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<link rel="import" href="../../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../neon-animation-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../web-animations.html">

`<cascaded-animation>` applies an animation on an array of elements with a delay between each.
the delay defaults to 50ms.

  name: 'cascaded-animation',
  animation: <animation-name>,
  nodes: <array-of-nodes>,
  nodedelay: <node-delay-in-ms>,
  timing: <animation-timing>



    is: 'cascaded-animation',

    behaviors: [

    properties: {

      /** @type {!Polymer.IronMeta} */
      _animationMeta: {
        type: Object,
        value: function() {
          return new Polymer.IronMeta({type: 'animation'});


     * @param {{
     *   animation: string,
     *   nodes: !Array<!Element>,
     *   nodeDelay: (number|undefined),
     *   timing: (Object|undefined)
     *  }} config
    configure: function(config) {
      var animationConstructor = /** @type {Function} */ (
      if (!animationConstructor) {
        console.warn(this.is + ':', 'constructor for', config.animation, 'not found!');

      this._animations = [];
      var nodes = config.nodes;
      var effects = [];
      var nodeDelay = config.nodeDelay || 50;

      config.timing = config.timing || {};
      config.timing.delay = config.timing.delay || 0;

      var oldDelay = config.timing.delay;
      for (var node, index = 0; node = nodes[index]; index++) {
        config.timing.delay += nodeDelay;
        config.node = node;

        var animation = new animationConstructor();
        var effect = animation.configure(config);

      config.timing.delay = oldDelay;

      this._effect = new GroupEffect(effects);
      return this._effect;

    complete: function() {
      for (var animation, index = 0; animation = this._animations[index]; index++) {

