diff --git a/datalets/graph-datalet/graph-datalet.html b/datalets/graph-datalet/graph-datalet.html
index 6726077..09b7625 100644
--- a/datalets/graph-datalet/graph-datalet.html
+++ b/datalets/graph-datalet/graph-datalet.html
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 <link rel="import" href="../base-datalet/base-datalet.html">
 <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-slider/paper-slider.html">
 `preview-datalet` is a datalet that allow user to preview the content of a web page. It creates a thumbnail of the site using the data-url attribute passed as input.
@@ -54,32 +53,26 @@ Example:
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/graphStyle.css">
         <style is="custom-style">
-            .content {
-                /*width: 50%;*/
-                margin: 0px auto;
-            }
-       <div class="layout vertical">
-            <div id="toolbar">
-                <paper-slider min="900" max="1500" value="{{width}}"></paper-slider>
-            </div>
-            <div style="align-content: center;" id="graph-content">
-                <svg id="sbiricuda"></svg>
-            </div>
-       </div>
-        <base-datalet id="base" data-url="{{dataUrl}}"></base-datalet>
+        <div style="align-content: center;" id="graph_content">
+            <svg id="sbiricuda"></svg>
+        </div>
     <script src="static/js/d3.v3.js"></script>
-    <script src="static/js/buildGraph.js"></script>
-        var _this;
+        gnodes = [];
+        glinks = [];
+        width  = undefined;
+        height = undefined;
+        svg    = undefined;
+        _this  = null;
             is : 'graph-datalet',
@@ -99,8 +92,7 @@ Example:
                 width: {
                     type: Number,
-                    value: undefined,
-                    observer : '_widthChanged'
+                    value: 1250
                 height : {
@@ -111,20 +103,20 @@ Example:
                 svg: {
                     type: Object,
                     value: undefined
-                },
+                }
+            },
-                gnodes:{
-                    type: Array,
-                    value: undefined
-                },
+            buildGraph: function (t){
-                glinks:{
-                    type: Array,
-                    value: undefined
-                },
-            },
+                this.svg = this.svg.append("g")
+                                   .call(d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([.25, 20]).on("zoom", this.zoom))
+                                   .append("g");
+                this.svg.append("rect")
+                        .attr("fill", "white")
+                        .attr("width", width)
+                        .attr("height", height);
-           /* buildGraph: function (t){
                 var graph = {};
                 graph.nodes = t.nodes;
@@ -135,24 +127,35 @@ Example:
                     return t.value ? t.value : 80
                 }).on("tick", this.tick).start();
-                this.glinks = this.svg.selectAll(".link").data(graph.links).enter().append("line").attr("class", "link");
-                this.gnodes = this.svg.selectAll(".node").data(graph.nodes).enter().append("g").attr("class", function (t) {
-                    return t.fixed ? "node fixed" : "node"
-                }).attr("name", function (t) {
-                    return t.name ? t.name.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase() : ""
-                }).on("mouseover", this.mouseover).on("mouseout", this.mouseout).on("click", this.active).append("circle").attr("class", function (t) {
-                    return t.fixed ? "" : "drag"
-                }).attr("r", function (t) {
-                    return t.r ? t.r : 15
-                }).attr("style", function (t) {
-                    return t.color ? "stroke:" + t.color : !1
-                });
+                glinks = this.svg.selectAll(".link").data(graph.links).enter().append("line").attr("class", "link");
+                gnodes = this.svg.selectAll(".node").data(graph.nodes).enter().append("g").attr("class", function (t) {
+                                                                                                return t.fixed ? "node fixed" : "node"
+                                                                                            }).attr("name", function (t) {
+                                                                                                return t.name ? t.name.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase() : ""
+                                                                                            }).on("mouseover", this.mouseover)
+                                                                                              .on("mouseout", this.mouseout)
+                                                                                              .on("click", this.active)
+                                                                                            .append("circle")
+                                                                                                .attr("class", function (t) {
