var ln = []; ln["localization"] = "en"; /******** EN ********/ //PAGE SLIDER ln["slide1Title_en"] = "SELECT DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_en"] = "Select a dataset from the list or copy and paste the url of dataset."; ln["slide2Title_en"] = "SELECT DATA"; ln["slide2Subtitle_en"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; ln["slide3Title_en"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; ln["slide3Subtitle_en"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; ln["back_en"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; ln["forward_en"] = "FORWARD"; //SELECT DATASET ln["listView_en"] = "LIST VIEW"; ln["treeMapView_en"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; ln["extendedSearch_en"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; ln["provider_en"] = "Provider"; ln["showing_en"] = "Showing"; ln["to_en"] = "to"; ln["of_en"] = "of"; ln["datasets_en"] = "datasets"; ln["suggestedDatasets_en"] = "Suggested datasets"; ln["selectedUrl_en"] = "Selected url"; ln["wrongUrl_en"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; //SELECT DATA //select-fields ln["fields_en"] = "FIELDS"; //data-table ln["selectedData_en"] = "SELECTED DATA"; ln["showing_en"] = "Showing"; ln["to_en"] = "to"; ln["of_en"] = "of"; ln["rows_en"] = "rows"; ln["type_en"] = "TYPE"; ln["warning_en"] = "WARNING"; //expert ln["expert_en"] = "EXPERT MODE"; ln["filters_en"] = "FILTERS"; ln["groupBy_en"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["query_en"] = "QUERY"; //filters ln["filterField_en"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_en"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_en"] = "Value"; ln["disableFilters_en"] = "DISABLE FILTERS"; ln["enableFilters_en"] = "ENABLE FILTERS"; ln["=_en"] = "="; //is equal to ln["!=_en"] = "not ="; //is not equal to ln[">_en"] = ">"; //is greater than ln[">=_en"] = ">="; //is greater than or equal to ln["<_en"] = "<"; //is less than ln["<=_en"] = "<="; //is less than or equal to ln["contains_en"] = "contains"; ln["notContains_en"] = "not contains"; ln["start_en"] = "start with"; ln["ends_en"] = "ends with"; //aggregators ln["GROUP BY_en"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["CALCULATE_en"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["Calculate_en"] = "Calculate"; ln["aggregatorField_en"] = "Field"; ln["disableGroupBy_en"] = "DISABLE GROUP BY"; ln["enableGroupBy_en"] = "ENABLE GROUP BY"; ln["COUNT_en"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_en"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_en"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_en"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_en"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_en"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_en"] = "LAST of"; //SELECT VISUALIZATION ln["addDatalet_en"] = "ADD"; ln["modifyDatalet_en"] = "MODIFY"; //datalet-preview ln["previewTab_en"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; ln["infoTab_en"] = "DATALET INFO"; //select-inputs ln["baseInfo_en"] = "BASE INFO"; ln["inputs_en"] = "INPUTS"; ln["options_en"] = "OPTIONS"; //vslider ln["search_en"] = "Search"; ln["datatable_en"] = "Table"; ln["barchart_en"] = "Bar Chart"; ln["columnchart_en"] = "Column Chart"; ln["areachart_en"] = "Area Chart"; ln["linechart_en"] = "Line Chart"; ln["heatmap_en"] = "Heat Map"; ln["piechart_en"] = "Pie Chart"; ln["scatterchart_en"] = "Scatter Chart"; ln["bubblechart_en"] = "Bubble Chart"; ln["treemap_en"] = "Tree Map"; ln["leafletjs_en"] = "Map"; ln["leafletjs-geojson_en"] = "Geojson Map"; ln["datatableDescription_en"] = "A table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns."; ln["barchartDescription_en"] = "A bar chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted horizontally with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["columnchartDescription_en"] = "A column chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted vertically with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["areachartDescription_en"] = "An area chart is a chart which displays graphically quantitive data. The area between