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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">

  Polymer.IronFormElementBehavior enables a custom element to be included
  in an `iron-form`.

  @demo demo/index.html
  Polymer.IronFormElementBehavior = {

    properties: {
       * Fired when the element is added to an `iron-form`.
       * @event iron-form-element-register

       * Fired when the element is removed from an `iron-form`.
       * @event iron-form-element-unregister

       * The name of this element.
      name: {
        type: String

       * The value for this element.
      value: {
        notify: true,
        type: String

       * Set to true to mark the input as required. If used in a form, a
       * custom element that uses this behavior should also use
       * Polymer.IronValidatableBehavior and define a custom validation method.
       * Otherwise, a `required` element will always be considered valid.
       * It's also strongly recommended to provide a visual style for the element
       * when its value is invalid.
      required: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false

       * The form that the element is registered to.
      _parentForm: {
        type: Object

    attached: function() {
      // Note: the iron-form that this element belongs to will set this
      // element's _parentForm property when handling this event.

    detached: function() {
      if (this._parentForm) {
        this._parentForm.fire('iron-form-element-unregister', {target: this});

