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title: Responsive Material Design layouts summary: "How to create responsive Material Design layouts with Paper and Iron elements." tags: ['layout'] elements: ['paper-header-panel','paper-toolbar','paper-drawer-panel', 'paper-icon-button','paper-tabs','paper-tab','paper-drawer-panel', 'iron-icons', 'iron-flex-layout']

updated: 2015-07-23

paper-button { background: #81C784; color: white; }


This guide teaches you how to use Paper and Iron elements to create a responsive layout.


Below is a list of commands for installing all of the elements mentioned in this document. You probably do not need to install all of these elements. Read the guide and decide how you want to implement your layout, and then install only the elements that you need.

bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-header-panel
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-toolbar
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-drawer-panel
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-icon-button
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-tabs
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-tab
bower install --save PolymerElements/iron-icons
bower install --save PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout

We'll assume that you can import these elements from /bower_components/.

Creating a header

This section shows you how to:

  • Create a standard layout with paper-header-panel and paper-toolbar, which is probably the most common and easiest layout.
  • Use a custom element for a header.
  • Add icons to a header.
  • Set the height of a header.
  • Add tabs to a header.
  • Modify the disply and behavior of a header.

Creating a header with paper-toolbar

The code below uses a paper-header-panel as the container of the page and a paper-toolbar as a header. When a paper-toolbar is a child of paper-header-panel, the panel automatically displays the toolbar as the header. All other children are placed in the content area.

  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
<body class="fullbleed vertical layout">
  <!-- paper-header-panel must have an explicit height -->
  <paper-header-panel class="flex">


paper-header-panel must have an explicit height. See the list item on flex below for an explanation of why the code above works.

fullbleed, vertical, layout, and flex are helper classes from iron-flex-layout.html. We use them in our examples as an easy way to create a responsive design with Flexbox, but the paper elements do not depend on them. Below is a description of each class used in the example above:

  • fullbleed instructs body to occupy the entire viewport.
  • vertical and layout instruct body to stack elements vertically (use vertical horizontal to stack horizontally). layout must be accompanied by vertical or horizontal. It is meaningless on its own.
  • flex instructs paper-panel-header to stretch to the entire size of its parent, in this case body (which is set to fill the entire viewport, hence achieving a responsive design).

See Flexbox layout with iron-flex-layout for more on iron-flex-layout.

Using other elements for the header

You can use another element as a header by adding the paper-header class to the element.

  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
<body class="fullbleed vertical layout">
  <paper-header-panel class="flex">
    <div class="paper-header">


Adding icons

Use paper-icon-button and iron-icons to add icons to your header:

  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
<body class="fullbleed vertical layout">
  <paper-header-panel class="flex">
      <span class="flex"></span>
      <paper-icon-button icon="search"></paper-button-icon>


paper-icon-button displays the icon and handles the icon's behavior. iron-icons is a collection of SVG icons which you can use for free in your project.

How does the search icon display on the right side? The trick is the span between the div and the paper-icon-button. The div containing the text Header only takes up as much space as is needed to display the text content. Same with the paper-icon-button; it only takes up as much space as is needed to display the icon. The flex class forces the span to fill the entire space between the div and the paper-icon-button.

Setting the height

Use the medium-tall (2x regular height) and tall (3x regular height) style classes to change the height of your header.

  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
<body class="fullbleed vertical layout">
  <paper-header-panel class="flex">
    <paper-toolbar class="tall">


Adding tabs

Use paper-tabs to add tabs to your header:

  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import"
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
<body class="fullbleed vertical layout">
  <paper-header-panel class="flex">
    <paper-toolbar class="medium-tall">
      <paper-icon-button id="navicon"
      <!-- flex class forces span to fill space between icons -->
      <span class="flex">Title</span>
      <!-- icon displays at right because of span class above -->
      <paper-icon-button id="morebutton"
      <paper-tabs class="bottom fit" selected="0">


Modifying header display and behavior

Use the mode attribute of paper-header-panel to control how the header displays and responds to scrolling. The list below describes the different valid values for mode. See the link below for a demonstration of all modes.

  • standard: The header appears at a higher level than the content area, with a drop shadow. Content scrolls under the header.
  • seamed: The header appears at the same level as the content area, with a seam between the two (no drop shadow). Content scrolls under the header.
  • waterfall: The header initially presents as seamed. When content scrolls under the header, the header raises up and casts a drop shadow (as in standard mode).
  • waterfall-tall: Like waterfall, except that the toolbar starts off tall (3x standard height) and condenses to a standard-height toolbar as the user scrolls. In this mode, paper-header-panel controls the height of the toolbar, so you should not set it yourself (via medium-tall or tall).
  • scroll: The header is seamed with the content and scrolls with the content.
  • cover: The content scrolls over the header. This mode is designed to be used with narrow content (for example cards).


Creating a responsive navigation drawer

Use paper-drawer-panel to create a left-side or right-side navigation menu.

  <link rel="import"
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
  <link rel="import" 
<body class="fullbleed vertical layout">
  <paper-drawer-panel class="flex">
    <paper-header-panel drawer>
      <div> Drawer content... </div>
    <paper-header-panel main>
        <paper-icon-button icon="menu" paper-drawer-toggle></paper-icon-button>
      <div> Main content... </div>


On narrow screens, the drawer is hidden by default. The user can touch the button or swipe in order to display the drawer. On wide screens, the drawer is always open and the button to open the drawer is hidden.

Use the togglePanel method to hide or reveal the drawer programmatically. Or, add the paper-drawer-toggle attribute to an element. This attribute makes the element act as an open / close button and removes the need to call togglePanel explicitly.

Any children with the drawer attribute set are placed in the navigation area. Any children with the main attribute are placed in the main panel.