(function () { 'use strict'; /* global bridge, BroadcastChannel */ const Client = bridge.client; const channel = new BroadcastChannel('l20n-channel'); // match the opening angle bracket (<) in HTML tags, and HTML entities like // &, &, &. const reOverlay = /<|&#?\w+;/; const allowed = { elements: [ 'a', 'em', 'strong', 'small', 's', 'cite', 'q', 'dfn', 'abbr', 'data', 'time', 'code', 'var', 'samp', 'kbd', 'sub', 'sup', 'i', 'b', 'u', 'mark', 'ruby', 'rt', 'rp', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'span', 'br', 'wbr' ], attributes: { global: [ 'title', 'aria-label', 'aria-valuetext', 'aria-moz-hint' ], a: [ 'download' ], area: [ 'download', 'alt' ], // value is special-cased in isAttrAllowed input: [ 'alt', 'placeholder' ], menuitem: [ 'label' ], menu: [ 'label' ], optgroup: [ 'label' ], option: [ 'label' ], track: [ 'label' ], img: [ 'alt' ], textarea: [ 'placeholder' ], th: [ 'abbr'] } }; function overlayElement(element, translation) { const value = translation.value; if (typeof value === 'string') { if (!reOverlay.test(value)) { element.textContent = value; } else { // start with an inert template element and move its children into // `element` but such that `element`'s own children are not replaced const tmpl = element.ownerDocument.createElement('template'); tmpl.innerHTML = value; // overlay the node with the DocumentFragment overlay(element, tmpl.content); } } for (let key in translation.attrs) { const attrName = camelCaseToDashed(key); if (isAttrAllowed({ name: attrName }, element)) { element.setAttribute(attrName, translation.attrs[key]); } } } // The goal of overlay is to move the children of `translationElement` // into `sourceElement` such that `sourceElement`'s own children are not // replaced, but onle have their text nodes and their attributes modified. // // We want to make it possible for localizers to apply text-level semantics to // the translations and make use of HTML entities. At the same time, we // don't trust translations so we need to filter unsafe elements and // attribtues out and we don't want to break the Web by replacing elements to // which third-party code might have created references (e.g. two-way // bindings in MVC frameworks). function overlay(sourceElement, translationElement) { const result = translationElement.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); let k, attr; // take one node from translationElement at a time and check it against // the allowed list or try to match it with a corresponding element // in the source let childElement; while ((childElement = translationElement.childNodes[0])) { translationElement.removeChild(childElement); if (childElement.nodeType === childElement.TEXT_NODE) { result.appendChild(childElement); continue; } const index = getIndexOfType(childElement); const sourceChild = getNthElementOfType(sourceElement, childElement, index); if (sourceChild) { // there is a corresponding element in the source, let's use it overlay(sourceChild, childElement); result.appendChild(sourceChild); continue; } if (isElementAllowed(childElement)) { const sanitizedChild = childElement.ownerDocument.createElement( childElement.nodeName); overlay(sanitizedChild, childElement); result.appendChild(sanitizedChild); continue; } // otherwise just take this child's textContent result.appendChild( translationElement.ownerDocument.createTextNode( childElement.textContent)); } // clear `sourceElement` and append `result` which by this time contains // `sourceElement`'s original children, overlayed with translation sourceElement.textContent = ''; sourceElement.appendChild(result); // if we're overlaying a nested element, translate the allowed // attributes; top-level attributes are handled in `translateElement` // XXX attributes previously set here for another language should be // cleared if a new language doesn't use them; https://bugzil.la/922577 if (translationElement.attributes) { for (k = 0, attr; (attr = translationElement.attributes[k]); k++) { if (isAttrAllowed(attr, sourceElement)) { sourceElement.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value); } } } } // XXX the allowed list should be amendable; https://bugzil.la/922573 function isElementAllowed(element) { return allowed.elements.indexOf(element.tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1; } function isAttrAllowed(attr, element) { const attrName = attr.name.toLowerCase(); const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); // is it a globally safe attribute? if (allowed.attributes.global.indexOf(attrName) !== -1) { return true; } // are there no allowed attributes for this element? if (!allowed.attributes[tagName]) { return false; } // is it allowed on this element? // XXX the allowed list should be amendable; https://bugzil.la/922573 if (allowed.attributes[tagName].indexOf(attrName) !== -1) { return true; } // special case for value on inputs with type button, reset, submit if (tagName === 'input' && attrName === 'value') { const type = element.type.toLowerCase(); if (type === 'submit' || type === 'button' || type === 'reset') { return true; } } return false; } // Get n-th immediate child of context that is of the same type as element. // XXX Use querySelector(':scope > ELEMENT:nth-of-type(index)'), when: // 1) :scope is widely supported in more browsers and 2) it works with // DocumentFragments. function getNthElementOfType(context, element, index) { /* jshint boss:true */ let nthOfType = 0; for (let i = 0, child; child = context.children[i]; i++) { if (child.nodeType === child.ELEMENT_NODE && child.tagName === element.tagName) { if (nthOfType === index) { return child; } nthOfType++; } } return null; } // Get the index of the element among siblings of the same type. function getIndexOfType(element) { let index = 0; let child; while ((child = element.previousElementSibling)) { if (child.tagName === element.tagName) { index++; } } return index; } function camelCaseToDashed(string) { // XXX workaround for https://bugzil.la/1141934 if (string === 'ariaValueText') { return 'aria-valuetext'; } return string .replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (match) { return '-' + match.toLowerCase(); }) .replace(/^-/, ''); } const reHtml = /[&<>]/g; const htmlEntities = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', }; function getResourceLinks(head) { return Array.prototype.map.call( head.querySelectorAll('link[rel="localization"]'), el => el.getAttribute('href')); } function setAttributes(element, id, args) { element.setAttribute('data-l10n-id', id); if (args) { element.setAttribute('data-l10n-args', JSON.stringify(args)); } } function getAttributes(element) { return { id: element.getAttribute('data-l10n-id'), args: JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-l10n-args')) }; } function getTranslatables(element) { const nodes = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('[data-l10n-id]')); if (typeof element.hasAttribute === 'function' && element.