<?php /** * Slim - a micro PHP 5 framework * * @author Josh Lockhart <info@slimframework.com> * @copyright 2011 Josh Lockhart * @link http://www.slimframework.com * @license http://www.slimframework.com/license * @version 2.6.1 * * MIT LICENSE * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ class LazyInitializeTestClass { public static $initialized = false; public function __construct() { self::$initialized = true; } public function foo() { } } class FooTestClass { public static $foo_invoked = false; public static $foo_invoked_args = array(); public function foo() { self::$foo_invoked = true; self::$foo_invoked_args = func_get_args(); } } class RouteTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testGetPattern() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $this->assertEquals('/foo', $route->getPattern()); } public function testGetName() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'name'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, 'foo'); $this->assertEquals('foo', $route->getName()); } public function testSetName() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->name('foo'); // <-- Alias for `setName()` $this->assertAttributeEquals('foo', 'name', $route); } public function testGetCallable() { $callable = function () { echo 'Foo'; }; $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', $callable); $this->assertSame($callable, $route->getCallable()); } public function testGetCallableAsClass() { FooTestClass::$foo_invoked = false; FooTestClass::$foo_invoked_args = array(); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', '\FooTestClass:foo'); $route->setParams(array('bar' => '1234')); $this->assertFalse(FooTestClass::$foo_invoked); $this->assertTrue($route->dispatch()); $this->assertTrue(FooTestClass::$foo_invoked); $this->assertEquals(array('1234'), FooTestClass::$foo_invoked_args); } public function testGetCallableAsClassLazyInitialize() { LazyInitializeTestClass::$initialized = false; $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', '\LazyInitializeTestClass:foo'); $this->assertFalse(LazyInitializeTestClass::$initialized); $route->dispatch(); $this->assertTrue(LazyInitializeTestClass::$initialized); } public function testGetCallableAsStaticMethod() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/bar', '\Slim\Slim::getInstance'); $callable = $route->getCallable(); $this->assertEquals('\Slim\Slim::getInstance', $callable); } public function example_càllâble_wïth_wéird_chars() { return 'test'; } public function testGetCallableWithOddCharsAsClass() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', '\RouteTest:example_càllâble_wïth_wéird_chars'); $callable = $route->getCallable(); $this->assertEquals('test', $callable()); } public function testSetCallable() { $callable = function () { echo 'Foo'; }; $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', $callable); // <-- Called inside __construct() $this->assertAttributeSame($callable, 'callable', $route); } public function testSetCallableWithInvalidArgument() { $this->setExpectedException('\InvalidArgumentException'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', 'doesNotExist'); // <-- Called inside __construct() } public function testGetParams() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/:last', function () {}); $route->matches('/hello/mr/anderson'); // <-- Parses params from argument $this->assertEquals(array( 'first' => 'mr', 'last' => 'anderson' ), $route->getParams()); } public function testSetParams() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/:last', function () {}); $route->matches('/hello/mr/anderson'); // <-- Parses params from argument $route->setParams(array( 'first' => 'agent', 'last' => 'smith' )); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array( 'first' => 'agent', 'last' => 'smith' ), 'params', $route); } public function testGetParam() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/:last', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'params'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array( 'first' => 'foo', 'last' => 'bar' )); $this->assertEquals('foo', $route->getParam('first')); } public function testGetParamThatDoesNotExist() { $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/:last', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'params'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array( 'first' => 'foo', 'last' => 'bar' )); $route->getParam('middle'); } public function testSetParam() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/:last', function () {}); $route->matches('/hello/mr/anderson'); // <-- Parses params from argument $route->setParam('last', 'smith'); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array( 'first' => 'mr', 'last' => 'smith' ), 'params', $route); } public function testSetParamThatDoesNotExist() { $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/:last', function () {}); $route->matches('/hello/mr/anderson'); // <-- Parses params from argument $route->setParam('middle', 'smith'); // <-- Should trigger InvalidArgumentException } public function