API.md 20.1 KB


hydrolysis : object

Static analysis for Polymer.



Returns true if patha is a sibling or aunt of pathb.


Change localPath from a sibling of basePath to be a child of basePath joined with redirect.

hydrolysis : object

Static analysis for Polymer.

Kind: global namespace


Kind: static class of hydrolysis

new Analyzer(attachAST, [loader])

A database of Polymer metadata defined in HTML

Param Type Description
attachAST boolean If true, attach a parse5 compliant AST
[loader] FileLoader An optional FileLoader used to load external resources

analyzer.elements : Array.<ElementDescriptor>

A list of all elements the Analyzer has metadata for.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.elementsByTagName : Object.<string, ElementDescriptor>

A view into elements, keyed by tag name.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.features : Array.<FeatureDescriptor>

A list of API features added to Polymer.Base encountered by the analyzer.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.behaviors : Array.<BehaviorDescriptor>

The behaviors collected by the analysis pass.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.behaviorsByName : Object.<string, BehaviorDescriptor>

The behaviors collected by the analysis pass by name.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.html : Object.<string, AnalyzedDocument>

A map, keyed by absolute path, of Document metadata.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.parsedDocuments : Object

A map, keyed by path, of HTML document ASTs.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer.parsedScripts : Object.<string, Array.<ParsedJS>>

A map, keyed by path, of JS script ASTs.

If the path is an HTML file with multiple scripts, the entry will be an array of scripts.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer._content : Object

A map, keyed by path, of document content.

Kind: instance property of Analyzer

analyzer._getDependencies(href, [found], [transitive]) ⇒ Array.<string>

List all the html dependencies for the document at href.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer
Returns: Array.<string> - A list of all the html dependencies.

Param Type Description
href string The href to get dependencies for.
[found] Object.<string, boolean> An object keyed by URL of the already resolved dependencies.
[transitive] boolean Whether to load transitive dependencies. Defaults to true.

analyzer.metadataTree(href) ⇒ Promise

Returns a promise that resolves to a POJO representation of the import tree, in a format that maintains the ordering of the HTML imports spec.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer

Param Type Description
href string the import to get metadata for.

analyzer.getLoadedAst(href, [loaded]) ⇒ Promise.<DocumentAST>

Returns a promise resolving to a form of the AST with all links replaced with the document they link to. .css and .script files become <style> and <script>, respectively.

The elements in the loaded document are unmodified from their original documents.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer

Param Type Description
href string The document to load.
[loaded] Object.<string, boolean> An object keyed by already loaded documents.

analyzer.nodeWalkDocuments(predicate) ⇒ Object

Calls dom5.nodeWalkAll on each document that Anayzler has laoded.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer

Param Type Description
predicate Object A dom5 predicate.

analyzer.nodeWalkAllDocuments(predicate) ⇒ Object

Calls dom5.nodeWalkAll on each document that Anayzler has laoded.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer

Param Type Description
predicate Object A dom5 predicate.


Annotates all loaded metadata with its documentation.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer


Removes redundant properties from the collected descriptors.

Kind: instance method of Analyzer

Analyzer.analyze(href, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Analyzer>

Shorthand for transitively loading and processing all imports beginning at href.

In order to properly filter paths, href must be an absolute URI.

Kind: static method of Analyzer
Returns: Promise.<Analyzer> - A promise that will resolve once href and its dependencies have been loaded and analyzed.

Param Type Description
href string The root import to begin loading from.
[options] LoadOptions Any additional options for the load.


Kind: static class of hydrolysis

new FileLoader()

A FileLoader lets you resolve URLs with a set of potential resolvers.


Add an instance of a Resolver class to the list of url resolvers

Ordering of resolvers is most to least recently added The first resolver to "accept" the url wins.

Kind: instance method of FileLoader

Param Type Description
resolver Resolver The resolver to add.

fileLoader.request(url) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Return a promise for an absolute url

Url requests are deduplicated by the loader, returning the same Promise for identical urls

Kind: instance method of FileLoader
Returns: Promise.<string> - A promise that resolves to the contents of the URL.

Param Type Description
url string The absolute url to request.


Kind: static class of hydrolysis

new FSResolver(config)

Resolves requests via the file system.

Param Type Description
config Object configuration options.
config.host string Hostname to match for absolute urls. Matches "/" by default
config.basePath string Prefix directory for components in url. Defaults to "/".
config.root string Filesystem root to search. Defaults to the current working directory.
config.redirect string Where to redirect lookups to siblings.


Kind: static class of hydrolysis

new NoopResolver(config)

A resolver that resolves to null any uri matching config.

Param Type Description
config string The url to accept.

noopResolver.accept(uri, deferred) ⇒ boolean

Kind: instance method of NoopResolver
Returns: boolean - Whether the URI is handled by this resolver.

Param Type Description
uri string The absolute URI being requested.
deferred Deferred The deferred promise that should be resolved if this resolver handles the URI.


Kind: static class of hydrolysis

new XHRResolver(config)

Construct a resolver that requests resources over XHR.

Param Type Description
config Object configuration arguments.
config.responseType string Type of object to be returned by the XHR. Defaults to 'text', accepts 'document', 'arraybuffer', and 'json'.

hydrolysis.DocumentAST : Object

Parse5's representation of a parsed html document

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

hydrolysis.JSAST : Object

espree's representation of a parsed html document

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

hydrolysis.ParsedJS : Object

Package of a parsed JS script

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

Name Type Description
ast JSAST The script's AST
scriptElement DocumentAST If inline, the script's containing tag.

hydrolysis.ElementDescriptor : Object

The metadata for a single polymer element

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

hydrolysis.FeatureDescriptor : Object

The metadata for a Polymer feature.

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

hydrolysis.BehaviorDescriptor : Object

The metadata for a Polymer behavior mixin.

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

hydrolysis.DocumentDescriptor : Object

The metadata for all features and elements defined in one document

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

Name Type Description
elements Array.<ElementDescriptor> The elements from the document
features Array.<FeatureDescriptor> The features from the document
behaviors Array.<FeatureDescriptor> The behaviors from the document

hydrolysis.AnalyzedDocument : Object

The metadata of an entire HTML document, in promises.

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

Name Type Description
href string The url of the document.
htmlLoaded Promise.<ParsedImport> The parsed representation of the doc. Use the ast property to get the full parse5 ast
depsLoaded Promise.<Array.<string>> Resolves to the list of this Document's transitive import dependencies
depHrefs Array.<string> The direct dependencies of the document.
metadataLoaded Promise.<DocumentDescriptor> Resolves to the list of this Document's import dependencies

hydrolysis.LoadOptions : Object

Options for Analyzer.analzye

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

Name Type Description
noAnnotations boolean Whether annotate() should be skipped.
clean boolean Whether the generated descriptors should be cleaned of redundant data.
filter function A predicate function that indicates which files should be ignored by the loader. By default all files not located under the dirname of href will be ignored.

hydrolysis.Resolver : Object

An object that knows how to resolve resources.

Kind: static typedef of hydrolysis

Name Type Description
accept function Attempt to resolve deferred with the contents the specified URL. Returns false if the Resolver is unable to resolve the URL.

isSiblingOrAunt() ⇒ boolean

Returns true if patha is a sibling or aunt of pathb.

Kind: global function

redirectSibling() ⇒ string

Change localPath from a sibling of basePath to be a child of basePath joined with redirect.

Kind: global function