operator_feature.test 5.03 KB
{% set a = 4 %}
{{ a == 4 }}
{{ b != c }}
{{ c < d }}
{{ d <= e }}
{{ e > f }}
{{ f >= g }}
{{ g + h }}
{{ h - i }}
{{ i ~ j }}
{{ j * k }}
{{ k ** l }}
{{ l / m }}
{{ m // n }}
{{ n % o }}
{{ o|default('foo') }}
{{ p ? q : r }}
{{ s ?: t }}

{% if a and b or not c %}
{% for p in foo %}
{% if d b-and e and f b-xor g or h b-or i %}
{% if j starts with 'h' %}
{% if i ends with 'j' %}
{% if k is same as false %}
{% if l matches '/f[o]{2,}(?:bar)?' %}


	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "set"]]],
		["property", "a"], ["operator", "="], ["number", "4"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "a"], ["operator", "=="], ["number", "4"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "b"], ["operator", "!="], ["property", "c"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "c"], ["operator", "<"], ["property", "d"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "d"], ["operator", "<="], ["property", "e"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "e"], ["operator", ">"], ["property", "f"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "f"], ["operator", ">="], ["property", "g"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "g"], ["operator", "+"], ["property", "h"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "h"], ["operator", "-"], ["property", "i"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "i"], ["operator", "~"], ["property", "j"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "j"], ["operator", "*"], ["property", "k"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "k"], ["operator", "**"], ["property", "l"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "l"], ["operator", "/"], ["property", "m"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "m"], ["operator", "//"], ["property", "n"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "n"], ["operator", "%"], ["property", "o"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "o"],
		["operator", "|"],
		["property", "default"],
		["punctuation", "("],
		["string", [["punctuation", "'"], "foo", ["punctuation", "'"]]],
		["punctuation", ")"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "p"], ["operator", "?"],
		["property", "q"], ["punctuation", ":"],
		["property", "r"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{{"]]],
		["property", "s"], ["operator", "?:"], ["property", "t"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "}}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "if"]]],
		["property", "a"], ["operator", "and"], ["property", "b"],
		["operator", "or"], ["operator", "not"], ["property", "c"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "for"]]],
		["property", "p"], ["operator", "in"], ["property", "foo"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "if"]]],
		["property", "d"], ["operator", "b-and"],
		["property", "e"], ["operator", "and"],
		["property", "f"], ["operator", "b-xor"],
		["property", "g"], ["operator", "or"],
		["property", "h"], ["operator", "b-or"],
		["property", "i"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "if"]]],
		["property", "j"],
		["operator", "starts with"],
		["string", [["punctuation", "'"], "h", ["punctuation", "'"]]],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "if"]]],
		["property", "i"],
		["operator", "ends with"],
		["string", [["punctuation", "'"], "j", ["punctuation", "'"]]],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "if"]]],
		["property", "k"], ["operator", "is"],
		["operator", "same as"], ["boolean", "false"],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]
	["tag", [
		["ld", [["punctuation", "{%"], ["keyword", "if"]]],
		["property", "l"], ["operator", "matches"],
		["string", [["punctuation", "'"], "/f[o]{2,}(?:bar)?", ["punctuation", "'"]]],
		["rd", [["punctuation", "%}"]]]


Checks for operators.