<!-- @license Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt --> <link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html"> <link rel="import" href="../hydrolysis/hydrolysis-analyzer.html"> <link rel="import" href="../iron-doc-viewer/iron-doc-viewer.html"> <link rel="import" href="../iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> <link rel="import" href="../iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html"> <link rel="import" href="../iron-selector/iron-selector.html"> <link rel="import" href="../paper-header-panel/paper-header-panel.html"> <link rel="import" href="../paper-toolbar/paper-toolbar.html"> <link rel="import" href="../paper-styles/paper-styles.html"> <!-- Loads Polymer element and behavior documentation using [Hydrolysis](https://github.com/PolymerLabs/hydrolysis) and renders a complete documentation page including demos (if available). --> <dom-module id="iron-component-page"> <link rel="import" type="css" href="iron-component-page.css"> <template> <hydrolysis-analyzer id="analyzer" src="[[_srcUrl]]" transitive="[[transitive]]" clean analyzer="{{_hydroDesc}}" loading="{{_hydroLoading}}"></hydrolysis-analyzer> <iron-ajax id="ajax" url="[[docSrc]]" handle-as="json" on-response="_handleAjaxResponse"></iron-ajax> <paper-header-panel id="headerPanel" mode="waterfall"> <paper-toolbar catalog-hidden> <div class="flex"> <!-- TODO: Replace with paper-dropdown-menu when available --> <select id="active" value="{{active::change}}"> <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[docElements]]"> <option value="[[item.is]]">[[item.is]]</option> </template> <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[docBehaviors]]"> <option value="[[item.is]]">[[item.is]]</option> </template> </select> </div> <iron-selector attr-for-selected="view" selected="{{view}}" id="links" hidden$="[[!docDemos.length]]"> <a view="docs"><iron-icon icon="description"></iron-icon> Docs</a> <a view="[[_demoView(docDemos.0.path)]]"><iron-icon icon="visibility"></iron-icon> <span>Demo</span></a> </iron-selector> </paper-toolbar> <div id="content"> <iron-selector id="view" selected="[[_viewType(view)]]" attr-for-selected="id"> <div id="docs"> <div id="catalog-heading" catalog-only> <h2><span>[[active]]</span> <span class="version" hidden$="[[!version]]">[[version]]</span></h2> </div> <iron-doc-viewer descriptor="{{_activeDescriptor}}" on-iron-doc-viewer-component-selected="_handleComponentSelectedEvent"></iron-doc-viewer> <div id="nodocs" hidden$="[[_activeDescriptor]]" class="layout fit horizontal center-center"> No documentation found. </div> </div> <div id="demo"></div> </iron-selector> </div> </paper-header-panel> </template> </dom-module> <script> (function() { // var hydrolysis = require('hydrolysis'); /** * @param {string} url * @return {string} `url` stripped of a file name, if one is present. This * considers URLs like "example.com/foo" to already be a base (no `.` is) * present in the final path part). */ function _baseUrl(url) { return url.match(/^(.*?)\/?([^\/]+\.[^\/]+)?$/)[1] + '/'; } Polymer({ is: 'iron-component-page', enableCustomStyleProperties: true, properties: { /** * The URL to an import that declares (or transitively imports) the * elements that you wish to see documented. * * If the URL is relative, it will be resolved relative to the master * document. * * If a `src` URL is not specified, it will resolve the name of the * directory containing this element, followed by `dirname.html`. For * example: * * `awesome-sauce/index.html`: * * <iron-doc-viewer></iron-doc-viewer> * * Would implicitly have `src="awesome-sauce.html"`. */ src: { type: String, observer: '_srcChanged', }, /** * The URL to a precompiled JSON descriptor. If you have precompiled * and stored a documentation set using Hydrolysis, you can load the * analyzer directly via AJAX by specifying this attribute. * * If a `doc-src` is not specified, it is ignored and the default * rules according to the `src` attribute are used. */ docSrc: { type: String, observer: '_srcChanged', }, /** * The relative root for determining paths to demos and default source * detection. */ base: { type: String, value: function() { return this.ownerDocument.baseURI; } }, /** * The element or behavior that will be displayed on the page. Defaults * to the element matching the name of the source file. */ active: { type: String, notify: true, value: '' }, /** * The current view. Can be `docs` or `demo`. */ view: { type: String, value: 'docs', notify: true }, /** * Whether _all_ dependencies should be loaded and documented. * * Turning this on will probably slow down the load process dramatically. */ transitive: { type: Boolean, value: false }, /** The Hydrolysis element descriptors that have been loaded. */ docElements: { type: Array, notify: true, readOnly: true, value: function() { return []; } }, /** The Hydrolysis behavior descriptors that have been loaded. */ docBehaviors: { type: Array, notify: true, readOnly: true, value: function() { return []; } }, /** * Demos for the currently selected element. */ docDemos: { type: Array, notify: true, readOnly: true }, /** * The currently displayed element. * * @type {!hydrolysis.ElementDescriptor} */ _activeDescriptor: Object, /** * Toggle flag to be used when this element is being displayed in the * Polymer Elements catalog. */ _catalog: { type: Boolean, value: false, reflectToAttribute: true }, /** * An optional version string. */ version: String, /** * The hydrolysis analyzer. * * @type {!hydrolysis.Analyzer} */ _analyzer: { type: Object, observer: '_analyzerChanged', }, _hydroDesc: { type: Object, observer: '_detectAnalyzer' }, _ajaxDesc: { type: Object, observer: '_detectAnalyzer' }, /** Whether the analyzer is loading source. */ _loading: { type: Boolean, observer: '_loadingChanged', }, _hydroLoading: { type: Boolean, observer: '_detectLoading' }, _ajaxLoading: { type: Boolean, observer: '_detectLoading' }, /** The complete URL to this component's demo. */ _demoUrl: { type: String, value: '', }, /** The complete URL to this component's source. */ _srcUrl: String, }, observers: [ '_updateFrameSrc(view, base)', '_activeChanged(active, _analyzer)' ], ready: function() { var elements = this._loadJson(); if (elements) { this.docElements = elements; this._loading = false; } else { // Make sure our change handlers trigger in all cases. if (!this.src && !this._catalog) { this._srcChanged(); } } }, /** * Loads an array of hydrolysis element descriptors (as JSON) from the text * content of this element, if present. * * @return {Array<hydrolysis.ElementDescriptor>} The descriptors, or `null`. */ _loadJson: function() { var textContent = ''; Array.prototype.forEach.call(Polymer.dom(this).childNodes, function(node) { textContent = textContent + node.textContent; }); textContent = textContent.trim(); if (textContent === '') return null; try { var json = JSON.parse(textContent); if (!Array.isArray(json)) return []; return json; } catch(error) { console.error('Failure when parsing JSON:', textContent, error); throw error; } }, _srcChanged: function() { var srcUrl; if (this.docSrc) { if (!this.$.ajax.lastRequest || (this.docSrc !== this.$.ajax.lastRequest.url && this.docSrc !== this._lastDocSrc)) { this._ajaxLoading = true; this._ajaxDesc = null; this._activeDescriptor = null; this.$.ajax.generateRequest(); } this._lastDocSrc = this.docSrc; return; } else if (this.src) { srcUrl = new URL(this.src, this.base).toString(); } else { var base = _baseUrl(this.base); srcUrl = new URL(base.match(/([^\/]*)\/$/)[1] + ".html", base).toString(); } // Rewrite gh-pages URLs to https://rawgit.com/ var match = srcUrl.match(/([^\/\.]+)\.github\.io\/([^\/]+)\/?([^\/]*)$/); if (match) { srcUrl = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/" + match[1] + "/" + match[2] + "/master/" + match[3]; } this._baseUrl = _baseUrl(srcUrl); this._srcUrl = srcUrl; if (!this._hydroLoading) this.$.analyzer.analyze(); }, _updateFrameSrc: function(view) { if (!view || view.indexOf("demo:") !