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) { nodes.push(element); } return nodes; } function translateMutations(view, langs, mutations) { const targets = new Set(); for (let mutation of mutations) { switch (mutation.type) { case 'attributes': targets.add(mutation.target); break; case 'childList': for (let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) { if (addedNode.nodeType === addedNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (addedNode.childElementCount) { getTranslatables(addedNode).forEach(targets.add.bind(targets)); } else { if (addedNode.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) { targets.add(addedNode); } } } } break; } } if (targets.size === 0) { return; } translateElements(view, langs, Array.from(targets)); } function translateFragment(view, langs, frag) { return translateElements(view, langs, getTranslatables(frag)); } function getElementsTranslation(view, langs, elems) { const keys = elems.map(elem => { const id = elem.getAttribute('data-l10n-id'); const args = elem.getAttribute('data-l10n-args'); return args ? [ id, JSON.parse(args.replace(reHtml, match => htmlEntities[match])) ] : id; }); return view._resolveEntities(langs, keys); } function translateElements(view, langs, elements) { return getElementsTranslation(view, langs, elements).then( translations => applyTranslations(view, elements, translations)); } function applyTranslations(view, elems, translations) { view._disconnect(); for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { overlayElement(elems[i], translations[i]); } view._observe(); } // Polyfill NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] for Chrome. // See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=401699 if (typeof NodeList === 'function' && !NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator]) { NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; } // A document.ready shim // https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/127 function documentReady() { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function onrsc() { document.removeEventListener('readystatechange', onrsc); resolve(); }); }); } // Intl.Locale function getDirection(code) { const tag = code.split('-')[0]; return ['ar', 'he', 'fa', 'ps', 'ur'].indexOf(tag) >= 0 ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; } const observerConfig = { attributes: true, characterData: false, childList: true, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['data-l10n-id', 'data-l10n-args'] }; const readiness = new WeakMap(); class View { constructor(client, doc) { this._doc = doc; this.pseudo = { 'fr-x-psaccent': createPseudo(this, 'fr-x-psaccent'), 'ar-x-psbidi': createPseudo(this, 'ar-x-psbidi') }; this._interactive = documentReady().then( () => init(this, client)); const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutations.bind(this)); this._observe = () => observer.observe(doc, observerConfig); this._disconnect = () => observer.disconnect(); const translateView = langs => translateDocument(this, langs); client.on('translateDocument', translateView); this.ready = this._interactive.then( client => client.method('resolvedLanguages')).then( translateView); } requestLanguages(langs, global) { return this._interactive.then( client => client.method('requestLanguages', langs, global)); } _resolveEntities(langs, keys) { return this._interactive.then( client => client.method('resolveEntities', client.id, langs, keys)); } formatValue(id, args) { return this._interactive.then( client => client.method('formatValues', client.id, [[id, args]])).then( values => values[0]); } formatValues(...keys) { return this._interactive.then( client => client.method('formatValues', client.id, keys)); } translateFragment(frag) { return this._interactive.then( client => client.method('resolvedLanguages')).then( langs => translateFragment(this, langs, frag)); } } View.prototype.setAttributes = setAttributes; View.prototype.getAttributes = getAttributes; function createPseudo(view, code) { return { getName: () => view._interactive.then( client => client.method('getName', code)), processString: str => view._interactive.then( client => client.method('processString', code, str)), }; } function init(view, client) { view._observe(); return client.method( 'registerView', client.id, getResourceLinks(view._doc.head)).then( () => client); } function onMutations(mutations) { return this._interactive.then( client => client.method('resolvedLanguages')).then( langs => translateMutations(this, langs, mutations)); } function translateDocument(view, langs) { const html = view._doc.documentElement; if (readiness.has(html)) { return translateFragment(view, langs, html).then( () => setAllAndEmit(html, langs)); } const translated = // has the document been already pre-translated? langs[0].code === html.getAttribute('lang') ? Promise.resolve() : translateFragment(view, langs, html).then( () => setLangDir(html, langs)); return translated.then(() => { setLangs(html, langs); readiness.set(html, true); }); } function setLangs(html, langs) { const codes = langs.map(lang => lang.code); html.setAttribute('langs', codes.join(' ')); } function setLangDir(html, langs) { const code = langs[0].code; html.setAttribute('lang', code); html.setAttribute('dir', getDirection(code)); } function setAllAndEmit(html, langs) { setLangDir(html, langs); setLangs(html, langs); html.parentNode.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('DOMRetranslated', { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, })); } const client = new Client({ service: 'l20n', endpoint: channel, timeout: false }); window.addEventListener('pageshow', () => client.connect()); window.addEventListener('pagehide', () => client.disconnect()); document.l10n = new View(client, document); //Bug 1204660 - Temporary proxy for shared code. Will be removed once // l10n.js migration is completed. navigator.mozL10n = { setAttributes: document.l10n.setAttributes, getAttributes: document.l10n.getAttributes, formatValue: (...args) => document.l10n.formatValue(...args), translateFragment: (...args) => document.l10n.translateFragment(...args), once: cb => document.l10n.ready.then(cb), ready: cb => document.l10n.ready.then(() => { document.addEventListener('DOMRetranslated', cb); cb(); }), }; })();