axis and line are emphasized with colors and textures. Commonly one compares with the area chart two or more quantities."; ln["linechartDescription_en"] = "A line chart is chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time."; ln["heatmapDescription_en"] = "A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors."; ln["piechartDescription_en"] = "A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In the pie chart, the arc length of each slice, and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents."; ln["scatterchartDescription_en"] = "A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis."; ln["bubblechartDescription_en"] = "A bubble chart is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size."; ln["treemapDescription_en"] = "A tree map is a chart for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles."; ln["leafletjsDescription_en"] = ""; ln["leafletjs-geojsonDescription_en"] = ""; //inputs ln["title_en"] = "Title" ln["description_en"] = "Description"; ln["sortAscending_en"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; ln["sortDescending_en"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; ln["unsort_en"] = "UNSORTED"; //--> "_" not allowed! ln["TITLE_en"] = "TITLE"; ln["DESCRIPTION_en"] = "DESCRIPTION"; ln["XAxis_en"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["YAxis_en"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["NumericXAxis_en"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["NumericYAxis_en"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["Column_en"] = "COLUMN"; ln["Level_en"] = "LEVEL"; ln["SliceLabels_en"] = "LABEL"; ln["SliceSizes_en"] = "SIZE"; ln["Latitude_en"] = "LATITUDE"; ln["Longitude_en"] = "LONGITUDE"; ln["BalloonContent_en"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; ln["GEOJSON_en"] = "GEOJSON"; ln["GEOJSONContent_en"] = "GEOJSON CONTENT"; ln["BubbleContent_en"] = "BUBBLE CONTENT"; ln["BubbleSize_en"] = "BUBBLE SIZE"; ln["Categories_en"] = "CATEGORY"; ln["TITLEDescription_en"] = "The datalet title."; ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_en"] = "The datalet description."; ln["XAxisDescription_en"] = "The x-axis."; ln["YAxisDescription_en"] = "The y-axis."; ln["NumericXAxisDescription_en"] = "The x-axis."; ln["NumericYAxisDescription_en"] = "The y-axis."; ln["ColumnDescription_en"] = "The column of the table."; ln["LevelDescription_en"] = "The level of the tree map."; ln["SliceLabelsDescription_en"] = "The label of the slices."; ln["SliceSizesDescription_en"] = "The size of the slices."; ln["LatitudeDescription_en"] = "The latitude of locations."; ln["LongitudeDescription_en"] = "The longitude of locations."; ln["BalloonContentDescription_en"] = "The content of balloons."; ln["GEOJSONDescription_en"] = "The GeoJSON data."; ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_en"] = "The content of GeoJSON."; ln["BubbleContentDescription_en"] = "The content of bubbles."; ln["BubbleSizeDescription_en"] = "The size of bubbles."; ln["CategoriesDescription_en"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If selected only the first selected y-axis will be considered."; //options ln["x-axis-label_en"] = "X Axis Label"; ln["y-axis-label_en"] = "Y Axis Label"; ln["suffix_en"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; ln["legend_en"] = "Leged"; ln["data-labels_en"] = "Show Data Labels"; ln["stack_en"] = "Stack"; ln["theme_en"] = "Theme"; ln["donut_en"] = "Donut"; ln["true_en"] = "Yes"; ln["false_en"] = "No"; ln["bottom_en"] = "Yes: Bottom"; ln["topRight_en"] = "Yes: Top Right"; ln["normal_en"] = "Yes: Normal"; ln["percent_en"] = "Yes: Percent"; ln["themeBase_en"] = "Base"; ln["themeDarkUnika_en"] = "Dark Unika"; ln["themeSandSignika_en"] = "Sand Signika"; ln["themeGridLight_en"] = "Grid Light"; ln["themeSpod_en"] = "Spod"; ln["x-axis-labelDescription_en"] = "The x-axis label."; ln["y-axis-labelDescription_en"] = "The y-axis label."; ln["suffixDescription_en"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; ln["legendDescription_en"] = "The leged position."; ln["data-labelsDescription_en"] = "Show/hide data