testMatches() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:name', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/josh')); } public function testMatchesIsFalse() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $this->assertFalse($route->matches('/bar')); } public function testMatchesPatternWithTrailingSlash() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo/', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/foo/')); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/foo')); } public function testMatchesPatternWithoutTrailingSlash() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $this->assertFalse($route->matches('/foo/')); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/foo')); } public function testMatchesWithConditions() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/and/:second', function () {}); $route->conditions(array( 'first' => '[a-zA-Z]{3,}' )); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/Josh/and/John')); } public function testMatchesWithConditionsIsFalse() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:first/and/:second', function () {}); $route->conditions(array( 'first' => '[a-z]{3,}' )); $this->assertFalse($route->matches('/hello/Josh/and/John')); } /* * Route should match URI with valid path component according to rfc2396 * * "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt * * Excludes "+" which is valid but decodes into a space character */ public function testMatchesWithValidRfc2396PathComponent() { $symbols = ':@&=$,'; $route = new \Slim\Route('/rfc2386/:symbols', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/rfc2386/' . $symbols)); } /* * Route should match URI including unreserved punctuation marks from rfc2396 * * "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt */ public function testMatchesWithUnreservedMarks() { $marks = "-_.!~*'()"; $route = new \Slim\Route('/marks/:marks', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/marks/' . $marks)); } public function testMatchesOptionalParameters() { $pattern = '/archive/:year(/:month(/:day))'; $route1 = new \Slim\Route($pattern, function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route1->matches('/archive/2010')); $this->assertEquals(array('year' => '2010'), $route1->getParams()); $route2 = new \Slim\Route($pattern, function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route2->matches('/archive/2010/05')); $this->assertEquals(array('year' => '2010', 'month' => '05'), $route2->getParams()); $route3 = new \Slim\Route($pattern, function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route3->matches('/archive/2010/05/13')); $this->assertEquals(array('year' => '2010', 'month' => '05', 'day' => '13'), $route3->getParams()); } public function testMatchesIsCaseSensitiveByDefault() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/case/sensitive', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/case/sensitive')); $this->assertFalse($route->matches('/CaSe/SensItiVe')); } public function testMatchesCanBeCaseInsensitive() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/Case/Insensitive', function () {}, false); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/Case/Insensitive')); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/CaSe/iNSensItiVe')); } public function testGetConditions() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'conditions'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array('foo' => '\d{3}')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => '\d{3}'), $route->getConditions()); } public function testSetDefaultConditions() { \Slim\Route::setDefaultConditions(array( 'id' => '\d+' )); $property = new \ReflectionProperty('\Slim\Route', 'defaultConditions'); $property->setAccessible(true); $this->assertEquals(array( 'id' => '\d+' ), $property->getValue()); } public function testGetDefaultConditions() { $property = new \ReflectionProperty('\Slim\Route', 'defaultConditions'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue(array( 'id' => '\d+' )); $this->assertEquals(array( 'id' => '\d+' ), \Slim\Route::getDefaultConditions()); } public function testDefaultConditionsAssignedToInstance() { $staticProperty = new \ReflectionProperty('\Slim\Route', 'defaultConditions'); $staticProperty->setAccessible(true); $staticProperty->setValue(array( 'id' => '\d+' )); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array( 'id' => '\d+' ), 'conditions', $route); } public function testMatchesWildcard() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:path+/world', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/foo/bar/world')); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array( 'path' => array('foo', 'bar') ), 'params', $route); } public function testMatchesMultipleWildcards() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:path+/world/:date+', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/foo/bar/world/2012/03/10')); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array( 'path' => array('foo', 'bar'), 'date' => array('2012', '03', '10') ), 'params', $route); } public function