## Contributing
- Compiling Files
  - `npm install`
  - `grunt monitor`, this will compile .scss, .js., .jade files
- Documentation
  - If you notice an error in the documentation, please edit the corresponding .html page under jade/page-contents/.
- Issues
  - If you have an issue please make sure you document the problems in depth.
  - Create screenshots of your issue and include a [Codepen](http://codepen.io/Dogfalo/pen/xbzPQV) of the problem where applicable
  - Unclear issues with little explanations will be closed.
  - Issues without a Codepen (where applicable) will be closed or ignored.
- Feature Requests
  - We like feature requests but make sure that it can be seen within the goals of the project and not just something you need individually. Also you should try and give as much examples and details about the new feature as possible.
- Code Examples
  - Use this [Codepen](http://codepen.io/Dogfalo/pen/xbzPQV) to illustrate your problem.

## Contribution 101
- Fork this repo to your own git
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request with full remarks documenting your changes
- Pull request MAY then be accepted by project creators