labels."; ln["themeDescription_en"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; ln["stackDescription_en"] = "The stack type."; ln["donutDescription_en"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa)."; /******** IT ********/ //PAGE SLIDER ln["slide1Title_it"] = "SELECT DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_it"] = "Select a dataset from the list or copy and paste the url of dataset."; ln["slide2Title_it"] = "SELECT DATA"; ln["slide2Subtitle_it"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; ln["slide3Title_it"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; ln["slide3Subtitle_it"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; ln["back_it"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; ln["forward_it"] = "FORWARD"; //SELECT DATASET ln["listView_it"] = "LIST VIEW"; ln["treeMapView_it"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; ln["extendedSearch_it"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; ln["provider_it"] = "Provider"; ln["showing_it"] = "Showing"; ln["to_it"] = "to"; ln["of_it"] = "of"; ln["datasets_it"] = "datasets"; ln["suggestedDatasets_it"] = "Suggested datasets"; ln["selectedUrl_it"] = "Selected url"; ln["wrongUrl_it"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; //SELECT DATA //select-fields ln["fields_it"] = "FIELDS"; //data-table ln["selectedData_it"] = "SELECTED DATA"; ln["showing_it"] = "Showing"; ln["to_it"] = "to"; ln["of_it"] = "of"; ln["rows_it"] = "rows"; ln["type_it"] = "TYPE"; ln["warning_it"] = "WARNING"; //expert ln["expert_it"] = "EXPERT MODE"; ln["filters_it"] = "FILTERS"; ln["groupBy_it"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["query_it"] = "QUERY"; //filters ln["filterField_it"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_it"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_it"] = "Value"; ln["disableFilters_it"] = "DISABLE FILTERS"; ln["enableFilters_it"] = "ENABLE FILTERS"; ln["=_it"] = "="; //is equal to ln["!=_it"] = "not ="; //is not equal to ln[">_it"] = ">"; //is greater than ln[">=_it"] = ">="; //is greater than or equal to ln["<_it"] = "<"; //is less than ln["<=_it"] = "<="; //is less than or equal to ln["contains_it"] = "contains"; ln["notContains_it"] = "not contains"; ln["start_it"] = "start with"; ln["ends_it"] = "ends with"; //aggregators ln["GROUP BY_it"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["CALCULATE_it"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["Calculate_it"] = "Calculate"; ln["aggregatorField_it"] = "Field"; ln["disableGroupBy_it"] = "DISABLE GROUP BY"; ln["enableGroupBy_it"] = "ENABLE GROUP BY"; ln["COUNT_it"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_it"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_it"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_it"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_it"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_it"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_it"] = "LAST of"; //SELECT VISUALIZATION ln["addDatalet_it"] = "ADD"; ln["modifyDatalet_it"] = "MODIFY"; //datalet-preview ln["previewTab_it"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; ln["infoTab_it"] = "DATALET INFO"; //select-inputs ln["baseInfo_it"] = "BASE INFO"; ln["inputs_it"] = "INPUTS"; ln["options_it"] = "OPTIONS"; //vslider ln["search_it"] = "Search"; ln["datatable_it"] = "Table"; ln["barchart_it"] = "Bar Chart"; ln["columnchart_it"] = "Column Chart"; ln["areachart_it"] = "Area Chart"; ln["linechart_it"] = "Line Chart"; ln["heatmap_it"] = "Heat Map"; ln["piechart_it"] = "Pie Chart"; ln["scatterchart_it"] = "Scatter Chart"; ln["bubblechart_it"] = "Bubble Chart"; ln["treemap_it"] = "Tree Map"; ln["leafletjs_it"] = "Map"; ln["leafletjs-geojson_it"] = "Geojson Map"; ln["datatableDescription_it"] = "A table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns."; ln["barchartDescription_it"] = "A bar chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted horizontally with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["columnchartDescription_it"] = "A column chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted vertically