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this.$.dataletPreview.innerHTML = ln["dataletPreview_" + ln["localization"]]; }, _selectDatalet : function(e){ this.$.add_button.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); this.selectedDatalet = e.detail.datalet; this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML = ""; if(!this.selectedDatalet){ this.type = ""; this.$.options.setOptions([]); } else{ this.$.selectedDatalet_request.url = this.deepUrl + e.detail.datalet + "-datalet"; this.$.selectedDatalet_request.generateRequest(); } }, _handleSelectedDatalet : function(e){ if(this.type != e.detail.response.type) { this.type = e.detail.response.type; this.async(function () { var inputs = this._getInputs(); inputs.setFields(this.fields); inputs.setInputs(e.detail.response.idm.inputs.input);// Cannot read property '0' of undefined }, 0); this.$.options.setOptions(e.detail.response.idm.inputs.layouts.input); } else { this.$.options.ceckOptions(e.detail.response.idm.inputs.layouts.input); } this.async(function () { var inputs = this._getInputs(); inputs.fireReady(); }, 0); // this.async(function () { // if(this.preselectedDatalet) // this._preselectDatalet(); // }, 1); }, _preselectDatalet : function() { var inputs = this._getInputs(); inputs._preselectInputs(this.fields, this.dataletPreset["aggregators"], this.dataletPreset["orders"]); this.$.options._preselectOptions(this.dataletPreset); this.dataletPreset = undefined; // this.async(function () { // var inputs = this._getInputs(); // inputs.fireReady(); // }, 500); }, _tryLoadDatalet : function(){ var inputs = this._getInputs(); inputs.fireReady(); }, _loadDatalet : function(e){ if(!e.detail.isReady) { this.$.datalet_selection_datalet_placeholder.innerHTML = ""; return; } var inputs = this._getInputs(); this.selectedFields = inputs.getSelectedFields(); this.params = {'data-url' : this.dataUrl}; this.params["filters"] = JSON.stringify(this.filters); this.params["aggregators"] = JSON.stringify(inputs.getAggregators()); this.params["orders"] = JSON.stringify(inputs.getOrders()); 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