== 0) return "about:blank"; var src = view.split(':')[1]; var demoSrc = new URL(src, this.base).toString(); // If you use history.pushState with iframe.src = url, you will create 2 history entries, // but setting the `src` attribute imperatively will not. if (this._iframe) { Polymer.dom(this.$.demo).removeChild(this._iframe); } this._iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); this._iframe.src = demoSrc; Polymer.dom(this.$.demo).appendChild(this._iframe); }, _getDefaultActive: function() { var matchedPage; var url = this._srcUrl || this.base; var mainFile = url.replace(_baseUrl(this.base), ''); function findMatch(list) { for (var item, i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { item = list[i]; if (item && item.contentHref && item.contentHref.indexOf(mainFile) > 0) { return item; } } return null; } matchedPage = findMatch(this.docElements) || findMatch(this.docBehaviors); if (matchedPage) { return matchedPage.is; } else if (this.docElements.length > 0) { return this.docElements[0].is; } else if (this.docBehaviors.length > 0) { return this.docBehaviors[0].is; } return null; }, _findDescriptor: function(name) { if (!this._analyzer) return null; var descriptor = this._analyzer.elementsByTagName[name]; if (descriptor) return descriptor; for (var i = 0; i < this._analyzer.behaviors.length; i++) { if (this._analyzer.behaviors[i].is === name) { return this._analyzer.behaviors[i]; } } return null; }, _activeChanged: function(active, analyzer) { if (active === '') { this.active = this._getDefaultActive(); return; } this.async(function() { this.$.active.value = active; }); if (analyzer && analyzer.elementsByTagName) { this.$.headerPanel.scroller.scrollTop = 0; this._activeDescriptor = this._findDescriptor(active); if (this._activeDescriptor) { var hasDemo; var demos = this._activeDescriptor.demos; if (this.view && demos && demos.length) { var parts = this.view.split(':'); if (parts[0] == 'demo') { if (parts[1]) { hasDemo = demos.some(function(d, i) { if (d.path == parts[1]) { return true; } }); } if (!hasDemo) { this.view = 'demo:' + demos[0].path; hasDemo = true; } } } if (!hasDemo == undefined) { this.view = 'docs'; } if (this._activeDescriptor.is && !document.title) { document.title = this._activeDescriptor.is + " documentation"; } } this._setDocDemos(this._activeDescriptor ? this._activeDescriptor.demos : []); } }, _loadingChanged: function() { this.toggleClass('loaded', !this._loading); }, _detectLoading: function() { this._loading = this.docSrc ? this._ajaxLoading : this._hydroLoading; }, _analyzerChanged: function() { var analyzer = this._analyzer; this._setDocElements(analyzer && analyzer.elements ? analyzer.elements : []); this._setDocBehaviors(analyzer && analyzer.behaviors ? analyzer.behaviors : []); if (!this._findDescriptor(this.active)) { this.active = this._getDefaultActive(); } }, _detectAnalyzer: function() { this._analyzer = this.docSrc ? this._ajaxDesc : this._hydroDesc; }, _handleAjaxResponse: function(e, req) { this._ajaxLoading = false; this._ajaxLastUrl = req.url; this._ajaxDesc = req.response; }, _handleComponentSelectedEvent: function(ev) { var descriptor = this._findDescriptor(ev.detail); if (!descriptor) { console.warn("Could not navigate to ", ev.detail); } else { this.active = ev.detail; } }, /** * Renders this element into static HTML for offline use. * * This is mostly useful for debugging and one-off documentation generation. * If you want to integrate doc generation into your build process, you * probably want to be calling `hydrolysis.Analyzer.analyze()` directly. * * @return {string} The HTML for this element with all state baked in. */ marshal: function() { var jsonText = JSON.stringify(this.docElements || [], null, ' '); return '<' + this.is + '>\n' + jsonText.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>') + '\n' + '</' + this.is + '>'; }, _demoView: function(path) { return "demo:" + path; }, _viewType: function(view) { return view ? view.split(":")[0] : null; } }); })(); </script>