+                                                                                                    return t.fixed ? "" : "drag"
+                                                                                                }).attr("r", function (t) {
+                                                                                                    return t.r ? t.r : 15
+                                                                                                }).attr("style", function (t) {
+                                                                                                    return t.color ? "stroke:" + t.color : !1
+                                                                                                });
                 //d3.selectAll(".drag").call(force.drag), svg.selectAll("g.fixed").call(text);
                 d3.selectAll(".drag").call(force.drag), this.svg.selectAll("g.node").call(this.text);
+                svg = this.svg;
+            },
+            zoom: function() {
+                svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
             text: function (t)
                 var e = t.append("svg:foreignObject").attr("width", 120).attr("height", 30);
@@ -179,14 +182,13 @@ Example:
-                _this.gnodes.attr("cx", function (t) {
-                    return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(this.width - 50, t.x))
+                gnodes.attr("cx", function (t) {
+                    return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(width - 50, t.x))
                 }).attr("cy", function (t) {
                     return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(600, t.y))
-                _this.glinks.attr("x1", function (t) {
+                glinks.attr("x1", function (t) {
                     return t.source.x
                 }).attr("y1", function (t) {
                     return t.source.y
@@ -210,7 +212,8 @@ Example:
             active : function (t) {
-               t.fixed && openModal(t.name)
+               /*t.fixed && openModal(t.name)*/
+               _this.fire('graph-datalet_node-clicked', {node : t});
             openModal : function(t) {
@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ Example:
                 $("." + e).fadeIn();
-            },*/
+            },
              * It is called after the element’s template has been stamped and all elements inside the element’s local
@@ -231,47 +234,25 @@ Example:
             ready: function(){
-                width = this.width;
-                this.height = 9 * this.width / 16;
-                height = this.height;
-                svg = d3.select("svg#sbiricuda").attr("class", "svg").attr({
-                    width: "100%",
-                    height: "100%"
-                })//.attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + this.width + " " + this.height).attr("pointer-events", "all").style("position", "absolute").attr("style", "transform:translate(0px)");
-                var g = JSON.parse(this.data);
-                g.nodes[0].x = this.width / 2;
-                g.nodes[0].y = this.height / 2;
-                buildGraph(g);
-               /* _this = this;
+                _this = this;
                 this.height = 9 * this.width / 16;
-                this.svg = d3.select("svg#sbiricuda").attr("class", "svg").attr({
-                    width: "100%",
-                    height: "100%"
-                }).attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + this.width + " " + this.height).attr("pointer-events", "all").style("position", "absolute").attr("style", "transform:translate(0px)");
-                var g = JSON.parse(this.data);
-                g.nodes[0].x = this.width / 2;
-                g.nodes[0].y = this.height / 2;
-                this.buildGraph(g);*/
-            },
-            _widthChanged: function(oldValue, newValue){
-                width = this.width;
-                this.height = 9 * this.width / 16;
+                width  = this.width;
                 height = this.height;
-                svg = d3.select("svg#sbiricuda").attr("class", "svg").attr({
+                this.$.graph_content.style.height = height + "px";
+                this.svg = d3.select("svg#sbiricuda").attr("class", "svg").attr({
                     width: "100%",
                     height: "100%"
-                }).attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + this.width + " " + height).attr("pointer-events", "all").style("position", "absolute").attr("style", "transform:translate(0px)");
+                }).attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + this.width + " " + this.height).attr("pointer-events", "all").style("position", "absolute").attr("style", "transform:translate(0px)");
                 var g = JSON.parse(this.data);
                 g.nodes[0].x = this.width / 2;
                 g.nodes[0].y = this.height / 2;
+                this.buildGraph(g);
diff --git a/datalets/graph-datalet/static/css/graphStyle.css b/datalets/graph-datalet/static/css/graphStyle.css
index 97ffcbe..a84cecc 100644
--- a/datalets/graph-datalet/static/css/graphStyle.css
+++ b/datalets/graph-datalet/static/css/graphStyle.css
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+    stroke-width: 2.5px;
 .text {
