Prism.languages.elixir = { // Negative look-ahead is needed for string interpolation // Negative look-behind is needed to avoid highlighting markdown headers in // multi-line doc strings 'comment': { pattern: /(^|[^#])#(?![{#]).*/m, lookbehind: true }, // ~r"""foo""", ~r'''foo''', ~r/foo/, ~r|foo|, ~r"foo", ~r'foo', ~r(foo), ~r[foo], ~r{foo}, ~r 'regex': /~[rR](?:("""|'''|[\/|"'])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])+\1|\((?:\\\)|[^)])+\)|\[(?:\\\]|[^\]])+\]|\{(?:\\\}|[^}])+\}|<(?:\\>|[^>])+>)[uismxfr]*/, 'string': [ { // ~s"""foo""", ~s'''foo''', ~s/foo/, ~s|foo|, ~s"foo", ~s'foo', ~s(foo), ~s[foo], ~s{foo}, ~s pattern: /~[cCsSwW](?:("""|'''|[\/|"'])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])+\1|\((?:\\\)|[^)])+\)|\[(?:\\\]|[^\]])+\]|\{(?:\\\}|#\{[^}]+\}|[^}])+\}|<(?:\\>|[^>])+>)[csa]?/, inside: { // See interpolation below } }, { pattern: /("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1/, inside: { // See interpolation below } }, { // Multi-line strings are allowed pattern: /("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1/, inside: { // See interpolation below } } ], 'atom': { // Look-behind prevents bad highlighting of the :: operator pattern: /(^|[^:]):\w+/, lookbehind: true, alias: 'symbol' }, // Look-ahead prevents bad highlighting of the :: operator 'attr-name': /\w+:(?!:)/, 'capture': { // Look-behind prevents bad highlighting of the && operator pattern: /(^|[^&])&(?:[^&\s\d()][^\s()]*|(?=\())/, lookbehind: true, alias: 'function' }, 'argument': { // Look-behind prevents bad highlighting of the && operator pattern: /(^|[^&])&\d+/, lookbehind: true, alias: 'variable' }, 'attribute': { pattern: /@[\S]+/, alias: 'variable' }, 'number': /\b(?:0[box][a-f\d_]+|\d[\d_]*)(?:\.[\d_]+)?(?:e[+-]?[\d_]+)?\b/i, 'keyword': /\b(?:after|alias|and|case|catch|cond|def(?:callback|exception|impl|module|p|protocol|struct)?|do|else|end|fn|for|if|import|not|or|require|rescue|try|unless|use|when)\b/, 'boolean': /\b(?:true|false|nil)\b/, 'operator': [ /\bin\b|&&?|\|[|>]?|\\\\|::|\.\.\.?|\+\+?|-[->]?|<[-=>]|>=|!==?|\B!|=(?:==?|[>~])?|[*\/^]/, { // We don't want to match << pattern: /([^<])<(?!<)/, lookbehind: true }, { // We don't want to match >> pattern: /([^>])>(?!>)/, lookbehind: true } ], 'punctuation': /<<|>>|[.,%\[\]{}()]/ }; Prism.languages.elixir.string.forEach(function(o) { o.inside = { 'interpolation': { pattern: /#\{[^}]+\}/, inside: { 'delimiter': { pattern: /^#\{|\}$/, alias: 'punctuation' }, rest: Prism.util.clone(Prism.languages.elixir) } } }; });