var ln = []; /******** EN ********/ //PAGE SLIDER ln["slide1Title_en"] = "SELECT DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_en"] = "Search or copy and paste the url of dataset."; ln["slide2Title_en"] = "SELECT DATA"; ln["slide2Subtitle_en"] = "Select the fields from tree-view. The multi-table will show the values related to the selected fields."; ln["slide3Title_en"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; ln["slide3Subtitle_en"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and labels (optional)."; ln["back_en"] = "Back"; ln["forward_en"] = "Forward"; //SELECT DATASET ln["listView_en"] = "LIST VIEW"; ln["treeMapView_en"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; ln["availableDatasets_en"] = "Available datasets"; ln["suggestedDatasets_en"] = "Suggested datasets"; ln["selectedUrl_en"] = "Selected url"; ln["wrongUrl_en"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; //SELECT DATA ln["addFilters_en"] = "ADD FILTERS"; //filters ln["filterField_en"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_en"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_en"] = "Value"; ln["contains_en"] = "contains"; ln["start_en"] = "start with"; ln["ends_en"] = "ends with"; //SELECT VISUALIZATION ln["inputs_en"] = "INPUTS"; ln["baseInfo_en"] = "BASE INFO"; ln["layouts_en"] = "LABELS / OPTIONS"; ln["dataletPreview_en"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; ln["addDatalet_en"] = "ADD"; ln["modifyDatalet_en"] = "MODIFY"; //vslider ln["search_en"] = "Search"; ln["datatable_en"] = "Table"; ln["barchart_en"] = "Bar"; ln["columnchart_en"] = "Column"; ln["areachart_en"] = "Area"; ln["linechart_en"] = "Line"; ln["heatmap_en"] = "Heat Map"; ln["barchart_stacked_en"] = "Stacked Bar"; ln["columnchart_stacked_en"] = "Stacked Column"; ln["areachart_stacked_en"] = "Stacked Area"; ln["piechart_en"] = "Pie"; ln["scatterchart_en"] = "Scatter"; ln["bubblechart_en"] = "Bubble"; ln["treemap_en"] = "Tree Map"; ln["leafletjs_en"] = "Map"; //inputs ln["sortAscending_en"] = "sorted ascending"; ln["sortDescending_en"] = "sorted descending"; ln["unsort_en"] = "unsorted"; ln["groupBy_en"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["calculate_en"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["COUNT_en"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_en"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_en"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_en"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_en"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_en"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_en"] = "LAST of"; ln["XAxis_en"] = "X AXIS"; ln["YAxis_en"] = "Y AXIS"; ln["numericXAxis_en"] = "X AXIS (numeric)"; ln["numericYAxis_en"] = "Y AXIS (numeric)"; ln["Column_en"] = "COLUMN"; ln["SliceLabels_en"] = "LABELS"; ln["SliceSizes_en"] = "SIZES (numeric)"; ln["Latitude_en"] = "LATITUDE"; ln["Longitude_en"] = "LONGITUDE"; ln["BalloonContent_en"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; ln["Categories_en"] = "CATEGORIES"; //options ln["title_en"] = "Title" ln["description_en"] = "Description"; ln["x-axis-label_en"] = "X Axis Label"; ln["y-axis-label_en"] = "Y Axis Label"; ln["suffix_en"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; ln["theme_en"] = "Theme"; ln["stack_en"] = "Stack"; ln["donut_en"] = "Donut"; ln["x-axis-label_description_en"] = "X Axis Label"; ln["y-axis-label_description_en"] = "Y Axis Label"; ln["suffix_description_en"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; ln["theme_description_en"] = "Theme"; ln["stack_description_en"] = "Stack"; ln["donut_description_en"] = "Donut"; /******** IT ********/ ln["slide1Title_it"] = "SELEZIONA IL DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_it"] = "Ricerca o copia e incolla la url del dataset."; ln["slide2Title_it"] = "SELEZIONA I