.click( function (e) {
var showHide = !$('input', this).is(":checked");
if ( e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "li" )
showHide = ! showHide;
/* Need to consider the case where the initialiser created more than one table - change the
* API index that DataTables is using
var oldIndex = $.fn.dataTableExt.iApiIndex;
$.fn.dataTableExt.iApiIndex = that._fnDataTablesApiIndex.call(that);
// Optimisation for server-side processing when scrolling - don't do a full redraw
if ( dt.oFeatures.bServerSide )
that.s.dt.oInstance.fnSetColumnVis( i, showHide, false );
that.s.dt.oInstance.fnAdjustColumnSizing( false );
if (dt.oScroll.sX !== "" || dt.oScroll.sY !== "" )
that.s.dt.oInstance.oApi._fnScrollDraw( that.s.dt );
that.s.dt.oInstance.fnSetColumnVis( i, showHide );
$.fn.dataTableExt.iApiIndex = oldIndex; /* Restore */
if ( e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && that.s.fnStateChange !== null )
that.s.fnStateChange.call( that, i, showHide );
} )[0];
* Get the position in the DataTables instance array of the table for this
* instance of ColVis
* @method _fnDataTablesApiIndex
* @returns {int} Index
* @private
"_fnDataTablesApiIndex": function ()
for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.oInstance.length ; i', {
'class': !this.s.dt.bJUI ?
"ColVis_collection" :
"ColVis_collection ui-buttonset ui-buttonset-multi"
} )
.css( {
'display': 'none',
'opacity': 0,
'position': ! this.s.bCssPosition ?
'absolute' :
} )[0];
* An element to be placed on top of the activate button to catch events
* @method _fnDomCatcher
* @returns {Node} div container for the collection
* @private
"_fnDomCatcher": function ()
that = this,
nCatcher = document.createElement('div');
nCatcher.className = "ColVis_catcher";
$(nCatcher).click( function () {
that._fnCollectionHide.call( that, null, null );
} );
return nCatcher;
* Create the element used to shade the background, and capture hide events (it is shown and
* hidden as needed)
* @method _fnDomBackground
* @returns {Node} div container for the background
* @private
"_fnDomBackground": function ()
var that = this;
var background = $('')
.addClass( 'ColVis_collectionBackground' )
.css( 'opacity', 0 )
.click( function () {
that._fnCollectionHide.call( that, null, null );
} );
/* When considering a mouse over action for the activation, we also consider a mouse out
* which is the same as a mouse over the background - without all the messing around of
* bubbling events. Use the catcher element to avoid messing around with bubbling
if ( this.s.activate == "mouseover" )
background.mouseover( function () {
that.s.overcollection = false;
that._fnCollectionHide.call( that, null, null );
} );
return background[0];
* Show the show / hide list and the background
* @method _fnCollectionShow
* @returns void
* @private
"_fnCollectionShow": function ()
var that = this, i, iLen, iLeft;
var oPos = $(this.dom.button).offset();
var nHidden = this.dom.collection;
var nBackground = this.dom.background;
var iDivX = parseInt(oPos.left, 10);
var iDivY = parseInt(oPos.top + $(this.dom.button).outerHeight(), 10);
if ( ! this.s.bCssPosition )
nHidden.style.top = iDivY+"px";
nHidden.style.left = iDivX+"px";
$(nHidden).css( {
'display': 'block',
'opacity': 0
} );
nBackground.style.bottom ='0px';
nBackground.style.right = '0px';
var oStyle = this.dom.catcher.style;
oStyle.height = $(this.dom.button).outerHeight()+"px";
oStyle.width = $(this.dom.button).outerWidth()+"px";
oStyle.top = oPos.top+"px";
oStyle.left = iDivX+"px";
document.body.appendChild( nBackground );
document.body.appendChild( nHidden );
document.body.appendChild( this.dom.catcher );
/* This results in a very small delay for the end user but it allows the animation to be
* much smoother. If you don't want the animation, then the setTimeout can be removed
$(nHidden).animate({"opacity": 1}, that.s.iOverlayFade);
$(nBackground).animate({"opacity": 0.1}, that.s.iOverlayFade, 'linear', function () {
/* In IE6 if you set the checked attribute of a hidden checkbox, then this is not visually
* reflected. As such, we need to do it here, once it is visible. Unbelievable.
if ( $.browser && $.browser.msie && $.browser.version == "6.0" )
/* Visual corrections to try and keep the collection visible */
if ( !this.s.bCssPosition )
iLeft = ( this.s.sAlign=="left" ) ?
iDivX :
iDivX - $(nHidden).outerWidth() + $(this.dom.button).outerWidth();
nHidden.style.left = iLeft+"px";
var iDivWidth = $(nHidden).outerWidth();
var iDivHeight = $(nHidden).outerHeight();
var iDocWidth = $(document).width();
if ( iLeft + iDivWidth > iDocWidth )
nHidden.style.left = (iDocWidth-iDivWidth)+"px";
this.s.hidden = false;
* Hide the show / hide list and the background
* @method _fnCollectionHide
* @returns void
* @private
"_fnCollectionHide": function ( )
var that = this;
if ( !this.s.hidden && this.dom.collection !== null )
this.s.hidden = true;
$(this.dom.collection).animate({"opacity": 0}, that.s.iOverlayFade, function (e) {
this.style.display = "none";
} );
$(this.dom.background).animate({"opacity": 0}, that.s.iOverlayFade, function (e) {
document.body.removeChild( that.dom.background );
document.body.removeChild( that.dom.catcher );
} );
* Alter the colspan on any fnOpen rows
"_fnAdjustOpenRows": function ()
var aoOpen = this.s.dt.aoOpenRows;
var iVisible = this.s.dt.oApi._fnVisbleColumns( this.s.dt );
for ( var i=0, iLen=aoOpen.length ; i