+    font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
     visibility: hidden
@@ -7,6 +12,7 @@
     fill: #fff;
     stroke: #959595;
     stroke-width: 4.5px
+    z-index: 100;
 .node.fixed {
diff --git a/datalets/graph-datalet/static/js/buildGraph.js b/datalets/graph-datalet/static/js/buildGraph.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 64105df..0000000
--- a/datalets/graph-datalet/static/js/buildGraph.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-var nodes;
-var links;
-function buildGraph(t) {
-            var graph = {};
-            graph.nodes = t.nodes;
-            graph.links = t.links;
-            force = d3.layout.force().nodes(graph.nodes).links(graph.links).size([width, height]).charge(-1e3).friction(.5).linkDistance(function (t)
-            {
-                return t.value ? t.value : 80
-            }).on("tick", tick).start();
-        .call(d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([.25, 20]).on("zoom", zoom))
-        .append("g");
-    svg.append("rect")
-        .attr("fill", "white")
-        .attr("width", width)
-        .attr("height", height);
-    links = svg.selectAll(".link").data(graph.links).enter().append("line").attr("class", "link");
-            nodes = svg.selectAll(".node").data(graph.nodes).enter().append("g")
-                .attr("class", function (t) {
-                    return t.fixed ? "node fixed" : "node"
-                }).attr("name", function (t) {
-                    return t.name ? t.name.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase() : ""
-                }).on("mouseover", mouseover).on("mouseout", mouseout).on("click", active)
-                   .append("circle")
-                       .attr("class", function (t) {
-                           return t.fixed ? "" : "drag"
-                       })
-                       .attr("r", function (t) {
-                           return t.r ? t.r : 15
-                       })
-                       .attr("style", function (t) {
-                           return t.color ? "stroke:" + t.color : !1
-                       });
-            //d3.selectAll(".drag").call(force.drag), svg.selectAll("g.fixed").call(text);
-            d3.selectAll(".drag").call(force.drag), svg.selectAll("g.node").call(text);
-           /* d3.selectAll("circle").attr("transform", function(t) {
-                return "translate(" + t.x + "," + t.y + ")";
-            });*/
-            //d3.selectAll("circle").attr("transform", function(t) {
-            //            return "translate(" + t + ")";
-            //        });
-function destroyGraph(){
-    nodes.remove();
-    links.remove();
-    svg.remove();
-    nodes = [];
-    links = [];
-function zoom() {
-    svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
-function text(t) {
-    {
-        var e = t.append("svg:foreignObject").attr("width", 120).attr("height", 30);
-        e.attr("style", function (t) {
-            return "color:" + (t.color ? t.color : "#000")
-        }).append("xhtml:div").html(function (t) {
-            //return t.fixed ? t.name : null
-            return t.name;
-        })
-    }
-/*function textS(t) {
-    t.append("text").attr("dx", 12).attr("dy", ".35em").text(function (t) {
-        return t.name
-    })
-function tick() {
-   // d3.select("svg").attr("style", "transform:translate(8%)");
-    d3.selectAll("g foreignObject").attr("x", function (t) {
-        return t.x + (t.r ? 1.1 * t.r : 15)
-    }).attr("y", function (t) {
-        return t.y - 35
-    });
-    d3.selectAll("#logo text").attr("x", function (t) {
-        return t.x + .7 * (t.r ? t.r : 15)
-    }).attr("y", function (t) {
-        return t.y
-    });
-    nodes.attr("cx", function (t) {
-        return t.x = Math.max(25, Math.min(width - 50, t.x))
-    }).attr("cy", function (t) {
-        return t.y = Math.max(8, Math.min(600, t.y))
-    });
-    links.attr("x1", function (t) {
-        return t.source.x
-    }).attr("y1", function (t) {
-        return t.source.y
-    }).attr("x2", function (t) {
-        return t.target.x
-    }).attr("y2", function (t) {
-        return t.target.y
-    })
-function mouseover(t) {
-    d3.select(this).selectAll("circle").transition().duration(600).ease("elastic").attr("r", function (t) {
-        return 1 == t.fixed ? 1.4 * t.r : 15
-    });
-    //$("#sbiricuda").html($("." + t.name.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase()).html())
-function mouseout() {
-    d3.select(this).selectAll("text").style("visibility", "hidden"), d3.select(this).selectAll("circle").transition().duration(400).attr("r", function (t) {
-        return t.r ? t.r : 15
-    })
-function active(t) {
-    t.fixed && openModal(t.name)
-function openModal(t) {
-    var e = t.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase();
-    $(".modal-content").hide();
-    $("." + e).fadeIn();
-    $("#modal").modal()
-var width = 900;//1250;
-var height = 9 * width / 16, svg, link, node, svg = d3.select("svg#sbiricuda").attr("class", "svg").attr({
-    width: "100%",
-    height: "100%"
-}).attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height).attr("pointer-events", "all").style("position", "absolute").attr("style", "transform:translate(0px)");*/