disabled-state.html 2.84 KB
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  <test-fixture id="TrivialDisabledState">

  <test-fixture id="InitiallyDisabledState">
      <test-control disabled></test-control>

    suite('disabled-state', function() {
      var disableTarget;

      suite('a trivial disabled state', function() {
        setup(function() {
          disableTarget = fixture('TrivialDisabledState');

        suite('when disabled is true', function() {
          test('receives a disabled attribute', function() {
            disableTarget.disabled = true;

          test('receives an appropriate aria attribute', function() {
            disableTarget.disabled = true;

        suite('when disabled is false', function() {
          test('loses the disabled attribute', function() {
            disableTarget.disabled = true;
            disableTarget.disabled = false;

      suite('a state with an initially disabled target', function() {
        setup(function() {
          disableTarget = fixture('InitiallyDisabledState');

        test('preserves the disabled attribute on target', function() {

        test('adds `aria-disabled` to the target', function() {