DATI"; ln["slide2Subtitle_it"] = "Seleziona i campi dalla struttura ad albero. Nella tabella saranno mostrati i valori dei campi selezionati."; ln["slide3Title_it"] = "SELEZIONA LA VISUALIZZAZIONE"; ln["slide3Subtitle_it"] = "Seleziona una visualizzazione, inserisci dati di input ed etichette (opzionale)."; ln["back_it"] = "INDIETRO"; ln["forward_it"] = "AVANTI"; ln["listView_it"] = "ELENCO"; ln["treeMapView_it"] = "GRAFICO AD ALBERO"; ln["mostPopular_it"] = "I PIÙ VISTI"; ln["availableDatasets_it"] = "Dataset disponibili"; ln["suggestedDatasets_it"] = "Dataset suggeriti"; ln["selectedUrl_it"] = "Url selezionata"; ln["wrongUrl_it"] = "Url invalido o data provider non ancora supportato."; ln["inputs_it"] = "DATI DI INPUT"; ln["layouts_it"] = "ETICHETTE / OPZIONI"; ln["baseInfo_it"] = "INFORMAZIONI DI BASE"; ln["comment_it"] = "COMMENTO"; ln["commentLabel_it"] = "commento (massimo 100 caratteri)"; ln["dataletPreview_it"] = "ANTEPRIMA"; ln["addDatalet_it"] = "AGGIUNGI"; ln["modifyDatalet_it"] = "MODIFICA"; ln["addFilters_it"] = "AGGIUNGI FILTRI"; ln["filterField_it"] = "Campo"; ln["filterOperation_it"] = "Operazione"; ln["filterValue_it"] = "Valore"; ln["contains_it"] = "contiene"; ln["start_it"] = "inizia con"; ln["ends_it"] = "finisce con"; ln["sortAscending_it"] = "ordinamento crescente"; ln["sortDescending_it"] = "ordinamento decrescente"; ln["unsort_it"] = "non ordinato"; ln["groupBy_it"] = "RAGGRUPPA"; ln["calculate_it"] = "CALCOLA"; ln["COUNT_it"] = "CONTEGGIO di"; ln["SUM_it"] = "SOMMA di"; ln["MIN_it"] = "MINIMO di"; ln["MAX_it"] = "MASSIMO di"; ln["AVG_it"] = "MEDIA di"; ln["FIRST_it"] = "PRIMO di"; ln["LAST_it"] = "ULTIMO di"; ln["datatable_it"] = "tabella"; ln["barchart_it"] = "bar-chart"; ln["columnchart_it"] = "column-chart"; ln["linechart_it"] = "line-chart"; ln["column3Dchart_it"] = "3D column-chart"; ln["areachart_it"] = "area-chart"; ln["donutpie3dchart_it"] = "3D donutpie-chart"; ln["piechart_it"] = "pie-chart"; ln["treemap_it"] = "tree-map"; ln["leafletjs_it"] = "map"; ln["bubble3d_it"] = "3D bubble-chart"; ln["bubblechart_it"] = "bubble-chart"; ln["scatterchart_it"] = "scatter-chart"; ln["heatmap_it"] = "heat-map"; ln["title_it"] = "titolo"; ln["description_it"] = "descrizione"; ln["Cell_it"] = "Cella"; ln["Level_it"] = "Livello"; ln["Categories_it"] = "Categorie"; ln["Series_it"] = "Serie"; ln["x-axis-label_it"] = "etichetta asse X"; ln["y-axis-label_it"] = "etichetta asse Y"; ln["z-axis-label_it"] = "etichetta asse Z"; ln["suffix_it"] = "Suffisso"; ln["Size_it"] = "Dimensione"; ln["Latitude_it"] = "Latitudine"; ln["Longitude_it"] = "Longitudine"; ln["Balloon content_it"] = "Contenuto della bolla"; ln["X values_it"] = "Valori asse X"; ln["Y values_it"] = "Valori asse Y"; ln["Z values_it"] = "Valori asse Z"; ln["cellDescription_it"] = "Cella della tabella."; ln["levelDescription_it"] = "Livello utilizzato per il raggruppamento dei valori corrispondenti."; ln["categoriesDescription_it"] = "Categorie del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sull’asse orizzontale. Inserire un valore per ciascuna serie."; ln["seriesDescription_it"] = "Serie del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sull’asse verticale."; ln["XAxisLabelDescription_it"] = "Etichetta asse X."; ln["YAxisLabelDescription_it"] = "Etichetta asse Y."; ln["suffixDescription_it"] = "Suffisso valore (e.g. unità di misura, dollari, euro,…)."; ln["pieSeriesDescription_it"] = "Serie del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sulla porzione corrispondente alla relativa serie."; ln["pieSizeDescription_it"] = "Dimensione di ciascuna serie per creare anelli concentrici"; ln["bubbleCategoriesDescription_it"] = "Serie del grafico. Inserire un valore per ciascuna serie."; ln["bubbleYValuesDescription_it"] = "Valori y del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sull’asse verticale"; ln["bubbleZValuesDescription_it"] = "Valori