applying to are attacking answering asking be being burning buying called carries carry carrying climbing closing conceal conceals concealing consulting contain contains containing cutting drinking dropping eating enclose encloses enclosing entering examining exiting getting giving going have has having hold holds holding imply implies incorporate incorporates incorporating inserting is jumping kissing listening locking looking mean means meaning opening provide provides providing pulling pushing putting relate relates relating removing searching see sees seeing setting showing singing sleeping smelling squeezing switching support supports supporting swearing taking tasting telling thinking throwing touching turning tying unlock unlocks unlocking vary varies varying waiting waking waving wear wears wearing ---------------------------------------------------- [ ["verb", "applying to"], ["verb", "are"], ["verb", "attacking"], ["verb", "answering"], ["verb", "asking"], ["verb", "be"], ["verb", "being"], ["verb", "burning"], ["verb", "buying"], ["verb", "called"], ["verb", "carries"], ["verb", "carry"], ["verb", "carrying"], ["verb", "climbing"], ["verb", "closing"], ["verb", "conceal"], ["verb", "conceals"], ["verb", "concealing"], ["verb", "consulting"], ["verb", "contain"], ["verb", "contains"], ["verb", "containing"], ["verb", "cutting"], ["verb", "drinking"], ["verb", "dropping"], ["verb", "eating"], ["verb", "enclose"], ["verb", "encloses"], ["verb", "enclosing"], ["verb", "entering"], ["verb", "examining"], ["verb", "exiting"], ["verb", "getting"], ["verb", "giving"], ["verb", "going"], ["verb", "have"], ["verb", "has"], ["verb", "having"], ["verb", "hold"], ["verb", "holds"], ["verb", "holding"], ["verb", "imply"], ["verb", "implies"], ["verb", "incorporate"], ["verb", "incorporates"], ["verb", "incorporating"], ["verb", "inserting"], ["verb", "is"], ["verb", "jumping"], ["verb", "kissing"], ["verb", "listening"], ["verb", "locking"], ["verb", "looking"], ["verb", "mean"], ["verb", "means"], ["verb", "meaning"], ["verb", "opening"], ["verb", "provide"], ["verb", "provides"], ["verb", "providing"], ["verb", "pulling"], ["verb", "pushing"], ["verb", "putting"], ["verb", "relate"], ["verb", "relates"], ["verb", "relating"], ["verb", "removing"], ["verb", "searching"], ["verb", "see"], ["verb", "sees"], ["verb", "seeing"], ["verb", "setting"], ["verb", "showing"], ["verb", "singing"], ["verb", "sleeping"], ["verb", "smelling"], ["verb", "squeezing"], ["verb", "switching"], ["verb", "support"], ["verb", "supports"], ["verb", "supporting"], ["verb", "swearing"], ["verb", "taking"], ["verb", "tasting"], ["verb", "telling"], ["verb", "thinking"], ["verb", "throwing"], ["verb", "touching"], ["verb", "turning"], ["verb", "tying"], ["verb", "unlock"], ["verb", "unlocks"], ["verb", "unlocking"], ["verb", "vary"], ["verb", "varies"], ["verb", "varying"], ["verb", "waiting"], ["verb", "waking"], ["verb", "waving"], ["verb", "wear"], ["verb", "wears"], ["verb", "wearing"] ] ---------------------------------------------------- Checks for verbs.