# iron-elements Basic building blocks for creating an application. Most of the `iron` elements were previously named the `core` elements, when compatible with the "Developer Preview" version of the Polymer library. ## Roadmap ### Elements in progress _No `iron-elements` are currently in progress. [`iron-list`](https://github.com/polymerelements/iron-list) was the most recent to be released._ ### Elements planned _Elements we're planning on building soon but haven't started yet_ * `iron-label` - still looking for the right way to bring what used to be `core-label` into the 1.0 world. ### Elements not planned, notably _Elements we're not planning on building as part of this product line, but that one might be wondering about_ A number of elements existed as `core` elements that are not in this product line: * `core-action-icons` - This wasn't really an element, and wasn't particularly heavily used. * `core-animation` - The animation-related elements that were part of core will be created as part of the `neon` product line. * `core-docs` - Deprecated: use [`iron-doc-viewer`](https://github.com/polymerelements/iron-doc-viewer). * `core-drag-drop` - Not currently working on. * `core-dropdown` and `core-dropdown-menu` - These were confusing UI to have in `core`, so we've moved them to the `paper` element set for now and made them easier to customize. More on the thought process behind this change in the [blog](https://blog.polymer-project.org/announcements/2015/05/14/updated-elements/). * `core-focusable` - This has been re-implemented using Polymer behaviors - see for example the `paper-radio-button-behavior` in [`paper-behaviors`](https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-behaviors). * `core-item` - This had UI opinion, so was re-implemented as [`paper-item`](https://github.com/polymerelements/paper-item). * `core-layout` - We're working on more stable, consistent layout elements. * `core-overlay` - This is re-implemented as a behavior, in [`iron-overlay-behavior`](https://github.com/polymerelements/iron-overlay-behavior). * `core-popup-menu` - This element wasn't particularly of unique value, so we're putting it away for now. * `core-scroll-header-panel` - This had UI opinion, so it's been moved to [`paper-scroll-header-panel`](https://github.com/polymerelements/paper-scroll-header-panel). * `core-splitter` - This element was relatively trivial, so we've put it off for now. * `core-style` - This element is not useful with Polymer's new styling system. Check out the latest docs for more. * `core-tooltip` - This has become `paper-tooltip`. * `core-menu` - This had UI opinion, and has become `paper-dropdown-menu`.