with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["areachartDescription_it"] = "An area chart is a chart which displays graphically quantitive data. The area between axis and line are emphasized with colors and textures. Commonly one compares with the area chart two or more quantities."; ln["linechartDescription_it"] = "A line chart is chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time."; ln["heatmapDescription_it"] = "A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors."; ln["piechartDescription_it"] = "A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In the pie chart, the arc length of each slice, and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents."; ln["scatterchartDescription_it"] = "A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis."; ln["bubblechartDescription_it"] = "A bubble chart is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size."; ln["treemapDescription_it"] = "A tree map is a chart for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles."; ln["leafletjsDescription_it"] = ""; ln["leafletjs-geojsonDescription_it"] = ""; //inputs ln["title_it"] = "Title" ln["description_it"] = "Description"; ln["sortAscending_it"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; ln["sortDescending_it"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; ln["unsort_it"] = "UNSORTED"; //--> "_" not allowed! ln["TITLE_it"] = "TITLE"; ln["DESCRIPTION_it"] = "DESCRIPTION"; ln["XAxis_it"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["YAxis_it"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["NumericXAxis_it"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["NumericYAxis_it"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["Column_it"] = "COLUMN"; ln["Level_it"] = "LEVEL"; ln["SliceLabels_it"] = "LABEL"; ln["SliceSizes_it"] = "SIZE"; ln["Latitude_it"] = "LATITUDE"; ln["Longitude_it"] = "LONGITUDE"; ln["BalloonContent_it"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; ln["GEOJSON_it"] = "GEOJSON"; ln["GEOJSONContent_it"] = "GEOJSON CONTENT"; ln["BubbleContent_it"] = "BUBBLE CONTENT"; ln["BubbleSize_it"] = "BUBBLE SIZE"; ln["Categories_it"] = "CATEGORY"; ln["TITLEDescription_it"] = "The datalet title."; ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_it"] = "The datalet description."; ln["XAxisDescription_it"] = "The x-axis."; ln["YAxisDescription_it"] = "The y-axis."; ln["NumericXAxisDescription_it"] = "The x-axis."; ln["NumericYAxisDescription_it"] = "The y-axis."; ln["ColumnDescription_it"] = "The column of the table."; ln["LevelDescription_it"] = "The level of the tree map."; ln["SliceLabelsDescription_it"] = "The label of the slices."; ln["SliceSizesDescription_it"] = "The size of the slices."; ln["LatitudeDescription_it"] = "The latitude of locations."; ln["LongitudeDescription_it"] = "The longitude of locations."; ln["BalloonContentDescription_it"] = "The content of balloons."; ln["GEOJSONDescription_it"] = "The GeoJSON data."; ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_it"] = "The content of GeoJSON."; ln["BubbleContentDescription_it"] = "The content of bubbles."; ln["BubbleSizeDescription_it"] = "The size of bubbles."; ln["CategoriesDescription_it"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If selected only the first selected y-axis will be considered."; //options ln["x-axis-label_it"] = "X Axis Label"; ln["y-axis-label_it"] = "Y Axis Label"; ln["suffix_it"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; ln["legend_it"] = "Leged"; ln["data-labels_it"] = "Show Data Labels"; ln["stack_it"] = "Stack"; ln["theme_it"] = "Theme"; ln["donut_it"] = "Donut"; ln["true_it"] = "Yes"; ln["false_it"] = "No"; ln["bottom_it"] = "Yes: Bottom"; ln["topRight_it"] = "Yes: Top Right"; ln["normal_it"] = "Yes: Normal"; ln["percent_it"] = "Yes: Percent"; ln["themeBase_it"] = "Base"; ln["themeDarkUnika_it"] = "Dark Unika"; ln["themeSandSignika_it"] = "Sand Signika"; ln["themeGridLight_it"] = "Grid Light"; ln["themeSpod_it"] = "Spod"; ln["x-axis-labelDescription_it"] = "The x-axis label."; ln["y-axis-labelDescription_it"] = "The y-axis