z del grafico. I valori rappresentano la dimensione della bolla."; ln["bubbleSeriesDescription_it"] = "Serie del grafico. I valori visualizzano un grafico a bolle a serie multipla."; ln["scatterCategoriesDescription_it"] = "Categorie del grafico. Inserire un valore per ciascuna serie."; ln["scatterXValuesDescription_it"] = "Serie del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sull’asse orizzontale."; ln["scatterYValuesDescription_it"] = "Serie del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sull’asse verticale.."; ln["heatmapCategoriesDescription_it"] = "Categorie del grafico. I valori saranno inseriti sull’asse orizzontale."; ln["LatitudeDescription_it"] = "Latitudine del punto da riportare sulla mappa."; ln["LongitudeDescription_it"] = "Longitudine del punto da riportare sulla mappa."; ln["BalloonContentDescription_it"] = "Descrizione del segnaposto o link all'immagine che visualizza il luogo specificato sulla mappa."; /******** FR ********/ ln["slide1Title_fr"] = "SELECTIONNER UN JEU DE DONNEES"; ln["slide1Subtitle_fr"] = "Rechercher ou copier/coller l’url du jeu de données."; ln["slide2Title_fr"] = "SELECTIONNER DONNEES"; ln["slide2Subtitle_fr"] = "Sélectionner les champs à partir de l’arborescence. Une fenêtre vous indiquera les valeurs relatives aux champs sélectionnés."; ln["slide3Title_fr"] = "SELECTIONNER UN MODE DE VISUALISATION"; ln["slide3Subtitle_fr"] = "Sélectionner un mode de visualisation, remplir les entrées et les vignettes (optionnel)."; ln["back_fr"] = "RETOUR"; ln["forward_fr"] = "AVANT"; ln["listView_fr"] = "VUE EN LISTE"; ln["treeMapView_fr"] = "VUE EN ARBORESCENCE"; ln["mostPopular_fr"] = "LES PLUS POPULAIRES"; ln["availableDatasets_fr"] = "Jeux de données disponibles"; ln["suggestedDatasets_fr"] = "Jeux de données suggérés"; ln["selectedUrl_fr"] = "Sélectionner URL"; ln["wrongUrl_fr"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; ln["inputs_fr"] = "SORTIES"; ln["layouts_fr"] = "VIGNETTES/OPTIONSs"; ln["baseInfo_fr"] = "INFORMATION DE BASE"; ln["comment_fr"] = "COMMENTAIRES"; ln["commentLabel_fr"] = "Commentaires (maximum 100 caractères)"; ln["dataletPreview_fr"] = "PREVISUALISATION"; ln["addDatalet_fr"] = "AJOUTER"; ln["modifyDatalet_fr"] = "MODIFIER"; ln["addFilters_fr"] = "ADD FILTERS"; ln["filterField_fr"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_fr"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_fr"] = "Value"; ln["contains_fr"] = "contains"; ln["start_fr"] = "start with"; ln["ends_fr"] = "ends with"; ln["sortAscending_fr"] = "sorted ascending"; ln["sortDescending_fr"] = "sorted descending"; ln["unsort_fr"] = "unsorted"; ln["groupBy_fr"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["calculate_fr"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["COUNT_fr"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_fr"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_fr"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_fr"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_fr"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_fr"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_fr"] = "LAST of"; ln["datatable_fr"] = "table fr"; ln["barchart_fr"] = "barchart"; ln["columnchart_fr"] = "columnchart"; ln["linechart_fr"] = "linechart"; ln["column3Dchart_fr"] = "column3Dchart"; ln["areachart_fr"] = "areachart"; ln["donutpie3dchart_fr"] = "donutpie3dchart"; ln["piechart_fr"] = "piechart"; ln["treemap_fr"] = "treemap"; ln["leafletjs_fr"] = "map"; ln["bubble3d_fr"] = "bubble3d"; ln["bubblechart_fr"] = "bubblechart"; ln["scatterchart_fr"] = "scatterchart"; ln["heatmap_fr"] = "heatmap"; ln["title_fr"] = "title"; ln["description_fr"] = "description"; ln["Cell_fr"] = "Cell"; ln["Level_fr"] = "Level"; ln["Categories_fr"] = "Categories"; ln["Series_fr"] = "Series"; ln["x-axis-label_fr"] = "x-axis-label"; ln["y-axis-label_fr"] = "y-axis-label"; ln["z-axis-label_fr"] = "z-axis-label"; ln["suffix_fr"] = "suffix"; ln["Size_fr"] = "Size"; ln["Latitude_fr"] = "Latitude"; ln["Longitude_fr"] = "Longitude"; ln["Balloon