/** * Manage examples */ (function() { var examples = {}; var treeURL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/PrismJS/prism/git/trees/gh-pages?recursive=1'; var treePromise = new Promise(function (resolve) { $u.xhr({ url: treeURL, callback: function (xhr) { if (xhr.status < 400) { resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).tree); } } }); }); var languages = components.languages; for (var id in languages) { if (id === 'meta') { continue; } (function (id) { var language = languages[id]; var checked = false; if (language.option === 'default') { checked = true; } language.enabled = checked; language.path = languages.meta.path.replace(/\{id}/g, id) + '.js'; language.examplesPath = languages.meta.examplesPath.replace(/\{id}/g, id) + '.html'; fileExists(language.examplesPath).then(function (exists) { $u.element.create('label', { attributes: { 'data-id': id, 'title': !exists ? 'No examples are available for this language.' : '' }, className: !exists ? 'unavailable' : '', contents: [ { tag: 'input', properties: { type: 'checkbox', name: 'language', value: id, checked: checked && exists, disabled: !exists, onclick: function () { $$('input[name="' + this.name + '"]').forEach(function (input) { languages[input.value].enabled = input.checked; }); update(id); } } }, language.title ], inside: '#languages' }); examples[id] = $u.element.create('section', { 'id': 'language-' + id, 'className': 'language-' + id, inside: '#examples' }); if (checked) { update(id); } }); }(id)); } function fileExists(filepath) { return treePromise.then(function (tree) { for (var i = 0, l = tree.length; i < l; i++) { if (tree[i].path === filepath) { return true; } } return false; }); } function getFileContents(filepath) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { $u.xhr({ url: filepath, callback: function (xhr) { if (xhr.status < 400 && xhr.responseText) { resolve(xhr.responseText); } else { reject(); } } }); }); } function update(id) { var language = languages[id]; if (language.enabled) { if (!language.examplesPromise) { language.examplesPromise = getFileContents(language.examplesPath); } language.examplesPromise.then(function (contents) { examples[id].innerHTML = contents; loadLanguage(id).then(function () { var elements = examples[id].querySelectorAll('code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'); for (var i=0, element; element = elements[i++];) { Prism.highlightElement(element); } }); }); } else { examples[id].innerHTML = ''; } } /** * Loads a language, including all dependencies * * @param {string} lang the language to load * @type {Promise} the promise which resolves as soon as everything is loaded */ function loadLanguage (lang) { // at first we need to fetch all dependencies for the main language // Note: we need to do this, even if the main language already is loaded (just to be sure..) // // We load an array of all dependencies and call recursively this function on each entry // // dependencies is now an (possibly empty) array of loading-promises var dependencies = getDependenciesOfLanguage(lang).map(loadLanguage); // We create a promise, which will resolve, as soon as all dependencies are loaded. // They need to be fully loaded because the main language may extend them. return Promise.all(dependencies) .then(function () { // If the main language itself isn't already loaded, load it now // and return the newly created promise (we chain the promises). // If the language is already loaded, just do nothing - the next .then() // will immediately be called if (!Prism.languages[lang]) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { $u.script('components/prism-' + lang + '.js', resolve); }); } }); } /** * Returns all dependencies (as identifiers) of a specific language * * @param {string} lang * @returns {Array.} the list of dependencies. Empty if the language has none. */ function getDependenciesOfLanguage (lang) { if (!components.languages[lang] || !components.languages[lang].require) { return []; } return ($u.type(components.languages[lang].require) === "array") ? components.languages[lang].require : [components.languages[lang].require]; } }());