label."; ln["suffixDescription_it"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; ln["legendDescription_it"] = "The leged position."; ln["data-labelsDescription_it"] = "Show/hide data labels."; ln["themeDescription_it"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; ln["stackDescription_it"] = "The stack type."; ln["donutDescription_it"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa)."; /******** FR ********/ //PAGE SLIDER ln["slide1Title_fr"] = "SELECT DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_fr"] = "Select a dataset from the list or copy and paste the url of dataset."; ln["slide2Title_fr"] = "SELECT DATA"; ln["slide2Subtitle_fr"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; ln["slide3Title_fr"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; ln["slide3Subtitle_fr"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; ln["back_fr"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; ln["forward_fr"] = "FORWARD"; //SELECT DATASET ln["listView_fr"] = "LIST VIEW"; ln["treeMapView_fr"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; ln["extendedSearch_fr"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; ln["provider_fr"] = "Provider"; ln["showing_fr"] = "Showing"; ln["to_fr"] = "to"; ln["of_fr"] = "of"; ln["datasets_fr"] = "datasets"; ln["suggestedDatasets_fr"] = "Suggested datasets"; ln["selectedUrl_fr"] = "Selected url"; ln["wrongUrl_fr"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; //SELECT DATA //select-fields ln["fields_fr"] = "FIELDS"; //data-table ln["selectedData_fr"] = "SELECTED DATA"; ln["showing_fr"] = "Showing"; ln["to_fr"] = "to"; ln["of_fr"] = "of"; ln["rows_fr"] = "rows"; ln["type_fr"] = "TYPE"; ln["warning_fr"] = "WARNING"; //expert ln["expert_fr"] = "EXPERT MODE"; ln["filters_fr"] = "FILTERS"; ln["groupBy_fr"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["query_fr"] = "QUERY"; //filters ln["filterField_fr"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_fr"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_fr"] = "Value"; ln["disableFilters_fr"] = "DISABLE FILTERS"; ln["enableFilters_fr"] = "ENABLE FILTERS"; ln["=_fr"] = "="; //is equal to ln["!=_fr"] = "not ="; //is not equal to ln[">_fr"] = ">"; //is greater than ln[">=_fr"] = ">="; //is greater than or equal to ln["<_fr"] = "<"; //is less than ln["<=_fr"] = "<="; //is less than or equal to ln["contains_fr"] = "contains"; ln["notContains_fr"] = "not contains"; ln["start_fr"] = "start with"; ln["ends_fr"] = "ends with"; //aggregators ln["GROUP BY_fr"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["CALCULATE_fr"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["Calculate_fr"] = "Calculate"; ln["aggregatorField_fr"] = "Field"; ln["disableGroupBy_fr"] = "DISABLE GROUP BY"; ln["enableGroupBy_fr"] = "ENABLE GROUP BY"; ln["COUNT_fr"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_fr"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_fr"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_fr"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_fr"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_fr"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_fr"] = "LAST of"; //SELECT VISUALIZATION ln["addDatalet_fr"] = "ADD"; ln["modifyDatalet_fr"] = "MODIFY"; //datalet-preview ln["previewTab_fr"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; ln["infoTab_fr"] = "DATALET INFO"; //select-inputs ln["baseInfo_fr"] = "BASE INFO"; ln["inputs_fr"] = "INPUTS"; ln["options_fr"] = "OPTIONS"; //vslider ln["search_fr"] = "Search"; ln["datatable_fr"] = "Table"; ln["barchart_fr"] = "Bar Chart"; ln["columnchart_fr"] = "Column Chart"; ln["areachart_fr"] = "Area Chart"; ln["linechart_fr"] = "Line Chart"; ln["heatmap_fr"] = "Heat Map"; ln["piechart_fr"] = "Pie Chart"; ln["scatterchart_fr"] = "Scatter Chart"; ln["bubblechart_fr"] = "Bubble Chart"; ln["treemap_fr"] = "Tree Map"; ln["leafletjs_fr"] = "Map"; ln["leafletjs-geojson_fr"] = "Geojson Map"; ln["datatableDescription_fr"] = "A table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns."; ln["barchartDescription_fr"] = "A bar chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted horizontally