content_fr"] = "Balloon content"; ln["X values_fr"] = "X values"; ln["Y values_fr"] = "Y values"; ln["Z values_fr"] = "Z values"; ln["cellDescription_fr"] = "Cellules du tableau."; ln["levelDescription_fr"] = "C’est le niveau local que le graphique utilisera pour grouper les valeurs correspondantes au nombre de niveaux de champs"; ln["categoriesDescription_fr"] = "Catégories de graphiques. Ces valeurs seront insérées dans l’axe horizontal. Vous devez insérer une valeur pour chaque série."; ln["seriesDescription_fr"] = "Catégories de graphique. Ces valeurs seront insérées dans l’axe vertical."; ln["XAxisLabelDescription_fr"] = "Vignette pour l’axe X."; ln["YAxisLabelDescription_fr"] = "Vignette pour l’axe Y."; ln["suffixDescription_fr"] = "Unités de mesures (ex: dollars, euros."; ln["pieSeriesDescription_fr"] = "Série de graphiques. Ces valeurs seront intégrées au sein des segments de chaque série."; ln["pieSizeDescription_fr"] = "Taille de chaque série afin de créer un anneau concentrique."; ln["bubbleCategoriesDescription_fr"] = "Catégories de graphique. Ces valeurs seront insérées dans l’axe horizontal. Vous devez insérer une valeur pour chaque série."; ln["bubbleYValuesDescription_fr"] = "Le graphique présente les valeurs Y. Ces valeurs seront insérées dans l’axe vertical."; ln["bubbleZValuesDescription_fr"] = "Le graphique présente les valeurs Z. Ces valeurs représentent la taille des bulles."; ln["bubbleSeriesDescription_fr"] = "The chart series. Its values visualize multi- series bubbles chart."; ln["scatterCategoriesDescription_fr"] = "The chart categories. You need one value for each series."; ln["scatterXValuesDescription_fr"] = "The chart plots x values. Its values will be put in the horizontal axis."; ln["scatterYValuesDescription_fr"] = "The chart plots y value. Its values will be put in the vertical axis."; ln["heatmapCategoriesDescription_fr"] = "The chart categories. Its values will be put in the horizontal axis."; ln["LatitudeDescription_fr"] = "Latitude des points que vous souhaitez montrer sur la carte."; ln["LongitudeDescription_fr"] = "Longitude des points que vous souhaitez montrer sur la carte."; ln["BalloonContentDescription_fr"] = "It is the text associated to the marker or the link to the image related to the camera associated to each points."; /******** NL ********/ ln["slide1Title_nl"] = "SELECTEER DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_nl"] = "Zoek of kopieer en plak de url van de dataset."; ln["slide2Title_nl"] = "SELECTEER DATA"; ln["slide2Subtitle_nl"] = "Selecteer de velden uit de boomstructuur. De multi-tabel laat de waarden zien van de geselecteerde velden."; ln["slide3Title_nl"] = "SELECTEER VISUALISATIE"; ln["slide3Subtitle_nl"] = "Selecteer een visualisatie, vul de invoer en labels in."; ln["back_nl"] = "TERUG"; ln["forward_nl"] = "VOOTUIT"; ln["listView_nl"] = "LIJSTWEERGAVE"; ln["treeMapView_nl"] = "BOOMSTRUCTUUR WEEERGAVE"; ln["mostPopular_nl"] = "POPULAIRSTE"; ln["availableDatasets_nl"] = "Beschikbare datasets"; ln["suggestedDatasets_nl"] = "Voeg aanbevolen datasets"; ln["selectedUrl_nl"] = "selecteer url"; ln["wrongUrl_nl"] = "Ongeldige url of data provider nog niet ondersteund."; ln["inputs_nl"] = "INPUTS"; ln["layouts_nl"] = "LABELS / OPTIES"; ln["baseInfo_nl"] = "BASIS INFO"; ln["comment_nl"] = "COMMENTAAR"; ln["commentLabel_nl"] = "commentaar (maximaal 100 tekens)"; ln["dataletPreview_nl"] = "VOORBEELD"; ln["addDatalet_nl"] = "TOEVOEGEN"; ln["modifyDatalet_nl"] = "WIJZIGEN"; ln["addFilters_nl"] = "ADD FILTERS"; ln["filterField_nl"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_nl"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_nl"] = "Value"; ln["contains_nl"] = "contains"; ln["start_nl"] = "start