testMatchesParamsAndWildcards() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:path+/world/:year/:month/:day/:path2+', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/foo/bar/world/2012/03/10/first/second')); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array( 'path' => array('foo', 'bar'), 'year' => '2012', 'month' => '03', 'day' => '10', 'path2' => array('first', 'second') ), 'params', $route); } public function testMatchesParamsWithOptionalWildcard() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello(/:foo(/:bar+))', function () {}); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello')); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/world')); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/world/foo')); $this->assertTrue($route->matches('/hello/world/foo/bar')); } public function testSetMiddleware() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $mw = function () { echo 'Foo'; }; $route->setMiddleware($mw); $this->assertAttributeContains($mw, 'middleware', $route); } public function testSetMiddlewareMultipleTimes() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $mw1 = function () { echo 'Foo'; }; $mw2 = function () { echo 'Bar'; }; $route->setMiddleware($mw1); $route->setMiddleware($mw2); $this->assertAttributeContains($mw1, 'middleware', $route); $this->assertAttributeContains($mw2, 'middleware', $route); } public function testSetMiddlewareWithArray() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $mw1 = function () { echo 'Foo'; }; $mw2 = function () { echo 'Bar'; }; $route->setMiddleware(array($mw1, $mw2)); $this->assertAttributeContains($mw1, 'middleware', $route); $this->assertAttributeContains($mw2, 'middleware', $route); } public function testSetMiddlewareWithInvalidArgument() { $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->setMiddleware('doesNotExist'); // <-- Should throw InvalidArgumentException } public function testSetMiddlewareWithArrayWithInvalidArgument() { $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->setMiddleware(array('doesNotExist')); } public function testGetMiddleware() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'middleware'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array('foo' => 'bar')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $route->getMiddleware()); } public function testSetHttpMethods() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->setHttpMethods('GET', 'POST'); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array('GET', 'POST'), 'methods', $route); } public function testGetHttpMethods() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'methods'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array('GET', 'POST')); $this->assertEquals(array('GET', 'POST'), $route->getHttpMethods()); } public function testAppendHttpMethods() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'methods'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array('GET', 'POST')); $route->appendHttpMethods('PUT'); $this->assertAttributeEquals(array('GET', 'POST', 'PUT'), 'methods', $route); } public function testAppendArrayOfHttpMethods() { $arrayOfMethods = array('GET','POST','PUT'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->appendHttpMethods($arrayOfMethods); $this->assertAttributeEquals($arrayOfMethods,'methods',$route); } public function testAppendHttpMethodsWithVia() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->via('PUT'); $this->assertAttributeContains('PUT', 'methods', $route); } public function testAppendArrayOfHttpMethodsWithVia() { $arrayOfMethods = array('GET','POST','PUT'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $route->via($arrayOfMethods); $this->assertAttributeEquals($arrayOfMethods,'methods',$route); } public function testSupportsHttpMethod() { $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () {}); $property = new \ReflectionProperty($route, 'methods'); $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($route, array('POST')); $this->assertTrue($route->supportsHttpMethod('POST')); $this->assertFalse($route->supportsHttpMethod('PUT')); } /** * Test dispatch with params */ public function testDispatch() { $this->expectOutputString('Hello josh'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:name', function ($name) { echo "Hello $name"; }); $route->matches('/hello/josh'); //<-- Extracts params from resource URI $route->dispatch(); } /** * Test dispatch with middleware */ public function testDispatchWithMiddleware() { $this->expectOutputString('First! Second! Hello josh'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/hello/:name', function ($name) { echo "Hello $name"; }); $route->setMiddleware(function () { echo "First! "; }); $route->setMiddleware(function () { echo "Second! "; }); $route->matches('/hello/josh'); //<-- Extracts params from resource URI $route->dispatch(); } /** * Test middleware with arguments */ public function testRouteMiddlwareArguments() { $this->expectOutputString('foobar'); $route = new \Slim\Route('/foo', function () { echo "bar"; }); $route->setName('foo'); $route->setMiddleware(function ($route) { echo $route->getName(); }); $route->matches('/foo'); //<-- Extracts params from resource URI $route->dispatch(); } }