with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["columnchartDescription_fr"] = "A column chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted vertically with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["areachartDescription_fr"] = "An area chart is a chart which displays graphically quantitive data. The area between axis and line are emphasized with colors and textures. Commonly one compares with the area chart two or more quantities."; ln["linechartDescription_fr"] = "A line chart is chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time."; ln["heatmapDescription_fr"] = "A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors."; ln["piechartDescription_fr"] = "A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In the pie chart, the arc length of each slice, and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents."; ln["scatterchartDescription_fr"] = "A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis."; ln["bubblechartDescription_fr"] = "A bubble chart is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size."; ln["treemapDescription_fr"] = "A tree map is a chart for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles."; ln["leafletjsDescription_fr"] = ""; ln["leafletjs-geojsonDescription_fr"] = ""; //inputs ln["title_fr"] = "Title" ln["description_fr"] = "Description"; ln["sortAscending_fr"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; ln["sortDescending_fr"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; ln["unsort_fr"] = "UNSORTED"; //--> "_" not allowed! ln["TITLE_fr"] = "TITLE"; ln["DESCRIPTION_fr"] = "DESCRIPTION"; ln["XAxis_fr"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["YAxis_fr"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["NumericXAxis_fr"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["NumericYAxis_fr"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["Column_fr"] = "COLUMN"; ln["Level_fr"] = "LEVEL"; ln["SliceLabels_fr"] = "LABEL"; ln["SliceSizes_fr"] = "SIZE"; ln["Latitude_fr"] = "LATITUDE"; ln["Longitude_fr"] = "LONGITUDE"; ln["BalloonContent_fr"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; ln["GEOJSON_fr"] = "GEOJSON"; ln["GEOJSONContent_fr"] = "GEOJSON CONTENT"; ln["BubbleContent_fr"] = "BUBBLE CONTENT"; ln["BubbleSize_fr"] = "BUBBLE SIZE"; ln["Categories_fr"] = "CATEGORY"; ln["TITLEDescription_fr"] = "The datalet title."; ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_fr"] = "The datalet description."; ln["XAxisDescription_fr"] = "The x-axis."; ln["YAxisDescription_fr"] = "The y-axis."; ln["NumericXAxisDescription_fr"] = "The x-axis."; ln["NumericYAxisDescription_fr"] = "The y-axis."; ln["ColumnDescription_fr"] = "The column of the table."; ln["LevelDescription_fr"] = "The level of the tree map."; ln["SliceLabelsDescription_fr"] = "The label of the slices."; ln["SliceSizesDescription_fr"] = "The size of the slices."; ln["LatitudeDescription_fr"] = "The latitude of locations."; ln["LongitudeDescription_fr"] = "The longitude of locations."; ln["BalloonContentDescription_fr"] = "The content of balloons."; ln["GEOJSONDescription_fr"] = "The GeoJSON data."; ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_fr"] = "The content of GeoJSON."; ln["BubbleContentDescription_fr"] = "The content of bubbles."; ln["BubbleSizeDescription_fr"] = "The size of bubbles."; ln["CategoriesDescription_fr"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If selected only the first selected y-axis will be considered."; //options ln["x-axis-label_fr"] = "X Axis Label"; ln["y-axis-label_fr"] = "Y Axis Label"; ln["suffix_fr"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; ln["legend_fr"] = "Leged"; ln["data-labels_fr"] = "Show Data Labels"; ln["stack_fr"] = "Stack"; ln["theme_fr"] = "Theme"; ln["donut_fr"] = "Donut"; ln["true_fr"] = "Yes"; ln["false_fr"] = "No"; ln["bottom_fr"] = "Yes: Bottom"; ln["topRight_fr"] = "Yes: Top Right"; ln["normal_fr"] = "Yes: Normal"; ln["percent_fr"] = "Yes: Percent"; ln["themeBase_fr"] = "Base"; ln["themeDarkUnika_fr"] = "Dark Unika"; ln["themeSandSignika_fr"] = "Sand Signika"; ln["themeGridLight_fr"] = "Grid Light"; ln["themeSpod_fr"] = "Spod"; ln["x-axis-labelDescription_fr"] = "The