of this element.
      headers: {
        type: Object,
        value: function() {
          return {};
     * Fired if the form cannot be submitted because it's invalid.
     * @event iron-form-invalid

     * Fired after the form is submitted.
     * @event iron-form-submit

    * Fired after the form is submitted and a response is received.
    * @event iron-form-response

     * Fired after the form is submitted and an error is received.
     * @event iron-form-error
    listeners: {
      'iron-form-element-register': '_registerElement',
      'iron-form-element-unregister': '_unregisterElement',
      'submit': '_onSubmit'

    ready: function() {
      // Object that handles the ajax form submission request.
      this._requestBot = document.createElement('iron-ajax');
      this._requestBot.addEventListener('response', this._handleFormResponse.bind(this));
      this._requestBot.addEventListener('error', this._handleFormError.bind(this));

      // Holds all the custom elements registered with this form.
      this._customElements = [];

     * Called to submit the form.
    submit: function() {
      if (!this.noValidate && !this.validate()) {
        // In order to trigger the native browser invalid-form UI, we need
        // to do perform a fake form submit.
        if (!this.disableNativeValidationUi) {

      var json = this.serialize();

      this._requestBot.url = this.action;
      this._requestBot.method = this.method;
      this._requestBot.contentType = this.contentType;
      this._requestBot.withCredentials = this.withCredentials;
      this._requestBot.headers = this.headers;

      if (this.method.toUpperCase() == 'POST') {
        this._requestBot.body = json;
      } else {
        this._requestBot.params = json;

      this._requestBot.generateRequest();'iron-form-submit', json);

    _onSubmit: function(event) {

      // Don't perform a page refresh.
      if (event) {

      return false;

     * Returns a json object containing name/value pairs for all the registered
     * custom components and native elements of the form. If there are elements
     * with duplicate names, then their values will get aggregated into an
     * array of values.
     * @return {!Object}
    serialize: function() {
      var json = {};

      function addSerializedElement(el) {
        // If the name doesn't exist, add it. Otherwise, serialize it to
        // an array,
        if (!json[]) {
          json[] = el.value;
        } else {
          if (!Array.isArray(json[])) {
            json[] = [json[]];

      // Go through all of the registered custom components.
      for (var el, i = 0; el = this._customElements[i], i < this._customElements.length; i++) {
        if (this._useValue(el)) {

      // Also go through the form's native elements.
      for (var el, i = 0; el = this.elements[i], i < this.elements.length; i++) {
        // Checkboxes and radio buttons should only use their value if they're checked.
        // Also, custom elements that extend native elements (like an
        // `<input is="fancy-input">`) will appear in both lists. Since they
        // were already added as a custom element, they don't need
        // to be re-added.
        if (!this._useValue(el) ||
            (el.hasAttribute('is') && json[])) {

      return json;

    _handleFormResponse: function (event) {'iron-form-response', event.detail);

    _handleFormError: function (event) {'iron-form-error', event.detail);

    _registerElement: function(e) { = this;

    _unregisterElement: function(e) {
      var target =;
      if (target) {
        var index = this._customElements.indexOf(target);
        if (index > -1) {
          this._customElements.splice(index, 1);

     * Validates all the required elements (custom and native) in the form.
     * @return {boolean} True if all the elements are valid.
    validate: function() {
      var valid = true;

      // Validate all the custom elements.
      var validatable;
      for (var el, i = 0; el = this._customElements[i], i < this._customElements.length; i++) {
        if (el.required && !el.disabled) {
          validatable = /** @type {{validate: (function() : boolean)}} */ (el);
          // Some elements may not have correctly defined a validate method.
          if (validatable.validate)
            valid = !!validatable.validate() && valid;

      // Validate the form's native elements.
      for (var el, i = 0; el = this.elements[i], i < this.elements.length; i++) {
        // Custom elements that extend a native element will also appear in
        // this list, but they've already been validated.
        if (!el.hasAttribute('is') && el.willValidate && el.checkValidity && {
          valid = el.checkValidity() && valid;

      return valid;

    _useValue: function(el) {
      // Skip disabled elements or elements that don't have a `name` attribute.
      if (el.disabled || ! {
        return false;

      // Checkboxes and radio buttons should only use their value if they're
      // checked. Custom paper-checkbox and paper-radio-button elements
      // don't have a type, but they have the correct role set.
      if (el.type == 'checkbox' ||
          el.type == 'radio' ||
          el.getAttribute('role') == 'checkbox' ||
          el.getAttribute('role') == 'radio') {
        return el.checked;
      return true;

    _doFakeSubmitForValidation: function() {
      var fakeSubmit = document.createElement('input');
      fakeSubmit.setAttribute('type', 'submit'); = 'none';


