Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="hydrolysis.html">

(function() {
var hydrolysis = require('hydrolysis');


    is: 'hydrolysis-analyzer',

    properties: {

       * The URL to an import that declares (or transitively imports) the
       * elements that you wish to see analyzed.
       * If the URL is relative, it will be resolved relative to the master
       * document.
       * If you change this value after the `<hydrolysis-analyzer>` has been
       * instantiated, you must call `analyze()`.
      src: {
        type: String,

       * Whether _all_ dependencies should be loaded and analyzed.
       * Turning this on will probably slow down the load process dramatically.
      transitive: {
        type: Boolean,

       * Whether the hydrolysis descriptors should be cleaned of redundant
       * properties.
      clean: {
        type: Boolean,

      /** The resultant `Analyzer` object from Hydrolysis. */
      analyzer: {
        type:     Object,
        readOnly: true,
        notify:   true,

      /** Whether the analyzer is loading/analyzing resources. */
      loading: {
        type:     Boolean,
        readOnly: true,
        notify:   true,


    ready: function() {

     * Begins loading the imports referenced by `src`.
     * If you make changes to this element's configuration, you must call this
     * function to kick off another analysis pass.
    analyze: function() {
      if (!this.src) {
      // We can implement request cancellation when someone needs it.
      if (this.loading) {
        console.error('Analyzer is already loading a document:', this);

      var options = {
        clean:  this.clean,
        filter: this.transitive ? function() { return false; } : null,
        attachAst: true,

      var baseUri = this.ownerDocument.baseURI;
      var srcUrl  = new URL(this.src, baseUri).toString();
      hydrolysis.Analyzer.analyze(srcUrl, options).then(function(analyzer) {
      .catch(function(error) {
        console.error('Failed to load source at:', this.src, error);