x-axis label."; ln["y-axis-labelDescription_fr"] = "The y-axis label."; ln["suffixDescription_fr"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; ln["legendDescription_fr"] = "The leged position."; ln["data-labelsDescription_fr"] = "Show/hide data labels."; ln["themeDescription_fr"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; ln["stackDescription_fr"] = "The stack type."; ln["donutDescription_fr"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa)."; /******** NL ********/ //PAGE SLIDER ln["slide1Title_nl"] = "SELECT DATASET"; ln["slide1Subtitle_nl"] = "Select a dataset from the list or copy and paste the url of dataset."; ln["slide2Title_nl"] = "SELECT DATA"; ln["slide2Subtitle_nl"] = "Select the fields on the left. The table will show the values related to the selected fields."; ln["slide3Title_nl"] = "SELECT VISUALIZATION"; ln["slide3Subtitle_nl"] = "Select a visualization, fill out inputs and options."; ln["back_nl"] = "BACK TO THE FUTURE"; ln["forward_nl"] = "FORWARD"; //SELECT DATASET ln["listView_nl"] = "LIST VIEW"; ln["treeMapView_nl"] = "TREE MAP VIEW"; ln["extendedSearch_nl"] = "EXTENDED SEARCH"; ln["provider_nl"] = "Provider"; ln["showing_nl"] = "Showing"; ln["to_nl"] = "to"; ln["of_nl"] = "of"; ln["datasets_nl"] = "datasets"; ln["suggestedDatasets_nl"] = "Suggested datasets"; ln["selectedUrl_nl"] = "Selected url"; ln["wrongUrl_nl"] = "Invalid url or data provider not supported yet."; //SELECT DATA //select-fields ln["fields_nl"] = "FIELDS"; //data-table ln["selectedData_nl"] = "SELECTED DATA"; ln["showing_nl"] = "Showing"; ln["to_nl"] = "to"; ln["of_nl"] = "of"; ln["rows_nl"] = "rows"; ln["type_nl"] = "TYPE"; ln["warning_nl"] = "WARNING"; //expert ln["expert_nl"] = "EXPERT MODE"; ln["filters_nl"] = "FILTERS"; ln["groupBy_nl"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["query_nl"] = "QUERY"; //filters ln["filterField_nl"] = "Field"; ln["filterOperation_nl"] = "Operation"; ln["filterValue_nl"] = "Value"; ln["disableFilters_nl"] = "DISABLE FILTERS"; ln["enableFilters_nl"] = "ENABLE FILTERS"; ln["=_nl"] = "="; //is equal to ln["!=_nl"] = "not ="; //is not equal to ln[">_nl"] = ">"; //is greater than ln[">=_nl"] = ">="; //is greater than or equal to ln["<_nl"] = "<"; //is less than ln["<=_nl"] = "<="; //is less than or equal to ln["contains_nl"] = "contains"; ln["notContains_nl"] = "not contains"; ln["start_nl"] = "start with"; ln["ends_nl"] = "ends with"; //aggregators ln["GROUP BY_nl"] = "GROUP BY"; ln["CALCULATE_nl"] = "CALCULATE"; ln["Calculate_nl"] = "Calculate"; ln["aggregatorField_nl"] = "Field"; ln["disableGroupBy_nl"] = "DISABLE GROUP BY"; ln["enableGroupBy_nl"] = "ENABLE GROUP BY"; ln["COUNT_nl"] = "COUNT of"; ln["SUM_nl"] = "SUM of"; ln["MIN_nl"] = "MIN of"; ln["MAX_nl"] = "MAX of"; ln["AVG_nl"] = "AVG of"; ln["FIRST_nl"] = "FIRST of"; ln["LAST_nl"] = "LAST of"; //SELECT VISUALIZATION ln["addDatalet_nl"] = "ADD"; ln["modifyDatalet_nl"] = "MODIFY"; //datalet-preview ln["previewTab_nl"] = "DATALET PREVIEW"; ln["infoTab_nl"] = "DATALET INFO"; //select-inputs ln["baseInfo_nl"] = "BASE INFO"; ln["inputs_nl"] = "INPUTS"; ln["options_nl"] = "OPTIONS"; //vslider ln["search_nl"] = "Search"; ln["datatable_nl"] = "Table"; ln["barchart_nl"] = "Bar Chart"; ln["columnchart_nl"] = "Column Chart"; ln["areachart_nl"] = "Area Chart"; ln["linechart_nl"] = "Line Chart"; ln["heatmap_nl"] = "Heat Map"; ln["piechart_nl"] = "Pie Chart"; ln["scatterchart_nl"] = "Scatter Chart"; ln["bubblechart_nl"] = "Bubble Chart"; ln["treemap_nl"] = "Tree Map"; ln["leafletjs_nl"] = "Map"; ln["leafletjs-geojson_nl"] = "Geojson Map"; ln["datatableDescription_nl"] = "A table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns."; ln["barchartDescription_nl"] = "A bar chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted horizontally with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["columnchartDescription_nl"] = "A column chart is a chart that presents grouped data with rectangular bars plotted vertically with lengths proportional to the values that they represent."; ln["areachartDescription_nl"] = "An area chart is a