prism-wpd.js 4.73 KB

if (!self.Prism) {

if (Prism.languages.css) {
	Prism.languages.css.atrule.inside['atrule-id'] = /^@[\w-]+/;
	// check whether the selector is an advanced pattern before extending it
	if (Prism.languages.css.selector.pattern)
		Prism.languages.css.selector.inside['pseudo-class'] = /:[\w-]+/;
		Prism.languages.css.selector.inside['pseudo-element'] = /::[\w-]+/;
		Prism.languages.css.selector = {
			pattern: Prism.languages.css.selector,
			inside: {
				'pseudo-class': /:[\w-]+/,
				'pseudo-element': /::[\w-]+/

if (Prism.languages.markup) {
	Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside.tag.inside['tag-id'] = /[\w-]+/;
	var Tags = {
		HTML: {
			'a': 1, 'abbr': 1, 'acronym': 1, 'b': 1, 'basefont': 1, 'bdo': 1, 'big': 1, 'blink': 1, 'cite': 1, 'code': 1, 'dfn': 1, 'em': 1, 'kbd': 1,  'i': 1, 
			'rp': 1, 'rt': 1, 'ruby': 1, 's': 1, 'samp': 1, 'small': 1, 'spacer': 1, 'strike': 1, 'strong': 1, 'sub': 1, 'sup': 1, 'time': 1, 'tt': 1,  'u': 1, 
			'var': 1, 'wbr': 1, 'noframes': 1, 'summary': 1, 'command': 1, 'dt': 1, 'dd': 1, 'figure': 1, 'figcaption': 1, 'center': 1, 'section': 1, 'nav': 1,
			'article': 1, 'aside': 1, 'hgroup': 1, 'header': 1, 'footer': 1, 'address': 1, 'noscript': 1, 'isIndex': 1, 'main': 1, 'mark': 1, 'marquee': 1,
			'meter': 1, 'menu': 1
		SVG: {
			'animateColor': 1, 'animateMotion': 1, 'animateTransform': 1, 'glyph': 1, 'feBlend': 1, 'feColorMatrix': 1, 'feComponentTransfer': 1, 
			'feFuncR': 1, 'feFuncG': 1, 'feFuncB': 1, 'feFuncA': 1, 'feComposite': 1, 'feConvolveMatrix': 1, 'feDiffuseLighting': 1, 'feDisplacementMap': 1, 
			'feFlood': 1, 'feGaussianBlur': 1, 'feImage': 1, 'feMerge': 1, 'feMergeNode': 1, 'feMorphology': 1, 'feOffset': 1, 'feSpecularLighting': 1, 
			'feTile': 1, 'feTurbulence': 1, 'feDistantLight': 1, 'fePointLight': 1, 'feSpotLight': 1, 'linearGradient': 1, 'radialGradient': 1, 'altGlyph': 1, 
			'textPath': 1, 'tref': 1, 'altglyph': 1, 'textpath': 1, 'tref': 1, 'altglyphdef': 1, 'altglyphitem': 1, 'clipPath': 1, 'color-profile': 1, 'cursor': 1, 
			'font-face': 1, 'font-face-format': 1, 'font-face-name': 1, 'font-face-src': 1, 'font-face-uri': 1, 'foreignObject': 1, 'glyph': 1, 'glyphRef': 1, 
			'hkern': 1, 'vkern': 1, 
		MathML: {}

var language;

Prism.hooks.add('wrap', function(env) {
	if ((['tag-id'].indexOf(env.type) > -1
		|| (env.type == 'property' && env.content.indexOf('-') != 0)
		|| (env.type == 'atrule-id'&& env.content.indexOf('@-') != 0)
		|| (env.type == 'pseudo-class'&& env.content.indexOf(':-') != 0) 
		|| (env.type == 'pseudo-element'&& env.content.indexOf('::-') != 0) 
	    || (env.type == 'attr-name' && env.content.indexOf('data-') != 0)
	    ) && env.content.indexOf('<') === -1
	) {
		var searchURL = 'w/index.php?fulltext&search=';
		env.tag = 'a';
		var href = '';
		if (env.language == 'css') {
			href += 'wiki/css/'
			if (env.type == 'property') {
				href += 'properties/';
			else if (env.type == 'atrule-id') {
				href += 'atrules/';
			else if (env.type == 'pseudo-class') {
				href += 'selectors/pseudo-classes/';
			else if (env.type == 'pseudo-element') {
				href += 'selectors/pseudo-elements/';
		else if (env.language == 'markup') {
			if (env.type == 'tag-id') {
				// Check language
				language = getLanguage(env.content) || language;
				if (language) {
					href += 'wiki/' + language + '/elements/';
				else {
					href += searchURL;
			else if (env.type == 'attr-name') {
				if (language) {
					href += 'wiki/' + language + '/attributes/';
				else {
					href += searchURL;
		href += env.content;
		env.attributes.href = href; = '_blank';

function getLanguage(tag) {
	var tagL = tag.toLowerCase();
	if (Tags.HTML[tagL]) {
		return 'html';
	else if (Tags.SVG[tag]) {
		return 'svg';
	else if (Tags.MathML[tag]) {
		return 'mathml';
	// Not in dictionary, perform check
	if (Tags.HTML[tagL] !== 0) {
		var htmlInterface = (document.createElement(tag).toString().match(/\[object HTML(.+)Element\]/) || [])[1];
		if (htmlInterface && htmlInterface != 'Unknown') {
			Tags.HTML[tagL] = 1;
			return 'html';
	Tags.HTML[tagL] = 0;
	if (Tags.SVG[tag] !== 0) {
		var svgInterface = (document.createElementNS('', tag).toString().match(/\[object SVG(.+)Element\]/) || [])[1];
		if (svgInterface && svgInterface != 'Unknown') {
			Tags.SVG[tag] = 1;
			return 'svg';
	Tags.SVG[tag] = 0;
	// Lame way to detect MathML, but browsers don’t expose interface names there :(
	if (Tags.MathML[tag] !== 0) {
		if (tag.indexOf('m') === 0) {
			Tags.MathML[tag] = 1;
			return 'mathml';
	Tags.MathML[tag] = 0;
	return null;
