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Syntax highlighting via [Prism](http://prismjs.com/).

Place a `<prism-highlighter>` in your document, preferably as a direct child of
`<body>`. It will listen for `syntax-highlight` events on its parent element,
and annotate the code being provided via that event.

The `syntax-highlight` event's detail is expected to have a `code` property
containing the source to highlight. The event detail can optionally contain a
`lang` property, containing a string like `"html"`, `"js"`, etc.

This flow is supported by [`<marked-element>`](https://github.com/PolymerElements/marked-element).
(function() {

  'use strict';

  var HIGHLIGHT_EVENT = 'syntax-highlight';


    is: 'prism-highlighter',

    ready: function() {
      this._handler = this._highlight.bind(this);

    attached: function() {
      (this.parentElement || this.parentNode.host).addEventListener(HIGHLIGHT_EVENT, this._handler);

    detached: function() {
      (this.parentElement || this.parentNode.host).removeEventListener(HIGHLIGHT_EVENT, this._handler);

     * Handle the highlighting event, if we can.
     * @param {!CustomEvent} event
    _highlight: function(event) {
      if (!event.detail || !event.detail.code) {
        console.warn('Malformed', HIGHLIGHT_EVENT, 'event:', event.detail);

      var detail = event.detail;
      detail.code = Prism.highlight(detail.code, this._detectLang(detail.code, detail.lang));

     * Picks a Prism formatter based on the `lang` hint and `code`.
     * @param {string} code The source being highlighted.
     * @param {string=} lang A language hint (e.g. ````LANG`).
     * @return {!prism.Lang}
    _detectLang: function(code, lang) {
      if (!lang) {
        // Stupid simple detection if we have no lang, courtesy of:
        // https://github.com/robdodson/mark-down/blob/ac2eaa/mark-down.html#L93-101
        return code.match(/^\s*</) ? Prism.languages.markup : Prism.languages.javascript;

      if (lang === 'js' || lang.substr(0, 2) === 'es') {
        return Prism.languages.javascript;
      } else if (lang === 'css') {
        return Prism.languages.css;
      } else if (lang === 'c') {
        return Prism.languages.clike;
      } else {
        // The assumption is that you're mostly documenting HTML when in HTML.
        return Prism.languages.markup;