chart which displays graphically quantitive data. The area between axis and line are emphasized with colors and textures. Commonly one compares with the area chart two or more quantities."; ln["linechartDescription_nl"] = "A line chart is chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time."; ln["heatmapDescription_nl"] = "A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors."; ln["piechartDescription_nl"] = "A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In the pie chart, the arc length of each slice, and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents."; ln["scatterchartDescription_nl"] = "A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis."; ln["bubblechartDescription_nl"] = "A bubble chart is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size."; ln["treemapDescription_nl"] = "A tree map is a chart for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles."; ln["leafletjsDescription_nl"] = ""; ln["leafletjs-geojsonDescription_nl"] = ""; //inputs ln["title_nl"] = "Title" ln["description_nl"] = "Description"; ln["sortAscending_nl"] = "SORTED ASCENDING"; ln["sortDescending_nl"] = "SORTED DESCENDING"; ln["unsort_nl"] = "UNSORTED"; //--> "_" not allowed! ln["TITLE_nl"] = "TITLE"; ln["DESCRIPTION_nl"] = "DESCRIPTION"; ln["XAxis_nl"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["YAxis_nl"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["NumericXAxis_nl"] = "X-AXIS"; ln["NumericYAxis_nl"] = "Y-AXIS"; ln["Column_nl"] = "COLUMN"; ln["Level_nl"] = "LEVEL"; ln["SliceLabels_nl"] = "LABEL"; ln["SliceSizes_nl"] = "SIZE"; ln["Latitude_nl"] = "LATITUDE"; ln["Longitude_nl"] = "LONGITUDE"; ln["BalloonContent_nl"] = "BALLOON CONTENT"; ln["GEOJSON_nl"] = "GEOJSON"; ln["GEOJSONContent_nl"] = "GEOJSON CONTENT"; ln["BubbleContent_nl"] = "BUBBLE CONTENT"; ln["BubbleSize_nl"] = "BUBBLE SIZE"; ln["Categories_nl"] = "CATEGORY"; ln["TITLEDescription_nl"] = "The datalet title."; ln["DESCRIPTIONDescription_nl"] = "The datalet description."; ln["XAxisDescription_nl"] = "The x-axis."; ln["YAxisDescription_nl"] = "The y-axis."; ln["NumericXAxisDescription_nl"] = "The x-axis."; ln["NumericYAxisDescription_nl"] = "The y-axis."; ln["ColumnDescription_nl"] = "The column of the table."; ln["LevelDescription_nl"] = "The level of the tree map."; ln["SliceLabelsDescription_nl"] = "The label of the slices."; ln["SliceSizesDescription_nl"] = "The size of the slices."; ln["LatitudeDescription_nl"] = "The latitude of locations."; ln["LongitudeDescription_nl"] = "The longitude of locations."; ln["BalloonContentDescription_nl"] = "The content of balloons."; ln["GEOJSONDescription_nl"] = "The GeoJSON data."; ln["GEOJSONContentDescription_nl"] = "The content of GeoJSON."; ln["BubbleContentDescription_nl"] = "The content of bubbles."; ln["BubbleSizeDescription_nl"] = "The size of bubbles."; ln["CategoriesDescription_nl"] = "The category that splits the y-axis values. If selected only the first selected y-axis will be considered."; //options ln["x-axis-label_nl"] = "X Axis Label"; ln["y-axis-label_nl"] = "Y Axis Label"; ln["suffix_nl"] = "Tooltip Suffix"; ln["legend_nl"] = "Leged"; ln["data-labels_nl"] = "Show Data Labels"; ln["stack_nl"] = "Stack"; ln["theme_nl"] = "Theme"; ln["donut_nl"] = "Donut"; ln["true_nl"] = "Yes"; ln["false_nl"] = "No"; ln["bottom_nl"] = "Yes: Bottom"; ln["topRight_nl"] = "Yes: Top Right"; ln["normal_nl"] = "Yes: Normal"; ln["percent_nl"] = "Yes: Percent"; ln["themeBase_nl"] = "Base"; ln["themeDarkUnika_nl"] = "Dark Unika"; ln["themeSandSignika_nl"] = "Sand Signika"; ln["themeGridLight_nl"] = "Grid Light"; ln["themeSpod_nl"] = "Spod"; ln["x-axis-labelDescription_nl"] = "The x-axis label."; ln["y-axis-labelDescription_nl"] = "The y-axis label."; ln["suffixDescription_nl"] = "The suffix added to data labels in the tooltip."; ln["legendDescription_nl"] = "The leged position."; ln["data-labelsDescription_nl"] = "Show/hide data labels."; ln["themeDescription_nl"] = "The theme affects the appearance and colors of the chart."; ln["stackDescription_nl"] = "The stack type."; ln["donutDescription_nl"] = "Pie will become Donut! :) (or viceversa).";