with"; ln["ends_nl"] = "ends with"; ln["sortAscending_nl"] = "sorted ascending"; ln["sortDescending_nl"] = "sorted descending"; ln["unsort_nl"] = "unsorted"; ln["groupBy_nl"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["calculate_nl"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["COUNT_nl"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_nl"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_nl"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_nl"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_nl"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_nl"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_nl"] = "LAST of"; ln["datatable_nl"] = "tafel"; ln["barchart_nl"] = "barchart"; ln["columnchart_nl"] = "columnchart"; ln["linechart_nl"] = "linechart"; ln["column3Dchart_nl"] = "column3Dchart"; ln["areachart_nl"] = "areachart"; ln["donutpie3dchart_nl"] = "donutpie3dchart"; ln["piechart_nl"] = "piechart"; ln["treemap_nl"] = "treemap"; ln["leafletjs_nl"] = "map"; ln["bubble3d_nl"] = "bubble3d"; ln["bubblechart_nl"] = "bubblechart"; ln["scatterchart_nl"] = "scatterchart"; ln["heatmap_nl"] = "heatmap"; ln["title_fr"] = "title"; ln["description_fr"] = "description"; ln["Cell_nl"] = "Cell"; ln["Level_nl"] = "Level"; ln["Categories_nl"] = "Categories"; ln["Series_nl"] = "Series"; ln["x-axis-label_nl"] = "x-axis-label"; ln["y-axis-label_nl"] = "y-axis-label"; ln["z-axis-label_nl"] = "z-axis-label"; ln["suffix_nl"] = "suffix"; ln["Size_nl"] = "Size"; ln["Latitude_nl"] = "Latitude"; ln["Longitude_nl"] = "Longitude"; ln["Balloon content_nl"] = "Balloon content"; ln["X values_nl"] = "X values"; ln["Y values_nl"] = "Y values"; ln["Z values_nl"] = "Z values"; ln["cellDescription_nl"] = "De cel van een tabel."; ln["levelDescription_nl"] = "Het is het veldniveau dat de datalet gebruikt om waarden te groeperen die corresponderen met veldniveau aantallen."; ln["categoriesDescription_nl"] = "De categorieen van het diagram. De waarden worden op de horizontale as geplaatst. Voor elke reeks is één waarde nodig."; ln["seriesDescription_nl"] = "De reeksen van het diagram. De waarden worden op de verticale as geplaatst."; ln["XAxisLabelDescription_nl"] = "Label voor de x-as."; ln["YAxisLabelDescription_nl"] = "Label voor de y-as."; ln["suffixDescription_nl"] = "De waarden van de index (bijvoorbeeld de eenheid)."; ln["pieSeriesDescription_nl"] = "De reeksen van het diagram. De waarden zullen worden opgedeeld voor iedere reeks."; ln["pieSizeDescription_nl"] = "De grootte van iedere reeks die samen een cirkelvormige ring vormen."; ln["bubbleCategoriesDescription_nl"] = "De categorieen van het diagram. Voor elke reeks is één waarde nodig."; ln["bubbleYValuesDescription_nl"] = "De grafiek plot Y-waarden. De waarden worden op de verticale as geplaatst."; ln["bubbleZValuesDescription_nl"] = "De grafiek plot Z-waarden. De waarden representeren de grootte van de bellen."; ln["bubbleSeriesDescription_nl"] = "De reeksen van het diagram. De waarden visualiseren meerdere reeksen van bellen."; ln["scatterCategoriesDescription_nl"] = "De categorieen van het diagram. Voor elke reeks is één waarde nodig."; ln["scatterXValuesDescription_nl"] = "De grafiek plot X-waarden. De waarden worden op de horizontale as geplaatst."; ln["scatterYValuesDescription_nl"] = "De grafiek plot Y-waarden. De waarden worden op de verticale as geplaatst."; ln["heatmapCategoriesDescription_nl"] = "De categorieën van het diagram. De waarden worden op de horizontale as geplaatst."; ln["LatitudeDescription_nl"] = "Het is de breedtegraad van de punten in de kaart."; ln["LongitudeDescription_nl"] = "Het is de hoogtegraad van de punten in de kaart"; ln["BalloonContentDescription_nl"] = "Het is de tekst die hoort bij de markering of link (naar een foto van de camera van ieder punt).";